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DocSavage45B10 06-09-2012 02:09 PM

Just wanted to say Hi! Raiding these forums for material has already helped me tremendously in setting up my campaign that is about to go live, this Sunday in fact. We'll be running version 2.2 rules in a near-future 2020 setting based on a timeline I found here. When I can find it again I will make sure to credit the author and thank him here. Anyway, here's the Obsidian Portal page for our game:


DocSavage45B10 06-10-2012 07:13 AM

P.P.S. Just wanted to thank Mohoender for his 'Another Modern Timeline', which I used as a base for a war winding down in the year 2020, mainly by adding a year of inconclusive political and economic war and both sides training and equipping new divisions since neither has their cold war forces. And also thank you Legbreaker, for your detailed analysis of the summer 2000 offeensive of the 3rd NATO Army that lead to the loss of the 5th ID, which I have also stolen to set the scene for my campaign.

Thanks guys!

Griffin 06-23-2012 01:04 PM

Checking in
Another of the fugees from 93GS.

Targan 06-23-2012 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Griffin (Post 47767)
Another of the fugees from 93GS.

Welcome to your new T2K/T2013 home, Grif!

Capt_Bowman 06-25-2012 01:38 AM

Good morning all

I'm going to assume this is the place to say hello and introduce myself. I'm simon, i've been playing T2K since I was about 13 when i GM'd a game for some friends. (yeah, i started early).

I was part of the team that worked on Twilight 2013 which, despite some of the criticism, was a blast to be part of.

I'm here now to keep touch with all things T2K and maybe break out my creative side and add some fiction.


Targan 06-25-2012 01:48 AM

Welcome to the forum, Simon!

Capt_Bowman 06-25-2012 01:50 AM


Hopefully i can find time to become a semi-valued contributor rather than just another lurker :)

Legbreaker 06-25-2012 02:17 AM

EVERYBODY is a valued contributor around here. :p

Webstral 06-25-2012 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Legbreaker (Post 47823)
EVERYBODY is a valued contributor around here. :p

Just don't ask about the exchange rate.

Bowman, welcome. We're always delighted to have new ideas, even if they inspire some dissent.

Webstral 06-25-2012 12:34 PM

Griffin, we're glad to have you aboard.

Apache6 07-15-2012 05:15 PM

Checking into the net
Hello: My names Bryon. I've played T2K a good bit in high school and college, 85 - 91. Interested to see that the game is still alive.

I've played a good bit of minatures, mostly WWII and Modern. I've put together a few wargames that were T2K like.

Cdnwolf 07-15-2012 05:42 PM


VIRGIN BLOOD VIRGIN BLOOD VIRGIN BLOOD.... I get the ... OOOPS I mean welcome to the forum...

Targan 07-15-2012 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Apache6 (Post 48574)
Hello: My names Bryon. I've played T2K a good bit in high school and college, 85 - 91. Interested to see that the game is still alive.

Welcome to the forum Apache6!

Medic 07-16-2012 01:40 PM

Fresh meat, eh? I'll do the carving this time since Targan botched up cutting on the last gu...err...welcome, that is. ;)

Legbreaker 07-18-2012 05:47 AM

Bugger carving! Somebody pass me my chainsaw!!! :p

Medic 07-18-2012 01:42 PM

No Leg, you don't get to re-do the 'I've been reborn'-trick from bad taste again...

Legbreaker 07-19-2012 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by Medic (Post 48655)
...bad taste...

Somebody else who actually knows about that movie! :D

Targan 07-19-2012 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by Legbreaker (Post 48674)
Somebody else who actually knows about that movie! :D

Are you kidding? The corner store in Bad Taste was just down the road when I lived in Wellington. It freaked me right out the first time I saw it.

Legbreaker 07-19-2012 08:21 AM

Bet you were looking over your shoulder for zombies and sheep for a while.... :p
Oh, wait, you're a New Zealander. You wanted the sheep! :D

Targan 07-19-2012 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by Legbreaker (Post 48679)
Oh, wait, you're a New Zealander. You wanted the sheep! :D

Unless it's a zombie sheep. Don't want them :cool:

Greylond 07-27-2012 07:35 PM

Hi everyone! I've been looking around at TW2K stuff lately, haven't looked at it in quite a while. I really like this site, some good info here.

About me:

Navy Veteran('85 to '91), Electronics Tech, ET2;
Great Lakes Naval Training Center
San Diego

Started playing Wargames with Squad Leader in the mid-70's, actually I consider my first "RolePlayiing Experience" to be when we used the "Create Your Own Leader" optional rules. First played TW2K in 1985 and fell in love with it. I GM'ed it for several years. Owned most of the modules. GM'ed TW2K v2.0 and 2.2 and never was really happy about that system. I prefer the character generation of v1.0.

Favorite Module is probably Krakow but really liked the other Polish adventures and Armies of the Night.

Pet Peeve of the RPG Line: Satellite Down. I could(and have) go off on a whole rant of all the problems with that one. Other more minor Pet Peeves is other apparent lack of research on the US Navy info in the game.

Anyway, very cool site here. I really like a lot of the info and posts here.

Cdnwolf 07-27-2012 07:53 PM

Not as fresh meat as we thought... a bit gamey if you ask me... lol. Welcome... take off your clothes and have a beer. Just stay away from the Aussies on the board and you should be okay.

Medic 07-28-2012 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by Cdnwolf (Post 48854)
take off your clothes and have a beer.

And be prepared when he comes out with the rubber glove. :D Welcome!

Targan 07-29-2012 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Cdnwolf (Post 48854)
Just stay away from the Aussies on the board and you should be okay.


WallShadow 08-05-2012 12:43 PM

Welcome, newbie!
Bare your soul, cough up your most prized ideas and special tricks, and pull up a beer.

Neal5x5 10-27-2012 01:18 PM

Hey there. Just getting around to joining the forum, although I know a lot of the folks here via the long-lost 93G forums. I'm a long-time Twilight player and afficianado, although my preferred system is now Savage Worlds. I like to toy around with PA-modified photos and other stuff. It's nice to be among friends.

Legbreaker 10-28-2012 06:42 PM

Welcome Neal!

NanbanJim 01-08-2013 07:30 PM

Hello the internets!

I've been a T2k fan ever since I joined an abortive PBEM as a teenager. Got my brother and friends into the game, despite only having the timeline and CG. Ah, the folly of youth! >.>

Haven't... actually played in a successful campaign, in fact. I once coded T2k 2.2 CG in TinyMUX, only to have the database assplode on me. :( Ah, the folly of unemployed youth! <.<

I've played a bunch of online RPGs (MU* format, kind of chat+code), and managed to get a group of friends from there interested in 2013. Kevin and the gents did a fine job of making the book itself appeal more to the less-militaristic sorts. Since only one of them is anywhere near Austin, we're having to do it online--I think I've found a great format, actually, but that's for another post.

So I'm here for the best-practices, the ideas and plot hooks, some brainstorming... and of course to write long-winded posts. :P

Targan 01-08-2013 11:30 PM

Welcome to the forum Jim!

Raellus 01-09-2013 06:58 PM

Welcome aboard, guys!

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