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TiggerCCW UK 05-05-2009 03:24 AM

Post Apoc Punks
The Generals punk with AK put this question back into my mind. In every post apoc film from Mad Max on there are always punks running around with elaborate hair and make up. Where do they get the products for this? Is their scavengeing list something along the lines of;

Big knives and chains
Make up
Gel and mousse
Leather bondage gear

Seriously, where do they plug the hair dryer in?

General Pain 05-05-2009 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by TiggerCCW UK
The Generals punk with AK put this question back into my mind. In every post apoc film from Mad Max on there are always punks running around with elaborate hair and make up. Where do they get the products for this? Is their scavengeing list something along the lines of;

Big knives and chains
Make up
Gel and mousse
Leather bondage gear

Seriously, where do they plug the hair dryer in?

well I guess human blood can be used as dye,gel and mousse - if u have a semi-cannibal style post ww3 setting....and I didn't know punks used hairdryers (the thought alone conserns me)

headquarters 05-05-2009 05:11 AM

I think hot irons for ironing shirts etc is what the hard cores use.

could well be hooked up to a ginny.

kcdusk 05-05-2009 06:00 AM

wash hand soap into your hair for dreadlocks, if thats your look. Or in a t2k sense just leave your hair unwashed.

Raellus 05-05-2009 05:42 PM

One could probably use motor oil or axle grease. I've seen some elaborate primitive hairdos that used mud.

kato13 05-05-2009 05:53 PM

In high school an acquaintance of a friend used egg whites for his mohawk. I do remember in Road Warrior the compound had chickens, maybe they were not after the oil at all.

headquarters 05-06-2009 12:48 AM

laquer/varnish and other PA hairproducts
I think I saw somewhere that certain products in this category could be usded for that 15 inch mohawk - I believe the hot iron was involved in this too.

;) But I want to debate -(I always do..?) :

So how far should a GM go to make his PCs alienated from his NPC cannonfodder ? :confused: Do you prefer the PCs operating in a moral grey zone ? ( Maybe Humungus was a visionary who would have ruled with a leather clad steel studded fist &thong until he had made the desert into a totalitarian garden of Eden and free elections could be held )

The classic example being leather and steel stud wearing motorcycle thugs wearing masks and goggles and generally being obnoxious fighting a bunch of peaceful homesteaders dressed in mellow earth tones and whites with good manners and chicks with freshly washed blond hair..?

Meaning - should the GM make the NPCs that get wasted by the PCs a faceless number /duck in the row to be riddled with bullets that are clearly evil and thus "righteous kills" ?

or should the killing be a dubious matter - maybe it comes to light that the marauder was stealing to feed a family,that they are refugess forced into the life of leather thongs and steel studs,have some flesh to the bone and humanity to throw the PCs aim of ..

general pains punk with AK is a classic example too - some will say typical PA bad guy that needs killing .

Maybe this one belongs in the playing style thread ...

kato13 05-06-2009 01:22 AM

Given my only interaction with the mohawked acquaintance I mentioned above (whom I nearly called an enemy) was staring him down after his girlfriend came for help from myself and several friends after he had been slapping her around. He was the stereotypical leather and spike clad punk trying to make himself feel big by bullying. I guess since then I have a prejudice against mohawks. The fact that the girlfriend went back to him, only to get thrown down a flight of stairs by him (while pregnant with his child) only further reinforces it.

While I am not against throwing players a curve, most times the cover matches the book.

pmulcahy11b 05-06-2009 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by kato13
In high school an acquaintance of a friend used egg whites for his mohawk. I do remember in Road Warrior the compound had chickens, maybe they were not after the oil at all.

Wouldn't you end up with a cloud of insects around your head?

kato13 05-06-2009 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by pmulcahy11b
Wouldn't you end up with a cloud of insects around your head?

While I certainly would have wished a plague of locusts beset him, unfortunately it never happened.

JimmyRay73 05-11-2009 05:35 PM

I knew a guy that used everything from egg whites to elmer's glue to snot for purposes of fixing his hair style. Bugs didn't seem to be much of an issue for him. I suspect the bugs were smart enough to avoid him.

As for the wild fashion sense, it may serve several purposes in a social and/or tactical sense:

1) It could serve as a status symbol, a way of showing that they have power or status because they can "afford" to wear something besides utilitarian farmer clothes.

2) It could serve a "psych-out" purpose, appearing frightening and unfamiliar to the peasants.

3) It could serve the same purposes of early uniforms, making it easier to identify one's teammates in the thick of a fight. In this case making it easy to tell the goats from the sheep I suppose.

Those are only a few of the purposes I can think of off the top of my head.

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