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CDAT 02-17-2016 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by StainlessSteelCynic (Post 69609)
I'm thinking CDAT meant something like It ain't normal and it ain't natural for spiders to catch snakes. The world is ending! type of "wrong" when he said that :D

And yeah, it was a small snake but still... It ain't normal and it ain't natural for spiders to catch snakes. The world is ending!

Yes, this is the type wrong I was talking about. Not saying it is fake, as I believe you that it is real. The fact that it is not the world is ending breaking news says something. Also when I said small snake I was talking about one that is the size of a large worm, or at least what a large worm is here. I am not sure I want to see how big your worms get and what they have to protect them self with.

This got me thinking about a conversation I had years ago with a few guys. We had one guy bragging about how big his home state of Texas was, and all that. When we had one of the other guys say that if you cut his home state in half then Texas would be the third largest state of the Union. Kind of shut him up, so what is the point of all this, you may be asking. Just remember it can always be bigger/badder or worse in some way. But if you ever find the thing that makes the Australians say no way, I want nothing to do with it. I only briefly got to serve with some of them in Iraq and they were the craziest guys I have ever seen. If it gives them pause, I am not sure that I even want to know about it.

Legbreaker 02-17-2016 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by CDAT (Post 69610)
I am not sure I want to see how big your worms get and what they have to protect them self with.

Attachment 3656


CDAT 02-18-2016 07:28 PM

So I am sitting here with my family and on comes Crocodile Dundee II. At the point he goes back to Australia, and his buddy said something like civilians would not last three days. Made me think I three days may be on the generous side. But on the side what do you all think of Crocodile Dundee? Is it even semi accurate? Or total out there?

Targan 02-18-2016 10:57 PM

I've seen some crazy, crazy shit during my times in the great Australian outback. To be honest most Australians aren't rough, tough supermen, but that's because most Australians are born and bred city dwellers who don't have a clue about even the basics of outback survival. People who were born and raised in the bush, they're a different breed. I feel I can say these things without bias, because I'm a city dweller who has spent time in the bush and been around real outback people and spent time as an Army Reservist. I won't say I could just walk off into the Never-Never and survive for years, but I wouldn't be one of the typical Australian city people who would literally die within two days of being dumped in the middle of nowhere.

People from other countries who have spent time in similar environments would probably do ok at least for a while in the Australian outback, particularly if they asked the right questions of those with experience before they went bush. Australia has a huge variety of climate types too, so there's no one-size-fits-all skill set that will get you through. The south coast of Western Australia, large parts of Tasmania (where Legbreaker lives) and parts of Victoria have cold, wet forests and woodlands and particularly in the case of Tasmania there's some pretty rugged terrain. Exposure would be the biggest problem in those regions. As is widely known, large parts of Australia are at least arid, at worst full-blown desert, out there if you can't find water you're doomed real fast. Then up in the tropical zone there's thousands and thousands of klicks of coastal mangrove, swamps and tropical rainforest. Anywhere near bodies of water up there you have to be really careful about crocodiles, but there are other things that'll have a crack at you too, including feral razorback pigs and water buffalo. And of course all across the nation there are any number of venomous snakes and spiders that don't leave you with much time to seek treatment before you die in misery and agony.

Every year there are cases of people that drive out into the middle of bloody nowhere, woefully under-prepared, and then their vehicle breaks down and the silly buggers start walking. A day, a week, a month later the Aboriginal trackers eventually find their corpses, in various stages of desiccation, pitifully curled up under a bush or whatever shade they could find.

Legbreaker 04-04-2016 01:33 AM

Attachment 3690

TrailerParkJawa 04-04-2016 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Targan (Post 69651)
I've seen some crazy, crazy shit during my times in the great Australian outback. To be honest most Australians aren't rough, tough supermen, but that's because most Australians are born and bred city dwellers who don't have a clue about even the basics of outback survival. People who were born and raised in the bush, they're a different breed. I feel I can say these things without bias, because I'm a city dweller who has spent time in the bush and been around real outback people and spent time as an Army Reservist. I won't say I could just walk off into the Never-Never and survive for years, but I wouldn't be one of the typical Australian city people who would literally die within two days of being dumped in the middle of nowhere.

I just got back from a vacation in Australia. I visited Melbourne, Cairns, and Sydney. What I observed matches what you say. Most Australians are city or suburb types. The country seems to be a bit of a nanny-state with warning sings that border on ridiculous; there was a sign on a strip club warning that you might see situations inside that may offend. Like wow?!

My dad spent a lot of time in Alice Springs in the 90's and his descriptions of the folks that live there match people you might meet in Nevada or rural America. Tough folks that mind their own business..

Overall though I really liked it. Melbourne and Cairns in particular. I was stuck however that in the T2K timeline some of these cities probably got nuked and it represents most of Australias actually population.

Legbreaker 04-05-2016 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by TrailerParkJawa (Post 70080)
I was stuck however that in the T2K timeline some of these cities probably got nuked and it represents most of Australias actually population.

Not really a lot of targets here in Aus though www.forum.juhlin.com/showthread.php?t=1254
You are right though about the population - something like 80% live in urban areas, 60% (approx) live in the capital cities where the majority of likely targets are located.
On the positive side of the coin however, the cities are spread over a wide area - it would take probably a dozen warheads to adequately cover just Sydney (takes up to two hours to drive from one side to the other, a lot longer in peak traffic times).

StainlessSteelCynic 04-05-2016 04:33 AM

Yeah, we tend to build cities horizontally more so than vertically so even though you'll find plenty of commercial (and even industrial buildings) rising dozens of floors into the sky, there's never been as much of a desire for masses of high rise apartments and so on. They do exist, but not clumped together like the "estates" or "projects" found in the UK and USA respectively.

Targan 04-05-2016 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by StainlessSteelCynic (Post 70086)
Yeah, we tend to build cities horizontally more so than vertically so even though you'll find plenty of commercial (and even industrial buildings) rising dozens of floors into the sky, there's never been as much of a desire for masses of high rise apartments and so on. They do exist, but not clumped together like the "estates" or "projects" found in the UK and USA respectively.

True, but we're just starting to see a concerted effort by state governments to promote "urban infill" and higher-density living. Here in Perth inner city living has been heavily promoted over the last 10 years (as I'm sure you've seen, Stainless) with accompanying highrise, but obviously we're still a long way from the kind of population densities seen in our nearby Asian neighbour nations. I live just outside of the inner city in a two-storey townhouse myself.

Legbreaker 11-23-2018 02:59 AM

And this is BEFORE the post nuke, radiation induced mutations...
Attachment 4172

ChalkLine 11-24-2018 07:07 AM

I've just moved from Tasmania to Queensland. It's hot here, we're getting regular 35ºc weeks and it's only spring. It's going to be a bumper year for bush fires. However the snakes here are impressive. I thought the filthiest place for snakes was south west West Australia (in the salt swamps there's a tiger snake for every square metre and yours truly went through it on foot back in 2004) but I've been told that's nothing compared to near waterway here

Legbreaker 11-24-2018 05:48 PM

I went the other direction a couple of decades ago. MUCH prefer the cooler temps here in Tas than the heat up there!

Targan 11-28-2018 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by ChalkLine (Post 79895)
It's going to be a bumper year for bush fires.

That's a spooky bit of prophecy.

There are currently MASSIVE fires raging in Queensland. My thoughts are with everyone in the fire zone, and I wish them the best of luck and hope all are safe.

Legbreaker 11-28-2018 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by Targan (Post 79941)
There are currently MASSIVE fires raging in Queensland. My thoughts are with everyone in the fire zone, and I wish them the best of luck and hope all are safe.

And it's barely even the start of the season....

Hmm, fires. Now there's an thought for the ANZAC book.
No water bombing aircraft from the northern hemisphere, plus limited fuel for fire trucks, a drought, and enemy agents on an arson campaign. I feel an idea coming on...

ChalkLine 11-28-2018 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by Targan (Post 79941)
That's a spooky bit of prophecy.

There are currently MASSIVE fires raging in Queensland. My thoughts are with everyone in the fire zone, and I wish them the best of luck and hope all are safe.

Yeah, 36ºc+ temperatures and the wind is the strongest I've seen outside of heavy storms. It's like it's straight out of a furnace. I thought we were going to lose the roof.

After Christmas you'll see Tasmania go up as well. Lots of fuel on the ground

Legbreaker 11-28-2018 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by ChalkLine (Post 79944)
After Christmas you'll see Tasmania go up as well. Lots of fuel on the ground

We've had a bit of rain here recently which has damped things down a bit. There'll be fires of course (always are), but I doubt they'll have the intensity of a couple of years ago.
Of course the greenies are doing their best to increase the fuel load by locking up even more of the state from proper management, so it's just a matter of time...

Olefin 11-28-2018 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Legbreaker (Post 79943)
And it's barely even the start of the season....

Hmm, fires. Now there's an thought for the ANZAC book.
No water bombing aircraft from the northern hemisphere, plus limited fuel for fire trucks, a drought, and enemy agents on an arson campaign. I feel an idea coming on...

Now that is a real idea - how do you get destruction of cities without a nuke - well one hell of an out of control fire (i.e. see recent fires in CA) with greatly reduced fire fighting capabilities - helped on by say high winds - would definitely do the trick (add in the use of explosives to create fire breaks and it really gets the job done)

Legbreaker 12-13-2018 10:31 PM

Attachment 4188

Legbreaker 12-15-2018 12:12 AM

Attachment 4189

Legbreaker 12-23-2018 06:58 PM

Attachment 4190

StainlessSteelCynic 12-24-2018 02:40 AM

More fodder to ensure Australia terrifies the rest of the world! :D



ALWAYS check the dunny before ya sit down!

Legbreaker 12-24-2018 04:19 AM

I'm more concerned about the snake in the carton a couple of posts back. I mean, I can always head out back to the tree, but tinnies can be in short supply at times!

StainlessSteelCynic 12-24-2018 05:11 AM


Originally Posted by Legbreaker (Post 80305)
I'm more concerned about the snake in the carton a couple of posts back. I mean, I can always head out back to the tree, but tinnies can be in short supply at times!

Too true! And having the bloody snake in the carton means you can't drink which means you don't need to piss which means you don't need the dunny anyway! :p

Legbreaker 01-29-2019 05:04 PM

See, there's a good reason why we're not worried about invasion.

ChalkLine 02-01-2019 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by ChalkLine (Post 79944)
After Christmas you'll see Tasmania go up as well. Lots of fuel on the ground

Well, I called that one. Unfortunately

Legbreaker 02-01-2019 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by ChalkLine (Post 80711)
Well, I called that one. Unfortunately

Yeah, it's pretty damn horrific down south from me. The worst of it isn't getting shown by the media either.
Had helicopters flying over my place for the past few weeks from hot spot to hotspot. Expectation is some of the fires won't go out until we've had a good soaking of several days (at least) of rain. Forecast is looking bleak and the state is VERY dry - only been 3mm of rain here since Christmas (in one go) and not much more before then.
On a plus side I don't believe anyone has died (yet) and there's only one confirmed house lost with a suspicion of three more (haven't been able to access the area to confirm yet).

ChalkLine 02-01-2019 11:36 PM

My mate James lives down in the Huon and only just had his property saved by the firies.

Legbreaker 04-09-2019 07:55 PM

Attachment 4219

Legbreaker 05-10-2019 03:03 AM

Attachment 4226

StainlessSteelCynic 05-10-2019 07:04 AM

Is it bad of me that I can't stop laughing at your latest post Leg?

Legbreaker 05-10-2019 09:23 AM

Well you know what happens if you don't....

swaghauler 05-10-2019 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by Legbreaker (Post 81540)

Is this a case of I'll show you mine if you show me yours? Encountering a guy with a rifle in my neck of the woods in America is no big deal. Smart really, when you live in bear country like we do. I just ask him if he wants to do some target shooting. :)

It's when you encounter them on the street in Pittsburgh or Philly that I get nervous because you KNOW those guys don't know how to properly handle a firearm. Like that punk at the truck stop in New York a few years ago who tried to rob me with a F***ing BB GUN! He thought I'd be impressed by a PLASTIC Beretta BB gun. I was already in a bad mood and he was SADLY MISTAKEN! PUNKS! :mad:

Legbreaker 05-10-2019 10:00 PM

This is more a case of who than what they're carrying....

swaghauler 05-10-2019 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Legbreaker (Post 81552)
This is more a case of who than what they're carrying....

Lol nice. Jeep owners..."Trail Rated" my ass (shakes head slowly)!

He'd just sit on the side of the road and let me pass by if he knew what was good for him. I'd pit my long-nosed 86" Hi-Rise Pete with my C-15 (600+ hp) Cat, 18-Speed, and HD 3-axle rear end against his POS Kenworth 60" flattop with the (450hp) red-top Cummins ANY DAY! IF he could EVEN CATCH Me on a road that flat and open, he wouldn't want to duel with me. Hell, even my "Aussie Bumper" (we call them "moose goosers") is bigger and nicer than his... AND he's actually Australian! I beat him in EVERY WAY. Longer, heavier, more horsepower, more torq, and they didn't call me "Road Rage" during RESTORE HOPE for nothing!

StainlessSteelCynic 05-10-2019 11:03 PM

The funniest part for me is that I haven't even seen Wolf Creek or Wolf Creek 2 but the movie franchise is so well know here that I instantly recognized the actor & what role he was playing.

And I'm still chuckling at that image. :D

Legbreaker 05-10-2019 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by StainlessSteelCynic (Post 81555)
The funniest part for me is that I haven't even seen Wolf Creek or Wolf Creek 2 but the movie franchise is so well know here that I instantly recognized the actor & what role he was playing.

I haven't seen either of them, or the television series!

swaghauler 05-16-2019 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Legbreaker (Post 81556)
I haven't seen either of them, or the television series!

We had a movie here called Joy Ride that had the same premise. I haven't seen it either. However, we have some of the most dangerous people on Earth driving the highways of America...


Legbreaker 05-16-2019 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by swaghauler (Post 81597)
...we have some of the most dangerous people on Earth driving the highways of America...

Well what do you expect? You drive on the wrong side of the road!!!

swaghauler 06-13-2019 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Legbreaker (Post 81603)
Well what do you expect? You drive on the wrong side of the road!!!


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