View Full Version : Urban Operations (4e Expansion)
01-18-2022, 08:34 AM
Free League announced the first expansion for 4e, Urban Operations. Pre-order starts Q1, 2022 and the physical copy is scheduled for release in Q3. It sounds like the PDF version will be available with the pre-order.
The product includes Free League's iteration of Free City of Krakow and a Swedish surrogate (Karlsborg), along with general mechanics for urban warfare.
01-18-2022, 08:48 AM
Sounds interesting to me.
Ursus Maior
01-19-2022, 02:49 AM
It's due for digital release later this winter, so probably early March. Print release is due in the summer, and I'm hot for action. We'll have a session 0 in 10 days.
01-21-2022, 07:58 PM
, along with general mechanics for urban warfare.
I wonder what this will cover/include?
Ursus Maior
01-24-2022, 01:30 AM
I wonder what this will cover/include?
Yeah, I'v asked myself that, too. Maybe there will be plug-ins into the base-building engine, combat in enclosed spaces like sewers or ruins? Maybe even some solo-rules for a skirmish wargame?
01-24-2022, 02:03 AM
I've found a copy of the box set in Australia, seriously thinking of buying it.
I notice the core rules had some solo rules, not sure how others have found them?
I wonder if anyone is using the Foundry Virtual Table Top?
01-25-2022, 06:59 PM
I've found a copy of the box set in Australia, seriously thinking of buying it.
I notice the core rules had some solo rules, not sure how others have found them?
I wonder if anyone is using the Foundry Virtual Table Top?
Solo: not me, there's at least one blog out there showing a game using them.
Foundry: I hear good things, but I have no experience myself.
01-26-2022, 04:56 AM
I wonder what this will cover/include?
The main rules are based on a 10m hex grid (with an option to switch that to meters) so my expectation is that the "general mechanics for urban warfare" will include rules on how to handle combat inside buildings where the 10m hex grid doesn't work, essentially an expansion on the optional rule.
01-26-2022, 05:07 PM
The main rules are based on a 10m hex grid (with an option to switch that to meters) so my expectation is that the "general mechanics for urban warfare" will include rules on how to handle combat inside buildings where the 10m hex grid doesn't work, essentially an expansion on the optional rule.
We had a conversation about this the other day on the discord server. I actually wonder if they'll keep the 10m hexes as is, since the "moving through a doorway costs a fast action" is such a huge factor in urban combat. I could see them offering 2m hexes in case people just want a more "zoomed-in" bit of action, but I can't think of any major reasons why the existing 10m hex mechanics wouldn't work. Open to being wrong about it though.
In any case, while I wouldn't expect changes to the base rules, I do think its safe to assume that we'll see some additional rules for doorways, barriers, windows, breaching rooms, etc.
Ursus Maior
01-27-2022, 12:41 AM
If you change the hex size and what actions it costs to cross stuff within a hex, than you're changing the time factor of the game: If 2 hexes of 10 meters equal the regular speed for a fast action, than you need to rewrite movement rules to scale down hexes. Or you need to shorten rounds, which has implications on slow actions as well. Currently, shooting up to 6D6 rounds aimed per round from a machinegun or up to 6 rounds from a boltaction rifle is realistic, because a round is 10 seconds long. Cut that in half, and you're hitting the spot where that becomes only mechanically possible, but not while aiming correctly.
06-21-2022, 09:42 AM
I'm guessing here but it looks like Free League may have postponed rather than just delayed Urban Operations. They are having a summer sale and I received the following link in an e-mailer:
If you scroll down on the page that links to there is a list of upcoming games and expansions later this year and they are:
INTO THE ODD Remastered
ALIEN: Heart of Darkness
Vaesen: Mythic Britain & Ireland
Vaesen: Seasons of Mystery
Forbidden Lands: Book of Beasts
Forbidden Lands: The Bloodmarch
It's notable that Twilight 2000 Urban Operations is not on that list but nothing appears to have been said officially.....
Its as if Twilight 2000 does not exist in the Free League world of games.
07-03-2022, 12:25 PM
Not sure if you've seen this on the Free League forum but Thomas has said the following regarding Urban Operations:
Hello everyone!
Sorry, I meant to reply sooner here. The work with Urban Operations is proceeding and nearing the finish line. The module has grown since we first envisioned it and we needed to make some revisions, which have take more time than planned. We plan to launch a pre-order, but only after the PDF of the module is fully done so pre-order customers can get the PDF immediately. We don't have a date for the pre-order yet, but right now I would estimate mid- to late summer.
As for the general silence about Twilight: 2000, yes the war in Ukraine has had some impact, as we felt it was not the right time to make lots of PR for a war game that suddenly became a lot more real than most of us expected. But that does not mean work on the modules for the game has slowed down.
Fria Ligan
Please see post #18 of this thread:
10-06-2022, 05:00 AM
Urban Operations is now available for preorder ( Free League is requesting feedback on the early-access PDF in this thread on their forum (
- C.
10-06-2022, 05:59 PM
Preordered. Download code arrived by email about 15 min. after the order confirmation. Download came through without a hitch.
Looks pretty good, at first glance. Two new archetypes (Police Officer, Criminal), a couple of pages of combat rules- nothing too complicated, or counter to core rules- some city movement rules, new urban encounter cards, urban adventure sites (and associated NPCs), more hints about 4e's RESET, and general info about 4e's Krakow and Karlsborg.
I'm interested in other customers' thoughts on the product.
10-07-2022, 12:40 AM
Do the rules look like a hit or miss? Do they add much? This is probably the attraction of UO for me.
I'll probably get it anyways. $80 for a pdf in aussie dollars though! Not sure if that gets me a hard copy at a later date.
10-07-2022, 07:47 AM
I can't fairly judge the rules until I give them a try, but they look pretty good. I expected the combat rules to be crunchier, but I'm glad that they're not.
The pre-order is for the physical copy, which is supposed to ship in early 2023, but purchasers receive a PDF copy the same day they place their order. In short, you get both- PDF now, hard copy later.
10-07-2022, 07:42 PM
I just got it - I said I wouldn’t (because I have no time) - but caved in immediately.
It’s nice. The art is great, very, very nice. It’s much more concise and tight for writing than the original set (but then again it’s smaller). It looks like it will be great for the boxed set with the battlemaps - they are very high quality as pdfs.
The “rules” - well - there really aren’t manny that a seasoned group wouldn’t have already been using based on experience, but they might be useful for greener groups still getting into the whole tactical combat thing.
The scenarios and plots are very nicely done. I tend not to use pre-generated detailed plots when I play games (because I don’t have the prep-time) but these look nicely done and fun to play.
10-09-2022, 03:41 PM
General question re v4.0.
Is anyone using the battle/tactical maps for encounters either in solo or group play? Their addition in the products is obviously very deliberate. i haven't used mine yet. But wondering how others might be finding them.
10-09-2022, 07:59 PM
I have been using them a couple of times on roll20 for the game that I am running. I have also looked for other maps also. BUt these are going to get the workout the most I think.
10-10-2022, 06:03 AM
I have been using them a couple of times on roll20 for the game that I am running. I have also looked for other maps also. BUt these are going to get the workout the most I think.
I strongly recommend Twilight Maps on Patreon. He started off as a fan artist and was hired to do the map set for Urban Ops, so his work is, in fact, professional-grade. He's also done some vehicle token sets on the side.
- C.
10-29-2022, 06:11 PM
Back in 1990 i visited Alcatraz. Even back then (especially back then, when i was 19), i thought Alcatraz would make a great little battle ground. Then came along Call of Duty and re-berth island, which is pretty similar to Alcatraz and is exactly the kind of battle ground i was thinking of back in 1990.
Now, i'd like to say my quick reflexes have left me, but i never had them. So i'm looking at T2KV4.0 and thinking i might run a "Re-berth Island" like game using the urban ops and others, battle maps.
Any thoughts/ideas?
01-15-2023, 02:21 PM
Posted today by game dev Tomas over on the 4e FB fan group:
"Calling everyone who is waiting for Urban Operations! The module has now been finalized and sent to print. Updated digital PDFs have been shared via DrivethruRPG to everyone who has pre-ordered. If you don't get an email notification, just check your DTRPG account for updates, or click the link in your original email. Thanks for your feedback!"
04-20-2023, 12:01 PM
Purchasers- in the USA, at least- are being notified that physical copies of Urban Ops are being shipped. According to posts on the FL T2k FB page, some customers were notified yesterday. I received an e-mail re shipping today.
I gave UO a brief skim upon its digital release, but I'm kind of old school, I guess, in that I prefer to sit down with a physical copy to really digest new material. I'm looking forward to digging deeper into the rules and setting material.
04-20-2023, 01:18 PM
Thanks for the heads up - looks like I just received the email about 3 hours ago as well. Exciting!
04-22-2023, 05:54 PM
grrrrr. No notifications for us in Australia yet!
04-24-2023, 06:00 PM
Got mine today!
04-25-2023, 03:54 PM
Ditto here.
Ursus Maior
04-26-2023, 09:07 AM
Thanks for the update. No news for me in Germany yet, but I mailed them my new address. So, hopefully, it'll be here soonish.
05-15-2023, 02:58 PM
I'm in Australia, and mines just been sent.
05-22-2023, 03:42 PM
Mines been sent.
Anyone want to comment on how they found the box/book/module?
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