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Targan 12-09-2008 10:11 PM

general chauvinism ;)
2 Attachment(s)
(split from post-apocalyptic picture thread)


Originally Posted by Brother in Arms
last pic makes me wish I was in Norway or wherever Norwegian troops got sent during t2K.

Amen Brother...

Mohoender 12-09-2008 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Targan
Amen Brother...

With some of you people, Ireally whish I'll be with the ennemy forces. While you'll be occupied at running after your fellow girl's soldier, the ennemy would have plenty of time to kick your butts.:D Being killed with your pants down what a shame. :p

Brother in Arms 12-09-2008 11:37 PM

i wouldn't have it any other way moe :)

headquarters 12-10-2008 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by Brother in Arms
i wouldn't have it any other way moe :)

as long as it wasnt a premature execution I agree as far as the way to go.

headquarters 12-10-2008 12:39 AM

but ..
for every sweet looking trooper (female guys,female..) , there is at least one looking not so sweet in the Norwegian forces. (Although the increased professionalization of our hitherto conscripted army has brought interesting new comrades in arms to the field...

Mohoender 12-10-2008 12:48 AM

I hope there are no former KGB reading this. Now, they have a hint on how you can defeat US. In fact, they might know already and from now on I will suspect all those Russian girls being advertised on the net to be as many attacks carried out at the West :D

Brother in Arms 12-10-2008 01:45 AM

good point Mo could the one in the picture with the KLMK camo could actually be a female KGB operative!

And if the Norwegian Trooper on the right isn't hot enough the Isreali one on the left with the little braids just about brings a tear to my eye :naughty:

Brother in Arms

headquarters 12-10-2008 04:14 AM

it would appear that the genious plan is already in effect -see this top secret footage that diligent operatives have secured :


(well the thread is derailing nicely already so I thought I would add to the general chauvenism ..)

kato13 12-10-2008 04:18 AM


Originally Posted by headquarters
it would appear that the genious plan is already in effect -see this top secret footage that diligent operatives have secured :


(well the thread is derailing nicely already so I thought I would add to the general chauvenism ..)

If I do split this thread you have given me the new title "general chauvinism" ;)

Targan 12-10-2008 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by kato13
If I do split this thread you have given me the new title "general chauvinism" ;)

I love it. Another "guilty pleasure" as KCDusk so succinctly put it in the Favourite US Weapons thread.

General Pain 12-10-2008 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by Targan
Amen Brother...

Those girls are usually lesbians or worse....wife-material....but...there is a lot of beatiful girls in norway....

and i'm not posting pictures of them either...muahahah

General Pain 12-10-2008 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by Mohoender
With some of you people, Ireally whish I'll be with the ennemy forces. While you'll be occupied at running after your fellow girl's soldier, the ennemy would have plenty of time to kick your butts.:D Being killed with your pants down what a shame. :p

I must admit I think killing someone with theirs or yours pants down is a shame aswell.......

Targan 12-10-2008 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by General Pain
....but...there is a lot of beatiful girls in norway....

Lucky for me there are plenty of beautiful women in Australia too... only here it is nice and warm so women tend to wear less clothing.

In the words of the iconic Australian band Men At Work "I come from the land of plenty".

O'Borg 12-10-2008 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by Targan
Lucky for me there are plenty of beautiful women in Australia too... only here it is nice and warm so women tend to wear less clothing.

Yeah, but Aussie idea of a beautiful Sheila is "Waist high with a flat head so I can rest me beer on her." :D

General Pain 12-10-2008 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by O'Borg
Yeah, but Aussie idea of a beautiful Sheila is "Waist high with a flat head so I can rest me beer on her." :D

....but it seems so pratical.....:D

Targan 12-10-2008 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by O'Borg
Yeah, but Aussie idea of a beautiful Sheila is "Waist high with a flat head so I can rest me beer on her." :D

Hah! The reason I find that particularly funny is that my new girlfriend is exactly 5 feet tall and I can comfortably rest my elbow on the top of her head!

kato13 12-10-2008 09:58 PM

This drifted enough to deserve it's own thread.

Targan 12-10-2008 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by kato13
This drifted enough to deserve it's own thread.


Brother in Arms 12-10-2008 10:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)

sorry to get the pic thread off track I thought I would redeem myself.

This is more what you would see in t2k

Brother in Arms

kato13 12-10-2008 10:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)
If we ever get a female member (i am assuming we don't have any) I will put her into a separate User group and hide this thread from that group. That way our chauvinism will be kept secret.

So Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh about this thread else where ;)

Mohoender 12-10-2008 10:14 PM

LOL. He did it.:D :p

By the way Borther in Arm, your last picture with the Grand ma seems logical to me. That's probably because of the old french saying stating that a machine gun delivers burst of "dragées" (candy). Grand-mas are well know for giving away candies:D .

General Pain 12-11-2008 03:33 AM

Grandmas with guns
http://bp2.blogger.com/_fPUvs3iiZ9o/...randma-gun.jpg http://bp2.blogger.com/_Df3qsOPHXhE/...in+grandma.jpghttp://www.wkyc.com/assetpool/images...-robberslg.jpghttp://lh3.ggpht.com/_n3qhSolmPas/R0...andma+shot.jpg

sorry...but I had to post this heheh

Brother in Arms 12-16-2008 08:12 PM


Is General Chauvinism in anyway related to General Pain?

Brother in Arms

Targan 12-16-2008 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Brother in Arms
Is General Chauvinism in anyway related to General Pain?

I'm guessing it is his dad.

headquarters 12-17-2008 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by Targan
I'm guessing it is his dad.

his dad was a major .

Major Pain.

headquarters 12-17-2008 01:08 AM

General Chauvenism
I think he is a French general ?

I hope this link is commonly available btw :


as we are on the subject ( see post header )

Graebarde 12-17-2008 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by General Pain
Those girls are usually lesbians or worse....wife-material....

That comment could apply to ANY woman could it not?

Rainbow Six 12-17-2008 02:24 PM

1 Attachment(s)
One from the British Army....she's a Lance Corporal who entered the Miss England beauty contest...

pmulcahy11b 02-28-2010 09:45 AM

(this led to some serious drift so I am moving it to our Male only thread ;) )


Originally Posted by FrankieFisticuffs (Post 19335)
Thanks again for the warm welcome everyone.

Don't worry- I promise I won't make anyone wear pants or put on deoderant. I wouldn't want to cramp anyone's style. As far as the toilet seat bit, I wonder why I always hear women complaining about the toilet seat being up, but never hear men complaining that it's always down...Go figure.

There are certain things you can never be right about with women. Like when they ask you, "Do these make me look fat?" If you say no, they think you're lying, if you say nothing, they wonder what you're hiding, and for god sakes don't say yes!

Webstral 02-28-2010 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by pmulcahy11b (Post 19343)
There are certain things you can never be right about with women. Like when they ask you, "Do these make me look fat?" If you say no, they think you're lying, if you say nothing, they wonder what you're hiding, and for god sakes don't say yes!

The key to surviving is to say "No," without looking. She will point out that you didn't even look. You then reply that after all your time together you know what she looks like, and no outfit could ever make her look fat. She knows you're full of it, but you've slipped out of the ambush zone by referencing your long and undying love (or by implying that love has so impaired your judgment that there's no point in asking for an objective opinion).


Cdnwolf 02-28-2010 06:28 PM

Forget it... the moment she asks you are dead meat!!

General Pain 03-02-2010 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Webstral (Post 19354)
The key to surviving is to say "No," without looking. She will point out that you didn't even look. You then reply that after all your time together you know what she looks like, and no outfit could ever make her look fat. She knows you're full of it, but you've slipped out of the ambush zone by referencing your long and undying love (or by implying that love has so impaired your judgment that there's no point in asking for an objective opinion).


...how about ...." Define fat....." or " fat is such a ugly word";)

Webstral 03-02-2010 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by General Pain (Post 19416)
...how about ...." Define fat....." or " fat is such a ugly word";)

You want to switch the conversation away from fat (where you can do nothing but lose) and towards something that is to your credit--thus the reference to the longevity of the relationship. Any conversation that starts with the question "Do I look fat?" is rather akin to Dunkirk. You've already lost the fight for France at that point. However, with some redirection you can save the survivors and fight another day.


WallShadow 03-02-2010 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by pmulcahy11b (Post 19343)
There are certain things you can never be right about with women. Like when they ask you, "Do these make me look fat?" If you say no, they think you're lying, if you say nothing, they wonder what you're hiding, and for god sakes don't say yes!

If you're feeling lucky, you can always put on your Male Chauvinist Pig imitation and say:
"Yeah, but only in the RIGHT places!" , and drool appropriately while trying to grope her.
You'll either get a roll in the hay or a frying pan across the face.

JimmyRay73 03-02-2010 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by WallShadow (Post 19419)
If you're feeling lucky, you can always put on your Male Chauvinist Pig imitation and say:
"Yeah, but only in the RIGHT places!" , and drool appropriately while trying to grope her.
You'll either get a roll in the hay or a frying pan across the face.

Well, I suppose that'd probably work better than the one I tried out:

Her: "Do these jeans make me look fat?"

Me: "Honey, it ain't the jeans."

Good thing it wasn't the national guard chick or the punch she threw might've hurt...

General Pain 03-03-2010 08:15 AM

I wonder if all these fat jokes should be seperated from our only female forum members intro thread...

kato13 03-03-2010 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by General Pain (Post 19463)
I wonder if all these fat jokes should be seperated from our only female forum members intro thread...

I think it should move into the General Chauvinism thread.

pmulcahy11b 03-03-2010 02:15 PM

Maybe that should be General Pain's next character -- General Chauvinism!

BTW, is that nephew of General Pain you're playing right now called Private Pain?:D

General Pain 03-04-2010 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by pmulcahy11b (Post 19473)
Maybe that should be General Pain's next character -- General Chauvinism!

BTW, is that nephew of General Pain you're playing right now called Private Pain?:D

-The adopted son of the hard and unpredictable leader General Rudolph Pain.Tecumseh was found in the ruins fighting other and smaller kids with a stick for some rats they had caught .When the General passing by in his APC saw the bullying demenour and relentless agressiveness of the urchin , he warmed to him and adopted him as a son with legitimacy as an heir.The General was however more affectionate towards other of his biological children ,sparking ruthless ambition in the young boy .He was determined to show his adoptive father his worth or die trying .He excelled in sports,and all military disciplines ,but held a lousy academic record.He was not much loved by his peers at the Takashi Academy of heavenly Enlightenment -the Aristo boarding School /hostage facility where the elites children were held in the days of PacGov . ( 2009-2018). But his exchanges classes in the Praetorian Academia Bellum Magnum were happy days were his brutality and arrogance got him many henchmen -or friends in school as parents in other school systems would say .

Benito Tecumseh is a product of an elitistic system that trained youngsters in disciplines far beyond their years.The sharp divide between the Elite and the commoners has been refined .As such the now big and strong lad can come across a tad arrogant,precocious and mean.

Benito Tecumseh is currently on a mission to rescue his father - believed to be held in the Shandon Bunker complex.He plans to rescue the old man and gain his respect -or if he doesnt get it - kill him in a dirty fight .

from: http://thebigbookofwar.50megs.com/whats_new_2.html

And to the question he is now a 16 year old Leutenant.

Targan 03-05-2010 12:49 AM

Kudos to HQ - it is not lightly that I say that his campaign is even more f**ked up than mine was.

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