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Schone23666 06-20-2015 05:31 AM

Okay, the female bronies, I can live with.

The picture of that male brony....that was traumatizing. I need Extra-Strength Brain Bleach now.

Anna Elizabeth 06-20-2015 06:39 AM

He's probably not a Brony,more like a very dedicated Furry. Most of the Bronies I see are teen/twenty-something guys with an MLP t-shirt or hoodie. We Pegasisters tend to go in for the cosplay more, and just at conventions.

I wear MLP T-shirts and accessories all the time, I've got a Rarity shirt on right now. My Rainbow Dash cosplay is almost complete, I just want Aviator Goggles & an aviator scarf to complete it. My outfit is mostly street clothes, sporty things that Dashie would wear, and I have wings, ears, and a rainbow wig.

@Cndworf - being crazy is what I like about Canadians. :D

Olefin 06-20-2015 09:13 PM

Welcome aboard - great to see new people on the board - as you have seen there is a lot of great stuff here on the board and if you have been looking for ideas for a T2K campaign then you have definitely come to the right place

Anna Elizabeth 06-20-2015 09:17 PM

Thanx, Olefin. :) Yes, I'm getting loads of ideas, and I'kk have something to show in a couple of days. :)

.45cultist 06-21-2015 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by Anna Elizabeth (Post 65412)
Thanx, Olefin. :) Yes, I'm getting loads of ideas, and I'kk have something to show in a couple of days. :)

It's satisfying to inspire discussions for T2K and T2013. It's also nice to gain ideas from a pool of experienced people.

Anna Elizabeth 06-21-2015 07:57 AM

^ Yes it is. :) I'm working on a couple of visual things right now, this Forum is really inspiring me to get on them.

neonthefox12 09-16-2015 01:53 PM

Hello, my name is......well lets say my name is Edward. I will not say my real name because, well this is the internet. I am a paranoid person and have many fake names
Anyway, I have just recently gotten into roleplay. One of the books I have is Twilight 2013. Interesting system, but never actually tried.
Main reason I joined is because I need help with rules clerification

unkated 09-16-2015 02:29 PM

Well, Edward. this would be a good spot in which to ask those questions.

Welcome aboard. No other questions asked.

Uncle Ted

swaghauler 09-16-2015 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by neonthefox12 (Post 67362)
Hello, my name is......well lets say my name is Edward. I will not say my real name because, well this is the internet. I am a paranoid person and have many fake names
Anyway, I have just recently gotten into roleplay. One of the books I have is Twilight 2013. Interesting system, but never actually tried.
Main reason I joined is because I need help with rules clerification

This is a good place to inquire about any of the Twilight editions. Welcome aboard!

neonthefox12 09-16-2015 05:34 PM

If you can, I am trying to figure out melee combat. What attribute do players role on? The book does not say what attribute (Though it implies muscle) players roll for melee. However, I would prefer a more definite answer, just to be safe.

Legbreaker 09-17-2015 09:07 AM

I believe we've got one of the authors/design team floating about here somewhere who should be able to answer that for you in a heartbeat.

swaghauler 09-17-2015 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by neonthefox12 (Post 67382)
If you can, I am trying to figure out melee combat. What attribute do players role on? The book does not say what attribute (Though it implies muscle) players roll for melee. However, I would prefer a more definite answer, just to be safe.

Muscle would be used for Melee. Coordination is the primary stat for all ranged combat. In keeping with the most relevant characteristic being used in combat; I designate Awareness as the characteristic for Fire Control based systems (Missile launchers or guns mounted on platforms such as tanks and APCs). This is because your ability to locate and identify objects is based on that characteristic and Fire Control systems are not really based on hand-eye coordination as much as locating and tracking targets (a function of perception).

neonthefox12 09-18-2015 05:33 PM

Ok, thank you

mpipes 09-18-2015 05:46 PM

Anyone in the DC area?

I'ld really like to find someone to either play with as a player or GM.

Blink_Dog 01-06-2016 03:52 PM


Thought maybe I should add a bit more. Been playing 1 st ed since the late 80's on and off. I also played some 2.0 and 2.2. Haven't played 2013 version. I think I have all first ed books published and most of 2nd ed.

I enjoy making more content for games and have dabbled in game design. You can get some of my stuff here: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ESTAYLOR , free pdf's! you can preview the whole thing there. I am looking to do some TW 2000 1st edition work.

StainlessSteelCynic 01-06-2016 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Blink_Dog (Post 69067)

G'Day, welcome to the site.
Sit back, grab a drink and prepare to spend hours combing through the threads - there's about 120 pages worth!

LoneCollector1987 04-10-2016 12:26 PM


my Name is Sascha and I served in the Bundesluftwaffe from 05.04.1988 till 30.06.1989.

My unit was the 2nd squadron of the FKG 2 (I was in the signal department).

I wanted to become an officer therefore I was not drafted like my classmates in 1987.
As I wanted not to just sit around I enrolled in an education course and one day I stumbled upon what had been the first RPG shop in Mönchengladbach.

Now, many years later I cannot recall which RPG I bought first, either The Dark Eye (a german RPG) or Twilight 2000.

And in 2012 I believe I was finally able to buy the last missing book from Twilight 2000, the Eastern European Sourcebook.

And I know nobody will believe it, but in 1988 I went to the XO of my Signal department (the commander of the signal unit was a Hauptfeldwebel and his XO a Oberfeldwebel) and showed him my copy of Twilight 2000 and asked him if it could not be used as a training tool.

Even though I once made up a few characters for T2k I have to admit that I never played it.

I like to play simple games like Space Hulk, Risk, Interceptor, Battletech, Car Wars, Battle for Armageddon, Space 1889 Skygalleons of Mars.

In RPGs I like Vampire, Werewolf, The Dark Eye and some of the games from Palladium.

I like some games where miniatures are used (Battletech, Warmachine, Space Hulk, Necromunda) but I hate glue and painting (so if anybody of you has any ideas of how to make simple but effective paper miniatures I would be glad to hear your ideas).

As I have nobody close who would like to play those games I like very much single player games. I enjoyed the single player endless campaign in Skygalleons of Mars and I am looking for something like this in regard to Twilight 2000 / Merc.

pmulcahy11b 04-10-2016 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by LoneCollector1987 (Post 70141)

And I know nobody will believe it, but in 1988 I went to the XO of my Signal department (the commander of the signal unit was a Hauptfeldwebel and his XO a Oberfeldwebel) and showed him my copy of Twilight 2000 and asked him if it could not be used as a training tool.

You have to tell us what his reaction was!

Legbreaker 04-10-2016 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by pmulcahy11b (Post 70142)
You have to tell us what his reaction was!

I don' think I want to know.... :eek:

LoneCollector1987 04-11-2016 03:44 PM

OK, that is how it went.

First of all, you have to imagine me. I am about 2m tall and I was the tallest guy in the entire unit.
Oberfeldwebel was the second tallest guy.
A friend of mine once described me as "When you approach someone everybody fears that you just run over him without noticing that there was someone standing."

So one day I was walking into the office of Haupt- and Oberfeldwebel, but only Oberfeldwebel was there. I saluted, asked if I could enter and then I approached him and told him about RPGs and showed him the Twilight 2000 box, did not forget to mention that a G-3 has only 7 shots according to the rules but every shots count for three and yes, I knew that the G-3 has only a 20 shot magazine...

Yes, I tried to steamroller him with explaining RPGs and Twilight 2000 at the same time.

When I ran out of breath he wanted to see the box.
I gave it to him and he looked at it.
He handled the box very carefully and I looked at him and he thanked me and told me he would take a look at it. (I think at that moment I had a wide smile on my face like "Hey, I have a good idea" from Vicky the Viking. The only thing missing were the stars around me)

After a few weeks I asked him about it but he said something like "I had no time, I just looked over it. Ask me in a few weeks when I have more time. Then I will look at it more closely."

I was devastated and when I got home I looked into the box.
Everything was just like it had been when I had given him the box.

I think he never looked into it.

I never asked him again.

Looking back I think his expression on his face when I gave him the box was something that could be described as
a) WTF?
b) Is this a bomb?
c) I outrank him but he is bigger than me so I dont want to anger him.

So thats what happened.

swaghauler 04-11-2016 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by LoneCollector1987 (Post 70141)

my Name is Sascha and I served in the Bundesluftwaffe from 05.04.1988 till 30.06.1989.

My unit was the 2nd squadron of the FKG 2 (I was in the signal department).

I wanted to become an officer therefore I was not drafted like my classmates in 1987.
As I wanted not to just sit around I enrolled in an education course and one day I stumbled upon what had been the first RPG shop in Mönchengladbach.

Now, many years later I cannot recall which RPG I bought first, either The Dark Eye (a german RPG) or Twilight 2000.

And in 2012 I believe I was finally able to buy the last missing book from Twilight 2000, the Eastern European Sourcebook.

And I know nobody will believe it, but in 1988 I went to the XO of my Signal department (the commander of the signal unit was a Hauptfeldwebel and his XO a Oberfeldwebel) and showed him my copy of Twilight 2000 and asked him if it could not be used as a training tool.

Even though I once made up a few characters for T2k I have to admit that I never played it.

I like to play simple games like Space Hulk, Risk, Interceptor, Battletech, Car Wars, Battle for Armageddon, Space 1889 Skygalleons of Mars.

In RPGs I like Vampire, Werewolf, The Dark Eye and some of the games from Palladium.

I like some games where miniatures are used (Battletech, Warmachine, Space Hulk, Necromunda) but I hate glue and painting (so if anybody of you has any ideas of how to make simple but effective paper miniatures I would be glad to hear your ideas).

As I have nobody close who would like to play those games I like very much single player games. I enjoyed the single player endless campaign in Skygalleons of Mars and I am looking for something like this in regard to Twilight 2000 / Merc.

Welcome aboard! You'll find the guys in this forum to be very helpful.

unkated 04-12-2016 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by LoneCollector1987 (Post 70141)

my Name is Sascha and I served in the Bundesluftwaffe from 05.04.1988 till 30.06.1989.

I like some games where miniatures are used (Battletech, Warmachine, Space Hulk, Necromunda) but I hate glue and painting (so if anybody of you has any ideas of how to make simple but effective paper miniatures I would be glad to hear your ideas).

I lack the patience or talent for painting miniatures. May I suggest a
solution I have found to be effective:

Make friends with someone who plays the game and likes to paint.

Uncle Ted

Legbreaker 04-12-2016 07:05 PM

The counters from Twilight Encounters and Last Battle work nicely.
I've also used plastic toy soldiers and matchbox vehicles to good effect.

Elf86 01-19-2017 06:59 PM

I am Elf86. Never played T2K because the gaming interest in West Michigan was low at best, overrun by card gamers and W40K players!

Served in the 1991 Gulf War with the 24th Infantry Division as an infantryman sardined in the back of an M2 Bradley IFV. Three years in active service, earned my honorable discharge (wasn't easy). As I grow older, my heart (and imagination) feels I should have stayed in a try out for Special Forces. But I knew my limits.

Been gaming since age 11 back in the early 80's. Had several periods of inactivity due to lack of funds, poor computer capabilities, or the seven years of truck driving that eliminated any sort of a social life. Now a graduate of Miami University (Ohio) as the third OLDEST graduate in the class of 2014.

Let's roll some dice shall we?

Draq 01-20-2017 04:46 AM


Adm.Lee 01-21-2017 10:12 AM


As you're in Michigan, is there a possibility you could make it to the Origins Game Fair in Columbus? We generally have a handful of T2k games there every year.

swaghauler 01-22-2017 09:23 PM

Welcome Sir.

Draq 01-27-2017 11:19 AM

1 Attachment(s)
i dont remember who wrote this, but i found this somewhere on here. i consider it to be the best primer/intro for t2k.

Dyderich 04-13-2017 07:12 AM

German Guy Enjoying Poland
German born (Native Hesse) moved to the US while teenager....and served with the USAF for 20+ years afterwards in healthcare service & education service.

I work with the Justice Department now for last 10 years and have been assigned to the US Embassy in Warsaw Poland for last 7 years under Diplomatic Corps.

I am due to rotate to a new assignment in the Fall 2017 and still waiting to see my new order destination - I am hoping for another overseas assignment but may very well return stateside.

As for gaming...been doing that since the early 80s....D&D, Traveler, Gamma World, T2K, etc. and eventually into PC gaming.

Have been involved in Gaming Conventions in Colorado (during the 80s as well) with my gaming group back in the day when I was still stationed there at Peterson AFB, and working at USAF Academy, Cheyenne Mtn AFS and Falcon AFS.

Have mostly gone to online stuff since it becomes more difficult to find groups in foreign countries....and my Polish still sucks :P

Draq 04-13-2017 10:56 PM

Welcome. Always good to see a new face.

Zinmar 05-24-2019 06:24 PM

Interested in playing
I'm hoping that someone has a game going on by like skype or something. I played this game back when I was stationed in Germany and it was interesting. We based the game off where we were stationed (Aschaffenburg). So I'm hoping to locate a group of playing online and join in.

Legbreaker 05-24-2019 09:18 PM

There's a few PbP games about. Don't know about any in real time though...

Amagi 09-21-2020 04:07 PM


I'm new to Twilight: 2000, but no stranger to classic pen-and-paper games. The recently launched KickStarter inspired me to jump into version 1 and 2. Born in 1972 ... cut my teeth with D&D, AD&D, GammaWorld, Aftermath! ... and the list goes on. Met RuneQuest a few years ago ...

Invested 27 years with the US Army and now work a desk job when not shuttling kids to and fro activities ... 2 of them vote ... yeah, I feel old ... but, these games remind me of my youth and scores of great memories! The kids humor me during vacations: we "roll" up characters and have good ole fashioned fun.

Looking forward to learning more about this game, meeting the community and preparing to lead a campaign with my nephews later this year. This year they'll be learning about Poland! Excited about Twilight: 2000 and happy to have found this forum. Be well!

Good hunting!

wolffhound79 09-21-2020 04:34 PM

welcome amagi. this place is great.

Amagi 09-21-2020 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by wolffhound79 (Post 85187)
welcome amagi. this place is great.

Thanks! Happy to have found it. :cool:

Legbreaker 09-21-2020 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by Amagi (Post 85188)
Thanks! Happy to have found it. :cool:

If you're after something a little more active and immediate, there's a discord server too https://discord.gg/BwUcGZ8
Ask any questions, make any comment, you will get a response fairly quickly.

swaghauler 09-25-2020 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Amagi (Post 85186)

I'm new to Twilight: 2000, but no stranger to classic pen-and-paper games. The recently launched KickStarter inspired me to jump into version 1 and 2. Born in 1972 ... cut my teeth with D&D, AD&D, GammaWorld, Aftermath! ... and the list goes on. Met RuneQuest a few years ago ...

Invested 27 years with the US Army and now work a desk job when not shuttling kids to and fro activities ... 2 of them vote ... yeah, I feel old ... but, these games remind me of my youth and scores of great memories! The kids humor me during vacations: we "roll" up characters and have good ole fashioned fun.

Looking forward to learning more about this game, meeting the community and preparing to lead a campaign with my nephews later this year. This year they'll be learning about Poland! Excited about Twilight: 2000 and happy to have found this forum. Be well!

Good hunting!

Welcome, sir!

Rolando 03-19-2023 09:19 PM


I'm a long time roleplayer and GM, playerd 2e Twilight a lot and now got the 4e box and will be GMing soonish.

I'm a civilian, from Panama, wargamer and airsofter, also amateur war history aficionado... among other hobbies.

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