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ArmySGT. 08-27-2011 12:07 AM

Warhead data
I have a plan to add many other man portable anti armor weapon systems.

For the life of me I can't figure out what formula they came up with to figure armor penetration and e-factor.

The LAW and the RPG-7 seem equivalent until you get to damage. The stats for an RPG-7 are twice as effect as a LAW except both are class D anti-armor weapons.

Need more Soviet Bloc weapons to for survivors of air landed forces and troops from Cuba.

Anyway. Anyone know what the formula was for a rockets stats?

nuke11 08-27-2011 10:57 AM

I came up with a formula that works. I compared it to the one that Kevin developed and it is bang on.

Explosive DPW Formula
((Explosive weight in kg / 0.563) x 1300) x RE

RE (Relative Effectiveness) Values for Explosive Fillers

PETN: 1.25
RDX: 1.22
Nitroglycerin: 1.12
Composition B: 1.01
Composition A4: 1.01
Composition C4: 1.00
Torpex: 0.94
Tetryl: 0.94
Tetrytol 75/25: 0.90
Amatol 80/20: 0.88
Pentolite: 0.88
Tritonal: 0.83
TNT: 0.75
Explosive D: 0.74
Picric Acid: 0.70
M1 Dynamite: 0.69
Guncotton: 0.69
Dynamite (60%): 0.62
Nitrostarch: 0.60
Gelignite (60%): 0.57
Dynamite (40%): 0.49
Black Powder: 0.41
Mercury Fulminate: 0.38
Ammonium Nitrate: 0.31
Gelignite (40%): 0.31
Lead Azide: 0.29

To convert real world explosive RE values, times it by 0.75 to come up with
The Morrow Project ones.

ArmySGT. 08-27-2011 01:01 PM

From page 38 3d edition.

The only case in which the E-factor formula is not used is in the case of armor penetrating (shape charged) explosive warheads. In the case of these weapons the E-factor is found by determining how much armor the weapon penetrates. The Armor class of the weapons penetration is taken as that weapons E- factor.

Armor Class

Armor Material Cm of Cm of Cm of Cm of
Class Steel Wood Concrete Stone
A Skin - - - -
B Cloth (Heavy) - - - -
C Leather - - - -
1 13mm light - 2.54 .03 -
2 13mm Heavy - 5.08 .5 -

3 Chain Mail .25 7.62 .76 -
4 3mm Armor plate .34 10.16 1.06 7.62
5 .42 12.7 1.27 8.89
6 Nylon Body Armor .5 15.24 1.52 -
7 Resistweave Cloth .57 17.78 1.79 -
8 6mm Fiberglass .64 20.32 - -
9 6mm Aluminium .7 22.86 - -
10 .76 25.4 3.18 16.51
14 Kevlar Vest
15 1.02 34.29 7.62 22.86
16 19mm Lexan - - - -
18 Fiberglass / - - - -
Titanium Plate
19 13mm Aluminium - - - -
20 1.27 55.88 15.24 36.83
21 3mm Boron Carb- - - - -
ide Ceramic
25 1.52 55.88 15.24 36.83
30 1.79 66.04 19.05 43.18
35 3mm Boron/carbon 2.03 78.74 22.86 49.53
Filament plate
40 - 88.9 29.21 55.88
42 2.29 - - -
45 - 99.06 34.29 60.96
48 2.54 - - -
50 - 109.22 39.37 66.04
55 - 121.92 45.72 71.12
60 - 129.54 50.8 76.2
65 3.18 - - -
82 3.81 - - -
90 4.06 190.5 91.44 106.68
100 4.45 - - -
120 5.08 - - -
160 6.35 - - -
200 7.62 - - -
150 8.89 - - -
300 10.16 - - -
350 11.43 - - -
400 12.7 - - -

Damn table stops at 400

ArmySGT. 08-29-2011 07:22 PM

Attachment 1445

Name M72A2 LAW
Cal. 66mm
Wt. (Empty) n/a
Min. Range 50m
Eff. Range 350m
Max. Range 1000m
Burst Radius 5m
Type of Fire Single shot disposable
Rate of Fire Single
Feed Device n/a
Feed Device Wt. n/a
Basic Load 1
Load Wt. 2.37 kg
Total Wt.
Additional Comments: A lightweight, disposable, rocket launcher firing a high explosive warhead. The warheads will penetrate 28 centimeters of steel. The “back blast” from the weapon prevents it from being fired from inside a room smaller than 5x5 meters.

Found in Load out: #1, 9,

Attachment 1594

Attachment 1595

RPD-7D Anti-Tank Launcher
E-Factor: 1030
Weight (Empty): 6.8kg
Minimum Range: 30m
Effective Range: 300m
Max. Range: 920m
Type of Fire: Single Shot
Burst Radius: 5m
Round Weight: 2.3kg
Anti-Armor Class: D
Basic Load: 2 rounds

Additional Comments: The RPD-7D is the standard anti-tank launcher of
the Warsaw Pact Forces, although it was beingsuperseded by newer designs like the RPD and RPG-18 by the time the War broke out. The basic design is quite simple and effective, though the round can be pushed off-target by strong crosswinds. This particular version can be disassembled into two parts to shorten the launch tube for the convenience of paratroops.

The RPG-7V is a recoilless, shoulder-fired, muzzle-loaded, reloadable, antitank grenade launcher. It fires a variety of rocket-assisted grenades
from a 40-mm smoothbore launcher tube. It is the standard squad antitank weapon in use by the OPFOR. The RPG-7V is light enough to be
carried and fired by one person. However, an assistant grenadier normally deploys to the left of the gunner to protect him from small arms fire.
The RPG-7V requires a well-trained gunner to estimate ranges and lead distances for moving targets. Crosswinds as low as 7 miles per hour can
complicate the gunner's estimate and reduce first-round hit probability to 50% at ranges beyond 180 meters.

Attachment 1596

Attachment 1597

Attachment 1598

Attachment 1599

ArmySGT. 08-29-2011 07:25 PM

Breaching Charges
Thickness of concrete C-4 Needed Wt # of 112 Blocks
.5m or less 3.5 kg 6
.6m 4.8kg 8 Kg of C4 / RE = Weight of explosive substitute
0.8m 9.2kg 17
0.9m 13.2kg 24
1.1m 21kg 38
1.2m 31.5kg 56
1.4m 44.7kg 80
1.5m 48.1kg 86

Relative Effectiveness
Explosive RE
PETN (primercord) 1.24
Nitroglycerine 1.12
C-4 or C-3 1
Picric Acid 0.7
Guncotton 0.69
Dynamite (60%) 0.62
Tetryl 0.93
Amatol 0.87
RDX 0.85
TNT 0.75
Nitostarch 0.6
Dynamite (40%) 0.49
Black Powder 0.41
Ammonium Nitrate 0.31

Explosive Damage Points
Explosive Dpw
M112 C-4 1300
M183 Demolition Charge 20,800
Mk3A2 Grenade 295
M26A1 Grenade 232
Primer cord 10 per M
Blasting Cap 1
M72A2 LAW 533
Armbrust 300 533
M381 HE 40MM 100
M433 HEDP 40mm 120
M25 AP Mine 20
M16A1 AP Mine 888
M56A1 HE 20mm 40
M374A2 HE 81mm 1,240
2.75 in Rocket 2,600
M47 Dragon 3,120
M151E2 TOW 3,120
Stinger 2,900
Chapparal 13,260
Maverick 76,700
M19 AT Mine 20,355
M18A1 Claymore 1,460

ArmySGT. 08-29-2011 07:29 PM

There's the two light Anti Armor weapons.

Thanks Nuke11 by the way.

As you can see the Writers worked up the E-factor for the RPG-7 for "Final Watch".

Anybody know by what formula as the normal one would not apply for a shape charged weapon.

Next any Idea how they came up with the DPW for the manufactured weapons like the LAW. Its not like the manufacturer was handing out the recipe.

Thanks in advance!

robj3 09-02-2011 08:58 PM

ArmySGT wrote:

Anybody know by what formula as the normal one would not apply for a shape charged weapon.
E-factor is derived from penetration of armor steel (cm).

There isn't a simple formula. The curve for steel using the table on p.38 is not continuous (plot it in Excel and see).

Only wood has a linear relation between thickness and armor value.

As an approximation for steel:
For each x10 in thickness, x20 armor value.
For each x2 in thickness, x2.5 armor value.

The M72 LAW has a penetration of 28cm or 11".

This gives you an E-factor of about 1100 (1185).

AV 48 = 2.54cm (1") steel.
11" is 11x thicker or ~3.5 doublings.

Final AV = 48 * (2.5^3.5) or about 1185.


Next any Idea how they came up with the DPW for the manufactured weapons like the LAW.
Estimate mass and composition of explosive filler and use the equation Gary posted earlier.

A small simplification:
DPW = 2309 x RE x explosive mass, kg

(1300/0.563 = 2309)

For DPW 533, I get about 270g of RDX (using 0.85 value in TM1-1) which fits
pretty well with the M72 rocket.

ArmySGT. 09-02-2011 10:30 PM

Thanks Robj3

Getting somewhere now.

ArmySGT. 06-06-2012 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by robj3 (Post 38558)
As an approximation for steel:
For each x10 in thickness, x20 armor value.
For each x2 in thickness, x2.5 armor value.

The M72 LAW has a penetration of 28cm or 11".

This gives you an E-factor of about 1100 (1185).

AV 48 = 2.54cm (1") steel.
11" is 11x thicker or ~3.5 doublings.

Final AV = 48 * (2.5^3.5) or about 1185.

It is been so long since I have done algebra I can't even make use of this formula.

This character ^ is stumping me. Google gave me some possibles but come nowhere near the answer of 1185.

ArmySGT. 06-07-2012 12:32 PM

Wait! Got it.

2.5 to the power of 3.5


Glad I still have a scientific calculator!

ArmySGT. 06-07-2012 02:03 PM

Name: SD-44 Towed AT Gun Airborne Variant with Aux Propulsion unit.
Cal. 85mm
E-Factor : See by type below.
Wt. (Empty) 3.1 Metric Tons
Min. Range 50m
Eff. Range 1500m
Max. Range
Burst Radius by type
Type of Fire
Rate of Fire 8 RPM with a trained crew / 15 rpm burst for indirect fire.
Feed Device Manual
Feed Device Wt. n/a
Basic Load 21 mixed type
Load Wt. by type
Total Wt.
Additional Comments: Description The 85 mm auxiliary-propelled field gun SD-44 was designed by the F F Petrov design bureau. It is basically the 85 mm Divisional Gun D-44 fitted with an auxiliary propulsion unit: an M-72 two-cylinder petrol engine which develops 14 hp and gives a maximum road speed of 25 km/h. Fuel is carried in one of the trails. The engine is mounted on the left trail and ready use ammunition is carried in the right one. The engine provides power to the two rubber-tyred carriage wheels via a drive shaft and a differential. The conventional steering wheel and steering column are attached to a castor just behind the spades. The lunette is retained enabling the weapon to be towed if required, maximum towing speed is 60 km/h. A two-part folded rammer is mounted vertically on either side of the front of the shield. An infra-red night vision device can be fitted if required. The SD-44 has sometimes been incorrectly called the D-48.

Caliber: 85mm
Name HVAP-T (Hyper Velocity Armor Piercing Tracer)
Soviet Designation: BR-365P/365PK
Maximum range: 1500m
Maximum effective range:
Day: 1150m
Night: Information not available. (INA)
Armor Penetration (mm):
180mm (RHA) at 1,000 meters E-Factor =
113mm (RHA, 30°) at 500 meters E-Factor =

Caliber: 85-mm
Name HEAT-FS (High Explosive Anti-Tank - Fin Stabilized)
Soviet Designation BK-2M
Maximum Range (m): 1500
Max Effective Range (m):
Day: 1500m
Night: INA
Armor Penetration (mm): 300 E-Factor=

Caliber: 85-mm
Name: AP HE (Armor Piercing High Explosive)
Maximum Range (m): 1500
Max Effective Range (m):
Day: 950
Night: INA
Armor Penetration (mm): 91 (30° angle ) at 500 meters E-Factor=

Name: Frag-HE (Fragmentation High Explosive)
Soviet Designation: O-365K
Maximum Aimed Range (m): 1,500
Max Effective Range (m):
Day: 1,500
Night: INA
Armor Penetration (mm): INA

ArmySGT. 06-07-2012 02:17 PM

Armor value 48 = 2.54cm of Rolled Homogenous Steel. (RHA)

2.54cm = 25.4mm

Penetration for 85mm HVAP-T is 180mm.

180 divided by 25.4 = 7.086614473

Rounded to 7.087 inches of RHA

7.087 divided by 2.54 = 2.79000558

Rounded to 2.80 doublings from 2.54

AV 48 * (2.54^2.80) = 652.7932332

Rounded to 653.

Efactor for HVAP-T is 653.

Somebody please fact check that as I am unsure. Thanks!

ArmySGT. 06-07-2012 03:05 PM

Armor value 48 = 2.54cm of Rolled Homogenous Steel. (RHA)

2.54cm = 25.4mm

Penetration for 85mm HEAT-FS is 300mm.

300 divided by 25.4 = 11.81102362

Rounded to 11.811 inches of RHA

11.811 divided by 2.54 = 4.6500093

Rounded to 4.65 doublings from 2.54

AV 48 * (2.54^4.65) = 3661.997299

Rounded to 3662

Efactor for HEAT-FS is 3662.

Nope. Can't be right. I am screwing up the math in figuring how many times a penentration has doubled from the original 2.54 cm.

ArmySGT. 06-07-2012 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by ArmySGT. (Post 47290)
Armor value 48 = 2.54cm of Rolled Homogenous Steel. (RHA)

2.54cm = 25.4mm

Penetration for 85mm HEAT-FS is 300mm.

300 divided by 25.4 = 11.81102362

Rounded to 11.811 inches of RHA

11.811 divided by 2.54 = 4.6500093

Rounded to 4.65 doublings from 2.54

AV 48 * (2.54^4.65) = 3661.997299

Rounded to 3662

Efactor for HEAT-FS is 3662.

Nope. Can't be right. I am screwing up the math in figuring how many times a penentration has doubled from the original 2.54 cm.

Armor value 48 = 2.54cm of Rolled Homogenous Steel. (RHA)

2.54cm = 25.4mm

Penetration for 85mm HEAT-FS is 300mm.

300 divided by 10 = 30 centimeters (not inches!)

30 cm divided by 2.54= 11.811023622047244 inches. (Almost a foot!)

Now where I run into a problem. What was doubled and doubled again to reach 11.811023622047244?

Time to stop.

ArmySGT. 06-11-2012 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by ArmySGT. (Post 47288)
Armor value 48 = 2.54cm of Rolled Homogenous Steel. (RHA)

2.54cm = 25.4mm

Penetration for 85mm HVAP-T is 180mm.

180 divided by 25.4 = 7.086614473

Rounded to 7.087 inches of RHA

7.087 divided by 2.54 = 2.79000558

Rounded to 2.80 doublings from 2.54

AV 48 * (2.54^2.80) = 652.7932332

Rounded to 653.

Efactor for HVAP-T is 653.

Somebody please fact check that as I am unsure. Thanks!

180mm = 18 cm

2.54 ^ 3.1 = 17.9886804 cm

17.9886804 x 48 = 863.4272657

E-factor = 864


ArmySGT. 06-11-2012 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by ArmySGT. (Post 47290)
Armor value 48 = 2.54cm of Rolled Homogenous Steel. (RHA)

2.54cm = 25.4mm

Penetration for 85mm HEAT-FS is 300mm.

300 divided by 25.4 = 11.81102362

Rounded to 11.811 inches of RHA

11.811 divided by 2.54 = 4.6500093

Rounded to 4.65 doublings from 2.54

AV 48 * (2.54^4.65) = 3661.997299

Rounded to 3662

Efactor for HEAT-FS is 3662.

Nope. Can't be right. I am screwing up the math in figuring how many times a penentration has doubled from the original 2.54 cm.

300mm = 30 cm

2.54 ^ 3.64 = 29.75738257

29.75738257 = 1428.354364

E-factor = 1428


robj3 07-27-2012 10:55 PM

85mm HVAP-T
Armor Penetration (mm):
180mm (RHA) at 1,000 meters E-Factor =
113mm (RHA, 30°) at 500 meters E-Factor =

AV 48 = 25.4mm RHA.
For each x2 in armor thickness, x2.5 AV

180mm = 2.82 doublings. E-factor = 48 * (2.5^2.82) = 636
113mm = 2.15 doublings. E-factor = 48 * (2.5^2.15) = 344

300mm = 3.56 doublings. E-factor = 48 * (2.5^3.56) = 1253

90mm = 1.82 doublings. E-factor = 48 * (2.5^1.82) = 254

Another way of looking at:
"For each x2 in armor thickness, x2.5 AV"


Armor thickness varies with 2^(a)

Final armor value = 48*(2.5^(a))

So 180/25.4 is about 7.09, which is 2^(2.82).

Using the scientific calculator in Windows:
- Take the log of 7.09 (~0.851)
- Store in memory
- Take the log of 2 (~0.301)
- divide by what's in memory
- take the reciprocal (1/x) (~2.82)
- use this answer to find AV/E-factor (48*[2.5^2.82])

It's roundabout but accurate...


ArmySGT. 07-28-2012 12:00 PM

Thank you for your reply Rob3j!

Hopelessly over my head here though. It has been too long since I have had to do something like this.

Thank you again!

robj3 08-01-2012 05:50 PM

Sorry, I wasn't sure how active the forum is.
Should have checked back in sooner.
Consolidating the previous math:

E-factor/AV = 48 * 2.5^[3.322(log(mm RHA) - 1.4049)]

3.322 ~= 1/log(2)
1.4049 ~= log(25.4)

Checking , the formula returns slightly different values thanks to rounding:
300mm = 1255
90mm = 255
113mm = 345
180mm = 639

sub 1% differences are OK, I think.


ArmySGT. 04-02-2014 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by robj3 (Post 49007)
E-factor/AV = 48 * 2.5^[3.322(log(mm RHA) - 1.4049)]


Thanks Rob!

I am going to go forward using this formula to make stats for some Soviet, Canadian, and Mexican systems as well as some updates for US and project equipment.

This is a huge help! Thanks again.

Stay tuned folks. :)

ArmySGT. 04-05-2014 06:32 PM

Alternative Designations: Crossbow
Date of Introduction: INA
Proliferation: At least seven countries
Crew: 1
Caliber (mm): 67
Weight (kg): 6.3
Length (mm): 850
Rifling: None
Breech Mechanism Type: N/A
Rate of Fire (rd/min): N/A (disposable)
Fire From Inside Building: Yes (see NOTES)
Name: N/A
Type: Reflex
Magnification: None
Location: Left side
Sighting Range (m): INA
Night Sights Available: INA
Name: INA
Type: HEAT
Range (m):
Maximum: 1,500
Effective AT: 300
Flight Time (sec) @ 300 m: 1.5
Armor (mm): 300
Reinforced Concrete (m): INA
Muzzle Velocity(m/s): 210

E-factor 1255

Projectile mass: 1.0 kg
Filler: RDX, 0.16 kg
Using weapon(s): ARMBRUST antitank weapon
Remarks: None

Name Armbrust (updated)
Cal. 67mm
E-Factor = 1255 48 * 2.5^[3.322(log(300) - 1.4049)] = 1255.079738
DPW = 451 ((0.16 / 0.563) x 1300) x 1.22 = 450.7282416
Wt. (Empty) 6.3 kg
Min. Range 50m
Eff. Range 350m
Max. Range 1500m
Burst Radius 5m
Type of Fire Single shot disposable
Rate of Fire Single
Feed Device n/a
Feed Device Wt. n/a
Basic Load 2
Load Wt. 12.6 kg
Total Wt.
Additional Comments: A disposable, flashless, noiseless, recoilless gun firing a high explosive shell. The shell will penetrat 30 centimeters (300mm) or steel. The "backblast" from the weapon is made up of plastic flakes and is so short the firer can stand with a wall only 1 meter behind him.

Found in Load out: #17

ArmySGT. 04-05-2014 07:45 PM


Name:Russian 122-mm Towed Howitzer D-30A
Cal. 122mm
E-Factor : See by type below.
Wt. (Empty) 3.2 Metric Tons
Min. Range Varies by ammunition type
Eff. Range Varies by ammunition type
Max. Range Varies by ammunition type
Burst Radius by type Varies by ammunition type
Type of Fire
Rate of Fire 8 rpm burst / 6 rpm normal / 4 rpm sustained
Feed Device Manual
Feed Device Wt. n/a
Basic Load 21 mixed type
Load Wt. by type
Total Wt.
Additional Comments:The D-30A is a midlife product improvement of the D-30. The original D-30 was fielded in 1963 and the midlife product improvements occurred in the mid to late 1970’s. The original D-30 is in use with at least 50 different countries.

The D-30, also known as the M1963, replaced the older 122-mm howitzer M-30 (M1938). The original D-30 was fielded in 1963 and the midlife product improvements occurred in the mid to late 1970�s. The original D-30 is in use with at least 50 different countries. The 2A18M D-30A and D-30M are midlife product improvements of the D-30 that are currently in production by the Gosudarstvennoe Unitarnoe Predpriatie Zavod 9 [Vysokodispersnye Metallicheskiye Poroshki AO]. The D-30 features a unique three-trail carriage, a conspicuous boxy shield for the recuperator above the tube, and a small protective shield between the wheels. The gun has a semiautomatic, vertically sliding, wedge-type breechblock. It is towed muzzle-first by a truck or armored tractor, at speeds up to 80 kilometers per hour, with its trails folded under the barrel.

The D-30 can be recognized by its unique three-trail carriage, the conspicuous box-like shield for the recoil-recuperator mechanism mounted above the tube, the multi-baffle muzzle brake, and the small protective shield fitted between the wheels. Early models of the D-30 had a multi-baffle muzzle brake while the D-30M has a double-baffle muzzle brake. The gun has a semiautomatic, vertically-sliding, wedge-type breechblock. It can be towed by a truck (Ural-375 or ZIL-131) or armored tractor at speeds up to 80 krn/hr. It is towed muzzle-first by a large lunette just under the muzzle brake with its trails folded under the barrel.

The D-30 is found in the howitzer battalion of BTR-equipped motorized rifle regiments and in the artillery regiment of motorized rifle, tank, and airborne divisions. A battalion of D-30s is also being added to some tank regiments as an interim measure. These D-30s will eventually be replaced by a battalion of 122-mm self-propelled howitzers 2S1. The maximum effective range of either howitzer is 15,300 meters.

In firing position, the crew of eight unhitches the gun, lowers the central firing jack, raising the wheels high enough to clear the trail legs, and spreads the two outer trails 120� on each side. The revolving mount permits 360� traverse and is equipped for high and low angles of fire, making it fully suitable for antitank defense. It is doubtful that full elevation is possible when the breech is immediately over a trail leg. The D-30 can also be equipped with a IR or passive night vision sights for direct fire.

The D-30 fires FRAG-HE and HEAT-FS variable-charge, case-type, separate-loading ammunition. The D-30 has a special nonrotating, fin-stabilized, HEAT projectile which allows it to effectively engage armored vehicles with direct fire. The HEAT round can penetrate up to 460 mm of armor at any range. Other types of projectiles include chemical, illuminating (S-462 weighing 22.4 kg), smoke (D-462 weighing 22.3 kg), leaflet, flechette, and incendiary. Recently an RAP has been introduced with a maximum range of 21900 m.

There are at least two chemical projectiles for the D-30, with the CW agent is dispersed by the explosion of a TNT bursting charge. The Sarin projectile weighs 22.2 kg with 1.3 kg of Sarin agent. The 122 mm Lewisite projectile weighs 23.1 kg with 3.3 kg of viscous Lewisite agent.

Alternative Designations: 122-mm D-30A Lyagushka
Date of Introduction: 1963
Proliferation: At least 13 countries
Crew: 5 (section of 6)
Carriage: D-30
Combat Weight (mt): 3.2
Chassis Length Overall (m):
Travel Position: 5.4
Firing Position: INA
Height Overall (m): 1.6
Width Overall (m):
Travel Position: 1.9
Firing Position: INA
Towing Speed (km/h):
Max Road: 60
Max Off-Road: 25
Max Cross-Country:
Fording Depths (m): .5
Emplacement Time (min): 1.5
Displacement Time (min): 3.5
Prime Mover: MT-LB; Ural-375, or equivalent

Main Armament:
Caliber, Type, Name: 122-mm, 2A18M canon
Barrel Length (cal): 38 (approximately)
Rate of Fire (rpm):
Burst: 8
Normal: 6
Sustained: 4
Loader Type: Semi-automatic
Breech Type: Vertical sliding wedge
Muzzle Brake Type: Multi-baffle
Traverse: (°):
Left: 360
Right: 360
Total: 360
Elevation (°) (-/+): -7/+70°
Indirect Fire: PG-1M Panoramic Telescope (PANTEL)
Direct Fire: OP 4M-45
Collimator: K-1
Gun Display Unit: None
Fire Control Computer: None
Saddam: Iraqi produced version of the D-30
D30J: Yugoslavian produced version of the D-30
SP 122: Egyptian self-propelled howitzer (M109A2 chassis and
turret with an Egyptian made D-30 howitzer).
Type 85: Chinese self-propelled howitzer (Chinese Type 85 APC
chassis and a licensed produced version of the D-30 in a semi-open

Caliber, Type, Name:

122-mm Frag-HE, OF-81
Indirect Fire Range (m):
Minimum Range: 1000
Maximum Range: 15,300
Complete Projectile Weight (kg): 21.76 (OF-56)
Filler: TNT and amatol 3.46 kg
DPW = 7031 ((3.46 / 0.563) x 1300) x 0.88 = 7030.62167
Muzzle Velocity: 680 m/s
Fuze Type: RGM-2 PD

122-mm, HEAT-FS
Direct Fire Range (m):
Minimum Range: 0
Maximum Range: 1000
Armor Penetration (mm): 460 (@ 0° obliquity any range)
E-factor = 2208. 48 * 2.5^[3.322(log(460) - 1.4049)]= 2208.385244
Complete Projectile Weight (kg): 21.58

Muzzle Velocity: 740 m/s
Fuze Type: GPV-2 PIBD

122-mm Frag-HE Rocket Assisted
Indirect Fire Range (m):
Minimum Range: INA
Maximum Range: 21,900
Complete Projectile Weight (kg): 21.76 (3OF-56)
Filler: RDX/A1 4.31 kg
DPW= 12141.5 ((4.31 / 0.563) x 1300) x 1.22 = 12141.49201
Muzzle Velocity: INA
Fuze Type: PD

Other Ammunition Types: Incendiary, Chemical, Flechette,
Semi-active laser-guided Kitolov-2M Frag-HE

ArmySGT. 04-05-2014 09:24 PM





Name AT-3 Malyutka (SAGGER)
E-Factor = A model 1835 / C model 2597 48 * 2.5^[3.322(log(400 or 520) - 1.4049)]= 2208.385244
Wt. (10.9 / 11.4 kg) missile, 30.5 kg launcher + guidance
Eff. Range 500/500
Max. Range 3000/3000
Type of Fire
Rate of Fire 1
Feed Device 1 per man pack case (two per AT team). BMD-1, 1 on rail + 3 stowed
In each three-man team, the gunner carries a suitcase containing the control box, and two assistant gunners each carry one missile in a suitcase.
Feed Device Wt.
Basic Load - 1 guidance (gunner) + 2 launcher/missile case (assistants)
Total Wt.30.5 kg launcher + guidance
Additional Comments : AT-3 is classed by weight as portable (21-40 kg), rather than manportable (<21 kg). The launcher is also a missile carry case. The guidance panel can be located up to 15 meters from the launcher, and can control up to four launchers. If target is <1,000 meters from launcher, the operator can joystick the missile to target without using optics. Guidance elevation (°) is -5/ +10. Because the module is small and can be shifted,
elevation and field of view are operationally unlimited. Improved versions can be used on older launchers, but in the MCLOS mode.
The Slovenian Iskra TS-M thermal sight is available, with detection at 3,000 meters and recognition at 1,800 meters.
Any AT-3 can be modernized to Malyutka-2 with replacement of warhead and or replacement of specific warhead and motor components.

ArmySGT. 04-08-2014 12:29 PM

This is too timely (and on point) not to share.


welsh 04-08-2014 07:00 PM

recoilless rifle? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M40_recoilless_rifle

Here is some info. Seems practical.

ArmySGT. 04-09-2014 07:36 PM



Alternative Designations: BAT (Battalion Antitank), and VARIANTS
Date of Introduction: 1953
Proliferation: At least 50 countries
Crew: 4 vehicle with dismount, 2 vehicle mount, 8 dismounted infantry
Caliber (mm): 106
Weight (kg): 130, 113 without the spotting rifle
Length (m): 3.4, with a 2.85 m barrel
Width (on M79 mount) (m): .8, 1.524 with the legs spread
Height (on M79 mount) (m): 1.3

Main Armament: 106-mm Recoilless rifle.
Bore: Rifled 36 grooves, rh. The actual bore size is 105 mm; but is referred to as 106 mm to avoid confusion with the failed 105-mm M27 gun system.
Breech Type: Interrupted thread , hand-operated
Recoil System: Vented breech
Feed: Manual
Traverse (°): 360
Elevation (°) (M79 Mount): -17/+65
Rate of Fire (rd/min): 5
Emplacement/displacement time (min): INA
Fire From Inside Building: No
Complete Round Weight (kg): 13
Muzzle Velocity (m/s): 570
Spotting Rifle: .50 cal M-8C, magazine-fed. It uses a .50 cal semi-auto spotting rifle mounted along the axis of the barrel to determine proper elevation for the 106-mm rifle. The round matched to M40 round flight ballistics, and holds a 20-round magazine.

Name: Bofors Modernization Package
Name: Simrad LP101 laser day sight (in place of the ranging gun)
Others available: Computerized LASer Sight (CLASS)
Upgraded systems may have the Simrad laser sight in lieu of the ranging (spotting) gun.
Night Sights:
Name: NVL-11 Mk IV II sight with computer LRF
Range: 990 m.
Others available: Simrad KN250 II sight, other II and thermal sights

M40A1: Initial fielded version of the rifle which was commonly exported, with the M-8C spotting rifle.
M40A2: Upgrade with an M79 mount.
M40A4: The latest fielded version, with the M27 tripod.
Other countries have produced the rifle, under license, and mounted it on various chassis.
Bofors Retrofit Program: Upgrade program, with the Simrad sights and the 3A-HEAT-T round.
The weapon can be porteed, carried on a vehicle pintel mount, then transferred to a ground semi-mobile tripod mount.
M79 Mount: Tripod, ground, or vehicle
M50 Ontos: Six-barrel mount on small tracked vehicle
PAK-66: Austrian M40 on two-wheel carriage

Name: M344A1
Type: HEAT
Range (m):
Maximum Effective: 1,350
Maximum Range: 2,745
Armor Penetration (mm CE): INA
E-factor = 1255 48 * 2.5^[3.322(log(300) - 1.4049)]= 1255.079738
DPW= 2332.149201
It uses 2.79lbs or 1 Kg of Comp B.
Complete Round Weight (kg): 16.8
Muzzle Velocity (m/s): 503

Name: 3A-HEAT-T (Bofors upgrade)
Type: HEAT-Tracer
Maximum Effective Range (m): 2,000
Armor Penetration (mm CE): 700 +
E-factor = 3847 48 * 2.5^[3.322(log(700) - 1.4049)]= 3846.98682
Complete Round Weight (kg): 14.5
Muzzle Velocity (m/s): 570

Name: M346A1
Type: HEP-T (HE plastic-tracer)
Filler:7.72 lb (3.501733 KG) Comp A3
DPW= 8085.70675
Maximum Range (m): 6,870
Complete Round Weight (kg): 16.95
Muzzle Velocity (m/s): 498

Name: M581
Type: APERS-T (antipersonnel-tracer) (flechette)
Fill (.5 g ea): 10,000 flechettes
Maximum Effective Range (m): 300
Complete Round Weight (kg): 18.73
Muzzle Velocity (m/s): 438

Type: HE antipersonnel (steel pellets)
Fill: 1,000 steel pellets
Maximum Effective Range (m): 1,500
Lethal Radius: 40
Complete Round Weight (kg): 16.4
Muzzle Velocity (m/s): 560

The producer of the LAHAT gun-launch ATGM (pg 6-58) offers to produce a version for use in the M40 launcher. The tandem ATGM is a viable threat to all modern armored vehicles. Use requires a tripod-mounted laser guidance unit, as used with MT-12 and 2A45M AT guns.
The rifle produces a massive amount of noise and smoke which reveals its location. Thus a first round hit is critical.

nuke11 04-12-2014 02:24 PM

Here is an updated chart.

Explosive Relative Effectiveness Chart 1.0

Common Name(s) RE
Dynamite (40% Ammonia) 0.31
Ammonium Nitrate (AN + <0.5% H2O) 0.32
Dynamite (40% Gelatin) 0.32
Black Powder (75% KNO3 + 19% C + 6% S) 0.38
Dynamite (60% Ammonia) 0.40
Hexamine Dinitrate (HDN) 0.45
Dinitrobenzene (DNB) 0.45
Dynamite (40% Nitroglycerin) 0.49
HMTD (Hexamine Peroxide) 0.56
ANFO (94% AN + 6% Fuel Oil) 0.56
Dynamite (60% Gelatin) 0.57
TATP (Acetone Peroxide) 0.60
Tovex Extra (AN Water Gel) Commercial Product 0.60
Hydromite 600 (AN Water Emulsion) Commercial Product 0.60
Dynamite (60% Nitroglycerin) 0.62
ANNMAL (67% AN + 25% NM + 5% Al + 3% C) 0.65
Amatol (50% TNT + 50% AN) 0.68
Nitroguanidine 0.75
Trinitrotoluene (TNT) 0.75
Hexanitrostilbene (HNS or JD-X) 0.79
Nitrourea (N-nitrourea, 1-nitrourea or N-nitrocarbamide) 0.79
Amatol (80% TNT + 20% AN) 0.83
Nitrocellulose (13.5% N, NC) 0.83
Nitromethane (NM) 0.83
Diethylene Glycol Dinitrate (DEGDN) 0.88
Tritonal (80% TNT + 20% Aluminum Powder) 0.88
Triaminotrinitrobenzene (TATB) 0.88
Picric Acid (TNP) 0.90
Trinitrobenzene (TNB) 0.90
Tetrytol (70% Tetryl + 30% TNT) 0.90
Dynamite (75% NG + 23% Diatomite) 0.94
Tetryl (2,4,6-Trinitrophenylmethylnitramine) 0.94
Composition C3 (87% RDX) 1.00
Composition C4 (91% RDX) 1.00
Composition A3 (91% RDX) 1.00
Pentolite (56% PETN + 44% TNT) 1.00
Semtex 1A (76% PETN + 6% RDX) 1.01
Composition B (60% RDX + 40% TNT) 1.01
Composition A4 (97% RDX) 1.01
Composition H6 (45% RDX + 30% TNT + 20% Powdered Aluminum) 1.01
Cyclotol (70% RDX + 30% TNT) 1.01
Hydrazine Mononitrate 1.07
RISAL P (51% IPN + 28% RDX + 14% Al + 4% Mg + 0.7% Zr + 2% NC) 1.13
Nitroglycerin (NG) 1.16
Octol (80% HMX + 19% TNT + 1% DNT) 1.16
Gelatine (92% NG + 7% Nitrocellulose) 1.20
Erythritol tetranitrate (ETN) 1.20
NTO (Nitrotriazolon) 1.20
Hexogen (RDX) 1.20
Penthrite (PETN) 1.25
Ethylene glycol dinitrate (EGDN) 1.25
TNAZ (Trinitroazetidine) 1.28
HMX Grade A (Octogen) 1.28
HMX Grade B (Octogen) 1.28
HNIW (CL-20) 1.35
Hexanitrobenzene (HNB) 1.35
MEDINA (Methylene dinitroamine) 1.45
DDF (4,4'-Dinitro-3,3'-diazenofuroxan) 1.46
Octanitrocubane (ONC) 1.79

nuke11 04-12-2014 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by robj3 (Post 49007)
Sorry, I wasn't sure how active the forum is.
Should have checked back in sooner.
Consolidating the previous math:

E-factor/AV = 48 * 2.5^[3.322(log(mm RHA) - 1.4049)]

3.322 ~= 1/log(2)
1.4049 ~= log(25.4)

Checking , the formula returns slightly different values thanks to rounding:
300mm = 1255
90mm = 255
113mm = 345
180mm = 639

sub 1% differences are OK, I think.


Has anyone converted this formula to an Excel formula yet?

ArmySGT. 04-12-2014 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by nuke11 (Post 59141)
Has anyone converted this formula to an Excel formula yet?

I have not. I am not sure of how to insert a logarithm into the equation.

kato13 04-12-2014 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by ArmySGT. (Post 59145)
I have not. I am not sure of how to insert a logarithm into the equation.

For log 10 isn't it just LOG(A1). I just saved a version as excel97 with that formula so I think that has been supported for a while.

kato13 04-13-2014 03:43 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I made an excel 2010 file with a selection list and RE lookup for DPW. I think it needed to be 2007 or above (xlsx) in order to do the lookup.

I also did a E-Factor formula if you enter the mm or penetration
= 48 * 2.5^(3.322*(LOG(B13) - 1.4049))

You can use this if you have a prior version of excel where B13 is the pen value in mm.

I have never really used these formulas (my gaming system uses Guns, Guns, Guns), so if there are errors let me know.

For the excel file enter/select the data in the yellow fields and the results are in the green fields.

nuke11 04-13-2014 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by kato13 (Post 59155)
I made an excel 2010 file with a selection list and RE lookup for DPW. I think it needed to be 2007 or above (xlsx) in order to do the lookup.

I also did a E-Factor formula if you enter the mm or penetration
= 48 * 2.5^(3.322*(LOG(B13) - 1.4049))

You can use this if you have a prior version of excel where B13 is the pen value in mm.

I have never really used these formulas (my gaming system uses Guns, Guns, Guns), so if there are errors let me know.

For the excel file enter/select the data in the yellow fields and the results are in the green fields.

When I click on the attachment is downloads attachment.php, but if I rename it to "morrow_ex.xlsx" it works fine.

I'll go thru the formula to see how it stands up.

Thank you.

kato13 04-13-2014 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by nuke11 (Post 59157)
When I click on the attachment is downloads attachment.php, but if I rename it to "morrow_ex.xlsx" it works fine.

What browser?


Originally Posted by nuke11 (Post 59157)
I'll go thru the formula to see how it stands up.

Thank you.

No problem. I am addicted to excel ;)

nuke11 04-13-2014 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by kato13 (Post 59158)
What browser?

No problem. I am addicted to excel ;)

IE 11.

It is most likely something stupid with IE11 security settings.

I see where I was wrong with my formula in my spreadsheet of formulas.

ArmySGT. 04-13-2014 09:39 AM


Thanks guys!

That will speed up dropping some new systems to equip Morrow Project encounter groups.

or if there is an Invasion USA! Gamer out there.

nuke11 04-13-2014 12:03 PM

Update to Chart
Instead of posting a new chart I'll just post the new ones instead;

Name, Key Ingredients, Replaces, RE

IMX-101, DNAN + NTO + NQ, TNT, 0.75
IMX-104, DNAN + NTO + RDX, Comp B. 1.00
PAX-48, DNAN + NTO + HMX, Comp B, 1.00
PAX-21 DNAN + RDX + AP + MNA, Comp B, 1.00
PAX-41 DNAN + RDX + MNA, Comp B, 1.00

** Key ingredients is not really necessary, but interesting to show **

Terms Used;

IMX: Insensitive Munitions eXplosives
PAX: Picatinny Arsenal Explosive
DNAN: Dinitroanisole
NTO: Nitrotriazolone
NQ: Nitroguanidine
RDX: Research Development eXplosive
MNA: n-methyl-p-nitroaniline
AP: Ammonium Perchlorate

nuke11 04-13-2014 12:18 PM

Recoilless Rifle Munition M344A1

It uses 2.79lbs or 1 Kg of Comp B.

It will penetrate 300 mm RHA at zero degrees.

ArmySGT. 04-17-2014 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by nuke11 (Post 59166)

It uses 2.79lbs or 1 Kg of Comp B.

It will penetrate 300 mm RHA at zero degrees.


nuke11 04-17-2014 06:35 PM

The Bofors 3A-HEAT-T uses 1 Kg of Octol, so it will have a DPW of 2678.

The M344A1 should be 1.27 Kg of Comp B, not 1.0 Kg as I stated. So it's DPW will be 2962.

ArmySGT. 04-18-2014 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by nuke11 (Post 59243)
The Bofors 3A-HEAT-T uses 1 Kg of Octol, so it will have a DPW of 2678.

The M344A1 should be 1.27 Kg of Comp B, not 1.0 Kg as I stated. So it's DPW will be 2962.

If you don't already have one........ get an account for scribd.com.

Many military manuals end up there, I have the ammunition data sheets for reference. Some posted the 2011 World Wide Recognition guide from the DoD there too.

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