View Full Version : Who'd Have Thought (back in 1984)?
08-29-2024, 02:24 PM
Times have really changed. Back in the mid-to-late 1980s, it seemed like the only way that the Cold War would end was in nuclear Armageddon (worst case) or, in the best case, a Red Storm Rising type conventional war scenario that would see NATO triumphant. As it turned out, the end was a lot less spectacular (thank heaven). Subsequently, for a little over a decade, it seemed like the West no longer had anything to fear from Russia.
And now here were are, in the midst of a new, even more complicated Cold War. Several former SSRs are now NATO members. Several former SSRs, and former Warsaw Pact members, now belong to NATO. Poland, the original setting of T2k, is a full NATO member that has just concluded a deal to purchase one of the USA's most advanced conventional weapons systems, the F-35 (check out the cool promo pics in the linked article).
Even perennially neutral Sweden is now a NATO member.
Today Russia, rather than the USSR, plays the role of NATO's major antagonist. Its government is yet again a one-party state led by an anti-democratic dictator. During the Cold War, a Soviet attack on Free Europe was a major fear, one that the USA's government and military-industrial complex were dedicated to preventing (or stopping, should deterrence fail). Two-and-a-half years ago, Russia launched an unprovoked invasion of its democratic neighbor, former SSR, Ukraine.
In the USA, the once markedly more hawkish-on-Russia political party is now more sympathetic to the oppressive, imperialistic Russian government than to its fellow democracies, so much so that many American office-holders (and candidates) wish to stop aiding Ukraine, thereby appeasing the Russian dictator. In 1984, this would have been unthinkable, except perhaps in a Superfriends episode featuring Bizzarro World. It's still hard to believe that this is the way things are now.
What else would the inhabitants of 1984 be shocked to learn about the present day?
08-29-2024, 04:21 PM
From the Dark Conspiracy novels that GDW parallel earth game had some predictions about the year 2013 (the canon year for that game I believe).
I remember it saying that a full fledged video camera would be the size of a paperback book, and I did not believe that was going to happen. It also had the following stats for a powerful home computer
They only missed most of the stats by about a factor of 1000.
This world was supposed to be more technologically advanced as well due to alien influence.
08-30-2024, 01:30 AM
@Raellus I don't think that it's so much that some of us in the US want to stop funding Ukraine and thereby "appeasing" the Russian dictator, it's more of a "what's in it for us". I look at it this way 1) America should have never forced Ukraine to give up it's portion of the old Soviet equipment after 1989. 2) The Democrats should have never forced the military to deactivate forces in Europe as part of the "Peace Dividend". 3) I find it funny that the party that told us Americans to "Trust the Russians", "reset our view of them", "Hey Mitt, the 1980's are calling and they want their Foreign Policy back (Laughs)", etc. are now the party of "let's get those Russkies". 4) I find it very disingenuous having said politicians trying to scare Americans with "if Ukraine falls, Poland is next." Considering that Poland is a NATO member and any attack would automatically trigger Article 5, so now Russia would be facing not just 1 country, but most of NATO. And 5) Even if he wins in Ukraine, I don't see his forces be "welcomed" any more than we were in Iraq. I see nothing but partisan attacks on his forces until it becomes too much for them. I have more points, but this is just small sample of some of my thinking.
Nowhere Man 1966
09-01-2024, 02:00 PM
Times have really changed. Back in the mid-to-late 1980s, it seemed like the only way that the Cold War would end was in nuclear Armageddon (worst case) or, in the best case, a Red Storm Rising type conventional war scenario that would see NATO triumphant. As it turned out, the end was a lot less spectacular (thank heaven). Subsequently, for a little over a decade, it seemed like the West no longer had anything to fear from Russia.
And now here were are, in the midst of a new, even more complicated Cold War. Several former SSRs are now NATO members. Several former SSRs, and former Warsaw Pact members, now belong to NATO. Poland, the original setting of T2k, is a full NATO member that has just concluded a deal to purchase one of the USA's most advanced conventional weapons systems, the F-35 (check out the cool promo pics in the linked article).
Even perennially neutral Sweden is now a NATO member.
Today Russia, rather than the USSR, plays the role of NATO's major antagonist. Its government is yet again a one-party state led by an anti-democratic dictator. During the Cold War, a Soviet attack on Free Europe was a major fear, one that the USA's government and military-industrial complex were dedicated to preventing (or stopping, should deterrence fail). Two-and-a-half years ago, Russia launched an unprovoked invasion of its democratic neighbor, former SSR, Ukraine.
In the USA, the once markedly more hawkish-on-Russia political party is now more sympathetic to the oppressive, imperialistic Russian government than to its fellow democracies, so much so that many American office-holders (and candidates) wish to stop aiding Ukraine, thereby appeasing the Russian dictator. In 1984, this would have been unthinkable, except perhaps in a Superfriends episode featuring Bizzarro World. It's still hard to believe that this is the way things are now.
What else would the inhabitants of 1984 be shocked to learn about the present day?
Well, I know in 1983/84 I was 17, turned 18 in 1984. I remember having a discussion with me fellow friends who were interested in the geopolitics at the time. We knew the USSR was going to fall but ou4r predictions were a generation off, we figured it would go on until the early 2020s and then collapse or change as the case may be. I remember a decade later talking to my old German teacher where he felt optimistic about the end of the Cold War. He told us stories about taking the class over to the DDR in 1979 and lectured us on end about the differences between both sides.
I did ask this question in Social Studies in 1983 after the school year began because the time period was from 1900 to 1983 (then present). Just for "shats ang giggles" I asked, "what if the US became like the USSR (or Evil Empire) and the USSR became like the US?" Well, in some what's that's true, in some ways Russia's economy is more market based but not all the way with the oligarchs but from 1983, it is more of a better system by comparison but the embargo is hurting them now. Politically, just a wee better, but basically you replaced one dictator with an other.
On our side, I'm trying hard not to sound too political but we have poor leadership in almost all Western nations. In a way like an Evil Empire, well maybe Evil is a bit strong, more like Stupid Empire, it seems like we are pushing Russia possible into a corner.
Backing up, it started in the 1990's where we got involved with the Balkans. We should have stayed out, we, I'm talking about the United States as "we," have little or no interest there.If Europe or any other nation wants to go in, it is their decision. It started there, the pressure on Russia and it snowballed from there. Maybe if we did not put the pressure on them then, Putin might not be in power today as a response. I admit playing "what if" is tough but I think we share part of the blame here.
Putin is the power in Russia, like it or not, we have to deal with him. We cannot back him into a corner. OK, I'm more of a Libertarian/Conservative/America and Western World First, South Park Republican, whatever. I'm not for appeasement or sympathetic to the Russians, they are wrong. I just believe we need to work more to get both/all sides to the peace table after working a cease fire and talk this out and make deals. As much as I hate to say it, we might have to give something to Putin if he will give something to us, we need some some of negotiated compromise settling the problem. A compromise sometimes is where all sides may not get 100% of what they want but perhaps 80% ov erall but are welling to accept the deal and call it quits. What that will be, I don't know, but we need a cease fire to stop the bloodshed and then we can play Monty Hall, Let's Make a Deal.
I know on my side there are the Putinistas, a pro Russian faction. I can explain it this way. A lot of people on that group see or have seen Russia as a saviour for traditional family values as a result of the Orthodox faith. A lot of people do not like the direction where the West is going ethically and morally so they turn their eyes to Russia or did. If I may be candid, honestly, I felt that way myself for a little while. We need to tolerate others who are different, i'm willing to bend and accept and even support but the pendulum swung so far with the wokeness out there, I can understand this faction even though I'd never throw in with them.
Does Putin believe in family values of the Orthodox faith? I can't say. Some say he opportunistic and willing to use them to get his way, certainly possible. Only God and Putin knows what's in their heart.
We need to find a way to get all sides to talk and work out a peace deal. Already a lot of nations are cutting back aid, maybe it is the right thing to do, that is if we take this opportunity to get all sides to the table. Still at the very least, we might have to work on containment like we did in the 1980's.
Nowhere Man 1966
09-01-2024, 02:08 PM
@Raellus I don't think that it's so much that some of us in the US want to stop funding Ukraine and thereby "appeasing" the Russian dictator, it's more of a "what's in it for us". I look at it this way 1) America should have never forced Ukraine to give up it's portion of the old Soviet equipment after 1989. 2) The Democrats should have never forced the military to deactivate forces in Europe as part of the "Peace Dividend". 3) I find it funny that the party that told us Americans to "Trust the Russians", "reset our view of them", "Hey Mitt, the 1980's are calling and they want their Foreign Policy back (Laughs)", etc. are now the party of "let's get those Russkies". 4) I find it very disingenuous having said politicians trying to scare Americans with "if Ukraine falls, Poland is next." Considering that Poland is a NATO member and any attack would automatically trigger Article 5, so now Russia would be facing not just 1 country, but most of NATO. And 5) Even if he wins in Ukraine, I don't see his forces be "welcomed" any more than we were in Iraq. I see nothing but partisan attacks on his forces until it becomes too much for them. I have more points, but this is just small sample of some of my thinking.
I agree with a lot of it. Again in the 1990's we kind of blew it where we should have engaged Russia more to get her on our side. I say the real threat is Red CHina and even though the Russians are with them now, I foresee the Chinese screwing them at some point and they will be Jonesin for help. I always felt as a trump card, Ukraine should have held on to all or some of their nukes, *I mean we promised to protect them in the future, but many times we write check with our mouths we can cash and that leaves them in the lurch. We need to work to get all sides to the peace table.
Nowhere Man 1966
09-01-2024, 02:10 PM
From the Dark Conspiracy novels that GDW parallel earth game had some predictions about the year 2013 (the canon year for that game I believe).
I remember it saying that a full fledged video camera would be the size of a paperback book, and I did not believe that was going to happen. It also had the following stats for a powerful home computer
They only missed most of the stats by about a factor of 1000.
This world was supposed to be more technologically advanced as well due to alien influence.
They were close in in some ways but way off on the specs although being able to access the world anywhere with a modem reminds me of Starlink a little bit.
09-02-2024, 03:07 AM
I always felt as a trump card, Ukraine should have held on to all or some of their nukes, *I mean we promised to protect them in the future, but many times we write check with our mouths we can cash and that leaves them in the lurch.
Well of course. In hindsight, Ukraine absolutely should have held onto its nukes. The other signatories have basically used the Budapest Memorandum as toilet paper.
They were close in in some ways but way off on the specs although being able to access the world anywhere with a modem reminds me of Starlink a little bit.
The "access anywhere in the world" is just describing a dial-up modem. Modems were pretty amazing despite their downsides. You could make a phone call, even with an acoustic coupler on a pay phone, and connect to other systems hooked to phone lines and communicate digitally.
The ~24 year projection in Dark Conspiracy was positing that phone connectivity and thus the reach of modems would increase, not envisioning dedicated IP data networks. DC was released even before consumer access to the Internet was even a thing.
09-04-2024, 02:03 PM
I wonder if any of the original T2k team anticipated the rapid rise of China over the past three decades or so.
I remember as a teenager watching a documentary that I taped in 1989 about the Chinese military. At the time, the PRC's most high-tech weaponry was designed in the 1950s and '60s. It seemed that China was decades behind the west when it came to military technology. PLA troops spent more time farming than training.
China today is arguably fast approaching global superpower status. It's entire military has modernized by leaps and bounds since 1989. It's navy is larger than the USA's and its new ship construction far outstrips ours. It's developed and produced indigenous stealth aircraft (thanks to a lot of successful industrial espionage). The PLA has a presence in both space and cyberspace.
I think the original T2k team would be surprised.
09-04-2024, 06:30 PM
I wonder if any of the original T2k team anticipated the rapid rise of China over the past three decades or so.
I remember as a teenager watching a documentary that I taped in 1989 about the Chinese military. At the time, the PRC's most high-tech weaponry was designed in the 1950s and '60s. It seemed that China was decades behind the west when it came to military technology. PLA troops spent more time farming than training.
China today is arguably fast approaching global superpower status. It's entire military has modernized by leaps and bounds since 1989. It's navy is larger than the USA's and its new ship construction far outstrips ours. It's developed and produced indigenous stealth aircraft (thanks to a lot of successful industrial espionage). The PLA has a presence in both space and cyberspace.
I think the original T2k team would be surprised.
I think China is where the US was in 1935. Depending on how you want to measure it, half of the world's industrial output is produced in China. They are aiming for strategic nuclear parity with the US and Russia by 2030 or 2035, and are increasingly modernizing their navy. They have a long way to catch up, but, they produce 35% of the global naval/marine tonnage. US is way down on the list of global ship producers. China's main problem is lack of energy and food security...which are not small problems to be sure.
09-04-2024, 06:35 PM
I agree with a lot of it. Again in the 1990's we kind of blew it where we should have engaged Russia more to get her on our side. I say the real threat is Red CHina and even though the Russians are with them now, I foresee the Chinese screwing them at some point and they will be Jonesin for help. I always felt as a trump card, Ukraine should have held on to all or some of their nukes, *I mean we promised to protect them in the future, but many times we write check with our mouths we can cash and that leaves them in the lurch. We need to work to get all sides to the peace table.
The problem is, Russia was/is a mafia state. The realistic post-USSR choices for Russia were either an extremely corrupt democracy or a return to autocracy of some form. From a Russian perspective, the US and the West used and abused Russia even when Russia acted in good faith (like after Sep 11). Then again, the US isn't forcing countries to join NATO. That kind of thing happens when you invade your neighbors and murder and rape their civilians.
The ironic thing is, the US and Russia share many of the same geopolitical threats (China, radical Islam), and Russia is under much more of a direct threat from both.
09-04-2024, 09:14 PM
I agree with a lot of it. Again in the 1990's we kind of blew it where we should have engaged Russia more to get her on our side.
I don't get "the USA was mean to poor Russia in the 1990s and that's why Putin is so antagonistic to the West these days" takes. That's the narrative Putin's propaganda machine has been spitting out for decades now. What does the USA stand to gain by kowtowing to an autocrat who's goal in life is to become the next Peter the Great and rebuild the Russian Empire, one former SSR at a time? The guy is a ruthless sociopath. Putin ordered the FSB to bomb a couple of Moscow apartment blocks as a frame-up and fait accompli for his revanchist invasion of Chechnya. He's imprisoned scores of political opponents had had at least a dozen assassinated (R.I.P. Navalny). He's been up to no good re Ukraine since the Orange Revolution in 2004. Time and again, Putin's told the world who he is- an opportunist who's only interested in rapprochement with the West if and if and when it gives him leeway him to pursue his expansionist agenda- and we'd be foolish not to believe him.
@Raellus I don't think that it's so much that some of us in the US want to stop funding Ukraine and thereby "appeasing" the Russian dictator, it's more of a "what's in it for us". I look at it this way 1) America should have never forced Ukraine to give up it's portion of the old Soviet equipment after 1989. 2) The Democrats should have never forced the military to deactivate forces in Europe as part of the "Peace Dividend". 3) I find it funny that the party that told us Americans to "Trust the Russians", "reset our view of them", "Hey Mitt, the 1980's are calling and they want their Foreign Policy back (Laughs)", etc. are now the party of "let's get those Russkies". 4) I find it very disingenuous having said politicians trying to scare Americans with "if Ukraine falls, Poland is next." Considering that Poland is a NATO member and any attack would automatically trigger Article 5, so now Russia would be facing not just 1 country, but most of NATO. And 5) Even if he wins in Ukraine, I don't see his forces be "welcomed" any more than we were in Iraq. I see nothing but partisan attacks on his forces until it becomes too much for them. I have more points, but this is just small sample of some of my thinking.
How is allowing Russia to conquer Ukraine in the USA's national interest? If NATO turned a blind eye to the Russian conquest of Ukraine in 2022, would Putin really have believed that NATO has the stomach to go to war for Latvia or Estonia? Putin's proven that he's an aggressive expansionist again and again (Chechnya, Georgia, Crimea, Eastern Donetsk, Ukraine). If we don't learn from history- namely, the failure of Appeasement in the late 1930s- then we're doomed to repeat it. Hitler didn't stop after the Sudetenland, or even the rest of Czechoslovakia, despite strongly worded warnings against doing so from Great Britain and France. Consequently, he felt comfortable ignoring their "red line" of attacking Poland in 1939. Poland in 2024 has every reason to be concerned about Russia. Even if Putin stopped at conquering the Ukraine, should Poland and the rest of Europe be expected to take in millions more refugees, or rest easy whilst a grinding guerilla war festers on its doorstep?
I think China is where the US was in 1935. Depending on how you want to measure it, half of the world's industrial output is produced in China. They are aiming for strategic nuclear parity with the US and Russia by 2030 or 2035, and are increasingly modernizing their navy. They have a long way to catch up, but, they produce 35% of the global naval/marine tonnage. US is way down on the list of global ship producers. China's main problem is lack of energy and food security...which are not small problems to be sure.
Interesting comparison. I think China is closer to the USA in 1942 than 1935, and we're becoming like 1942-'43 Japan (in terms of naval building and capabilities). I hate to say it because I come from a USN family, but our navy is slipping. Our last two major surface warfare classes have been unmitigated disasters and the new Constellation-class frigate project is off to a very rocky start.
We lost our numerical advantage years ago; our fleet is getting old and we're quickly losing our qualitative advantage. We can't continue to lean on our illustrious naval tradition and superior operational experience, in lieu of new construction and upgrades of aging platforms. That's the mistake the IJN made during WW2 and look what happened to Japan.
Back when I started working in 1986 all I needed was a black ink pen and a red ink pen. No computers...
09-05-2024, 10:13 PM
@Raellus "How is allowing Russia to conquer Ukraine in the USA's national interest? If NATO turned a blind eye to the Russian conquest of Ukraine in 2022, would Putin really have believed that NATO has the stomach to go to war for Latvia or Estonia?" I think you misunderstand my point. I'm not for allowing Russia to conquer Ukraine, I'm just asking are we (the West) sure we have the stomach to do what is necessary. Is the West ready to possibly go to war with Russia and deal with the consequences (possible reinstatement of the Draft, massive casualties (military & civilian), etc.? I mean look at how the world is slowly changing it's attitude regarding Israel and it's war against Hamas, first it was do what you need to do to retaliate, now it's become you need to find a ceasefire agreement ASAP. Furthermore, the argument that the West would not fight for Latvia or Estonia is erroneous due to both members being in NATO and any hesitation/refusal to intervene would basically destroy the entire purpose of Article 5. And finally, as I stated even if Putin wins in Ukraine, I don't see the Ukrainian Resistance just trowing their hands up and walking away. I see it like the Taliban/Iraqi forces that drove our (the US) "F'ing nuts" with the constant roadside attacks, etc. I see them doing just the same to any Russian "Liberators" until their military/political leadership has had enough and withdraws (even just to save face) like they did in Afghanistan 1989.
09-06-2024, 01:39 PM
I'm not for allowing Russia to conquer Ukraine, I'm just asking are we (the West) sure we have the stomach to do what is necessary. Is the West ready to possibly go to war with Russia and deal with the consequences (possible reinstatement of the Draft, massive casualties (military & civilian), etc.?
Thank you for the clarification. My point is that, by supporting Ukraine with materiel aid now, we are reducing the chances that we would have to go to war with Russia in the near future. The UAF is bleeding the Russian military dry using Western weapons systems. A weaker Russian military reduces the threat of invasion to its neighbors. Conversely, I think allowing Putin to conquer Ukraine by withholding military aid would actually increase the chances of a war between the USA and Russia for reasons I've outlined in previous posts (some of which I will reiterate here).
I mean look at how the world is slowly changing it's attitude regarding Israel and it's war against Hamas, first it was do what you need to do to retaliate, now it's become you need to find a ceasefire agreement ASAP.
I think this is a function of worldwide discomfort with the disproportionate civilian casualties Israel's military operations v. Hamas are generating, more than anything else. If Israel's "self-defense" operations in Gaza hadn't killed something in the neighborhood of 35,000 civilians, I don't think there would be nearly as much diplomatic pressure on them to negotiate/accept a cease-fire.
Furthermore, the argument that the West would not fight for Latvia or Estonia is erroneous due to both members being in NATO and any hesitation/refusal to intervene would basically destroy the entire purpose of Article 5.
I don't disagree with this point. My point is about perception and how an expansionist tyrant (Putin) would perceive NATO's failure to support Ukraine after a full-scale invasion. I firmly believe that Putin would see such failure as evidence of a lack of willpower on the part of NATO to go to war to defend a former SSR (applicable to the Baltic States). I'm basing this on Putin's psych profile and past behavior (the best indicator of future actions), as well as the historical parallels- namely the consequences of Great Britain and France failing to use military force in response to Hitler's invasion of Czechoslovakia. As a result of this failure of resolve, the German dictator concluded that England and France would not go to war on behalf of Poland despite their public declarations to the contrary. As the infamous "Sitzkrieg" (Phony War) that followed Poland's partition showed, he was essentially correct.
And finally, as I stated even if Putin wins in Ukraine, I don't see the Ukrainian Resistance just trowing their hands up and walking away. I see it like the Taliban/Iraqi forces that drove our (the US) "F'ing nuts" with the constant roadside attacks, etc. I see them doing just the same to any Russian "Liberators" until their military/political leadership has had enough and withdraws (even just to save face) like they did in Afghanistan 1989.
I agree with you on this point, but I don't think this scenario would make Poland and the Baltics any safer than the current status quo. A long, bloody guerilla war in Ukraine would destabilize the region even more so than it is destabilized now. For one, Eastern European NATO members would be inundated with millions more Ukrainian refugees. This would create economic, social, and political turmoil in those countries, greater than we've already seen. Furthermore, if Russia believed that Ukrainian partisans were receiving military aid (even just small arms and LAWs) from across the border with Poland et al, it would put those countries in greater danger from Russian aggression than they are in now. That is because Russian forces would presumably be at that border trying to stop said weapons shipments. Consequently, the potential for Russian military clashes with Polish forces would be much, much greater than they are now.
In conclusion, absent Putin declaring an end to his "special military operation" in Ukraine or coming to the negotiating table in good faith, I firmly believe that giving the UAF military aid that it requests (short of direct NATO intervention, of course) makes Europe safer than not aiding the UAF would.
09-06-2024, 07:03 PM
I don't disagree with this point. My point is about perception and how an expansionist tyrant (Putin) would perceive NATO's failure to support Ukraine after a full-scale invasion. I firmly believe that Putin would see such failure as evidence of a lack of willpower on the part of NATO to go to war to defend a former SSR (applicable to the Baltic States). I'm basing this on Putin's psych profile and past behavior (the best indicator of future actions), as well as the historical parallels- namely the consequences of Great Britain and France failing to use military force in response to Hitler's invasion of Czechoslovakia. As a result of this failure of resolve, the German dictator concluded that England and France would not go to war on behalf of Poland despite their public declarations to the contrary. As the infamous "Sitzkrieg" (Phony War) that followed Poland's partition showed, he was essentially correct.
What ever we say about Hitler's delusional mindset, due to the 1930's Germans being the first masters of Combined arms maneuver warfare, their bite was at bad as their bark. Even if Putin is delusional, he knows his own forces are limited.
I feel Putin is first and foremost a survivor and I don't see him betting his life again on the capabilities of the Russian armed forces.
Thinking that Putin will feel emboldened to risk invoking Article 5 after:
The absolutely pitiful attempt to defeat a force literally 10 times less capable than NATO would be
Using his own force that is, at a minimum, 50% less capable than when the war started
is folly IMHO.
Even with a decade to recover Russia would not be able to defeat just Poland (with them getting the cream of the crop equipment from the US and ROK). The reason Putin is not backing down now, is to prevent his own downfall. Even if he "wins" his current conflict, his tempting fate by attacking a Polarbear (NATO) when he just barely eked out a bloody victory against a Coyote (Ukraine) means he is in jeopardy of losing everything again with even slimmer odds of survival (the most important factor to him).
I personally think if Putin ordered his generals to move into the Baltic states while NATO still exists, the command staff would realize if NATO came back with full force their remaining lifespan could be measured with an hourglass.
Prigozhin made it over 50% of the way to Moscow. There would not be much to stop these generals for making it there.
I want Russia defeated in Ukraine. I want all NATO members to take defense seriously and spend at least the 2% "required". I particularly want Germany who is limited in the number of armed forces it can deploy due to the reunification agreement, to make a super elite force befitting of their military history. But I don't like getting there via fear of something I don't feel is likely at all.
09-06-2024, 08:21 PM
I'm very much enjoying reading everyone's analyses of the situation, and the cordial nature of the conversation. I agree with the views expressed that much of Putin's decision making at the moment is focused on his political and personal survival.
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Australia's non-commercial, government funded media organisation) recently got a couple of journalists across the border from Ukraine and into Russia. The Ukrainian unit they were with told them they could talk to whoever they wanted and record whatever they wanted, as long as it didn't reveal Ukrainian positions. The Ukrainians also said they would not seek to censor any of the ABC's reporting. The ABC's interviews with the Russians they spoke to in the occupied zone were very interesting. Quite a few really, really didn't like Putin. And considering they were under armed occupation, they didn't seem as upset with the Ukrainians as you might expect.
Several mentioned that the Russian forces in the area made no effort to help them at all as they withdrew (apparently the Russian conscripts right at the border surrendered en masse as soon as the shooting started, and the rest left quickly), but the Ukrainians had been supplying the civilians left behind with food and medicine.
09-06-2024, 11:27 PM
I feel Putin is first and foremost a survivor and I don't see him betting his life again on the capabilities of the Russian armed forces.
Thinking that Putin will feel emboldened to risk invoking Article 5 after:
The absolutely pitiful attempt to defeat a force literally 10 times less capable than NATO would be
Using his own force that is, at a minimum, 50% less capable than when the war started
is folly IMHO.
I totally agree with this assessment. The point that I've been trying to make (not well, apparently), is that if the West had not supplied Ukraine with significant military aid in the first six months or so after the 2022 invasion, and Putin had been able to engineer the conquest of Ukraine in the next year or two, that Europe would be much less safe than it is now because Putin would have been emboldened by his success, and NATO would have painted itself as timid and weak. My second main argument is that providing Ukraine with the weapons it needs is the right call, as far as US foreign interests are concerned. From the recent uptick in European defense spending and the expansion of NATO to include two nations that had maintained non-aligned status throughout the entirety of the first Cold War, it would seem that said policy is widely seen in Europe as being in its constituents' best interests as well. To put it another way, I think failure/refusal to provide Ukraine with military aid would not have been in NATO's interests.
@Targan: That's interesting. It's really difficult, IMHO, to get an accurate sense of Russian public opinion re Putin and/or the war. In the early days of the conflict, the Western media were rather sanguine in their assessments of opposition to the regime and its military adventurism. In the last year or so, I've read a couple of credible news pieces* that suggest that public support for the war in Russia is much broader and stronger than we'd been led to believe.
*One in particular that I really wish I'd shared here at the time, and that I can't find now.
The war in Ukraine is pretty much the only ongoing news story that I follow closely any more (I find American politics to be too frustrating/depressing). Apart from my fascination with various historical military conflicts, I've never been so invested in a war [occurring during my lifetime] that doesn't directly involve US forces. Russia is clearly the bad guy here. I'm pulling for the white hats, and I think the US gov't should too (regardless of which party predominates at any given time).
Slava Ukraini!
09-07-2024, 03:09 AM
I totally agree with this assessment. The point that I've been trying to make (not well, apparently), is that if the West had not supplied Ukraine with significant military aid in the first six months or so after the 2022 invasion, and Putin had been able to engineer the conquest of Ukraine in the next year or two, that Europe would be much less safe than it is now because Putin would have been emboldened by his success, and NATO would have painted itself as timid and weak. My second main argument is that providing Ukraine with the weapons it needs is the right call, as far as US foreign interests are concerned. From the recent uptick in European defense spending and the expansion of NATO to include two nations that had maintained non-aligned status throughout the entirety of the first Cold War, it would seem that said policy is widely seen in Europe as being in its constituents' best interests as well. To put it another way, I think failure/refusal to provide Ukraine with military aid would not have been in NATO's interests.
Slava Ukraini!
I think we are in total agreement then. The first 6 months was totally logical for the US particularly given how much of the ordinance was sitting on shelves waiting to be destroyed as it was nearing its "Best use by" date. Now that we have depleted our stocks, while it is still the right thing to do, the costs of new production make it a little less clear.
I want the US to support Ukraine, but I want Europe to do more as even if a non Russian Ukraine is in US interests, this should be more of their fight as the refugee issue you mentioned effects them more directly.
Germany is my biggest sticking point. After hostilities began they could have moved harder into using US and Qatari supplied LNG, instead of continuing, to this day, to directly fund the Russian war effort. If this is truly a European war of survival, Germany should be more willing to make more sacrifices. I know the gas from the US can be up to 10 times more expensive than the extremely cheap Russian gas but we could cut that cash flow entirely, thus saving more Ukrainian lives.
For all of this millennium Germany (the worlds 3rd largest economy) felt it could slash its military effectiveness by coasting under the US defense umbrella and made energy deals that truly emboldened Putin (including shutting down their nuclear plants at least partially due to cheap Russian gas). It annoys me. Not so much I want to abandon the good people of Ukraine, but opening our checkbook would be easier if I felt Germany was reaping more of what they had sown.
Getting back on topic of this thread. Who in 1984 would have thought a reunited Germany would only have three divisions in 2022, none of which would be combat effective without a 3 month ramp up, and even that timeline is debatable.
Nowhere Man 1966
09-08-2024, 06:26 PM
The "access anywhere in the world" is just describing a dial-up modem. Modems were pretty amazing despite their downsides. You could make a phone call, even with an acoustic coupler on a pay phone, and connect to other systems hooked to phone lines and communicate digitally.
The ~24 year projection in Dark Conspiracy was positing that phone connectivity and thus the reach of modems would increase, not envisioning dedicated IP data networks. DC was released even before consumer access to the Internet was even a thing.
Good points. I remember even in the 1970's and before, you could buy cups to put on the phone receiver and hook it to you modem's acoustic coupler. Dark Conspiracy it basically the tech level of 1990's taken to a higher limit.
Nowhere Man 1966
09-08-2024, 06:31 PM
The problem is, Russia was/is a mafia state. The realistic post-USSR choices for Russia were either an extremely corrupt democracy or a return to autocracy of some form. From a Russian perspective, the US and the West used and abused Russia even when Russia acted in good faith (like after Sep 11). Then again, the US isn't forcing countries to join NATO. That kind of thing happens when you invade your neighbors and murder and rape their civilians.
The ironic thing is, the US and Russia share many of the same geopolitical threats (China, radical Islam), and Russia is under much more of a direct threat from both.
Point taken. Not sure how we can get them to the peace table, but I think really when we had Yeltsin in power, we did lose some opportunity to work with them somehow. Maybe if we did somehow we could have avoided Putin, I do not know. There are some differences between the West and Russia, but I think overall we share a lot of the same values and have similar enemies and potential enemies.
Nowhere Man 1966
09-08-2024, 06:48 PM
I think we are in total agreement then. The first 6 months was totally logical for the US particularly given how much of the ordinance was sitting on shelves waiting to be destroyed as it was nearing its "Best use by" date. Now that we have depleted our stocks, while it is still the right thing to do, the costs of new production make it a little less clear.
I want the US to support Ukraine, but I want Europe to do more as even if a non Russian Ukraine is in US interests, this should be more of their fight as the refugee issue you mentioned effects them more directly.
Germany is my biggest sticking point. After hostilities began they could have moved harder into using US and Qatari supplied LNG, instead of continuing, to this day, to directly fund the Russian war effort. If this is truly a European war of survival, Germany should be more willing to make more sacrifices. I know the gas from the US can be up to 10 times more expensive than the extremely cheap Russian gas but we could cut that cash flow entirely, thus saving more Ukrainian lives.
For all of this millennium Germany (the worlds 3rd largest economy) felt it could slash its military effectiveness by coasting under the US defense umbrella and made energy deals that truly emboldened Putin (including shutting down their nuclear plants at least partially due to cheap Russian gas). It annoys me. Not so much I want to abandon the good people of Ukraine, but opening our checkbook would be easier if I felt Germany was reaping more of what they had sown.
Getting back on topic of this thread. Who in 1984 would have thought a reunited Germany would only have three divisions in 2022, none of which would be combat effective without a 3 month ramp up, and even that timeline is debatable.
I do agree with you that Europe should support the effort more especially Germany. If Germany needs oil, maybe the Brits can offer them a deal as well for North Sea crude, I don't know, I'm not a petroleum engineer but just a thought. I'm still not quite on board with the US supporting almost everything in the Ukraine but if it has to be, we need to have the rest of NATO members pony up more. Still, a big concern is where if all members are willing and strong enough mentally as well as physically to do this. It's like the Vietnam War, the US and allies were strong enough physically but we were not as willing and without that will, gusto if I may, it does not matter how much or little stuff you have in your forces. That's why I'm am not too strong with support, I just think we have too many weaknesses right now from the leadership on down. I do believe we have enough hardware but without the "software," it would fail. You rightly pointed out that Germany is the worst, they bought into a mindset that cripples their thought processes and that really made them weak. I just don't want things to snowball out of control to the point where bad decisions end up taking us into Twilight: 2025.
09-08-2024, 07:19 PM
Times have really changed. Back in the mid-to-late 1980s, it seemed like the only way that the Cold War would end was in nuclear Armageddon (worst case) or, in the best case, a Red Storm Rising type conventional war scenario that would see NATO triumphant. As it turned out, the end was a lot less spectacular (thank heaven). Subsequently, for a little over a decade, it seemed like the West no longer had anything to fear from Russia.
And now here were are, in the midst of a new, even more complicated Cold War. Several former SSRs are now NATO members. Several former SSRs, and former Warsaw Pact members, now belong to NATO. Poland, the original setting of T2k, is a full NATO member that has just concluded a deal to purchase one of the USA's most advanced conventional weapons systems, the F-35 (check out the cool promo pics in the linked article).
Even perennially neutral Sweden is now a NATO member.
Today Russia, rather than the USSR, plays the role of NATO's major antagonist. Its government is yet again a one-party state led by an anti-democratic dictator. During the Cold War, a Soviet attack on Free Europe was a major fear, one that the USA's government and military-industrial complex were dedicated to preventing (or stopping, should deterrence fail). Two-and-a-half years ago, Russia launched an unprovoked invasion of its democratic neighbor, former SSR, Ukraine.
In the USA, the once markedly more hawkish-on-Russia political party is now more sympathetic to the oppressive, imperialistic Russian government than to its fellow democracies, so much so that many American office-holders (and candidates) wish to stop aiding Ukraine, thereby appeasing the Russian dictator. In 1984, this would have been unthinkable, except perhaps in a Superfriends episode featuring Bizzarro World. It's still hard to believe that this is the way things are now.
What else would the inhabitants of 1984 be shocked to learn about the present day?
For those who followed defense policy in the US, that the U.S. Army is now only ten divisions effectively, down from 16 during the height of the Cold War.
That virtually all NATO members (not merely Germany and France) suspended or abolished conscription AND drastically slashed personnel-to the point where many can only field a brigade (if they're lucky) and have minimal supply/ordnance stockpiles.
Virtually all U.S. Army Reserve combat units are long gone.
The nearly 600 ship U.S. Navy is effectively halved.
The megaton range nuclear ordnance (on both sides) is gone or mothballed-replaced (mostly) by smaller weapons.
The miniaturization and (relatively) low cost of advanced electronics-computers, cellular phones, the IPod, and the like.
The U.S. Army 10th Mountain and 25th Light Infantry Divisions still exist while the 7th and 9th Light Motorized were killed and inactivated.
The round-out/round-up ARNG concept of pairing two active brigades and having a Naional Guard brigade to bring them up to strength is effectively gone.
There are doubtlessly many others that I have missed-those are just some highlights in my mind.
09-10-2024, 11:08 AM
After reading your comments regarding Germany - sorry, but I am laughing.
Long ago I wrote a satire exactly about that and as I dont know if this will derail this thread I will post the relevant part if you agree.
And to the war: (and yes, I am the pessimist)
In regard to war you need two things: manpower and willpower.
The West has neither.
(I apologize for the cold language)
Compare - for instance - 1800 to today.
Back then every country had a childfactor of 4 or more (4 children born per family. And you need 2,1 to keep the number of population)
And then the countries could go to war, lose a few tenthousand or more (Napoleon anybody with about 800.000 death in Russia alone on both sides combined) and still have a population growth.
Today any NATO country has a childfactor of 1,5 or worse. So, losing people is bad, because we have no replacement, no security margin. We are barebones.
Or does anybody think that - if we enter the war - we will have no casualties?
We dont have it.
Remember Syria? One red line after another. Not one politician willing to pull the trigger. Just imagine that after having crossed the line of using a chemical weapon Assad would have been given a wake up call by a nuclear weapon detonated close (BUT far enough away to cause NO damage!!) to the coast of Syria.
And look at the state our weaponsindustry is in. According to a news in todays msn (based upon a report in the NZZ) even if Germany would spend every year the required 2% it will take about 40-100 years to bring back the military power of 2000.
For tanks it will be till 2066 to reach the numbers we had in 2004
We made the mistake of destroying our equipment and downsizing our productioncapabilities. Russia did not.
We may say thanks to our politicians for that.
09-10-2024, 11:57 AM
There is much wisdom in what you say.
One nit pick
Today any NATO country has a childfactor of 1,5 or worse.
Currently (2022) the the 4 most powerful forces in NATO are above 1.5
UK 1.6
France 1.7
US 1.7
Turkey 1.8
I believe the only others are Bulgaria 1.6 and Romania 1.8 but how much value would they provide.
And look at the state our weaponsindustry is in. According to a news in todays msn (based upon a report in the NZZ) even if Germany would spend every year the required 2% it will take about 40-100 years to bring back the military power of 2000.
For tanks it will be till 2066 to reach the numbers we had in 2004
This is why I would like to see more. 2% is the minimum. If this is, as I have been told, really a clash of cultures which will effect the course of the continent, maybe up it to 3 or 4.
Personally I feel Russia's own demographics crash (1.4), while pulling (and the Ukrainians killing) so many soldiers from districts that generated above average population growth, makes this Russia's last hurrah (without self destructing). Even so if other NATO countries make conscious decisions not to do anything serious for their own defense, I can see more and more Americans not seeing the value in shouldering such a great percentage of costs of maintaining NATO's defensive strength.
09-10-2024, 01:47 PM
After reading your comments regarding Germany - sorry, but I am laughing.
Long ago I wrote a satire exactly about that and as I dont know if this will derail this thread I will post the relevant part if you agree.
And to the war: (and yes, I am the pessimist)
In regard to war you need two things: manpower and willpower.
The West has neither.
(I apologize for the cold language)
Compare - for instance - 1800 to today.
Back then every country had a childfactor of 4 or more (4 children born per family. And you need 2,1 to keep the number of population)
And then the countries could go to war, lose a few tenthousand or more (Napoleon anybody with about 800.000 death in Russia alone on both sides combined) and still have a population growth.
Today any NATO country has a childfactor of 1,5 or worse. So, losing people is bad, because we have no replacement, no security margin. We are barebones.
Or does anybody think that - if we enter the war - we will have no casualties?
We dont have it.
Remember Syria? One red line after another. Not one politician willing to pull the trigger. Just imagine that after having crossed the line of using a chemical weapon Assad would have been given a wake up call by a nuclear weapon detonated close (BUT far enough away to cause NO damage!!) to the coast of Syria.
And look at the state our weaponsindustry is in. According to a news in todays msn (based upon a report in the NZZ) even if Germany would spend every year the required 2% it will take about 40-100 years to bring back the military power of 2000.
For tanks it will be till 2066 to reach the numbers we had in 2004
We made the mistake of destroying our equipment and downsizing our productioncapabilities. Russia did not.
We may say thanks to our politicians for that.
Within the next 10 years, probably within the next 5, you will have autonomous drone swarms deployed by the US and China, at a minimum, that will simultaneously deploy thousands to tends of thousands of drones into a combat zone to search and destroy any militarily valuable asset in a wide footprint. Ballistic missiles will be used to deploy drone swarms thousands of miles away.
The value of everything that is not a drone is fading rapidly, including manpower.
09-11-2024, 09:45 AM
Hopefully, this is a link
Frank Chadwick was speaking at a convention in 2011, about Striker (sci-fi minis game linked to Traveller) and the technological changes he did or didn't see coming between 1981 and 2011. I think that can speak to some tech changes we and GDW didn't predict from 1984 to now, either.
For myself, aged 16 in 1984, I think I vaguely thought that the USSR might collapse, but with no thought as to timeline. I was reading Russian, Polish, and Soviet history as much as I could, as well as military history, and wargaming what I could find.
09-13-2024, 08:19 AM
Within the next 10 years, probably within the next 5, you will have autonomous drone swarms deployed by the US and China, at a minimum, that will simultaneously deploy thousands to tends of thousands of drones into a combat zone to search and destroy any militarily valuable asset in a wide footprint. Ballistic missiles will be used to deploy drone swarms thousands of miles away.
The value of everything that is not a drone is fading rapidly, including manpower.
You may be right, but if you look at the current technology:
Who has functioning Hypersonicmissiles and deploys them?
If the media is to be believed (and yes, I am aware that the military doesnt tell us all) the USA is years if not decades behind Russia and China.
And to the drone swarms:
Do we even have the production capabilities to do so?
I dont want to sound conspiracy theorists but every chip from China is a potentially hole to hack them. So, we would need an entire industrial setup here in the west. And it would be best if every country has a factory or two of its own.
And yes, we should standarsize them. Find a body where you can fit multiple types of engines, armor and weaponsload and then every country can build their own drones.
A german unit finds a french drone with a damaged engine: put a german engine in it and use it.
But the greatest threat I see is Electronic Warfare. How do we make sure that our drones are not hacked?
According to WELT (german newspaper) Germany is under relentless assault (but below war threshold) by other states. And some attacks can be followed to Russia and China. But also other countries. And it is hinted that some of those other countries are NATO members, industrial espionage somebody?
So, do we have the Cyberwarfare capabilities against hacking and why do we hurt each other?
09-13-2024, 03:16 PM
You may be right, but if you look at the current technology:
Who has functioning Hypersonicmissiles and deploys them?
If the media is to be believed (and yes, I am aware that the military doesnt tell us all) the USA is years if not decades behind Russia and China.
And to the drone swarms:
Do we even have the production capabilities to do so?
I dont want to sound conspiracy theorists but every chip from China is a potentially hole to hack them. So, we would need an entire industrial setup here in the west. And it would be best if every country has a factory or two of its own.
And yes, we should standarsize them. Find a body where you can fit multiple types of engines, armor and weaponsload and then every country can build their own drones.
A german unit finds a french drone with a damaged engine: put a german engine in it and use it.
But the greatest threat I see is Electronic Warfare. How do we make sure that our drones are not hacked?
According to WELT (german newspaper) Germany is under relentless assault (but below war threshold) by other states. And some attacks can be followed to Russia and China. But also other countries. And it is hinted that some of those other countries are NATO members, industrial espionage somebody?
So, do we have the Cyberwarfare capabilities against hacking and why do we hurt each other?
I don't think hypersonics do anything that other platforms don't already do..they might do it better/faster, but they certainly don't do it cheaper.
Drones / loitering munitions lowered the cost of "smart munitions" with a high PKILL from millions of dollars (Tomahawk ALCM) to tens of thousands of dollars (JDAM) to hundreds of dollars (for the really cheap ones) and have inverted the cost to countermeasure cost curve. For example, a hypersonic cruise missile probably isn't any cheaper than a PAC-2 Patriot. A current production run FIM-92 Stinger is a tad under $500,000 per missile/launcher unit. A Switchblade 300 (on the very high cost side of suicide drones) runs about $50,000 per unit. So, you are losing money shooting down a Switchblade 300 with a FIM-92, and you are losing a LOT of money shooting down a $500 DIY suicide drone that HAMAS or the Houthis are launching. The only real cost argument for shooting down $300 drones with $50,000 missiles is it's probably cheaper than losing whatever the drone is targeting.
US munitions production capacity has really taken a hit over the last 20 years though. It is a fair point on whether or not we have the relevant industrial capacity to sustain a high tempo war for very long.
09-13-2024, 04:12 PM
I don't think hypersonics do anything that other platforms don't already do..they might do it better/faster, but they certainly don't do it cheaper.
Drones / loitering munitions lowered the cost of "smart munitions" with a high PKILL from millions of dollars (Tomahawk ALCM) to tens of thousands of dollars (JDAM) to hundreds of dollars (for the really cheap ones) and have inverted the cost to countermeasure cost curve. For example, a hypersonic cruise missile probably isn't any cheaper than a PAC-2 Patriot. A current production run FIM-92 Stinger is a tad under $500,000 per missile/launcher unit. A Switchblade 300 (on the very high cost side of suicide drones) runs about $50,000 per unit. So, you are losing money shooting down a Switchblade 300 with a FIM-92, and you are losing a LOT of money shooting down a $500 DIY suicide drone that HAMAS or the Houthis are launching. The only real cost argument for shooting down $300 drones with $50,000 missiles is it's probably cheaper than losing whatever the drone is targeting.
US munitions production capacity has really taken a hit over the last 20 years though. It is a fair point on whether or not we have the relevant industrial capacity to sustain a high tempo war for very long.
I do agree with you. Thats why it should be imperative to re-build the capacity of ammunition production.
And to the costs of shooting done drones: What if we use drones to shoot done drones?
If they attack with cheap drones: Two can play that game.
But using drones in this capacity would need a lot more computing power to control all of them.
I saw a trailer for a PC game: Ghost Recon Breakpoint
Could we control such a drone swarm?
Nowhere Man 1966
09-14-2024, 03:23 PM
After reading your comments regarding Germany - sorry, but I am laughing.
Long ago I wrote a satire exactly about that and as I dont know if this will derail this thread I will post the relevant part if you agree.
And to the war: (and yes, I am the pessimist)
In regard to war you need two things: manpower and willpower.
The West has neither.
(I apologize for the cold language)
Compare - for instance - 1800 to today.
Back then every country had a childfactor of 4 or more (4 children born per family. And you need 2,1 to keep the number of population)
And then the countries could go to war, lose a few tenthousand or more (Napoleon anybody with about 800.000 death in Russia alone on both sides combined) and still have a population growth.
Today any NATO country has a childfactor of 1,5 or worse. So, losing people is bad, because we have no replacement, no security margin. We are barebones.
Or does anybody think that - if we enter the war - we will have no casualties?
We dont have it.
Remember Syria? One red line after another. Not one politician willing to pull the trigger. Just imagine that after having crossed the line of using a chemical weapon Assad would have been given a wake up call by a nuclear weapon detonated close (BUT far enough away to cause NO damage!!) to the coast of Syria.
And look at the state our weaponsindustry is in. According to a news in todays msn (based upon a report in the NZZ) even if Germany would spend every year the required 2% it will take about 40-100 years to bring back the military power of 2000.
For tanks it will be till 2066 to reach the numbers we had in 2004
We made the mistake of destroying our equipment and downsizing our productioncapabilities. Russia did not.
We may say thanks to our politicians for that.
Sad but true. Russia did good things by keeping their older model weapons mothballed, the thinking is that if there was a war and they lose all the best modern equipment as well as weaken their enemy, they would still have plenty of T-34's, 55's and 62's to run roughshod over the enemy. Even so, they are facing their own manpower problem. if you lack manpower and equipment and you are threatened to by overrun or lose, the only equalizers are nukes and chemical weapons, especially the former. I'm a bit of a pessimist myself, if I could start it, I'd be president of the "Pittsburgh Pessimist Society. " ;) Without going too deep in politics we exhibit poor leadership in the West with a few exceptions,
I might sound a bit cold myself, but I'm afraid Osama Bin Ladin was correct where he said that people respect, follow, admire, whatever, a "Strong horse" over a "weak (or dead) horse." Putin is a vile person, don't get me wrong, but he is more of a strong horse or at least stronger than what we have in the West, although I think he wheels might be starting to come off
I was thinking about this as I was going through my 1980's era textbook on psychology when I had that class in 1985/86 as a college freshman. I kept it because ity had a lot of good articles, especially on Charles Manson and Malcom X (aka Little). As good guys, we are bound by basic morals and ethics where we cannot use evil or bad methods to appeal and manipulate people and evens, even if we are a strong horse. Dictators, psychopaths, terrorists, etc., are not bound by that so they use anything and everything over and underhanded to manipulate and control people and events or at least try to. Manson, Putin and Bin Ladin are these types of people to one degree or another. Same with criminals like Ted Bundy, David Berkowitz and people who do Ponzi schemes and so forth.
I do understand the objections to my hope of getting all parties to the peace table. How to do it is the $64,000 question. Still we must try. We need somehow to deal with Putin and throw him a bone, just a bone, but not cave in to him. Like it or not, we have the deal, he is their PResident but he won't be in forever and we need to hope the next guy or gal will be a strong horse but with much better morals and ethics. I still believe we lost a lot of opportunity to get Russia more to our side in the 1990's but again who really knows, playing "what if" is a tough game.
You need three things to fight a war, manpower, willpower and weapons. We lack all three, but the most important is willpower, if you don't hav e that, the other two really do not matter much.
Nowhere Man 1966
09-14-2024, 03:32 PM
There is much wisdom in what you say.
One nit pick
Currently (2022) the the 4 most powerful forces in NATO are above 1.5
UK 1.6
France 1.7
US 1.7
Turkey 1.8
I believe the only others are Bulgaria 1.6 and Romania 1.8 but how much value would they provide.
This is why I would like to see more. 2% is the minimum. If this is, as I have been told, really a clash of cultures which will effect the course of the continent, maybe up it to 3 or 4.
Personally I feel Russia's own demographics crash (1.4), while pulling (and the Ukrainians killing) so many soldiers from districts that generated above average population growth, makes this Russia's last hurrah (without self destructing). Even so if other NATO countries make conscious decisions not to do anything serious for their own defense, I can see more and more Americans not seeing the value in shouldering such a great percentage of costs of maintaining NATO's defensive strength.
Agreed. One interesting thing that during the Cold WAr, Romania's Nicolae Ceaușescu had his own "Lebensborn" type program to encourage large families as well as basically forcing couples just to make children. I work in Medicaid dental insurance taking calls and I talked to ne of those babies who was born under that program in 1984. She was shocked on how an American would know this.
I think at some point the downward trend in population will reverse, how, when an d why, I can't say. My guess is that the "powers that may be" of countries will encourage large families to fill the demand for labor, military and so forth. West Germany had "Kindergeld," Child Money to encourage growth but it did not quit work. I think for that to work, you need a more desperate situation.
The ideal population is 2.1 kids per family, weak growth as well as the 0.1 being there to replace losses of early child death due to things like auto wrecks and cancers.
Nowhere Man 1966
09-14-2024, 03:37 PM
Hopefully, this is a link
Frank Chadwick was speaking at a convention in 2011, about Striker (sci-fi minis game linked to Traveller) and the technological changes he did or didn't see coming between 1981 and 2011. I think that can speak to some tech changes we and GDW didn't predict from 1984 to now, either.
For myself, aged 16 in 1984, I think I vaguely thought that the USSR might collapse, but with no thought as to timeline. I was reading Russian, Polish, and Soviet history as much as I could, as well as military history, and wargaming what I could find.
I was 17/18 in 1984 and I thought the same thing about the USSR and the Warsaw Pact but our consensus was that it would last until 2020 or 2025, not much beyond that.
TEch, my guess then if I had to remember my 1984 self is that by now, we'd have PC's that would be much like a Pentium II or III with 32 or 64 megabytes and we'd still be using modems and/or things like Compuserve, Prodigy, AOL, etc. Fidonet would still be king, the electronic BBS Pony Express.
09-17-2024, 09:48 AM
As good guys, we are bound by basic morals and ethics where we cannot use evil or bad methods to appeal and manipulate people and evens, even if we are a strong horse. Dictators, psychopaths, terrorists, etc., are not bound by that so they use anything and everything over and underhanded to manipulate and control people and events or at least try to. Manson, Putin and Bin Ladin are these types of people to one degree or another. Same with criminals like Ted Bundy, David Berkowitz and people who do Ponzi schemes and so forth.
I do understand the objections to my hope of getting all parties to the peace table. How to do it is the $64,000 question. Still we must try. We need somehow to deal with Putin and throw him a bone, just a bone, but not cave in to him. Like it or not, we have the deal, he is their PResident but he won't be in forever and we need to hope the next guy or gal will be a strong horse but with much better morals and ethics. I still believe we lost a lot of opportunity to get Russia more to our side in the 1990's but again who really knows, playing "what if" is a tough game.
You need three things to fight a war, manpower, willpower and weapons. We lack all three, but the most important is willpower, if you don't hav e that, the other two really do not matter much.
I copied only a part off your answer. And I do disagree with you regarding the first part.
1) If it is true what you say (Good guys are bound by rules) then why do we have in wikipedia entries like Allied warcrimes?
Shouldnt allied soldiers after receiving such orders (Chuck Yeager wrote in his book that he received such orders) told their CO to forget it and not execute those orders? Or they would go their superior officers to file charges against their fellow soldiers if they commit warcrimes?
There is a latin law principle that states that one injustice doesnt legalize another injustice.
And why were they excempt from prosecution? To give you one example: A german who was in the Bad Nenndorf interrogation centre had to file charges in London because german judges are forbidden from prosecuting allied soldiers.
2) If you want to get Putin to come to a peace agreement then I think the only way is 100% truth. Nothing more, nothing less.
I looked around the internet and found the following:
Ukraine had an elected government but that was ousted by a revolution, e.g. therefore the new government was not elected and therefore illegal.
There was a treaty signed but according to a statement by Ms Merkel, then chancellor of Germany, it was meant as a way to buy time for re-armarment of Ukraine.
Sources: (and they are not Putin-friendly pages)
Quote: "das Abkommen von 2014 sei unterzeichnet worden, um der Ukraine "Zeit zu geben", und Kiew habe die Zeit genutzt, "um stärker zu werden"
The treaty of 2014 was signed to give Ukraine time and Kiev used this time to get stronger.
Quote: "2015 hätte Putin die Ukraine leicht erobern können, die Nato-Länder aber hätten kaum so viel tun können, um der Ukraine zu helfen, wie sie es jetzt täten. „Angela Merkel hat recht in diesem Punkt“, erklärte später Hollande dem „Kyiv Independent“: „Die Minsker Vereinbarungen stoppten die russische Offensive für eine Weile."
Putin could have easily taken the Ukraine in 2015 and the NATO countries couldnt have much done to help Ukraine as they could do now. Angela Merkel was right said Hollande (former french prime minister) to the newspaper Kiev Independant. The Minsk agreement stopped the russian offensive for a while.
In the areas now occupied by Russia the current government of Ukraine forbade the use of russian language and a short time ago they declared the orthodox church to be illegal.
Can you imagine that the US government would forbid the Amish to use their language Pennsylvania Dutch, Swiss German and not be attacked? Or if they forbade their religion?
If I bring up this points I am always directly accused of being a Putin sympathizer. If wanting to know the entire truth, nothing but the truth and only the truth - then so be it. But I want to state these points and ask: "Are they the truth - yes or no?".
And to the last point - willpower- I agree with you.
09-17-2024, 11:25 AM
I copied only a part off your answer. And I do disagree with you regarding the first part.
1) If it is true what you say (Good guys are bound by rules) then why do we have in wikipedia entries like Allied warcrimes?
Shouldnt allied soldiers after receiving such orders (Chuck Yeager wrote in his book that he received such orders) told their CO to forget it and not execute those orders? Or they would go their superior officers to file charges against their fellow soldiers if they commit warcrimes?
There is a latin law principle that states that one injustice doesnt legalize another injustice.
And why were they excempt from prosecution? To give you one example: A german who was in the Bad Nenndorf interrogation centre had to file charges in London because german judges are forbidden from prosecuting allied soldiers.
2) If you want to get Putin to come to a peace agreement then I think the only way is 100% truth. Nothing more, nothing less.
I looked around the internet and found the following:
Ukraine had an elected government but that was ousted by a revolution, e.g. therefore the new government was not elected and therefore illegal.
There was a treaty signed but according to a statement by Ms Merkel, then chancellor of Germany, it was meant as a way to buy time for re-armarment of Ukraine.
Sources: (and they are not Putin-friendly pages)
Quote: "das Abkommen von 2014 sei unterzeichnet worden, um der Ukraine "Zeit zu geben", und Kiew habe die Zeit genutzt, "um stärker zu werden"
The treaty of 2014 was signed to give Ukraine time and Kiev used this time to get stronger.
Quote: "2015 hätte Putin die Ukraine leicht erobern können, die Nato-Länder aber hätten kaum so viel tun können, um der Ukraine zu helfen, wie sie es jetzt täten. „Angela Merkel hat recht in diesem Punkt“, erklärte später Hollande dem „Kyiv Independent“: „Die Minsker Vereinbarungen stoppten die russische Offensive für eine Weile."
Putin could have easily taken the Ukraine in 2015 and the NATO countries couldnt have much done to help Ukraine as they could do now. Angela Merkel was right said Hollande (former french prime minister) to the newspaper Kiev Independant. The Minsk agreement stopped the russian offensive for a while.
In the areas now occupied by Russia the current government of Ukraine forbade the use of russian language and a short time ago they declared the orthodox church to be illegal.
Can you imagine that the US government would forbid the Amish to use their language Pennsylvania Dutch, Swiss German and not be attacked? Or if they forbade their religion?
If I bring up this points I am always directly accused of being a Putin sympathizer. If wanting to know the entire truth, nothing but the truth and only the truth - then so be it. But I want to state these points and ask: "Are they the truth - yes or no?".
And to the last point - willpower- I agree with you.
I am not a huge supporter of NATO's actions in Ukraine. I think we are flirting with a nuclear holocaust because our leaders think Russia won't push the button, when we've heard variously Russia threatening nuclear holocaust and that Putin has fatal cancer anyway. Seems risky.
Additionally, Ukraine is hardly a bastion of democracy. Just as corrupt and anti-democratic as Russia is.
That being said, Russia doesn't really get to claim to be the victim here when they ostensibly went in to save ethnic Russians (which is a claim, incidentally, they've used in every post USSR collapse intervention) and then massacred and raped or raped and massacred many of those same ethnic Russian civilians when their troops rolled in.
09-17-2024, 01:55 PM
If you want to get Putin to come to a peace agreement then I think the only way is 100% truth. Nothing more, nothing less.
Absolutely. Facts are equally important. Truth depends on them.
Ukraine had an elected government but that was ousted by a revolution, e.g. therefore the new government was not elected and therefore illegal.
This is false. I think you're referring to the 2014 Maidan "revolution". Those were pro-democracy protests. The Ukrainian regime at the time, led by a Russian puppet, ignored a national plebiscite that would have connected Ukraine's economy more closely to the EU than to Russia. He then brutally suppressed peaceful demonstrators in Kiev's Maidan Square. Eventually, he was driven from office (and fled to Russia, IIRC). Free elections were held in 2019.
If you're referring to the postponed 2024 Ukrainian general election, then fair point. But to be fair to Ukraine, it's very difficult to have a legitimate national election when 1/4 of your country is under hostile foreign occupation, let alone during a war for national survival.
In the areas now occupied by Russia the current government of Ukraine forbade the use of russian language and a short time ago they declared the orthodox church to be illegal.
To your first point, that was a local government initiative, in response to similar Russian laws in occupied Ukraine. AFAIK, it wasn't a national law.
To your second point, there's a little more nuance to that law than your summary suggests.
For whatever it's worth, I don't approve of either law.
However, I do think that it's worth mentioning that both of those laws were passed AFTER Russia invaded and occupied parts of Ukraine proper in 2022.
If I bring up this points I am always directly accused of being a Putin sympathizer.
I think your concerns regarding freedom of democracy, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion in Ukraine are valid, and don't necessarily mean that you are a Putin sympathizer.
I do think there's a bit of false equivalency and "what-about-ism" in a lot of pro-Russian arguments. For example,
Additionally, Ukraine is hardly a bastion of democracy. Just as corrupt and anti-democratic as Russia is.
09-17-2024, 02:03 PM
Exploding pagers?!? If this was a movie plot- today, let alone in the mid-1980s- I think a lot of people would shake their heads doubtfully and think, "yeah, right".
Besides Ian Fleming and other contemporary Cold War thriller writers, who would have thought?
09-17-2024, 02:14 PM
Additionally, Ukraine is hardly a bastion of democracy. Just as corrupt and anti-democratic as Russia is.
I'll give him the corruption (even until the early stages of the war) and maybe overall equals on democracy between 1991 and 2005, but Ukraine and Russia have been on a diverging path since the Orange Revolution. Since then I personally respect the Ukrainian direction more than the Russian.
09-17-2024, 02:28 PM
Exploding pagers?!? If this was a movie plot- today, let alone in the mid-1980s- I think a lot of people would shake their heads doubtfully and think, "yeah, right".
Besides Ian Fleming and other contemporary Cold War thriller writers, who would have thought?
Wow that is awesome
I know we are going to hear some stories about innocents injured, but man what a way to inflict maximum damage to a unit that integrates itself into civilians with the minimum risk. Actually getting ~2800 targets to put the device against their own body.
09-17-2024, 05:01 PM
Absolutely. Facts are equally important. Truth depends on them.
This is false. I think you're referring to the 2014 Maidan "revolution". Those were pro-democracy protests. The Ukrainian regime at the time, led by a Russian puppet, ignored a national plebiscite that would have connected Ukraine's economy more closely to the EU than to Russia. He then brutally suppressed peaceful demonstrators in Kiev's Maidan Square. Eventually, he was driven from office (and fled to Russia, IIRC). Free elections were held in 2019.
If you're referring to the postponed 2024 Ukrainian general election, then fair point. But to be fair to Ukraine, it's very difficult to have a legitimate national election when 1/4 of your country is under hostile foreign occupation, let alone during a war for national survival.
To your first point, that was a local government initiative, in response to similar Russian laws in occupied Ukraine. AFAIK, it wasn't a national law.
To your second point, there's a little more nuance to that law than your summary suggests.
For whatever it's worth, I don't approve of either law.
However, I do think that it's worth mentioning that both of those laws were passed AFTER Russia invaded and occupied parts of Ukraine proper in 2022.
I think your concerns regarding freedom of democracy, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion in Ukraine are valid, and don't necessarily mean that you are a Putin sympathizer.
I do think there's a bit of false equivalency and "what-about-ism" in a lot of pro-Russian arguments. For example,
Unfortunately, yes. In Russia they have fake elections, in Ukraine they just cancel the elections. Zelensky himself made the assertion recently that upwards of 70% of the military aid sent Ukraine’s way had literally been stolen. Zelensky’s domestic critics don’t seem to wind up dead from polonium in their coffee or falling out of their windows like Putin’s critics, but Ukraine the state is qualitatively not that much different than Russia. It's a corrupt mafia state run by a strongman dictator. The main difference is that Russia is the aggressor in the war and they seem to be committing far fewer war crimes than Russia. And of course the West is supporting them and together it makes them the (relatively) good guys. On the whole I have been supportive of US policy with regard to Ukraine, but I do think we were too slow to give them deep strike capability and a little too lax on controls on the money we are sending their way. Zelensky’s wife doesn’t need any more Bugatis on uS taxpayers’ dime.
Edited to add - when the initial Russian invasion stalled and the Russian invading army evaporated, there was a window where a status quo peace deal might have been reached (meaning, pre invasion border, but post 2014 borders, and no NATO entry), but the Biden admin pressured Zelensky to back off negotations. That, in hindsight, was probably the best of a bunch of negative sum choices left on the game theory board.
09-17-2024, 06:09 PM
In Russia they have fake elections, in Ukraine they just cancel the elections. Zelensky himself made the assertion recently that upwards of 70% of the military aid sent Ukraine’s way had literally been stolen. Zelensky’s domestic critics don’t seem to wind up dead from polonium in their coffee or falling out of their windows like Putin’s critics, but Ukraine the state is qualitatively not that much different than Russia. It's a corrupt mafia state run by a strongman dictator. The main difference is that Russia is the aggressor in the war and they seem to be committing far fewer war crimes than Russia. And of course the West is supporting them and together it makes them the (relatively) good guys. On the whole I have been supportive of US policy with regard to Ukraine, but I do think we were too slow to give them deep strike capability and a little too lax on controls on the money wr are sending their way. Zelensky’s wife doesn’t need any more Bugatis on uS taxpayers’ dime.
Re the canceled election, again, Ukraine is at war and 1/4 of the country is under Russian occupation. It would be very difficult to organize a national election that would be accepted- in Ukraine and/or the international community- as legitimate under these circumstances. I think it's unreasonable to expect Ukrainians to stand in line at polling places as missiles and drones rain down upon their cities and towns. I am not, however, asserting that they should not be given that opportunity, but it is somewhat understandable, if not justifiable, that under the current extenuating circumstances, a general election has been postponed.
Wartime conditions don't excuse an indefinite postponement of free and fair elections, but to liken the current political situation in Ukraine to that which has existed in Russia for the last three decades ignores some pretty significant differences.
Re corruption. Yes, Ukraine has significant corruption problems, but they were/are trying to correct them. Ukraine's eventual membership in the EU depends on reducing corruption (the EU has explicit requirements for "acceptable" and unacceptable levels of corruption in its member states). The claim that you attribute to Zelensky shows that the Ukrainian government is trying to be transparent and clean up its act. Putin, on the other hand, is the ultimate kleptocrat. The entire economic and political systems in Russia are set up to enrich him personally and keep him in power indefinitely (by also enriching his select allies). Of course, Putin would stridently deny all of this... and then censor, imprison, and/or kill anyone bold enough to call him out in public.
I agree with you that the US should do a better job assuring that its aid- monetary and materiel- ends up in the right hands. Sadly, this isn't something that we've quite figured out how to do, even though the same issues existed during our wars in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
09-21-2024, 12:31 PM
There were pagers back in 1984, right? There were definitely walkie-talkies. Do you think the T2k writers would have thought that rigging a large number of walkies to explode on command would be a realistic capability in 2024?
In the comments section of a web article on Tuesday's unprecedented pager attack, some wit dubbed the Israeli black op, "Operation Grim Beeper". Wish I'd thought of that.
Nowhere Man 1966
09-21-2024, 03:34 PM
I copied only a part off your answer. And I do disagree with you regarding the first part.
1) If it is true what you say (Good guys are bound by rules) then why do we have in wikipedia entries like Allied warcrimes?
Shouldnt allied soldiers after receiving such orders (Chuck Yeager wrote in his book that he received such orders) told their CO to forget it and not execute those orders? Or they would go their superior officers to file charges against their fellow soldiers if they commit warcrimes?
There is a latin law principle that states that one injustice doesnt legalize another injustice.
And why were they excempt from prosecution? To give you one example: A german who was in the Bad Nenndorf interrogation centre had to file charges in London because german judges are forbidden from prosecuting allied soldiers.
2) If you want to get Putin to come to a peace agreement then I think the only way is 100% truth. Nothing more, nothing less.
I looked around the internet and found the following:
Ukraine had an elected government but that was ousted by a revolution, e.g. therefore the new government was not elected and therefore illegal.
There was a treaty signed but according to a statement by Ms Merkel, then chancellor of Germany, it was meant as a way to buy time for re-armarment of Ukraine.
Sources: (and they are not Putin-friendly pages)
Quote: "das Abkommen von 2014 sei unterzeichnet worden, um der Ukraine "Zeit zu geben", und Kiew habe die Zeit genutzt, "um stärker zu werden"
The treaty of 2014 was signed to give Ukraine time and Kiev used this time to get stronger.
Quote: "2015 hätte Putin die Ukraine leicht erobern können, die Nato-Länder aber hätten kaum so viel tun können, um der Ukraine zu helfen, wie sie es jetzt täten. „Angela Merkel hat recht in diesem Punkt“, erklärte später Hollande dem „Kyiv Independent“: „Die Minsker Vereinbarungen stoppten die russische Offensive für eine Weile."
Putin could have easily taken the Ukraine in 2015 and the NATO countries couldnt have much done to help Ukraine as they could do now. Angela Merkel was right said Hollande (former french prime minister) to the newspaper Kiev Independant. The Minsk agreement stopped the russian offensive for a while.
In the areas now occupied by Russia the current government of Ukraine forbade the use of russian language and a short time ago they declared the orthodox church to be illegal.
Can you imagine that the US government would forbid the Amish to use their language Pennsylvania Dutch, Swiss German and not be attacked? Or if they forbade their religion?
If I bring up this points I am always directly accused of being a Putin sympathizer. If wanting to know the entire truth, nothing but the truth and only the truth - then so be it. But I want to state these points and ask: "Are they the truth - yes or no?".
And to the last point - willpower- I agree with you.
I do admit there are lines even the good guys do cross from time to time, the D&D alignment charts explain quite a bit as well. I think we live in a world made up of a "grey and black morality" where we are all flawed, hats of various shades of grey where most of us here would be light shades of grey. You have your evil "black hats" and for the White Hats, very few and far between. Many times no matter what actions are taken, there are consequences.
Willpower to carry on a fight, without that, the rest do not matter much. It's like President Truman had the will to drop too atomic bombs on Japan. I take no joy in that but it had to be done. I'm sure President FDR and later Truman agonized over this as well.
I'm not a Putinista either but we do need to tread lightly here and find that balance to stand up to him but not to push him in a corner either. As you pointed out the Ukraine is a grey hat too. I'd say Russia is still in the wrong for the invasion but again we can't do much about it because it is far from the US and also Russia is a nuclear power. If it was Haiti or Iran invading the Ukraine, we can be more liberal with force but to go against the #2 (or #1) nuclear power a the case maybe, we need to tread a lot more lightly.
09-22-2024, 08:23 AM
Hopefully stories like this
Vladimir Putin suffers huge military blow as 'unreliable' weapon 'explodes' in test (
make it back to Putin, to undermine his faith in his own systems.
I like most people on this board respect what even a limited nuclear exchange would mean. If Putin has lost some faith in his armed forces in the past 2 years and things like this must make it worse. Maybe that brings us back from the brink a bit.
Unrelated, it seems odd to me that new nuclear forces would be liquid fueled. Solid fueled seem to have every advantage except the technical difficulties in manufacture and immediate short term cost.
Nowhere Man 1966
09-22-2024, 12:04 PM
Hopefully stories like this
Vladimir Putin suffers huge military blow as 'unreliable' weapon 'explodes' in test (
make it back to Putin, to undermine his faith in his own systems.
I like most people on this board respect what even a limited nuclear exchange would mean. If Putin has lost some faith in his armed forces in the past 2 years and things like this must make it worse. Maybe that brings us back from the brink a bit.
Unrelated, it seems odd to me that new nuclear forces would be liquid fueled. Solid fueled seem to have every advantage except the technical difficulties in manufacture and immediate short term cost.
Yeah, I mean in things like these, I don't want to see an atomic war myself, if it happens, it happens, but we must understand our limitations to help out other nations if attacked but if it was a huge nuclear power like Russia and to a lesser extent, Red China, we need to tread lightly. I'm 58 years old, I have too many problems to deal with, an atomic war is not another I want to add to the pile. :) :p
I remember during the Cold War, many people thought the Soviet Army was unbeatable or at least seemed like supermen That is a stretch but it seems they were tougher then. They seem weaker now, I can't really call the Russian Army/Military a paper tiger, perhaps a "cardboard tiger" as compared to the 1950's to 1980's. Even so, nukes are a huge equalizer in the game and that is the trump card. NATO is in the same boat too, a shadow of it's former self.
Silent Hunter UK
10-10-2024, 04:23 PM
I don't think they'd have anticipated social media, streaming or the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Or that Tom Cruise would remain a huge movie star 40 years later.
10-11-2024, 12:18 PM
I don't think they'd have anticipated social media, streaming.
Good calls!
...or the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Or that Tom Cruise would remain a huge movie star 40 years later.
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