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General Pain 03-24-2010 04:56 PM


sglancy12 03-27-2010 07:02 PM

10 Attachment(s)
Some images from Reign of Fire, which although it is not my idea of an apocalypse, certainly has some apocalyptic imagery.

Personally, the scene where the armored column rumbles up to the front gate of the survivors castle really is right out of TW2K. Too bad it was a movie about dragons.

A. Scott Glancy, President TCCorp, dba Pagan Publishing

Frank Frey 03-27-2010 07:10 PM


I really didn't think that much of Reign of Fire. I'm still trying to figure out how the hell they got across the Atlantic not to mention where they kept getting fuel and spare parts for all of the vehicles. Especially the helicopter. Guess I played too much T2K huh!:)

sglancy12 03-27-2010 07:19 PM

10 Attachment(s)
Here are some images from The Road Warrior.

Pretty much a classic for dressing up your marauders.

A. Scott Glancy, President TCCorp, dba Pagan Publishing

By the way, how awesome is it that the Road warrior pics were designated as #666?

sglancy12 03-27-2010 07:40 PM

10 Attachment(s)
Here are some images from Children of Men, one of the best post-apocalyptic films ever made.

A. Scott Glancy, President TCCorp, dba Pagan Publishing

StainlessSteelCynic 03-28-2010 05:15 AM

In these parts, it's not called The Road Warrior. We refer to it by it's original name.

Marc 03-29-2010 02:17 AM

Heavy metal
4 Attachment(s)

Targan 03-29-2010 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by sglancy12 (Post 20622)
Here are some images from The Road Warrior.

The Road Wuh... oh wait, you must mean Mad Max.

pmulcahy11b 03-29-2010 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by Frank Frey (Post 20619)

I really didn't think that much of Reign of Fire. I'm still trying to figure out how the hell they got across the Atlantic not to mention where they kept getting fuel and spare parts for all of the vehicles. Especially the helicopter. Guess I played too much T2K huh!:)

You improvise, adapt, overcome! And other trite sayings...

pmulcahy11b 03-29-2010 09:57 AM

A movie I thought was good, though most people seem to throw rotten tomatoes at it, was Virus -- the 1980 movie, not the newer one. It has an interesting plot, with the last survivors of humanity being in Antarctica, and throws a nuclear "war" started by automated defense systems in the US and Russia to boot. The virus also is man-made, called MM88, and accidentally let loose by a simple aircraft crash in the Alps.


General Pain 04-04-2010 01:28 AM


General Pain 04-09-2010 11:11 PM


General Pain 04-09-2010 11:16 PM


sglancy12 04-11-2010 12:48 AM

8 Attachment(s)
Another installation of Post Apocalyptic Movie Images...

Today I bring you images from Doomsday... another movie I have loads of issues with, but yet again it does have some excellent post-apocalyptic images.

A. Scott Glancy, President TCCorp, dba Pagan Publishing

pmulcahy11b 04-11-2010 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by sglancy12 (Post 21142)
Another installation of Post Apocalyptic Movie Images...

Today I bring you images from Doomsday... another movie I have loads of issues with, but yet again it does have some excellent post-apocalyptic images.

A. Scott Glancy, President TCCorp, dba Pagan Publishing

That's one of those movies that's silly if you think about it, but it's really fun to watch. And you can't go wrong with eye-candy like Rhona Mitra!

Targan 04-11-2010 02:53 AM

I haven't seen Doomsday. Is it worth watching?

pmulcahy11b 04-11-2010 05:11 AM


Originally Posted by Targan (Post 21145)
I haven't seen Doomsday. Is it worth watching?

It's not worth paying for it in a theater, but I bought it on Pay-Per-View and it was worth the $4.95.

sglancy12 04-11-2010 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Targan (Post 21145)
I haven't seen Doomsday. Is it worth watching?

If you are a post-apocalyptic completist, like me, then I guess you have to see it... much like I'm going to end up seeing The Book of Eli despite being completely turned off by the plot. I mean really...


(spoiler space)

(spoiler space)

... the LAST bible? He's carrying the LAST bible? In one generation every bible in North America is destroyed? How is that likely? Did the ICBMs home in on Hotel 6s and blow up all the Gideon Bibles? People in this country are more likely to burn their copy of Grey's Anatomy for warmth before they burn their bible.

As for Doomsday... it's got a lot of problems.

Number 1: Why is it that after the apocalypse the only clothing that seems to survive is punk rock fetish wear?

Number 2: Since when can you take out a moving armored car with a cross-bow bolt to the driver through the armored window. And if they're such good shots with crossbows, why didn't they urban horde just stand off and silently snipe the team of soldiers and scientists from the shadows?

Number 3: Why do the urban punks engage is suicidal human wave attacks until the soldiers run out of ammo? The ruins are their home turf. They are supposed to know every nook and cranny of the ruins and should be able to use it to their advantage, but instead they just yell a lot and run out in the open waving improvised weapons and get mowed down .

Number 4: If the urban punks are cannibals, why did they only cook and eat the one live person they caught. What about all the dead guys that were killed in the battle? What about their own dead? Enough of their own got mowed down in those human wave attacks to keep the rest of them fed for a week.

Number 5: the leader of the urban punks has to be the least charismatic leader I've ever seen. How did this lame-o get in charge of anything?

Number 6: Hot barbarian chick doesn't do shit. I mean, what I really hate is that the soldiers and scientists get ground under by wave after wave of suicidal attacks until the last few get captured. Then this chick with all the face tats and cleavage strolls up, all covered in bad ass attitude and stands around looking tough. WTF? Tough? I didn't see her do shit during the attack. Where the hell was she when all the bullets were flying? But we, the audience is supposed to be impressed with her? Just because she dresses well? Who remembers Mad Max 2 aka The Road Warrior? Remember Wez? We knew he was bad ass and scary because we saw him be bad ass and scary. I freakin' hate it when movie makers drop villains in front of me that are supposed to be impressive and then do nothing except show them fail to kill the hero.

Number 7: I could just go on and on nit-picking this one to death, going through each logical fallacy, each lame plot moment, each uninspired action sequence, but really, isn't the main problem here that we already saw this movie once before. It was called Escape for New York.

A. Scott Glancy, President TCCorp, dba Pagan Publishing

Marc 04-22-2010 05:15 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Almost there

Attachment 1165


Attachment 1166

Interesting gallery here: http://ashleyboonepierce.deviantart.com/gallery/

General Pain 04-26-2010 11:31 AM

cold and alone.

General Pain 04-26-2010 11:32 AM


General Pain 04-26-2010 11:33 AM


General Pain 04-26-2010 11:35 AM


General Pain 04-27-2010 05:48 AM


Marc 04-27-2010 01:58 PM

Great pics General!

Piszkos 05-23-2010 12:55 PM

From the real world
2 Attachment(s)
Hi! I really like the post apocalyptic feeling, and i just read this forum, but now i want to share soma picture what i found today.

From Thailand

Attachment 1171

From some Greek riot

Attachment 1172

StainlessSteelCynic 06-02-2010 05:10 PM

No pictures as such, just a link to a page of photos from Abkhazia
You need to pan down for some of the more useful pics

HorseSoldier 06-02-2010 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by sglancy12 (Post 20623)
Here are some images from Children of Men, one of the best post-apocalyptic films ever made.

A. Scott Glancy, President TCCorp, dba Pagan Publishing


Absolutely great movie, love how the firefight at the end tapers off when everyone involved is stunned by the sight and sound of a baby -- then, right before the usual crap Hollywood voice over would start talking about how that's the day the world changed -- the guys down the street crank the kill fest right back up and it's business as usual.

HorseSoldier 06-02-2010 08:43 PM


One off custom assault humvee with full on front ram place, side running boards, and other add ons. I always thought some guy with a mohawk and leather chaps should be doing back flips onto or off of the thing.

General Pain 06-04-2010 04:12 AM


General Pain 06-22-2010 05:56 AM


rcaf_777 06-24-2010 08:43 PM

8 Attachment(s)
Don't know what to title these, except for the guy with the axe which I call alright who gave that Lt an axe, can somebody take it away before he hurts someone

HorseSoldier 06-25-2010 11:35 PM

I'm guessing the weapon in question needs no introduction to T2K fans, though hardly anyone else would know what the thing was. Think the picture is from the original invasion of Iraq (tan nomex, woodland IBA, and 3rd ID patch), but looks like it would fit right in as an illustration in the RDF Sourcebook.


Webstral 06-26-2010 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by HorseSoldier (Post 23740)
I'm guessing the weapon in question needs no introduction to T2K fans, though hardly anyone else would know what the thing was. Think the picture is from the original invasion of Iraq (tan nomex, woodland IBA, and 3rd ID patch), but looks like it would fit right in as an illustration in the RDF Sourcebook.


I've never seen grips/barrel shroud like that. Intriguing. Anyone know any details?


simonmark6 06-26-2010 01:45 AM

From reading posts on another forum, I believe that the gun is an M231 teh Bradley Firing Port Wepon. That is a very tentative identification however.

pmulcahy11b 06-26-2010 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by Webstral (Post 23742)
I've never seen grips/barrel shroud like that. Intriguing. Anyone know any details?


It's a standard M231 FPW. But I'm surprised to see it being used in such a manner. When I was in, the Army was quite hinky about how the M231 was employed -- it was a firing port weapon and that was that.

HorseSoldier 06-26-2010 05:10 AM

M231, exactly, and as per what Paul said interesting to see it being used as a TC's personal defense weapon up in the turret (note 550 dummy cord, too). Back during the invasion, TC's MTOE weapon was an M9, which helps explain it, too.

Raellus 06-26-2010 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by sglancy12 (Post 20623)
Here are some images from Children of Men, one of the best post-apocalyptic films ever made.

I could not agree more. IMO, the end combat sequence is the most T2K-esque material ever captured on film. Thanks for posting those pics.

Same goes for the Road Warrior or whatever the Aussies call it (I thought Mad Max was the title of the first one- which I don't particularly care for). I have seen RW at least a dozen times and it never gets old. The costume designer certainly set the standard for post-apoc marauder wear.

Speaking of which, the punks in the pics from Doomsday remind me of the raiders in the game Fallout 3. If you like post-apoc action RPGs, I highly recommend it. It's probably my favorite video game ever.

Webstral 06-26-2010 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by pmulcahy11b (Post 23746)
It's a standard M231 FPW. But I'm surprised to see it being used in such a manner. When I was in, the Army was quite hinky about how the M231 was employed -- it was a firing port weapon and that was that.

So if I had been in a mech unit I'd have seen this in the Bradley?


HorseSoldier 06-27-2010 12:04 AM

Maybe. My Bradley time was on M3s, but I've met a number of 11M's (or 11B's after the Mikes went away) who were on Bradleys and had a very minimal knowledge of the things. I think in a lot of units they got shoved into some mostly forgotten corner of the arms room and such.

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