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Canadian Army
09-16-2017, 06:38 AM
Hello all

Here is something I just finished working on. I'm interested in see what everyone thinks.

09-16-2017, 09:20 AM
It's an interesting concept. I like some of the "specials". Do you intend these to be pre-gen'd PCs for a classic, Escape from Kalisz campaign, NPCs, or characters intended to populate a piece of fan-fic? Either way, IMHO, there are too many "famous" characters for one party- it just seems improbable.

The bard, cleric, thief, ranger (pathfinder), and fighter builds are very well-defined, but I'm not clear on who is supposed to be the wizard, barbarian, monk, and druid.

Anyway, it's a neat idea and creative interpretation. Nice work.

Canadian Army
09-17-2017, 01:49 PM
Do you intend these to be pre-gen'd PCs for a classic, Escape from Kalisz campaign, NPCs, or characters intended to populate a piece of fan-fic?

A pre-generated PCs for a classic or NPC.

The bard, cleric, thief, ranger (pathfinder), and fighter builds are very well-defined, but I'm not clear on who is supposed to be the wizard, barbarian, monk, and druid.

The Wizard or Magic-User is the Weapons Technician, The Barbarian is the Infantryman, The Monk is the Chaplain, and the Druid is the cook.

09-17-2017, 10:11 PM
You might want to add some extras or not to go with the truck

Vehicle Tool Roll with crescent wrench, pliers, 3 x screw driver
Vehicle Pioneer Tool Kit with a Shovel, Axe, and Pick-axe
Tow Bar
Spare Tire
3-Ton Bottle Jack with a Block of Wood
Jerry Cans
M66 Ring Mount?
Weapon for Ring Mount?
Box of Rations
Water Jerry Can
Extra Bottle of Engine Oil and Transmission Oil

Also and its just me I would the The Weapons Technician two weapons, a custom rifle and pistol with some cool add on's

Also what the battle load of ammo for character weapons? half a battle load?
I also don't its out place to see the pathfinder and Special Forces with a few hand grenades.

09-18-2017, 07:48 PM
I've done it the other way around, with T2K players in a D&D world. They do spectacularly until they run out of fuel and ammo.