02-08-2021, 12:08 AM
Okay so we know the MilGov and the CivGov split due the war. That we saw most of the regular military units go to MilGov with the DIA. The CivGov gets most of the reserve and left over National Guard units and the CIA.
I know that this is very over simplification, but bear with me please?
So within the US Federal government there are a slew of other entities that are going to have to make decisions on who is where with the split.
US Department of State - The diplomats. I would foresee these folks staying with MilGov in most places since Milgov has better comms. They have an intelligence arm ( and a law enforcement arm (
US Department of Treasury - The folks behind the money. Obviously these folks would be split, in my mind. With some folks going to the Milgov since that is where the leadership is and others going to the CivGov because they want to believe that CivGov is right and there needs to be civilian leadership They also have an intelligence arm (, The US Secret Service ( and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (,_Tobacco,_Firearms_and_Explosive s) (at least in TW2K world since 9/11 doesn't happen which re-organizes the US law enforcement branches)
US Department of Justice - So would these folks have split or would they have sided with CivGov since they view their role that way? So under the DoJ is the FBI, US Marshal Service (, Bureau of Prisons (, and the DEA ( Of which both the DEA ( FBI ( %20Branch%20%28IB%29%20division%20of%20the%20Feder al,operates%20through%20the%20use%20of%20embedded% 20intelligence%20strategies.) run their own intelligence agencies within their organizations.
US Department of Interior - Okay so these folks would have been going to CivGov for sure since they would be the ones with the records about oil, minerals, and even mapping of various lands and waterways. The only law enforcement is the National Parks Service ( The Fish and Wildlife Services ( is another law enforcement angle. The DoI is also responsible for tribal law enforcement officers and also are responsible for emergency management of major infrastructure and has a minor intelligence agency folded under this branch. (
US Department of Agriculture. These are the folks that manage the National Forests and the farming and food production. I can see these folks also split between MilGov and CivGov. Since the last orders were prior to MilGov assuming command was movement of people to farming lands and creation of food for human consumption. They have law enforcement branches within the US Forestry Service (
US Department of Commerce - These are the folks that own the Census, Trademarks, NOAA, and telecommunications. I think these folks would have gone to CivGov, since most of these folks are civil servants and would be more use to thinking of civilian leadership than what MilGov is offering. The Department of Commerce also regulates the air waves, so having them under CivGov would give those folks an air of legitimacy. They have a combo intelligence and law enforcement division (
US Department of Labor - the folks responsible for jobs programs and measurements of unemployment, unemployment insurance. Would this agency have really survived the Twilight War as is? Or would its surviving members been folded into some other agency since its purpose is effectively eliminated? They have no enforcement branch beyond lawyers and inspectors for law and rule violations of things like worker safety or ineffective pay.
US Department of Health and Human services - These folks own the Centers for Disease Control ( and management of various public health initiatives and the majority of the US Public Health Service ( I can see these folks dissolved and locals reporting to whomever is in charge in each region.
US Department of Housing and Urban Development - These are the folks who management federal housing programs, help to develop cities with mixed homes and businesses. I don't think there is anything in this organization left after the war and they would be folded into someone else to provide manpower and reporting of their information of available homes.
US Department of Transportation - These folks are responsible for cars, planes, trains, ships, oil pipelines. Yes, oil pipelines falls under the US Department of Transportation ( tion). So I could see branches like the FAA, Federal Transit Admin (, Federal Railway Admin (, US MARAD ( working again with whomever is the strongest in each region of the Mil/Civ Government split providing whatever resources they own or can manage or have data on. Before the war the US Department of Transportation would have owned the US Coast Guard, with the US Coast Guard reverting to the US Navy upon some signing of an executive order or such. So, they would have also managed the US Coast Guard Auxiliary (
US Department of Energy - These are the folks that own anything that produces energy. Whether its oil, coal, nuclear, solar, geothermal, or hydroelectric. They have an intelligence division ( text=The%20Office%20of%20Intelligence%20and%20Coun terintelligence%20%28OICI%29%2C%20established,Secr etary%20of%20Energy%20and%20senior%20federal%20pol icy%20makers.) and are responsible for security of various nuclear power plants, nuclear production sites and nuclear hazmat sites ( These folks, in my mind, would be split again to whomever is the strongest in each region. Since each region would be trying to get power up and running and civilization back again as soon as possible.
US Department of Education - These folks manage federal loans for education. Enforce laws about education rights, privacy, and access. They have a law enforcement branch ( I fully see these folks folded away with the war aftermath and used for other things in whatever surviving government exists.
US Department of Veterans Affairs - These folks administer the Veterans Hospitals, loan programs for education and small businesses for veterans, burial benefits and basically any other program to re-integrate the discharged veteran back into civilian life. I can see these folks using their various hospitals, that are still standing, as major sources of power for each region. I can also see these folks sticking with the MilGov since most of the patients and doctors and admin staff would have been former military.
So that all said, just some ideas to me how each department of the US Government would have fared post-war. As well as some of them would have had some law enforcement or para-military arm as well as an intelligence agency or two working for them. This could give additional fodder for events, NPCs, or even missions.
Does anyone have an opinion one way or another about how these other agencies would have fallen to the MilGov or CilGov split that differs than mine?
Anyone surprised to find out that some of these agencies have law enforcement, para-military, or even intelligence divisions?
I know that this is very over simplification, but bear with me please?
So within the US Federal government there are a slew of other entities that are going to have to make decisions on who is where with the split.
US Department of State - The diplomats. I would foresee these folks staying with MilGov in most places since Milgov has better comms. They have an intelligence arm ( and a law enforcement arm (
US Department of Treasury - The folks behind the money. Obviously these folks would be split, in my mind. With some folks going to the Milgov since that is where the leadership is and others going to the CivGov because they want to believe that CivGov is right and there needs to be civilian leadership They also have an intelligence arm (, The US Secret Service ( and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (,_Tobacco,_Firearms_and_Explosive s) (at least in TW2K world since 9/11 doesn't happen which re-organizes the US law enforcement branches)
US Department of Justice - So would these folks have split or would they have sided with CivGov since they view their role that way? So under the DoJ is the FBI, US Marshal Service (, Bureau of Prisons (, and the DEA ( Of which both the DEA ( FBI ( %20Branch%20%28IB%29%20division%20of%20the%20Feder al,operates%20through%20the%20use%20of%20embedded% 20intelligence%20strategies.) run their own intelligence agencies within their organizations.
US Department of Interior - Okay so these folks would have been going to CivGov for sure since they would be the ones with the records about oil, minerals, and even mapping of various lands and waterways. The only law enforcement is the National Parks Service ( The Fish and Wildlife Services ( is another law enforcement angle. The DoI is also responsible for tribal law enforcement officers and also are responsible for emergency management of major infrastructure and has a minor intelligence agency folded under this branch. (
US Department of Agriculture. These are the folks that manage the National Forests and the farming and food production. I can see these folks also split between MilGov and CivGov. Since the last orders were prior to MilGov assuming command was movement of people to farming lands and creation of food for human consumption. They have law enforcement branches within the US Forestry Service (
US Department of Commerce - These are the folks that own the Census, Trademarks, NOAA, and telecommunications. I think these folks would have gone to CivGov, since most of these folks are civil servants and would be more use to thinking of civilian leadership than what MilGov is offering. The Department of Commerce also regulates the air waves, so having them under CivGov would give those folks an air of legitimacy. They have a combo intelligence and law enforcement division (
US Department of Labor - the folks responsible for jobs programs and measurements of unemployment, unemployment insurance. Would this agency have really survived the Twilight War as is? Or would its surviving members been folded into some other agency since its purpose is effectively eliminated? They have no enforcement branch beyond lawyers and inspectors for law and rule violations of things like worker safety or ineffective pay.
US Department of Health and Human services - These folks own the Centers for Disease Control ( and management of various public health initiatives and the majority of the US Public Health Service ( I can see these folks dissolved and locals reporting to whomever is in charge in each region.
US Department of Housing and Urban Development - These are the folks who management federal housing programs, help to develop cities with mixed homes and businesses. I don't think there is anything in this organization left after the war and they would be folded into someone else to provide manpower and reporting of their information of available homes.
US Department of Transportation - These folks are responsible for cars, planes, trains, ships, oil pipelines. Yes, oil pipelines falls under the US Department of Transportation ( tion). So I could see branches like the FAA, Federal Transit Admin (, Federal Railway Admin (, US MARAD ( working again with whomever is the strongest in each region of the Mil/Civ Government split providing whatever resources they own or can manage or have data on. Before the war the US Department of Transportation would have owned the US Coast Guard, with the US Coast Guard reverting to the US Navy upon some signing of an executive order or such. So, they would have also managed the US Coast Guard Auxiliary (
US Department of Energy - These are the folks that own anything that produces energy. Whether its oil, coal, nuclear, solar, geothermal, or hydroelectric. They have an intelligence division ( text=The%20Office%20of%20Intelligence%20and%20Coun terintelligence%20%28OICI%29%2C%20established,Secr etary%20of%20Energy%20and%20senior%20federal%20pol icy%20makers.) and are responsible for security of various nuclear power plants, nuclear production sites and nuclear hazmat sites ( These folks, in my mind, would be split again to whomever is the strongest in each region. Since each region would be trying to get power up and running and civilization back again as soon as possible.
US Department of Education - These folks manage federal loans for education. Enforce laws about education rights, privacy, and access. They have a law enforcement branch ( I fully see these folks folded away with the war aftermath and used for other things in whatever surviving government exists.
US Department of Veterans Affairs - These folks administer the Veterans Hospitals, loan programs for education and small businesses for veterans, burial benefits and basically any other program to re-integrate the discharged veteran back into civilian life. I can see these folks using their various hospitals, that are still standing, as major sources of power for each region. I can also see these folks sticking with the MilGov since most of the patients and doctors and admin staff would have been former military.
So that all said, just some ideas to me how each department of the US Government would have fared post-war. As well as some of them would have had some law enforcement or para-military arm as well as an intelligence agency or two working for them. This could give additional fodder for events, NPCs, or even missions.
Does anyone have an opinion one way or another about how these other agencies would have fallen to the MilGov or CilGov split that differs than mine?
Anyone surprised to find out that some of these agencies have law enforcement, para-military, or even intelligence divisions?