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-   -   Twilight 2013 to end publication in December 2010 (https://forum.juhlin.com/showthread.php?t=2531)

Jason Weiser 10-26-2010 11:21 AM

Twilight 2013 to end publication in December 2010
Thought I would pass this along:



Originally Posted by Smokewolf
I want to thank each and everyone on the forum for their participation and they're level of respect for each other. I've seen a ton of discussions on here and very rarely have I had to say anything to anyone. I think that is a testament to the players who respect this game and who have kept it alive all of these years.

This is probably the hardest post I've every had to make on any forum I belong to. The license for the use of Twilight: 2000 and its supplements runs out Dec. 31, 2010. For personal reasons, I've decided not to renew the license. At which time I'm also going to close the doors on 93 Games Studio.

I am working to pass on the rights of the Reflex system to a new publisher who will continue to bring forth new products for this amazing engine. As this progresses I will keep you posted.

I haven't decided what will happen with the forums yet. My hope is that the new owner of the Reflex system will take them over and there will be no disruption of service. For the meantime though the forum will remain open.

It's been an amazing 9 years (total time 93GS has operated) and I'll treasure my time with everyone.

BTW, in case you are wondering, there is still stock available. Please let me know if you are interested in scooping some of them up.

kato13 10-26-2010 12:20 PM

That is a real bummer. I hope the reflex system finds a home.

Targan 10-26-2010 12:34 PM

Huh. I'm really surprised at this development. It is sad. Still, following on from Teygyrius's withdrawal from involvement in 93 Games Studio's publications I guess the writing was on the wall that all was not well. It must be really difficult to be an independent RPG publisher these days.

cavtroop 10-26-2010 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Targan (Post 26702)
It must be really difficult to be an independent RPG publisher these days.

yeah, I think that's the long and short of it. The RPG industry just isn't what it used to be, not even close. It's (impossibly) hard to make a living at it. I help a friend that is mildly successful in publishing Pathfinder PDF's, and he pulls in several dozen dollars a month, at the most.

The Halycon days of RPG publishing are long gone. The industry has contracted, and MMOs and Millenials are eating it's lunch. :(

Very sad to see Twilight:2013 go away, I really like the system, just can't find anyone to play it with, which I guess is symptomatic, eh?

Legbreaker 10-26-2010 05:12 PM

What's even sadder is that NONE of the T:2013 materials made it into this part of the world. They might as well not exist from looking in the various stores that could have stocked it.
My guess is the distributors could have done a better job....

helbent4 10-26-2010 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by cavtroop (Post 26705)

Very sad to see Twilight:2013 go away, I really like the system, just can't find anyone to play it with, which I guess is symptomatic, eh?


If they'd have ever gotten the vehicle combat system and other rules sorted out I would have like to have given the Reflex rules a shot for my T2K game. Background aside, there was a lot of cool detail there.

As for availability, I live in Canada and never saw anything in actual print. That's pretty unusual, we generally see most of what's on the market eventually. I really wanted to like this game but those three factors made it a losing proposition on a personal level, and didn't help in today's market.


pmulcahy11b 10-26-2010 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by cavtroop (Post 26705)
The Halycon days of RPG publishing are long gone. The industry has contracted, and MMOs and Millenials are eating it's lunch. :(

They could maybe make an MMO version of T2K? But true roleplaying would lose out to the combat...I think a good T2K MMO would need more AI on the part of its servers.

StainlessSteelCynic 10-26-2010 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by Legbreaker (Post 26710)
What's even sadder is that NONE of the T:2013 materials made it into this part of the world. They might as well not exist from looking in the various stores that could have stocked it.
My guess is the distributors could have done a better job....

I believe this had less to do with distributors and more with 93 Games. International sales were not given much consideration from what I've seen on their own website
My thoughts; they produced too many gun books at the expense of role playing material

Rainbow Six 10-27-2010 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by Legbreaker (Post 26710)
What's even sadder is that NONE of the T:2013 materials made it into this part of the world.

Ditto for my part of the World (granted there aren't that many RPG stores in my part of the World!).

Dog 6 10-27-2010 03:49 AM

imo the Background sucked so bad I wish I had saved my money. not sad to see it go tbh

Targan 10-27-2010 09:07 AM

I bought my hardcopy of the T2013 rules at my local games store in Perth. Half way around the world.

StainlessSteelCynic 10-27-2010 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Targan (Post 26744)
I bought my hardcopy of the T2013 rules at my local games store in Perth. Half way around the world.

I know of the shop of which you speak and if I remember correctly what I was told, they were only able to get three or four copies in total - hardly a worthwhile number and certainly not enough to generate word-of-mouth interest or make international sales profitable

Legbreaker 10-27-2010 06:26 PM

Three or four copies for PERTH!? :O
Ok, maybe a few more for the other stores, but seriously, how the hell did they expect to break into the market with such low penetration? That's just STUPID.
Is it any wonder they've gone under when they didn't even bother to supply the market properly?

helbent4 10-27-2010 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Legbreaker (Post 26782)
Three or four copies for PERTH!? :O
Ok, maybe a few more for the other stores, but seriously, how the hell did they expect to break into the market with such low penetration? That's just STUPID.
Is it any wonder they've gone under when they didn't even bother to supply the market properly?


I never saw a hardcopy, I got the .pdf for Christmas. Vancouver is a little out there but not exactly the end of the universe.

Certainly, distribution was not 93 Studio's job of course, and that's a hazard of business that has sunk other gaming companies. I counted five sourcebooks for weapons, including one alone on M16s and variants (seriously?) which was within their control.

One problem was the background, although not for lack of thought or detail. It wasn't that it was bad but frankly seemed to belong to a completely different game. I was very amused at Canada invading the USA, shades of "Amerida" from SNL:


Phil Hartman as the angry American... classic!

I'm not privy to the decisions that resulted in "updating" most of the original background, but it would seem the licence to T2K was both besides the point and meant they are now forced to abandon the project when it ran out. I presume the revised timeline was intended to make the setting more timely and relevant, and maybe appeal to a wider audience that doesn't remember the Cold War. In practice it worked out to being TNE all over again. (As well, The Morrow Project appears to be heading down this revisionist road, too.)

If one (or more) of the gun books had been dropped and a sourcebook or two updating T2K to the Reflex system been added it would have been worth it, or at least made better use of the licence. (I don't know about the "Cold War" gun book, so maybe that was their nod to previous editions?)


Legbreaker 10-27-2010 07:25 PM

Although hardware is cool, you can't write a game based solely on that which is what I gather they tried to do (I haven't laid eyes on anything beyond the promotional material from a few years back).
A believable story is VITAL (unless it's supposed to be totally out there such as Tales from the Floating Vagabond).

natehale1971 10-27-2010 07:40 PM

To many that i talked too just couldn't get over the fact the president 'disbanding the federal government with an executive order'... when it takes 2/3rds of the states to disband it! Now the president could order Federal assets to stand down, and place themselves under the authority of State and Local governments during the 'period of emergency/national disaster'... But at least they touched on the legality of the order in their own narrative prose of two rich @$$holes talking about setting themselves up as Lords of the Manors and such.

Eddie 10-27-2010 08:34 PM

Well, the license comes open in December...

Richard, I know you had big ideas to revitalize T:2K...

natehale1971 10-27-2010 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Eddie (Post 26795)
Well, the license comes open in December...

Richard, I know you had big ideas to revitalize T:2K...

Yes... i did.

It was going to be a big idea for the game set up. even drew up mock ups for the covers of the core rulebook and each of the sourcebooks. If anyone is interested in what i wanted to do.. i can post it here and have everyone though their two cents in and possibly get a damn good set up (and help bridge the gaps from my brain damage). :)

Legbreaker 10-27-2010 08:47 PM

Hmm, I wonder what the licence would cost.....

natehale1971 10-27-2010 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by Legbreaker (Post 26799)
Hmm, I wonder what the licence would cost.....

THat I don't know... but wish i did!

Dog 6 10-28-2010 03:07 AM

lets try and find out.

Mahatatain 10-28-2010 08:56 AM

I think that it is sad that T2013 has ceased but I think that some decisions were made by 93 Games Studio that made the success of the game unlikely.

1. The game background is weak in places and is quite US centric. The details of the UK made me cringe and I read one comment (from an Australian) when the game was realeased that he suspected that the writers hadn't even looked at Australia on a map! It seemed to me that the game background was written for a US market without any thought to an international market as it plays heavily to US stereotype views of the rest of the world. My instant reaction as a GM therefore was that I would have to rewrite the game background or simply use the system in a different setting.

2. There are some flaws in the combat rules (in my opinion) and that put several players I know off the game after an initial session.

3. Their business model seems to focus around people purchasing pdf versions rather than actual books in most countries and that seems wrong to me. Most gamers (and the majority of T2k fans) are "older" gamers and are more likely to spend the money for a good quality hardback book (which is what they produced in some markets) rather than a pdf. None of the supplements were ever more than pdfs though (I believe).

4. They initially focussed on firearms supplements rather than sourcebooks or adventures and when they did release a sourcebook it was for their "Everytown" generic setting rather than the Czech sourcebook Tegyrius developed - http://forum.juhlin.com/showthread.php?t=2355

It's sad when any game fails but I think that their approach was flawed in the first place.

They seem to be nice guys however so I hope that they do well in the future. They've done more to contribute to the gaming hobby as a whole than I've ever done!

Mahatatain 10-28-2010 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Dog 6 (Post 26819)
lets try and find out.

I think that the guys at http://www.farfuture.net/ might well know who owns the licence.

Tegyrius 10-30-2010 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by helbent4 (Post 26713)
If they'd have ever gotten the vehicle combat system and other rules sorted out I would have like to have given the Reflex rules a shot for my T2K game. Background aside, there was a lot of cool detail there.

FYI, it's not a complete rewrite, but one of the last pieces I released on the 93GS forums included an errata pack for the vehicle rules. It's also in the manuscript for Driver's Guide: Czech Your Engine (http://forum.juhlin.com/showthread.php?t=2361).


Originally Posted by helbent4 (Post 26784)
If one (or more) of the gun books had been dropped and a sourcebook or two updating T2K to the Reflex system been added it would have been worth it, or at least made better use of the licence.

Aside from some equipment conversions and possibly a reduction in the availability of the Computing skill, I think Reflex is completely usable with the T2k setting. That was, in fact, one of my primary design objectives. What would you say is missing?


Originally Posted by helbent4 (Post 26784)
(I don't know about the "Cold War" gun book, so maybe that was their nod to previous editions?)

Not really. Cold Warriors came about because I have a C&R license and wanted to stat out some of the stuff that I've reserved space in the safe for. After I ran the numbers on a few rifles, I realized I had another possible theme for a Shooter's Guide PDF.


Originally Posted by Mahatatain (Post 26826)
I think that it is sad that T2013 has ceased but I think that some decisions were made by 93 Games Studio that made the success of the game unlikely.

You say "93 Games Studio" like the company is a massive entity.


Originally Posted by Mahatatain (Post 26826)
3. Their business model seems to focus around people purchasing pdf versions rather than actual books in most countries and that seems wrong to me. Most gamers (and the majority of T2k fans) are "older" gamers and are more likely to spend the money for a good quality hardback book (which is what they produced in some markets) rather than a pdf. None of the supplements were ever more than pdfs though (I believe).

Like it or not (and I, personally, do not like the trend), I fear it's the way the industry is headed. PDF publication eliminates a massive amount of cost from the product and cuts several months off the back end of the production schedule, as well as allowing rapid distribution of errata/updates.

- C.

helbent4 10-30-2010 07:35 PM


No disrespect is meant to yours or anyone else's efforts on T2013. You seem to imply that "93 Studios" is not some kind of monolithic entity. To be fair, gaming companies did use to be fairly monolithic entities, so for those of us that have been gaming for a while that's a natural if outdated assumption. We regular gamers are probably not as privy to the inner workings of any company as an insider would be.

From a design point of view I can see there being a desire to get away from going over ground that's been thoroughly covered because old-timers would be bored and/or insulted and new players not already familiar with the setting would not be attracted. Hard Eight Enterprises licenced the 1st edition AD&D rules and refined them while also recapitulating classic dungeon crawls on a literal module-per-module basis. The resulting "Hackmaster 4th edition" was probably financially successful and definitely award-winning; HM still has momentum even after the end of their licence. Granted, there was a considerable advantage because of the prior connection to 1st ed. AD&D and awareness created by KotDT. I'm less familiar with Mongoose Traveller, but I believe Mongoose licenced Traveller from FFE and made a success by building on CT rules and the style of the old adventures and 3rd Imperium setting.

In other words, when gamers read HM 4e and Mongoose Traveller the response wasn't "groan, same-old, same-old" but "yes! This was what we should have had instead of 2nd/3rd/3.5/4th edition and/or MegaTraveller/TNE (especially)/M0/T20/G:T". I can't speak for Mongoose Traveller but I've not had any problems with younger or other players without AD&D 1st ed. experience in playing HM 4e.

That said, as to what could have been added was at least a recap and clean-up of T2K, perhaps a re-work of at least some of the original adventures (like v2.2 attempt that was abandoned with Krakow). Then working within the same (or similar) timeline until 2013.

Regarding the vehicle rules, I'm glad you came up with some additions. I'll certainly have a look at them! When I was considering adapting Reflex for my T2K game I checked the 93 T2013 forums and discovered there were problems with the vehicle rules regarding movement and penetration. I backed off until this could get sorted out, and there it is.


Not really. Cold Warriors came about because I have a C&R license and wanted to stat out some of the stuff that I've reserved space in the safe for. After I ran the numbers on a few rifles, I realized I had another possible theme for a Shooter's Guide PDF.
"C&R licence", "safe"? Ah, not too sure what you mean, but I'm guessing you're saying that in developing some stuff you realised you had enough material for a separate "Shooter's Guide" PDF, which wouldn't cost anything to produce and would serve to fill in some blanks for those who were interested?

Edit Added:

After reading the notice of a new game using Reflex with T2K and the classic modules, I see someone else was waaaay ahead of me! :D


Tegyrius 10-30-2010 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by helbent4 (Post 26905)

No disrespect is meant to yours or anyone else's efforts on T2013. You seem a little defensive about the assumption that "93 Studios" is some kind of monolithic entity. To be fair, gaming companies did use to be fairly monolithic entities, so for those of us that have been gaming for a while that's a natural assumption. We regular gamers are probably not as privy to the inner workings of any company as an insider.

Yeah, I am a bit defensive about it. There's stuff I'm not going to discuss at this point for various reasons, but I'll repeat something that has been my mantra for a couple of years now: 93GS has exactly one full-time employee, and even he has a real job to subsidize his hobby job. Everyone else involved with the project is/was freelance talent, selling our work to Keith on a per-word or per-art-piece basis - if not doing it unpaid to gain publication credits. As the primary rules writer, I fell into the per-word category, and while my word rate is decent for the gaming industry, I could make more teaching high school English than writing RPGs as a full-time job. Keith's ultimately dropping the license because it's not profitable. So it's not like there was this massive cabal of money-grubbing capitalists out to shit on everyone's fond memories of 1e and 2e... which, at times, feels like the opinion that the majority of this forum's members hold.

As far as the rules/setting relationship... it's complicated. I think it's fair to say that Keith had a lot of problems getting writers not to flake on the setting side of the project. That's an occupational hazard of the RPG business. It's damned hard to find people who (A) know how to write English at a professional level, (B) consistently adhere to deadlines, (C) are willing to work for crap word rates, (D) can produce compelling and coherent setting and/or rules material, and (E) understand what the line developer/director's vision is.

I like to think I usually satisfy requirements A, C, D, and E. I'm still working on B - I like writing but life gets in the way. I like writing setting material and I wish I could have done more of it in 2013. However, during that whole time of turmoil, I was off trying not to completely screw up the rules side of the project, either either by writing it myself or by doing outlines for other rules writers and then developing their manuscripts to align with the engine. Because the setting was fluctuating, I couldn't and didn't write something whose mechanics were in thematic lockstep with the world (for an example of that, see, oh, Deadlands or Houses of the Blooded). So what you guys got in Reflex was a halfway decent generic modern system with an integral rules pack for post-apocalyptic play. Like I said, one of my objectives was to make Reflex usable with the GDW settings, not just with the specific world of 2013.


"C&R licence", "safe"? Ah, not too sure what you mean, but I'm guessing you're saying that in developing some stuff you realised you had enough material for a separate "Shooter's Guide" PDF, which wouldn't cost anything to produce and would serve to fill in some blanks for those who were interested?
Ah, sorry. Now I see your location line. :) C&R is short for "Curio & Relic," which is a limited type of federal firearms license that the appropriate American authorities will issue to collectors of such weapons. A C&R licensee can bypass some bureaucratic annoyances when purchasing the older firearms that are on the current C&R master list (and it's also good for discounts at some shooting supply houses). So, basically, I was looking at rifles from the C&R list that I wanted to buy and realized that they had enough history to be the makings of an interesting little supplement.

... well, I thought it was interesting, anyway...


Edit Added:

After reading your notice of a new game using Reflex with T2K and the classic modules, I see you were waaaay ahead of me! :D
That's Max, actually. If I ever get to run 2013, it'll probably use the Czech Republic setting. That's probably the only way anyone will ever play in it...

- C.

helbent4 10-30-2010 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Tegyrius (Post 26908)

Yeah, I am a bit defensive about it.

So it's not like there was this massive cabal of money-grubbing capitalists out to shit on everyone's fond memories of 1e and 2e... which, at times, feels like the opinion that the majority of this forum's members hold.

That's Max, actually. If I ever get to run 2013, it'll probably use the Czech Republic setting. That's probably the only way anyone will ever play in it...

- C.


Heh, looks like I was modifying my post when you replied; I do see the game was Max's idea, not yours.

Your defensiveness does seem misplaced. No one is making comments about 93 Studios out of knowing malice and no one begrudges the fact that someone wants to make money as long as they're offering quality in return... and a product people want to support.

I agree there was no conspiracy to "shit on everyone's fond memories of 1e and 2e", so presumably it was done for the best reasons and with the most noble intentions. Does it matter? As you say, the "line developer/director's vision" was ultimately responsible for the product and the lack of success, not the customers who ended up deciding not to buy the product, or did and were disappointed, like me. Thinking that the licence for T2K wasn't put to the best use doesn't make me some kind of ungrateful wretch or unwashed conspiracy theorist.

As for the Cold War sourcebook, hey, I would definitely pay for that! That was a cool thing about T2K, the wacky and outdated weapons added in the Small Arms and heavy Weapons handbooks.

Interesting thing about Deadlands, eventually the rules were "reverse-engineered" by way of the Great Rail Wars to be more generic and universal. I'm running Hell on Earth and might convert to Savage Worlds if the right supplement comes out. Reading up about HotB, maybe not so much.


Twilight2000v3MM 11-03-2010 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by helbent4 (Post 26905)

After reading the notice of a new game using Reflex with T2K and the classic modules, I see someone else was waaaay ahead of me! :D


Well that "someone" was also part of the design team. LOL

Czech was my second choice (and I will run a group there once they are familiar witht he system) but what made me choose the original modules was that I was clearing out my storage unit and pulled out my collection. As I was thumbing them I felt nostalgia hit me and thought the rookie group might like to experience the fun I had with the original modules - modified.

Snake Eyes 11-03-2010 11:32 PM

I've been stewing over this for a couple weeks now and I suppose if there is a silver lining to be found in Keith's decision to shutter 93GS it is that, with the license back in play, anyone who thinks they could have done a better job is now free to put their money where their mouth is and prove it. I really don't mean for that to come across as bitter as that sounds because I have seen a lot of really good ideas tossed around here over the years and there is certainly a lot I would have done differently had it been my ship to steer. Running a boutique RPG publishing outfit is a near-zero margin business, and not for the likes of me to pull what's left of my hair out over - but I really look forward to somebody scraping up that seed money and presenting the owner with the business plan that will allow them to pick up that torch and run with it. For what it's worth, my career as a Twilight:2000 fanboy has been long and distinguished and my playtesting credentials are impeccable. Excellent references provided upon request. Good luck, you're on your own.

Gorbag 11-08-2010 06:33 AM

Well, poo. This is a bummer. Does this mean I've got to hurry up and get all the sourcebook pdf's I'm lacking before they go away into the ether?

Targan 11-08-2010 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Gorbag (Post 27144)
Well, poo. This is a bummer. Does this mean I've got to hurry up and get all the sourcebook pdf's I'm lacking before they go away into the ether?

I guess the answer is yes.

kota1342000 11-08-2010 06:59 PM

Well, great job with Twilight 2013. In any case, you've helped keep my favorite game alive and made some interesting updates to the game world. I'm not free of criticism of certain parts of 2013 but overall I'm impressed. If 93 is closing the doors then there's good reasons for it and my only gripe is that it sucks that 93 is going away.

helbent4 12-23-2010 03:31 AM


I thought I would pass along that DriveThruRPG is bundling most or all the T2013 material. If you have ten bones (USD $10.00) left over from buying Christmas presents, you can have all the necessary material to run Reflex with your T2K game (including Tegyirus' vehicle rules).



Tegyrius 12-23-2010 05:25 AM

Actually, I'm not aware of Keith having published the vehicle errata in anything on DriveThru. That's posted in the core book errata thread on 93GS' forums. It's also available in my unpublished manuscript for Driver's Guide: Czech Your Engine, which I've made available for free on my own site.

Still, ten bucks for setting, rules, Everytown, and five Shooter's Guides ain't a bad deal.

- C.

helbent4 12-23-2010 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by Tegyrius (Post 28720)
Actually, I'm not aware of Keith having published the vehicle errata in anything on DriveThru. That's posted in the core book errata thread on 93GS' forums. It's also available in my unpublished manuscript for Driver's Guide: Czech Your Engine, which I've made available for free on my own site.

- C.


Sorry, I meant to link your rules! They are not part of the bundle. Thanks for the correction, my mistake.


Jason 12-23-2010 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by Dog 6 (Post 26731)
imo the Background sucked so bad I wish I had saved my money. not sad to see it go tbh

The background was flawed, yes, but saying that the background ruined the whole system is just wrong. I will take a superior game system with a crappy background over a crappy system with superior background 8 days a week. I end up modding most background info in whatever games I run, anyway.

The Reflex system is far and away the best small-unit combat rules system I have ever encountered. I suggest that any T2K fan would benefit from reading them.

helbent4 12-23-2010 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by Jason (Post 28724)
The background was flawed, yes, but saying that the background ruined the whole system is just wrong.


I'm sure there are people that somehow don't think they're wrong in holding the opposite opinion. (If I may joke, it's good you've finally settled the debate; now we know where we stand we can all get on with our lives!) Either way, if people want to pick up the system to have a look, it's available at a reasonable price.


Stich2.0 12-23-2010 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by helbent4 (Post 28742)
Either way, if people want to pick up the system to have a look, it's available at a reasonable price.

Psst... it's also available for free.


helbent4 12-23-2010 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by Stich2.0 (Post 28761)
Psst... it's also available for free.



Sure, now you're going to tell me there's some "magical" way to download movies and music to your computer without paying for it either, using some kind of electronic medium. Heresy!

If you live in Canada, you can download the core rules for free legally (or for that matter, anything else as long as you don't resell it) but not in the USA. When locating pirated copies of T2013 on a file-sharing site, I tend to find that not a lot of the supplemental material is available or conveniently bundled together.

Like many things in life, I could be mistaken!


Mohoender 12-23-2010 11:35 PM

Late to give an opinion but...


Originally Posted by Mahatatain (Post 26826)
I think that it is sad that T2013 has ceased but I think that some decisions were made by 93 Games Studio that made the success of the game unlikely.

They certainly made some bad choices but we all do. They might have underestimated the task. However, I would advocate that most gamers current attitude made the success unlikely not their initial choices. Too often, we simply want too much people.


Originally Posted by Mahatatain (Post 26826)
1. The game background is weak in places and is quite US centric. The details of the UK made me cringe and I read one comment (from an Australian) when the game was realeased that he suspected that the writers hadn't even looked at Australia on a map! It seemed to me that the game background was written for a US market without any thought to an international market as it plays heavily to US stereotype views of the rest of the world. My instant reaction as a GM therefore was that I would have to rewrite the game background or simply use the system in a different setting.

As it was the case with the initial game. However, I would agree with the idea on the map. However, for my parts, I'm not even sure that most americans even know what a map is (and this is spreading fast to Europeans). After all, while I was studying in US, a US student (senior in international political studies) told me that he whished to drive down to Germany (we were in Vermont!!). Of course, you still can drive through Canada, the Behring strait (provided you are in full winter with enough ice), all of Russia and Poland but that might be tricky... If we didn't have to rewrite T2... backgrounds we wouldn't be here in the first place.


Originally Posted by Mahatatain (Post 26826)
2. There are some flaws in the combat rules (in my opinion) and that put several players I know off the game after an initial session.

Didn't go that far, with two little girls and too little available time, I always found the rules too heavy. I made the same mistake on my own game design and I'm know correcting it. I'll be reducing the character design phase from 50 to 10 pages and the rules from 20 to 4-5. Meanwhile, I'll expend the background section and edit books focused solely on background. The best in this is that it takes a couple of days to write a background while it takes a bunch of months to design the rules.;)


Originally Posted by Mahatatain (Post 26826)
3. Their business model seems to focus around people purchasing pdf versions rather than actual books in most countries and that seems wrong to me. Most gamers (and the majority of T2k fans) are "older" gamers and are more likely to spend the money for a good quality hardback book (which is what they produced in some markets) rather than a pdf. None of the supplements were ever more than pdfs though (I believe).

When I was saying that we want too much. Without PDF, no RPG design is possible today. I won't do anything else, hard copy is nice but out of reach. Too expensive to make, Too expensive to send, takes too much place in your already full storage room, sending it to stores is also hell. I don't know elsewhere but, currently, in France, you only have two surviving so called rpg editors and these guys are only a bunch of incompetent lying a..h...s


Originally Posted by Mahatatain (Post 26826)
4. They initially focussed on firearms supplements rather than sourcebooks or adventures and when they did release a sourcebook it was for their "Everytown" generic setting rather than the Czech sourcebook Tegyrius developed - http://forum.juhlin.com/showthread.php?t=2355

Here is a huge mistake, I agree. In the initial exchange I had with smokewolf, he told me that they were going to develop sourcebooks on countries (I'm still waiting for it). When, I saw the sourcebook on firearms I ceased to visit 93gamestudios. I tend not to care about big guns and big guys (but that just me). Not enough on vehicles, planes, ships..., also


Originally Posted by Mahatatain (Post 26826)
It's sad when any game fails but I think that their approach was flawed in the first place.

You too hard on this, I think. You forget one thing, when you put yourself to such a huge task, you have to make choices and assume them. Just too bad that they couldn't change path. Terminating the project is their only bad choice IMO. Put it on hold, make your money and start it all over again.


Originally Posted by Mahatatain (Post 26826)
They seem to be nice guys however so I hope that they do well in the future. They've done more to contribute to the gaming hobby as a whole than I've ever done!

I have suspended my own game for five years (I understand personnal reasons). I restarted the distribution over last summer. The funny part is that I sold more copies in three months that any shop in 7 years. I had the same problem that they had but I'm now working at correcting them and I hope to release a new version in 2011 along with an english version (at last). The point was simple: i needed to make a living first and to organize my life (didn't I said that twice already?:p). I hope that 93gamestudio will be capable of doing something similar. About hard copy, if anyone wants one, no problem, just get your cash ready. It could be sold at 100$ for only 10$ in PDF.:D

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