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Neal5x5 11-08-2012 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Grimace (Post 51254)
Well, so far I've had three people mention that they'd contribute material to the 2nd issue. Can I get any other volunteers?

The more we get, the better this fanzine will become! It also means it will last longer.

So if you've got something that's been sitting around, long forgotten, and want to share it, send it my way! Art, stories, maps, PCs, NPCs, weapons, gear, additional/optional rules....whatever!


I'll send you a writeup for a location I did for 2013, as well as any art I can scare up.

Schone23666 11-08-2012 04:43 PM


Amazing job and excellent compilation here guys, well done!

Legbreaker 11-08-2012 10:50 PM

How about an article on experimental vehicles - somebody could clean up our discussion a while back about the LAV-75 (which I think led to Paul creating a 105mm version).

Raellus 11-09-2012 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Legbreaker (Post 51351)
How about an article on experimental vehicles - somebody could clean up our discussion a while back about the LAV-75 (which I think led to Paul creating a 105mm version).

I'll take it. Grimace, will you be able to lift images directly out of the thread? I suppose I could teach myself how to play with images in a text format.

raketenjagdpanzer 11-09-2012 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by Raellus (Post 51403)
I'll take it. Grimace, will you be able to lift images directly out of the thread? I suppose I could teach myself how to play with images in a text format.

Not to be a wet blanket but isn't that just the HSVT-L?

Grimace 11-09-2012 05:02 PM

It's much, much easier if people can include images that they want in the article they are submitting. If I have to go hunting all over for specific images, especially if I don't know the EXACT search parameters to find the images, it becomes very time consuming and tedious and I become less likely to want to hunt for the exact images and I'll instead find something that's easier to grab.

Putting images into text files should be pretty easy. Just copy/paste.

And Raellus, thank you for volunteering for that!

Grimace 12-24-2012 03:52 PM

Well, guys, it's that time of year. Hope this time of year finds you at a state of peace, at least for a little bit.

Just a reminded, there's about two months left to get any material in for Issue 2 of the Twilight 2000 fanzine!

Have a Merry Christmas to you all. Don't be naughty, otherwise the Carabineros will get ya!


pmulcahy11b 12-24-2012 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Legbreaker (Post 51351)
How about an article on experimental vehicles - somebody could clean up our discussion a while back about the LAV-75 (which I think led to Paul creating a 105mm version).

It was at the suggestion of someone here -- I can't remember who at the moment (the site search engine should tell us). I sort of thought, "That could be interesting." And I also remembered that Ares came up with a 90mm of their 75mm autocannon -- not sure if I ever did that one.

Legbreaker 12-24-2012 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by pmulcahy11b (Post 52497)
...not sure if I ever did that one.

Well then, I'd say you have something to do for the new year! ;)

Medic 12-25-2012 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by pmulcahy11b (Post 52497)
It was at the suggestion of someone here -- I can't remember who at the moment (the site search engine should tell us). I sort of thought, "That could be interesting." And I also remembered that Ares came up with a 90mm of their 75mm autocannon -- not sure if I ever did that one.

Such peashooters. ;) The Bofors 120mm/46 SAK DP installed on the Turunmaa-class corvettes Turunmaa and Karjala of the Finnish Navy was an autocannon as well (80 rounds/minute). Too bad, they never made anything but HE rounds for it (though I suspect, had the ships served in Twilight War, the enterprising manufacturers might have come up with a naval round for it).

Raellus 12-25-2012 10:42 AM

The M20 Ridgway article is done and submitted.

Grimace 12-26-2012 10:03 PM

Yes, I've got the M20 Ridgway article. Thank you for that.

Nowhere Man 1966 01-05-2013 06:11 PM

Good stuff there, Grimace, keep up the good work!

Grimace 01-05-2013 06:50 PM

Thanks! I will! As long as people continue to contribute material, I'll continue to collect it, organize it, and put it out there for everyone to enjoy!

On a completely unrelated note, did you see that they're doing a kickstarter for a new edition of Morrow Project?

Nowhere Man 1966 01-05-2013 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Grimace (Post 52764)
Thanks! I will! As long as people continue to contribute material, I'll continue to collect it, organize it, and put it out there for everyone to enjoy!

On a completely unrelated note, did you see that they're doing a kickstarter for a new edition of Morrow Project?

Maybe I'll have to write my radio rules in Twilight that I have been thinking about since 1999. :D


Grimace 01-05-2013 07:09 PM

I'd be HAPPY to get those from you and include them in the fanzine!

kota1342000 01-06-2013 10:36 AM

Radio rules? *ears perking up* :D

Medic 01-08-2013 04:26 AM

Sent in a copy of my expanded medical rules (updated) for 2013...

Grimace 01-08-2013 01:13 PM

Great! Our first installment for 2013! Thank you!

James Langham 01-13-2013 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Medic (Post 52825)
Sent in a copy of my expanded medical rules (updated) for 2013...

I don't play 2013 but I'm looking forward to it for ideas as I want to use the knowledge from my day job to expand the 2.0/2.2 rules.

comped 01-17-2013 12:12 PM

I'm interested. If I can get it done, I might submit an alternate time line, or maybe a preview of a source book I'm thinking of. :)

Grimace 02-26-2013 06:08 PM

Final Week for Issue 2
This is the final week before issue 2 of the ezine gets put together! So if you've got something you want to contribute, get it to me by the weekend!

We've got a pretty good line-up of material so far...a lot of good stuff. But we could always use more! And even if you don't get stuff to me by the weekend, don't stop work on it...I could certainly use it for ISSUE 3! :D

Grimace 03-14-2013 04:32 PM

Anyone know who created this?
Who sent me the file "Twilight2000BlancPJ1adv" in PDF?

I don't seem have to a name associated and would like to attribute it to the correct person.

enrious 03-21-2013 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by Grimace (Post 53819)
Who sent me the file "Twilight2000BlancPJ1adv" in PDF?

I don't seem have to a name associated and would like to attribute it to the correct person.

I see them in this thread - http://forum.juhlin.com/showthread.php?t=1327

Looks like there's also NPC sheets at http://forum.juhlin.com/showthread.php?t=3857 and a pretty nice website link in this thread.

Grimace 03-24-2013 08:51 PM

I know some of you are looking forward to the second issue of this (as I am) but things are conspiring against me to get this out this month. So, sadly, I'm going to have to push back the expected release date to sometime in April.

The second issue WILL come out, but it's just not going to happen in this last week of the month. Sorry for those who were looking for it in March. :(

Cdnwolf 03-25-2013 04:13 PM

No rush. We waited this long and your own life takes priorities. When it is ready it will be ready. Thanks for the great work.

Grimace 04-22-2013 10:30 AM

I feel like I'm making excuses...but that is not my intention.

The rather constant parade of visitors is still going on at my place, leaving me not a lot of time to work on this.
Add in that just a couple days ago my grandmother died, I don't know if I'm going to be able to finish the 2nd issue this month either.

It will come out, but I'm going to say "As Soon as I get it done".
Sorry for the continued delay.

raketenjagdpanzer 04-22-2013 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Grimace (Post 54147)
I feel like I'm making excuses...but that is not my intention.

The rather constant parade of visitors is still going on at my place, leaving me not a lot of time to work on this.
Add in that just a couple days ago my grandmother died, I don't know if I'm going to be able to finish the 2nd issue this month either.

It will come out, but I'm going to say "As Soon as I get it done".
Sorry for the continued delay.

Dude, none of us are paying you for this, nobody's lives are on hold waiting for this - take care of IRL stuff and get GL,YOYO done when you can.

General Pain 05-14-2013 04:31 AM

I really like it. Well written .

Keep up the good work.

I'll check with HQ if we can with your blessing to host @ the BBoW

Cdnwolf 08-04-2013 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Grimace (Post 54147)
I feel like I'm making excuses...but that is not my intention.

The rather constant parade of visitors is still going on at my place, leaving me not a lot of time to work on this.
Add in that just a couple days ago my grandmother died, I don't know if I'm going to be able to finish the 2nd issue this month either.

It will come out, but I'm going to say "As Soon as I get it done".
Sorry for the continued delay.

Have things slowed down yet? And can we help with anything?

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