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FMDeCorba 03-14-2012 06:47 AM

4th of May, ok I guess

The other dates are a little too close to exam deadlines for comfort for my part..

headquarters 05-16-2012 07:51 AM

Here are the dates
1 - 2 juni

22 - 23 juni

3 - 4 august

24 - 25 august

I ask you to pick one of these for a regular session in Oslo and / or one for the boathouse sessions. Of course - the boathouse need s final clearance fro GP.

Bear in mind that I need time ahead so if you guys wait to long it will be to late.

FMDeCorba 05-20-2012 03:58 AM

22-23 !

headquarters 05-20-2012 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by FMDeCorba (Post 46533)
22-23 !

GP, Devil, Sanchez and the Don - chime in on dates and hosting!

General Pain 05-31-2012 07:07 AM



Kevlar was actually invented by a woman - :)

Da håper jeg alle kan stille.

Om det er noen som ønsker å komme før fredagen så må jeg vite det snarest.

-Ghost of General Pain

FMDeCorba 06-01-2012 05:12 AM

Very sorry to be a pain - but is there any chance to move this one week back?

I am afraid I had miscalculated the opening of the summer exhibition opening that I am obliged to parttake in..

So, if there is any chance of doing it 15-17, that would make my life so much easier. If not, then my participation will be limited and I really don´t wanna miss out on one of my absolute favorite unhealthy activities:)

General Pain 06-02-2012 05:27 AM

re-post of redate blabla
your generous host has pr request - changed the date for an hopefully final-date.

No more jibberjabber you scallywags

15-17 of june 2012

be there or be square

end of communication

PS: do you guys want to play more D&D - or merc btw ?

as u might know I have a very succesfull campaign going weekly now :)

Sanchez 06-03-2012 03:57 AM

I will attend on Saturday 16th

FMDeCorba 06-03-2012 05:46 AM


Rupert Willies 06-04-2012 05:53 AM

My son is performing in "the Battle of the Dream" at Kilden theatre on the 16th. He's dancing his part as an imprisoned bad guy, who happens to be a break dancer. I need to be there and support him, and will therefore not be able to attend the Grand opening. Sorry guys :(

headquarters 06-04-2012 04:10 PM

S08E01 - tickets bought
coming over the 15 will be arriving around 1830 in GPs pad

leaving 17 around 1300 hrs.

looking forward to see those of you who can make it.

to the rest - we will catch up next time.


headquarters 06-04-2012 04:14 PM

this thread started 14 of december 2011. date of first post.

Here we are only 6 months later and already we have a date!!

Sadly we didnt have time to plan so that everybody could attend - but oh well. If only we had a little more time to plan we could have made it.

headquarters 06-08-2012 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by headquarters (Post 47152)
coming over the 15 will be arriving around 1830 in GPs pad

leaving 17 around 1300 hrs.

looking forward to see those of you who can make it.

to the rest - we will catch up next time.


OK guys.

Strap in

Tune out

alertstatus high

get down

lock and load

Will try to deliever the goods from fri 15 at app 2000 hrs until saturday 16 until 0300 hrs.

end transmission

Sanchez 06-08-2012 01:15 PM

Saturday dinner menu
Now, after the cheese fiasco at last session (enjoyable yes, but I admit I somehow overestimated the finesse of the audience), we should perhaps settle for something easier consumable and more traditional.

I have in the later years taken a liking for white wines, and I would very much like to prepare a meal that will complement a nice white wine. This session held almost at the lightest day of the year only reinforce my belief that this is the correct choice of drink.
I have two reciepies that are both tried and tested and should work fine with white wine. This is merely a suggestion and I would wery much like to hear your relipes and perhaps even better suggestions.

Proposition 1:
Tenderloin of pork baked with bacon, served with potatoes broth-sauce and a salad.

Proposition 2:
Salt baked chicken with rosemary and thyme, potatoes, creamy sauce and salad.

What do you think?

Ps: This time I must insist on a split bill. My current status as an unemployed man doesn't allow me to pay for the whole party unfortunately. However, given the quality of the food, the price for each should be modest.

FMDeCorba 06-10-2012 01:56 AM

The cheesefest was no fiasco - just a new experience:) We were simply too hungry to behave properly I suspect.

Tenderloin sounds very nice indeed - but won´t you be occupied in the kitchen for hours preparing all this?

Sanchez 06-10-2012 06:47 AM

Cooking time
45 mins if you help me put the plates on the table

FMDeCorba 06-11-2012 04:34 PM



Sanchez 06-12-2012 06:18 AM

Something has come up, and I will not attend on Saturday.

Instead I will attend on Friday.

headquarters 06-13-2012 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by Sanchez (Post 47409)
Something has come up, and I will not attend on Saturday.

Instead I will attend on Friday.

chicken please

pork is good too

Sanchez 06-13-2012 09:11 AM

I try to arrange it with Mr. pain so we can have dinner immediately upon HQs arrival.

Are you home at 1715 Friday, Mr Pain?

headquarters 06-15-2012 08:08 AM

Eta gp pad 1915

headquarters 06-17-2012 01:01 PM

thats that then
its over .

for now...

The party successfully entangled them selves in various ploys and travels to get to their objective - Pain Jr and DeCorba are shooting it out somewhere in the grey zone while th erest of the party try to dig up leads in the Secure zone.

Looking forward to our next round - please state your boathouse dates asap. As time goes by and august approaches it becomes increasingly difficult to get this orgnized.

FMDeCorba 06-19-2012 02:04 PM


22. eller 29. er HELT OK!

3. er derimot VELDIG STRESS, fordi jeg skal i min lillebrors bryllup den 4.

Håper dette ordner seg slik at felst mulig kan stille og pig out i fellesskap:)


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