View Full Version : Overseas Projects?

11-08-2018, 06:22 AM
While it's great to play in a USA reshaped by an apocalypse others of us might want to play elsewhere in the world.

What sort of projects can we have that fits with the Morrow project?

In what ways would they be different? In what ways would they be the same?

Would they be hostile, neutral, friendly or allied to The Morrow Project?

Would they be civilian or military? Official or non-official?

Would they have different objectives? Would they have a different new world in mind to create?

The Morrow Project particularly revere the USA' constitution which may not be meaningful to some projects, but maybe it is to some?

11-08-2018, 09:03 AM
To answer some of these questions we have to have answers to a few others. How prevalent was cyrobed or similar technology world wide? This will have a huge impact on the relations with Morrow Project and other nation state programs. For instance, it would not be hard to see China as not using cryobed technology and just housing a huge military complex to wait out the worst and then come out to reestablish an authoritarian regime that may even be welcomed by the survivors, as they have food and water to spare. After 150 years, how would this nation state progress and act is another question.

11-17-2018, 08:33 AM
Best overview is found in the Prime Base module and its limited (very!) notes on the Atlantis Project.

The Atlantis Project is dedicated to carrying out the mission of the Morrow Project, but on a global scale. Atlantis was not intended to come online until 100-150 years after the war. Atlantis has cadre teams to start the global rebuilding, but is based on the assumption that the Morrow Project has been up and running for at least 100 years. Atlantis would rely on this prosperous economy that this technological civilization enjoys to provide Atlantis with recruits and support for their mission.

Right off the bat, you get the impression that there are additional Atlantis teams, in unknown numbers, in unknown locations and most likely with limited assets. But above all, almost totally dependent on the Morrow Project in order to make everything work.
