View Full Version : Updated Body Armour

12-31-2018, 03:35 PM
Has anybody worked out the values for NIJ IV-level armour for Twilight 2000 2.2?

Similar to Interceptor or soviet 6Б5-15?

12-31-2018, 04:07 PM
Check out the thread started by Blink Dog called Ballistic Protection Standards. Both myself and The Dark/Vesper Wars have some basic systems posted there. I am still using my AV system based on NIJ (National Institute of Justice) Armor Ratings. That system is;

NIJ Level 1 Rating: 1/4 AV
NIJ Level 2 or 2a Rating: 1/2 AV
NIJ Level 3a Rating: 1 AV (this is the default Version 2/V2.2 armor level)
NIJ Level 3 (rifle) Rating: 2 AV
NIJ Level 3+ (rifle) Rating: 3 AV This is not an NIJ tested level but is commonly used by manufacturers.
NIJ Level 4 (rifle) Rating: 4 AV

These levels are very close to the real-world performance of actual armor using the games default PEN and DAM ratings.

12-31-2018, 04:16 PM
Looks great! Thanks

12-31-2018, 04:23 PM
Just looked at the 2.2 closely for the first time. Is there really no difference between a kevlar vest and a flak vest? That hardly seems right.

(I'm totally confused by the shotgun damage values too)

Vespers War
12-31-2018, 05:50 PM
Just looked at the 2.2 closely for the first time. Is there really no difference between a kevlar vest and a flak vest? That hardly seems right.

(I'm totally confused by the shotgun damage values too)

All armor got set at AV 1 for T2k v2.2, which was one of the things I wasn't happy about.

The top line for each shotgun is with slug, and the bottom two lines are for buckshot. All of the shotguns have an incorrect ROF on the bottom line except the CAW - they should be SA.

Buckshot damage is explained on page 204. At short range, the pattern is considered dense enough that it's treated as a single shot. At medium range, it's treated as a 10-round burst, with each hit dealing 1 die of damage (note that it's reduced for recoil and range, so at most 7 shot will hit because of the 3-die penalty for medium range).

I use very slightly different AVs, but in part that's because I tweaked Pen (http://vesperswar.blogspot.com/2017/01/a-digression-about-armor-penetration.html) based on the tables in FF&S, which have a couple places where increased bullet energy leads to decreased armor penetration.

12-31-2018, 06:08 PM
Cheers again, it was the slug value that threw me.

Yeah, armour value should be reflective of what you wear.