View Full Version : What other games are you playing.
06-23-2009, 08:45 AM
Just curious as to what other games you play to pass the time.
Right now its Navyfield.
06-23-2009, 08:46 AM
Call of Duty: World at War; Grand Theft Auto IV; Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War II.
06-23-2009, 09:36 AM
When we gather it has been many different RPG systems from Cthulu, Runequest, Vampire and most commonly Rolemaster based in Middle-Earth.
On PC, I havent found a good wargame/strat in a while - finished the latest Total War, bought an old Axis and Allies to try (used to enjoy the board game). My old favourite PC games of the past were Harpoon, Perfect General and Age of Empires (I remember enjoying sid maier stuff, civ, colonisation + gettysberg).
If anyone knows a good turn based or adjustable time based strategy wargame let me know!
06-23-2009, 09:57 AM
Grand Theft Auto IV, Fallout 3, and Hearts of Iron II.
But barely. Between family, work, playing an online T2000 game and running one myself, I've little free time.
06-23-2009, 10:16 AM
In the RPG category I play in a Harnmaster campaign which has been running for about 16 years (real time) and I run a Harnmaster campaign which has been running for about 10 years (real time).
06-23-2009, 10:34 AM
board wargame- Enemy at the Gates weekly (the old Gamers version, not yet updated to Case Blue)
Once or twice a month, either another OCS game or an 18xx train game at CABS (local boardgame mega-club).
PBEM/board wargame- Total War (playtest), Second Front + Scorched Earth, and Federation & Empire. I'll be doing more F&E at Origins starting tomorrow!
RPG- D&D 3.5 monthly.
PC/Wii/Gamecube- nothing, I let the wife & sons do that. Civ3 or RRTycoon when the mood moves me.
ADD: Star Fleet Battles once a month.
Rainbow Six
06-23-2009, 11:36 AM
I play Civilisation 2 from time to time, occasionally Command and Conquer, either the original version or Red Alert. You may have noticed that all of these games are quite old...if I find a game I like I tend to play it over and over.
06-23-2009, 04:52 PM
The "Slave to 5 Dogs" game.:p
Now, back in the day, I tried just about anything that came down to the pipe. I had a subscription to Strategy and Tactics magazine (back when it was owned by SPI), had dogfights in Airwar, played RPGs ranging from Arduin to Gamma World, was in the Society for Creative Anachronism...the list goes on and on.
I've never really played many computer games. I tried them, but I think Desert Storm spoiled their potential for me. I had to do it for real, and shooters just gave me memories I'd prefer to forget. Strangely enough, T2K doesn't do that -- possibly because of the remoteness layer that an RPG gives. I guess it's something to talk about with my therapist.
06-23-2009, 06:15 PM
I keep meaning to pick up a copy of the latest Operational Art of War PC game but its going to be tricky to convince the wife to approve of the purchase. I'd also like to take a stab at the latest in the Harpoon Series. There's no way I have time to do both, though.
I've nearly started up Conan, Traveller, and Morrow Project RPGs (PbPs) a couple of times but I've never managed to follow through on any of them.
Back in the day, I played the original Harpoon on my Mac and a little series of operational WWII battle sims called V for Victory. I also played good ol' fashioned Axis and Allies and a game in the same series called Fortress America the premise for which, now that I think of it, is strikingly similar to that of the new Twilight 2013 (as I understand it).
I also like the original Total War series of PC games. I think the original (Shogun) was my favorite (though it didn't seem fair that the Geishas almost never failed their assassination missions).
I'd love to play Call of Duty 4 (modern warfare) but, for me, FPS's trigger motion sickness...:o
06-23-2009, 06:19 PM
GMing a GURPS weird WWII game since spring 2005 (run online via chat). Most of the weirdness is not public, but it has developed an alternate history timeline partly due to PC actions. After spending most of the campaign as freelance civilians (a Shinto priest from San Francisco and archaeology/linguistics professor from the University of Chicago, with an ex-Navy pilot added recently*), they are part of the OSS and on Attu Island on June 1, 1942. They thought they were there to destroy an evil shrine but have discovered a vast underground Atlantean zoo/lab.
* I joked to the player that previous #3 PCs lasted as long as drummers in Spinal Tap
06-23-2009, 11:07 PM
For computer games my favorites involve either driving or shooting people, so GTA IV is a natch for me since I get to do both.
For RPG/Wargame its mostly a mix of occasional BattleTech pick up games and episodes of Ninjas & Superspies.
TiggerCCW UK
06-24-2009, 02:44 AM
For RPG's its a broad range, Twilight, Merc, assorted D&D versions, Cyberpunk, Flashing Blades, Cthulhu, Warhammer RPG, Star Wars and Gamma World.
Computer wise at the minute its mostly GTA 4 and Left 4 Dead on the 360. If anyone here is on x box live my gamer tag is the same as my screen name here. I also love the old Rainbo Six PC games and Janes Fleet Command.
06-24-2009, 02:45 AM
I'm currently playing in a Seventh Sea RPG, and planning to run a Twilight game when that one ends. I'm also in the early stages of planning to run an RPG over IRC, which will probably be set in the Dune universe.
Once a week, myself, my wife and two friends get together to play board games. Which one varies. Last night it was Stone Age.
06-24-2009, 07:18 AM
I forgot a great PC game that I loved - Ghost Recon and its add-ons. The engine could be tweaked for a T2K game well too if some game designer would do that, pretty please!!.
General Pain
06-24-2009, 08:01 AM
CARDS: TEXAS HOLDEM, and a norweigian card game called Drit (translates to shit)
RPGS:T2K,MERC2K, PARANOIA (been a while) , and ADD (custom rules)
General Pain
06-24-2009, 08:03 AM
I forgot a great PC game that I loved - Ghost Recon and its add-ons. The engine could be tweaked for a T2K game well too if some game designer would do that, pretty please!!.
I'd buy it.
Still waiting for someone to render the whole planet in a T2K setting
TiggerCCW UK
06-30-2009, 08:17 AM
For those of you playing GTA 4 - I finished the story missions yesterday :) just have to complete all the side missions now :) and the story missions again doing the other choices I didn't take - its a big game!
06-30-2009, 08:28 AM
For those of you playing GTA 4 - I finished the story missions yesterday :) just have to complete all the side missions now :) and the story missions again doing the other choices I didn't take - its a big game!
What platform are you playing it on? I'm having a hard time actually succeeding in some of the missions. The car racing one for instance, and going up against dozens of mafia mooks at the construction site.
TiggerCCW UK
06-30-2009, 08:55 AM
360. That construction site one is a tough one. I'd a couple of missions I got stuck on for ages. The multiplayer is great craic as well.
Jason Weiser
06-30-2009, 09:04 AM
Let's see:
On the roleplaying side: Traveller, 2300, Cyberpunk 2020 (the new ed is bleh to say the least).
Miniatures: Used to play Battletech, but I am putting it away for a while...not to mention I am less than happy with some decisions made of late. I also play historicals (WWII)/hypotheticals (aka, 3rd World War stuff) in 20mm and 1/285. The 1/285 I use Fistful of Tows, it's simpler than Command Decision and plays faster for better results in my mind. Then, there's Ambush Alley for my 20mm, with their Force On Force Rules, there's not much you CAN'T do with the rules and they run firefights really well. Games run in 3 hours or less and they're a hoot.
I also do science-fiction in 15mm and 6mm. That's influenced by a variety of sources. I use Ambush Alley, Stargrunt II and Dirtside II for that.
Boardgames: Third World War by GDW, and a real eclectic mix of stuff from GDW and other publishers. Can't remember them all off the top of my head of late...then again, am reorganizing the collection and I sold some stuff off, including my Full Thrust stuff...I wasn't using it, but one of these days, when I find a group that plays locally, I will get back into it...
Computer Games: Hard crunchy strategy games...such as Carriers at War, The Operational Art of War III, HPS's North German Plain and Danube Front, as well as War Over the Mideast. I keep meaning to get Korea '85.
For roleplaying games:
Twilight:2000, Dark Conspiracy and Traveller:The New Era. The advantages of using the same set of rules is important, especially when one usually acts as GM.
And I use GURPS for any non-modern setup. Among our players one of them is using GURPS for his own sci-fi campaign in a universe created by him.
We've luck and among the members of the two groups we have four GM, so the variety in our games is granted. Cthulhu, Mechwarrior, All flesh must be eaten...among others. We play no less than two times each month, always by night, often until dawn.
For computers games, my passion is the flight simulators since I had my first Amstrad CPC-464. I'm now with Flight Simulator 2004 and Wings over Europe. I would like to play some more modern games, but my computer would suffer and asthma attack. Then, Morrowind, Ghost Recon and others. The Total War series...and I'm currently with the tutorials of The Operationa Art of War III, thanks to some comments read in this forum.
07-01-2009, 01:20 AM
For RPG:
Twilight 2000 (modified), Dark Conspiracy, Star Wars (modified and playing on a base of about 500 palnets), AD&D (not played in years), Fulminata.
On my computer:
Star Wars (over with), Europa Universalis 2 and Hearts of Iron 2 (a highly modified version were I changed parts of the rules, most images, many equipment names and several provinces elements...), IL-2. Several others in the past.
07-07-2009, 10:38 AM
Anyone ever play Cyberpunk? I like that noir, near future, dystopian vibe (think Bladerunner) and I've read a few novels in the genre but I've never played the Cyberpunk RPG.
07-07-2009, 10:48 AM
Anyone ever play Cyberpunk? I like that noir, near future, dystopian vibe (think Bladerunner) and I've read a few novels in the genre but I've never played the Cyberpunk RPG.
I've only played it once, with a pre-generated character, too long ago to really be able to comment. My wife, however, played a few games and she didn't like it. Her comment was: "I don't like a game where you spend more time creating your character than you do playing her"
Apparently character creation is complex and time-consuming, but it's a very dangerous system, so it's not uncommon for characters to die after one or two sessions.
07-07-2009, 10:53 AM
Anyone ever play Cyberpunk? I like that noir, near future, dystopian vibe (think Bladerunner) and I've read a few novels in the genre but I've never played the Cyberpunk RPG.
I did but never liked it. I just don't like the idea that you must be "cyber".
07-08-2009, 05:37 AM
I've only played it once, with a pre-generated character, too long ago to really be able to comment. My wife, however, played a few games and she didn't like it. Her comment was: "I don't like a game where you spend more time creating your character than you do playing her"
Apparently character creation is complex and time-consuming, but it's a very dangerous system, so it's not uncommon for characters to die after one or two sessions.
Your wife certainly wouldn't like my campaign then :D We took many of the ideas in Cyberpunk's char gen system and incorporated them in Gunmaster:2000's char gen.
I own all the Cyperpunk:2020 books. And, in an amazing but incredibly time consuming labour of love, I converted the entire system to Gunmaster and ran a single, six month Gunmaster:2020 campaign. Heaps of fun.
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