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-   -   Twilight 2013 to end publication in December 2010 (https://forum.juhlin.com/showthread.php?t=2531)

atiff 12-25-2010 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by helbent4 (Post 28718)

I thought I would pass along that DriveThruRPG is bundling most or all the T2013 material. If you have ten bones (USD $10.00) left over from buying Christmas presents, you can have all the necessary material to run Reflex with your T2K game (including Tegyirus' vehicle rules).



Thanks - purchased!

Edit - and I am glad I did.

Raellus 12-25-2010 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by StainlessSteelCynic (Post 28857)
Before people start claiming places like DriveThru RPG are making a profit from old GDW products, they are an authorised distributor and their authorization comes from Marc Miller, the legitimate licence holder for those old GDW products.

Thanks for this info. I'd like to repeat that I do not advocate or condone illegal downloading or copyright infringement, but this does change my previously stated opinion regarding proprietary vs. open source status for the original Twilight 2000 materials.

Apparently, I'm not doing a very good job communicating.

pmulcahy11b 12-25-2010 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by atiff (Post 28860)
Thanks - purchased!

Edit - and I am glad I did.

I've been slowly replacing my poorly OCRed PDFs of my modules with ones bought from DriveThru RPG, so I guess I'm supporting the cause. I wish I could get complete copies of Challenge from DriveThru, however.

Twilight2000v3MM 12-25-2010 05:32 PM


There's atleast 4 of us on this forum that worked on the game (Teg, Eddie, Snake and I).


Originally Posted by helbent4 (Post 28843)

There's more of a hot button issue with T2103 as Tegyrius and others have worked on it, and it's a more current product. In other words it's more of a direct affront to them, personally. Not some point of abstract legal principle that isn't universal, largely given lip service where it is but otherwise mostly ignored.

Give T2013 twenty years like T2K, we'll see if anyone cares at that point about who's pirating it any more than T2K. At that point, I would welcome it if there were still a dedicated community and fan base for T2013, even if not all have paid. At least they're playing it or otherwise keeping it alive.

In the end I don't think anyone would flip if I were to mention that I just downloaded scans of all the SPI Moves magazines, S&T #1-60 and Ares magazine. Score! :cool:


helbent4 12-26-2010 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by Twilight2000v3MM (Post 28896)

There's atleast 4 of us on this forum that worked on the game (Teg, Eddie, Snake and I).


That's wonderful to hear!

Kudos to you all for your work, as I said I picked up the bundle and may use it some time. If any of the money I've paid goes into your pockets then I'm more than happy. Further, I'm glad to direct people to where they can buy it as well, looks like at least one other person made a buy.

Even if you're not getting paid in some way, then if people are still playing T2013 in some form decades in the future then you have every right to be proud of your work.


helbent4 12-26-2010 05:26 PM


Does anyone know of where, other than the 93DG forum, I might find a compiled list of errata for T2013? I know there is a link on their forum. If 93DG is shutting down and any hypothetical buyer doesn't maintain the forum themselves this could be a serious problem. (I haven't checked the link, does it link to a .pdf or something?)



Targan 12-29-2010 08:05 AM

Perhaps it hasn't been clear enough in the past so let me make it crystal now - advocating piracy and copyright infringement on this forum is not acceptable behavior. Different posters will have their own views on whether the pirating of intellectual property is acceptable conduct and having your own opinion is just fine, but advocating such activities is going to get you a warning from the mods at the very least. Repeat offenders are likely to find themselves banned by Kato. I admit I've said some dumb things on this forum in the past and I'm not perfect. Talking about pirating a game system on a forum where many of that system's writers, designers and contributors are members isn't just dumb, its insensitive and insulting. Please, before engaging in that sort of post again stop and have a bit of a think before you hit the "Submit Reply" button.

Stich2.0 has offered an apology and given an undertaking that he will refrain from advocating piracy on this forum in the future. I intend to take him at his word. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. I am now removing my "stern grownup" facial expression.

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