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General Pain 05-24-2010 03:47 AM

Episode 6
Is scheduled @ Friday the 13th of August and the upcoming weekend....Maybe we shall start thirsday the 12th.? hehe
Well my lucky number is 13 so any of the dates are good.


After a hefty escape from the Mental institution in Texas in last episode, all of the characters are slightly wounded physically and severly wounded mentally some more than others, you know who I'm talking about...MAO. But you all managed to leave the US with loads of intel and equipment. The boat which was aranged by a team-effort of Mao's next in command and the south-american smuggler in the group.

For the moment you have no new mission as you travel southbound out of US waters.

Pix of the boat will be posted soon.

-General out.

General Pain 05-24-2010 04:16 AM

Well this is the ship that Mao's nex in command bought from a museum, promising to give it a new home as a museum in Tokyo.


Equipment on ship will lbe revealed later.

Crew is a mixture of Japanese loyal to Mao.
And some Loyal to (Peter) the south-american smuggler.

Just as u know it's built in the 40s and it smells and sounds just like that ;)

Ship ohoy.

headquarters 05-24-2010 12:17 PM

Immediate actions
1) offer medical assistance to anyone in need then find and make ready best lifeboat and instruct party of this .

2) stack said lifeboat with cash ,drinking water ,survival gear ,rations and a medpack.

3) try to get a full sweep of vessel regarding hidden transmitters,explosive devices etc etc

4) carefully gage the crew so that no one is left alone at the comms or engines from either party ( south americans/japanese)

5) continue learning about operating captured gear and do maintenance on all gear -

6) open a can of beer,light smokes and do someline fishing .. ( is it all full of oil and are there us coast guard in the area ..Oilrig Explosion remember ?)

General Pain 05-26-2010 05:18 AM

Ship Equipment
Weapon Systems:

1 x 40mm Bofors AA Gun - 2000 rounds
4 x 20mm Oerlikon AA Guns - 40 x 60 drums
10 x Mark 56 Naval Mine (info at the BBoW)
5 x Blowpipe – Man-portable SAM with 25 rounds
2 x Flamethrowers
50 x AK-47 w/BG1 - 25000 rounds (in ready loaded C-mags)
50 x various handguns
20 x various shotguns
2 x whaling harpoons (front/back)
5 x cheytak w/250 rounds
100 x frags
150 x various other frags (no nervegass) (smoke,illum,cs,flash)
20 various scopes

Captain Stavros Vilankopolous (58)
Sgt. Chen Laou (44)
Sgt. Dimitri Vollkyankov (39)
25 Sailors/shipmates/cooks/radio-operators etc
Major Smith (50)
Lt. Morris (32)
20 soldiers
5 doctors
The ship has also:

2 electric mini subs with capacity of 20 men each - can be launced from inside the ship
1 x full operating / medical center
5 x black SUVs
2 x 5t trucks
1 x LAV-25
1 x small fueling station
Radio Room,Radar Room,Sonar Room,Bridge,cantine,sleeping quarters,storage
2 huge cranes on each side of the ship.

headquarters 05-26-2010 05:22 AM

great - a super villain vessel
the crew- can they be trusted ? have they ALL been checked out by their handlers? if not we need to start secret surveillance of them..
mao-florentino-please report!

headquarters 05-27-2010 03:36 AM

Communicatons - new job leads
Can we safely communicate from the ship using onboard equipment /Mao phones or will this leave a trace for the FBI /NSA?

If we can - can I start work on getting a new contract or getting further leads on the whereabouts of a certain Russian crime kingpin ?( Any major operation of his that we can hurt is also of interest).

Since we are so well armed I look to the corporate sector : any major corporation that have a mining license in the jungles of south America but have pesky left wing narco guerillas that slow down the money making ? We can clear the area of undesirables ! For a small fee / stake in the minig operation ;)

Any billionaire heirs gone missing ?

Any civil wars going on that needs escalation ?

Anyone have a research station that have reported ...anomalies ?

Any corrupt Mexican Federalpolice that want a certain top level drug cartel meeting rudely interrupted ?

General Pain 05-27-2010 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by headquarters (Post 22976)
Can we safely communicate from the ship using onboard equipment /Mao phones or will this leave a trace for the FBI /NSA?

If we can - can I start work on getting a new contract or getting further leads on the whereabouts of a certain Russian crime kingpin ?( Any major operation of his that we can hurt is also of interest).

Since we are so well armed I look to the corporate sector : any major corporation that have a mining license in the jungles of south America but have pesky left wing narco guerillas that slow down the money making ? We can clear the area of undesirables ! For a small fee / stake in the minig operation ;) - POSSIBLE MISSION - BRAZIL

Any billionaire heirs gone missing ? - POSSIBLE MISSION(s) - france,argentina
Any civil wars going on that needs escalation ? - Possible Missions, Kongo,sierra Leone,Thailand,Burma,etc etc

Anyone have a research station that have reported ...anomalies ? - Northern Russian waters,north of japan, south of iran,india

Any corrupt Mexican Federalpolice that want a certain top level drug cartel meeting rudely interrupted ?

- ALLWAYS, but is rather public mission

Apart from that you have possibilities in th Canadian forrests, kaukasus,egypt,syria,iraq,germany.italia,france,UK

General Pain 05-27-2010 06:15 AM

The Ships Airpower.
For the moment u have 2 helicopters on the ship.

1 x Piasecki H-21 “ Workhorse ” - 1952
1 x Mil Mi-18 "Hip" - 1979

there is full tanks + 2 extra refills of fuel for both.

No weapons

headquarters 05-27-2010 06:50 AM

Just assuming ..
that everybody starts doing check ups,diagnostics and maintenance on all gear -including choppers,ship,weapons and ammo to ensure full battle preparedness ASAP.

Start going into arming said birds pronto .

If possible - try to fish some more.

Rupert Willies 06-01-2010 05:19 AM

I believe half of the crew is loyal to me, and should be good ol' boys, from my trafficking days. I know them all personally, and if I don't, we don't need to have them onboard.

Heading south from Texas, we should be able to hack onto Intelsat-9. Maybe disguise our communications as live broadcast opera (Faust, of course). Or we could rent a cheap uplink from a semi-rogue Brazillian sat-com reseller. As long as we use 2056-bit Blowfish encryption, we should be good.

I'll get onto checking the choppers, and arming them if at all possible. Maybe we can stop by my crib and pick up some gear.

The Mi-8 is a proper workhorse, and could probably be fitted with anything we can think of, like the Oerlikon 20mm

headquarters 06-01-2010 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by Rupert Willies (Post 23169)
I believe half of the crew is loyal to me, and should be good ol' boys, from my trafficking days. I know them all personally, and if I don't, we don't need to have them onboard.

Heading south from Texas, we should be able to hack onto Intelsat-9. Maybe disguise our communications as live broadcast opera (Faust, of course). Or we could rent a cheap uplink from a semi-rogue Brazillian sat-com reseller. As long as we use 2056-bit Blowfish encryption, we should be good.

I'll get onto checking the choppers, and arming them if at all possible.

Good Job .

Well - since our group has sorted it self out I try to go deep - sending a reinforced line down hundreds of feet with a bloody mesh bag of fish and meat on the massive and hand-sharpened hook.

I want something big . ( Knowing the Gods of this world to be ..unpredictable I keep a few handgrenades and an AK with grenade launcher close.):D

Rupert Willies 06-02-2010 07:05 AM

the Workhorse
I need a clarification.
There were only built 32 H-21A choppers for the USAF, hardly any of them built in 1952, all intended for a SAR role. Some of them were later upgraded.
There were built 163 H-21B in the same period, and later in 1962 after being redesignated CH-21C 334 more were built for U.S. forces. 32 built under licence by Weser Flugzeugbau for the West German Army. 98 built for the French Air Force and French Army Aviation.

My question is: could it be that we misinterpreted the model and make of the chopper, and that what we have sitting aboard our proud ship is really a H-21B or CH-21C? I could easily see this happen if it in fact is an upgraded version of the orginal 32 H-21A, and it is not unplausible that an untrained eye (unlike my own) could miss telltale signs of the later models.

General Pain 06-10-2010 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by Rupert Willies (Post 23226)
I need a clarification.
There were only built 32 H-21A choppers for the USAF, hardly any of them built in 1952, all intended for a SAR role. Some of them were later upgraded.
There were built 163 H-21B in the same period, and later in 1962 after being redesignated CH-21C 334 more were built for U.S. forces. 32 built under licence by Weser Flugzeugbau for the West German Army. 98 built for the French Air Force and French Army Aviation.

My question is: could it be that we misinterpreted the model and make of the chopper, and that what we have sitting aboard our proud ship is really a H-21B or CH-21C? I could easily see this happen if it in fact is an upgraded version of the orginal 32 H-21A, and it is not unplausible that an untrained eye (unlike my own) could miss telltale signs of the later models.

It is what it is hehe...Incidently I think I remember you skilled in the arts of Aircraft Mechanics...


Or you keep them and buy new ones..

General Pain 06-10-2010 04:14 AM

As time is running out until our next episode/session/massacre I'd prefer you please make up you mind of what heading or plan you'd want to choose.

headquarters 06-10-2010 06:22 AM

what about heading for Florentinos coastal hideout and staging a coup in a small african country ?

sponsored by Big Oil or whatever


Civil war missions - what are the missions ? How much does it pay ?
Iranian research facility - what does it pay ?

General Pain 06-12-2010 04:13 AM

The Missions
Missions for Episode 6


01. Rescue mission - Argentina - 250.000$ - 1 week
02. Assasination - Mexico - 1.000.000$ - 4 weeks
03. Protection Mission - USA - 50.000$ pr week - 5 weeks
04. Rescue/inte Mission - Russia - 600.000$ + bonus - 1 week
05. Rescue mission - Brasil - 250.000$+bonus - 2 weeks
06. Assasination - Japan - 640.000$ - 3 weeks
07. Coup d'état - ASIA - 10.000.000$ - 3 months
08. Coup d'état - AFRICA - 18.000.000$ - 4 months
09. Coup d'état - Middle East - 25.000.000$ - 7 months
10. Assasination - Israel - 12.000.000$ - 1 month
11. Assasination - USA - 32.000.000$ - 2 months
12. Assasination - NORWAY - 2.000.000$ - 4 weeks

Rupert Willies 06-14-2010 01:27 AM

I propose..
04, 06, 12, 10, 11, 07, 08, 09 in quick progression

Should be doable .. hahaha

Rupert Willies 06-15-2010 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by General Pain (Post 23401)
It is what it is hehe...Incidently I think I remember you skilled in the arts of Aircraft Mechanics...


Or you keep them and buy new ones..

If these are original helis, I think we can just drop them in the harbour. Material wear will have dealt death blows to these girls long time ago. There will be no end to the work to have them in operable state. Much easier to purchase a used, modern chopper that fits our needs. A 60 year old 1100hp single engine chopper = garbage. The strain on the engine was enormous, especially in the earliest models (H-21a), some would say it was under-powered, and that's why it was upgraded before it was put into proper production.
Upgrading these choppers is just plain dumb.

General Pain 06-17-2010 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by Rupert Willies (Post 23501)
04, 06, 12, 10, 11, 07, 08, 09 in quick progression

Should be doable .. hahaha

session-wise 1 or 2 missions (max)

Rupert Willies 06-21-2010 02:29 AM

I was - of course - kidding. I think we hardly EVER finished even ONE mission during a single session.

headquarters 06-21-2010 06:23 AM

How about 05 - Brazil - rescue ,jungle,patrols,head hunters,the Amazon basin....

better start a Portuguese class on board .

Rupert Willies 06-21-2010 07:02 AM

I second that motion

Originally Posted by headquarters (Post 23661)
How about 05 - Brazil - rescue ,jungle,patrols,head hunters,the Amazon basin....

better start a Portuguese class on board .

I think this would be a swell choice, even though the pay is not out of this world, I guess pay is matched by perceived danger?

headquarters 06-22-2010 01:39 AM

the thrills

Originally Posted by Rupert Willies (Post 23664)
I think this would be a swell choice, even though the pay is not out of this world, I guess pay is matched by perceived danger?

Most people pay to base jump - I am in it for the ride.

Plus this is a big op with the possibility to recruit a company of mercs and try them out in combat operations for the big one - coup d`etat at 32 mill dollars in Corruptistan or whereever :D

Rupert Willies 06-23-2010 12:41 AM

Ah, this is why you are big massa, and I'm grease monkey! Great plan.

BTW: Has it been decided whether your wife is gonna play with us or not? ;)

headquarters 06-23-2010 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by Rupert Willies (Post 23683)
Ah, this is why you are big massa, and I'm grease monkey! Great plan.

BTW: Has it been decided whether your wife is gonna play with us or not? ;)

You mean GPs wife ?

Mine will not be let near our gaming session by far . :rolleyes:

Rupert Willies 06-23-2010 01:30 AM

Yes, I meant GPs "wife"..

General Pain 06-23-2010 01:58 AM

My x-wife wil most defenantly NOT be joining us, as for my girlfriend, she'll prolly be suntanning while we're playin'

Rupert Willies 06-23-2010 02:12 AM

These are great news, general!
Suntanning ladies will definately be a step up from last year.

General Pain 06-23-2010 04:35 AM

regarding additional equipment
Please have a list over equipment you would like to add before the session.

Can be shipped from Japan via MAO corp.

Weapons and vehicles/boats:
Can be fixed by rupert willies contacts in south america.

Pleace specify

General Pain 07-21-2010 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by General Pain (Post 22979)
For the moment u have 2 helicopters on the ship.

1 x Piasecki H-21 “ Workhorse ” - 1952
1 x Mil Mi-18 "Hip" - 1979

there is full tanks + 2 extra refills of fuel for both.

No weapons

The Mi-18 is equipped with state of the art equipment a la http://nightflightconcepts.com/

The workhorse is however best use as a workhorse, but after recent inspection it appears newly renovated and refurbished.

Weapon Systems for the Mil18 should be ordered ASAP.
The workhorse has mounts for MGs/HMGs

More details if asked for.

headquarters 07-24-2010 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by General Pain (Post 23690)
Please have a list over equipment you would like to add before the session.

Can be shipped from Japan via MAO corp.

Weapons and vehicles/boats:
Can be fixed by rupert willies contacts in south america.

Pleace specify



Belizian national " mr.Jorge Williamson"
(in addition to my fake US passport mr."Joseph Kelly"


vests from BSST
1 x overt UX 4 modular type and total of 4 plates and 2 carriers
1 x P6 covert w extra carrier
1xvest from this place ( flotation)





helmets : 1 field and 1 urban/CQB



I also get 3 UT1 universal pistol kits and 3 UB1-3 model mounts as well as the following implements :

a flashligh /laser combo for rifles
ditto for pistols
a laser IR light combo for pistols
ditto for rifles


also some rails


ak alloy top handguard and a sidemounted weaver rail for the standard AKs

also a 10 loose picatinny spec rails w screws and tools etc

I get an :
2xOKO collimator sight with the SC2 steel casing
and a PK-A Kobra collimator weaver type mount .

also some night vision :scope and goggles



some coms ( 5) :

and 3 of these :

I deck out my iron with lasers,red dot sights ,flashlights etc

Medical :




platoon sized region specific drug and medicine kit with snake serum,bug gels,quinine,malaripills,beriberipills,tapeworm pills,sunlotion,cuare antidote etc
10 000 water purification pills.

this combined into 3 different lightweight kits :
1 for stationary use
1 for vehicular use
1 for tactical carry . ( needless to say kits are modular ,I dont bring double set of EXTRAS for this one -just a few extras )

Personal :

I finish it of by adding 3 shifts of the best brit junglekit /Sasskit produced plus sportsunderwear for appropriate climates ,
lightweight waterproofs
booniehat,ball caps
snipers veil mesh scarf 100x70 cm
hammock and mosquito net
and casualx2,

of civvie clothes ,
and footwear.

also a large cooler with waterbottles,granola bars and MREs as well as sausages and cheese.

also the ,extra large multitool
and a cold steel parang machete
50 Liter Norrøna pack

2 100 l mission hold all bags

MSR pocketrocket and a couple of canisters of iso butan

my "possibles" bag /E&E kit .(firestarter,spork,racingspoon,DOAN/swedish firesteel ,sleeping bag,toiletry,cutlery,escape map of area,minicompass,mini firstaid kit,1000 dollars in 50s ,4x100 dollar gold coin,rolling papers and tobacco ,waterpurificationtabs etc )-all in a very small ultrathough soft plastic kit that is waterproof,floats and can easily be hidden in pockets-sewn into clothing etc .Looks like an eyglasses preserver box.

small flashligt,Silva headlamp,Suunto military watch M3 model w GPS,altimeter etc in the regular gear
extensive and specialized car theft/lockpick gear camouflaged as a small ,regular toolbox and PDA .(Yes its electronic too now)
Portugese language book and interactive PC program

MP3 player w everything Grant Lee Buffalo,Jackson Browne acoustic stuff,Old and in the Way,Django Reinhardt some decent bluegrass,Led Zeppelins Mothership and a hodgepodge of classics .

the very last item : the collected works of Stendahl .


21 , 800 US $

( to be paid me from mission payment as expenses)

General Pain 07-26-2010 02:15 AM

Sum it up please.

Where do you want it delivered?

It can all be readily delivered @ warehouse in Manaus. (for a hansome fee offrcourse)

Rupert Willies 07-26-2010 02:38 AM

I know that the easiest way to get anything to Manaus, is to get in brought in by boat. It's easy to buy a spot on one of the many freighters travelling up river from Belem, Macapa or Santana, or any of the smaller cities along the river.

headquarters 07-26-2010 03:03 AM

Speaking of which

Originally Posted by Rupert Willies (Post 24358)
I know that the easiest way to get anything to Manaus, is to get in brought in by boat. It's easy to buy a spot on one of the many freighters travelling up river from Belem, Macapa or Santana, or any of the smaller cities along the river.

How do you propose that we make the infiltration ?

Maybe an amphibious plane could meet us in international waters and fly us in with our gear.

Having the kit unguarded on a freighter on the river could mean that opposing agents could bug it,track it or whatever.Or a boat could meet us at sea ,we transfer goods and team and sail up river to Manaus.
A smuggeling boat is preferred if we are to take guns with us.

Brazil operates a brown water navy of war ships on the Amazon.Plus there are river police etc .

Discretion is needed.

I believe you are team leader on this one Florentino.

make the call.

headquarters 07-27-2010 03:31 AM

Sailing the amazon
I have googled a bit - our ship could easily sail to Manaus if we can avoid being detained by customs,federal police ,navy,anti drug enforcement agency ,B.O.P.E,local police or health authorities...

Rupert Willies 07-27-2010 04:26 AM

It's a fact that the Brazilian customs are vigilant when it comes to freighters with more than one helicopter on deck. I think we could do better if we either left the choppers at my pad, or got another vehicle to transport us up river.

We need to bring with us multiple persons on the return, so perhaps boat in - plane out?

Rupert Willies 07-27-2010 04:40 AM

I make a call to my contacts with the brazilian government and check out how much work and money is needed for us to pose as a research team heading to the deep amazon to study dungbeetles and monkey droppings in general. This should not be a big hindrance, if we can make or fake a backing by a semi-large corporation, like TIME, BBC, NRK, MONSTER etc

I contact some people I know in Europe to hear if anybody got projects going on in the area of Manaus they need freighting for. Maybe they even need a chopper. I don't want work, just a written declaration that they need our services.

I get an import / work permit for both choppers (as research and/or filming), and list one of my less used IDs for pilot, preferrably one that is NOT wanted by interpol. If in doubt, I try to fix a new one.

And BTW: I have a nice amphibious plane stationed at my pad. I will take some time to get it, but it should be able to get us in and out of Manaus. It's not bic enough to get us ALL in and out, if we count the henchmen and the targets. We would need a much larger aircraft for that.

headquarters 07-27-2010 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by Rupert Willies (Post 24385)
I make a call to my contacts with the brazilian government and check out how much work and money is needed for us to pose as a research team heading to the deep amazon to study dungbeetles and monkey droppings in general. This should not be a big hindrance, if we can make or fake a backing by a semi-large corporation, like TIME, BBC, NRK, MONSTER etc

I contact some people I know in Europe to hear if anybody got projects going on in the area of Manaus they need freighting for. Maybe they even need a chopper. I don't want work, just a written declaration that they need our services.

I get an import / work permit for both choppers (as research and/or filming), and list one of my less used IDs for pilot, preferrably one that is NOT wanted by interpol. If in doubt, I try to fix a new one.

And BTW: I have a nice amphibious plane stationed at my pad. I will take some time to get it, but it should be able to get us in and out of Manaus. It's not bic enough to get us ALL in and out, if we count the henchmen and the targets. We would need a much larger aircraft for that.

I follow up Willis good work by proposing to him the following :

1.setting up a LTD company in the UK that is called
"Mungo Park Co. - taking adventure seriously since 2010"

(Event organizer ,1 pound capital and waivers for liability signed by any client to offset insurance costs,basic insurance premiums paid to Britich insurance Co.

The company is a subsidiary of another company that we set up "Janissary Security Ltd" registered in the cayman Islands.The board and CEO is a fake identity "Mr.Jorge Williams",a Belize national .(Quality fake papers ordered under Kit Order from Romanoff/Mao contacts.)

2.applying for travel license to any restricted natural parks etc ,operating license,work permits,tax reports filed and security contracting permit in Brazil,its territorial waters and airspace .
I also apply for non lethal weapons permit,concealed carry ,open carry as well as crewserved weapons in that order.If needed I suggest that Romanoff travels ahead to see to it that the right palms are greased and that any papers we need are "produced " satisfactorily -

I inform Willis that we can get some of us in as an "event /safari organizer company with its own "security detachment" .The company can officially lease the ship we are on,we can pose as employees of the company and others in the party can pose the scientists Willis mentioned and we will have operating permits etc as soon as this starts to come together .

This way the company can only be traced to Mr Jorge Williams who should be pretty hard to track down in Belize .If any heat is directed on the ship it will be possible for them to point to the dozen or so crew members that were hired by MungoParkCo that actually operated the vessel during the operation.(All under assumed identities etc )
.Any investigation by Brazillian authorities should quickly grind to a halt under these circumstances.

I then start growing beard ,take on the guise as Mr.Jorge Williams ,39,Belizean national CEO and operator of "Mungo Park Co." event organizer co.
-And wait for the team leader to approve or disapprove of the set up.

Rupert Willies 07-28-2010 02:19 AM

I fully approve of this plan. Great work HQ.

I would like to embellish on the plan by adding:

I try to contact some people I know (John the American (he's from Panama) and his crew) that work the jungle at the border between Brazil and Colombia. We could make plane drops, or if we have the time boatdrops, from Colombia if there is anything "hot" we need to get in.

On a slightly longer term I'd like us to set up a more permanent frontend for our business. If we could set up a company - a security firm - we could attract contracts from more "legit" sources - think Iraq, Afghanistan etc.

headquarters 07-28-2010 02:35 AM

Spartan Security Ltd.

Originally Posted by Rupert Willies (Post 24423)
I fully approve of this plan. Great work HQ.

I would like to embellish on the plan by adding:

I try to contact some people I know (John the American (he's from Panama) and his crew) that work the jungle at the border between Brazil and Colombia. We could make plane drops, or if we have the time boatdrops, from Colombia if there is anything "hot" we need to get in.

On a slightly longer term I'd like us to set up a more permanent frontend for our business. If we could set up a company - a security firm - we could attract contracts from more "legit" sources - think Iraq, Afghanistan etc.

Thanks buddy.

My character has a company registered in London that goes by the name Spartan Security Ltd.
Its listed in the security biz/PMC category and 100% legit .(No investigations pending ,under real name etc )

As for making weapons drops -good idea.

Any news on our permit applications?

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