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pmulcahy11b 02-13-2014 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by WallShadow (Post 58000)
I just had a flash of inspiration while eating my mid-day snack; popcorn! It is everywhere in larger cities (in places like convenience stores, drug stores, and movie theaters) and it can be sprouted and planted as a full-sized crop just like regular corn kernels. Admittedly, it's not necessarily the hybrid "eatin' corn" we'd be used to, but it would serve as a food source/seed source just as well. And being "popcorn", it might be more readily passed over as a food source when SPAM and canned soups are still on the shelves to be grabbed.

How nutritious is popcorn?

WallShadow 02-15-2014 12:16 PM

Behold the power of popcorn!hhhhhhhhv c
as per the Nutrition Facts from the back label of Orville Redenbacher's Movie Theater Butter, and ignoring the fat content/calories, 2 Tablespoons (35g) unpopped 170 calories less 110 from fat = 60 calories from just the corn alone. So... 1000g/35g = 28.5714 servings per Kg.
Therefore, 28.5714 x 60 calories = 1714.2857 calories per kilogram.

Also, 16g of carbohydrate per serving, so 28.5714 x 16 = 457.1424g of carb per kilo.

And 2g protein per serving, so 28.5714 x 2 = 57.028 g protein per kilo.

The kernels, being dried, could be ground for meal or masa to make tortillas or tamales, or corn bread or pudding or polenta. Or parched for hard rations/traveling rations, going back to their original purpose--parching is heating the kernels in a lightly-oiled pan over low heat until the kernels swell slightly and turn slightly brown. Some actually pop during the process.

Raellus 02-15-2014 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Webstral (Post 58009)
The efficiency of a practice depends a good deal on which input we're trying to minimize. Mechanized agriculture is very efficient from the standpoint of labor consumption. This makes sense, given that labor is very expensive in our society. After the nuclear exchange knocks civilization on its fourth point of contact, labor becomes becomes very cheap.

This is a good point that we would do well to remember. I can imagine a fair number of white collar types- lawyers, company execs, hi-powered consultants, etc.- that would be working as unskilled farm labor c. 2000.

As populist rabble-rouser and People's Party/Democratic presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan said in his infamous Cross of Gold speech, "Burn down your cities and leave our farms, and your cities will spring up again as if by magic; but destroy our farms and the grass will grow in the streets of every city in the country."

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