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01-04-2021, 05:00 PM
Apologies if this is a bit emotional: Long story short - after 6 years of on and off running my homebrew TK2030 game the PC's (my sons) made it to Bremerhaven.

While it took awhile due to things like jobs, middle/high school sports and activities, my second deployment, going off to college, and video games, we got there.

Special thanks to Mike and his ideas - I ripped this off mercilessly-pure genius! To enhance the 80's vibe I played "A Forest" by the Cure (my sons love 80s music, I blame Ancestor's wife, Ancestor, and Stranger Things) when I ran the witch encounter. Anyway, here's the link:


BUT, it was just kind of sad to put away the Poland and Germany modules/maps.

That said, at the very least, Red Star/Lone Star and/or a separate RDF Sourcebook campaign lay in the future.

I hope for the US b/c I spent a ton of free time in Kuwait reimaging a T2K 2030 version of Howling Wilderness. I've personally had enough of CENTCOM, whether or not it's real or in an obscure 80s RPG!

I'm definitely a lurker but I really appreciate you all keeping a great game alive!

Ancestor Out

Wayne's Books
01-05-2021, 08:13 AM
Hey, thanks, glad you found the session write-ups useful!

By "witch encounter" did you mean Going Home: The Witch of Bad Wilsnack? (https://kaliszweb.wordpress.com/2019/09/26/going-home-the-witch-of-bad-wilsnack/). That was one of my favorite scenarios of the campaign to research and run.


01-05-2021, 10:28 AM
That's quite an accomplishment, Ancestor. Well done. And thanks Wayne, for blogging your campaign in such detail. It's good reading, and a valuable resource for other T2k game Ref's.


01-05-2021, 01:37 PM

I actually found your site before and commented to you on the FL facebook group I believe. I was interested in the train adventure as we are getting ready to move a group by train across america. Ive also used some of your material in my own campaign along the east coast.

Did you have a set encounter table created for moving your train?

Wayne's Books
01-05-2021, 01:56 PM
Did you have a set encounter table created for moving your train?

I used "River" for Train encounters, interpreting "Hazard" as Track issues. Encounters could be "on" the track, or more likely, "near" the track.

Any strange encounter result, I swung back to track repairs.

I wanted to reflect the disused or abused nature of local RR track... Most issues ended up being track/grade/small-bridge repairs or clearing obstacles.

This is when the group is vulnerable: When they're stopped. That's when the locals start showing up, as a chuf-chuf-chuffing locomotive is idling on the tracks. Not subtle.

Wayne's Books
01-05-2021, 01:57 PM
And thanks Wayne, for blogging your campaign in such detail. It's good reading, and a valuable resource for other T2k game Ref's.

Thank you! I enjoy seeing folks getting some use from the write-ups.

01-05-2021, 05:56 PM
Thank you , that makes alot of sense. Ive been making it up as they go along as the party has been employing scout parties to search out track lines in the tri state area as part of the local rebuilding efforts for the local goverment before they leave. Ive had damaged bridges, broken track lines and abandoned rail cars that need to cleared.

The party is attempting to move there unit from NY area closer to california as the back ground story of the CO is he has a brother last known to be in california. We usually play with large unit battles and objectives. The plan has come down to a armored gun train to move ahead of the main train to search for danger and track problems with the aid of motorized scout units. The main body of the personnel on the second train to provide back up if the encounter requires aid. So far a line has been secured from Buffalo to Columbus before they agreed to help out the Ohio Goverment secure the NW area of the state from the groups of marauders investing the area.

01-06-2021, 04:33 PM
Hey, thanks, glad you found the session write-ups useful!

By "witch encounter" did you mean Going Home: The Witch of Bad Wilsnack? (https://kaliszweb.wordpress.com/2019/09/26/going-home-the-witch-of-bad-wilsnack/). That was one of my favorite scenarios of the campaign to research and run.


Wayne (sorry, thought your name was Mike!) YES! Thank you for all of the hard work you put into that and your whole campaign! I actually broke out old D & D miniatures for some of the townspeople and the witch. The boys loved it!

They also really loved "Bartertown" (which I made even more Mad Max than your narrative) and "Going Home: Border Crossing". The latter was epic and I was able to tailor it with a twist perfectly into our campaign. The PC acting as the BN CDR just happens to be EN branch and went on an incredible run of outstanding success rolls repairing the bridge - the Town Council was actually giving him food, money, and weapons for the rest of the trip!

01-06-2021, 04:34 PM
That's quite an accomplishment, Ancestor. Well done. And thanks Wayne, for blogging your campaign in such detail. It's good reading, and a valuable resource for other T2k game Ref's.


Thanks Raellus and thanks for all you do to help keep this game alive! Agreed, Wayne's blog is a great resource for T2K refs!

01-06-2021, 04:41 PM
Thank you , that makes alot of sense. Ive been making it up as they go along as the party has been employing scout parties to search out track lines in the tri state area as part of the local rebuilding efforts for the local goverment before they leave. Ive had damaged bridges, broken track lines and abandoned rail cars that need to cleared.

The party is attempting to move there unit from NY area closer to california as the back ground story of the CO is he has a brother last known to be in california. We usually play with large unit battles and objectives. The plan has come down to a armored gun train to move ahead of the main train to search for danger and track problems with the aid of motorized scout units. The main body of the personnel on the second train to provide back up if the encounter requires aid. So far a line has been secured from Buffalo to Columbus before they agreed to help out the Ohio Goverment secure the NW area of the state from the groups of marauders investing the area.

Wolffhound79 that's very similar to how I ran Going Home using Wayne's mods. The PCs had an ace mechanic who converted a BTR and an LAV with a Vulcan with a modification to run on track as well as on road (just like the BNSF guys I see using pickup trucks on both in my AO).

This RECON element also had a scout group on horseback from the 116th ACR riding cross country. It worked out great - a couple of times (ruins of Berlin comes to mind) there was so much rubble the RECON element had to probe for clear track. Usually when that happened, there was some sort of ambush which required dismounting the heavier forces on the train to engage in the larger engagement.

Wayne's Books
07-26-2021, 11:37 AM
Circling back to this post, I'm so glad you guys could make use of the Going Home material, and used 'em in your own games. For me, that makes it all worth it.