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-   -   S06 e04 " a dark and bloody trail part ii - endgame " (http://forum.juhlin.com/showthread.php?t=2433)

headquarters 08-30-2010 01:22 AM

S06 e04 " a dark and bloody trail part ii - endgame "







takk for lovely sessions sist gang . det er bare å bla i filofaxer og kjøre inn de datoene du mener passer best for en ny helg med øl,flesk og terninger.
November ?? ...?

Jeg koste meg godt med et digert tactical map og masse brikker på bordet sist runde -MEN!!!

Jeg tror det er en del å hente for partyet på å
-holde sammen
-koordinere ildgivingen
-kalkulere ildhastighet nøyere ( burst vs quickshots discussion-revisited)

mao - det er mange ganger det er lurt å holde seg i formasjon og avtale ting som simultan ildåpning og kontinuerlig skyting for å oppnå :


( også kjent som det fienden hadde når dere lå inne i huset og skøyt ut mens jeg rullet terninger i vilden sky bare dere stakk hånda over vinduskarmen.det dere trenger er at DERE ruller terninger i vilden sky når DE stikker hånda opp).

Iallefall - post en melding her på denne tråden når du har lest og skriv ditt/dine FORSLAG til helg for siste game-o-rama 2010.


oops- glemte engelsk en gang ja...pytt .

English please guys.

Sanchez 08-30-2010 07:38 AM

American heroes
I beileve we did a good job.
We had a plan - and we followed it pretty much until our house was bombed to rubble, and we had to do something else we didn't have a plan for.
The plan was to hold out until darkness - and we almost did.
I think it was a nice piece of American bravery and courage!

Now, there was one exception to this, a coward so un-American that I have forgotten his name. You will remeber mine though.

First he gave our position away by firing wildly (without hitting anything), then in a most cowardly move, he try to abandon his fellow American heroes by sneaking out under pretext of attempting to hijack an enemy vehicle!
I also rememer I had to confiscate all white clothing as you tried to surrender several times.

You should have been shot for that!
And in a funny instance of poetic justice you were shot several times by the enemy in various places.

To sum up - very brave action by the party with one exception.

headquarters 08-30-2010 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Sanchez (Post 25146)
I beileve we did a good job.
We had a plan - and we followed it pretty much until our house was bombed to rubble, and we had to do something else we didn't have a plan for.
The plan was to hold out until darkness - and we almost did.
I think it was a nice piece of American bravery and courage!

Now, there was one exception to this, a coward so un-American that I have forgotten his name. You will remeber mine though.

First he gave our position away by firing wildly (without hitting anything), then in a most cowardly move, he try to abandon his fellow American heroes by sneaking out under pretext of attempting to hijack an enemy vehicle!
I also rememer I had to confiscate all white clothing as you tried to surrender several times.

You should have been shot for that!
And in a funny instance of poetic justice you were shot several times by the enemy in various places.

To sum up - very brave action by the party with one exception.

I agree that the party made a good stand and took brave action .

there was cowardice - but it was also good roleplay .and that is very important.The shooting wildly is also true -but have you seen his rifle skill ?

My comments on what to do better were simply directed towards the rules/technical side of things.You can still maximize offensive potential of party by acting more in concert.
You should try it one time .

I am very much looking forward to the intense gunfight coming up next session .The party is only half an hour away from twilight and the faint hope of darkness cloacking their escape.Meanwhile the dreaded NDP cadre elite troops are encircling the area and massing for one last big shootout -Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid style .(they are the federales in case you wondered).

I sincerely hope you guys make it out of there - the PCs have been through so much ...Well,the maps were drawn and enemy posted on them long before I wrote this . ( I always do it this way so that I wont go soft and started reducing the number or quality of enemy as the party gets in worse and worse shape..)

It is interesting I think , that the last 4-5 sessions has had a Matrix like influence on gaming time .5 sessions ago you were happily travelling about and making plans for your NPCs on what to do come harvest time -now every session of 7 hours playing time is about an hour and a half in game.Soon we will play just a few phases over the course of a whole evening..:D

This combat has been going on for over 3 sessions straight with only a few moments lapse in the hideout cellar if you recall.It will not be over until you are dead or have killed them all.

Rupert Willies 08-31-2010 02:29 AM


headquarters 10-19-2010 01:29 AM

Last sessions of 2010!!
I am noticing that things are quiet in here..

So - you are not in a T2K HQ campaign feverish frenzy..


I want YOU to submit your possible dates in November or early December for a role playing- beer guzzling-pork chomping - bad joke-a-vaganza!

I am thinking East side.

I am claiming Saturday from 1400 hrs until I can barely speak for my evil purposes...

I will be driving over -so anyone in the South country that would like to can hitch a ride back and forth - you might be calld upon to drive though...

possible weekends include

19-21 of Nov
12-14 of Nov

3-5 Dec
10-12 Dec

Let me know asap.

General Pain 10-19-2010 04:29 AM

next session
fre 5 - søn 7 - not so good - har carma
fre 12 -søn 14 - not so good - har carma
fre 19 -søn 21 - probably ok
fre 26 -søn 27 - not possible (metafusion party)

des 3-5 probably ok

headquarters 10-19-2010 12:45 PM

good or bad ?

Originally Posted by General Pain (Post 26376)
fre 5 - søn 7 - not so good - har carma
fre 12 -søn 14 - not so good - har carma
fre 19 -søn 21 - probably ok
fre 26 -søn 27 - not possible (metafusion party)

des 3-5 probably ok

good or bad karma?

We done many a session wit the k-9 before - so if you ok it its møglich.
__________________________________________________ ______

temporary date for session-lets try for it !

everyone - confirm

FMDeCorba 10-19-2010 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by General Pain (Post 26376)
fre 5 - søn 7 - not so good - har carma
fre 12 -søn 14 - not so good - har carma
fre 19 -søn 21 - probably ok
fre 26 -søn 27 - not possible (metafusion party)

des 3-5 probably ok

Get rid of the dog dude.

Anyhoo - all of those, except 19-21, are ok. (hunting trip)

headquarters 10-20-2010 01:30 AM

Session dates winter 2010
The following dates are

possible for me :

19-21 Nov

3-5 Dec

Neither date is 100% - but it is a working starting point to figure out some dates.

Maybe 10 -12 Dec is also possible...

A little back and forth on this is to be expected. But please let us know what suits you.

Anyone got a hold of theDevil ?

Awful quiet from the deep south...

General Pain 10-20-2010 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by headquarters (Post 26405)
good or bad karma?

We done many a session wit the k-9 before - so if you ok it its møglich.
__________________________________________________ ______

temporary date for session-lets try for it !

everyone - confirm


except the metafusion party I'm game.

headquarters 10-22-2010 12:38 AM

Its so close to Novemberthat it practically isnt December.

Everyone is ordered to go out and procure a calendar instantly- mark of the dates and prepare for para-gaming activity.

Compliance is mandatory...

03 - 05 .12

headquarters 10-23-2010 12:46 AM

03-05 .2012
what say you ?

I waant to make arangements AND PREPARE

General Pain 10-31-2010 08:54 AM

im game
3dec to 5 dec is ayok

FMDeCorba 11-08-2010 10:12 AM

Yeaahh.. Forgot that I have a regimental tradition to uphold.. 4/12 is locked I´m afraid, so unless no militiaman will want to have the yearly regimental dinner with me, I´ll have to forego on the 4th...

headquarters 11-08-2010 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by FMDeCorba (Post 27154)
Yeaahh.. Forgot that I have a regimental tradition to uphold.. 4/12 is locked I´m afraid, so unless no militiaman will want to have the yearly regimental dinner with me, I´ll have to forego on the 4th...

cant you just order them to charge and then pop out and bury them after our sessions?

Seriously - with Sanchez out due to rl horrors and lackluster response from the other squad members I feel we need all of the core members there.Also , the need for many targets..ehh-- players to be able to win the gunfights is essential.

The alternative is to have the sessions at another date. there are other weekends in that could be available like

possibly 10-11-12 December

or even early january.

Now,FM deCorba will give us the final word about his regimental dinner this week.Then we will know...

IF he cannot present himself due to regimental commitments we shall have to postpone until the earliest available date.

I fear early january will then be the date...

headquarters 11-09-2010 12:45 AM

Devil - Willis
sound off lads- assembly has been signalled!

post dates asap.

HQ out

General Pain 11-09-2010 01:58 PM

Well pleas put up response ASAP
As I will have to try to get the friday off on said weekend.

18th - yet another party with metafusion crew.

4th ok
11th ok

FMDeCorba 11-09-2010 02:20 PM

Alrighty - I´ll get back to you ASAP on the tradition-thingy for the 4th..

Meanwhile, I suggest that HQ write an ordinary mail or make an ordinary phonecall to the other core players - this forum isn´t automatically on everybody´s radar I´m afraid - it has it´s limitations when the updates come in bursts, like now. If your inbox was empty most of the time, would you still check it every day? Besides, the Devil is off grid for the time being, his computer has the blues or something.

Apart from the above mentioned, I´m game (most weekends before Christmas are good) AND I´d love to play host again, it such a pleasure to have other freaks visit out here in deliverance country. However, the part time owner of an animal named after a sort of personal tab of good and bad deeds thinks this is a problem, so we´ll see.

headquarters 11-10-2010 12:47 AM

reaching out
I always call if the forum has been quiet for a while- and I have spoken with Devil.

Willis has already been in here and posted so he is aware that he is required to commit or not.

Sanchez has also been spoken to - most likely his situation will not allow him to join.

Will send sms and ask for them post dates (again)

FmDeCorba - please hurry up and find out wether or not you will join.
If you cannot - I see this session being postponed to January.

FMDeCorba 11-10-2010 10:16 AM

Oh, so the whole plan rests on my schedule now?

Anyhoo - hope to see all of you guys soon, or soonish:)

headquarters 11-11-2010 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by FMDeCorba (Post 27244)
Oh, so the whole plan rests on my schedule now?

Anyhoo - hope to see all of you guys soon, or soonish:)

you love the attention FM!

The whole session rests on us getting 3 confirmed players +GM in a reasonable time before scheduled kick off.

Sofar - GP has confirmed.

This leaves us waiting for the rest to chime in and commit.

Still waiting lads.

I know those personal organizers are hard to open and flip through. I know the fear and indecisivenss that grips you-numbs you ...

But do it regardless of the sacrifce that is demanded of you..open those filofaxes no matter what and show `em all you can actually make an appointment despite the odds.

FMDeCorba 11-15-2010 02:10 AM

Hi guys - sorry for the tardy reply.

I´m afraid december 4th definitely is crossed out in my calendar - but the other weekends ahead (except 26-28/11, work) are open for my part.


PS: If this proves to be an insurmountable challenge ahead of Xmas, well then I hope we are able to get together early next year!

General Pain 11-15-2010 07:11 AM

Am I to understand...
..that we will NOT have our anually late-year session this year :(

FMDeCorba 11-15-2010 10:56 AM

Look - Is that particular weekend the only one possible? If so, I am terribly sorry that I have to prioritize, but I do have to.

Besides - I refuse to be cornered by your false calendar dichotomy - there are other possibilitites, and it really doesn´t matter what number we assign to it. According to the Islamic calendar we will have to hurry up if we are to get together while it´s still 1431.

headquarters 11-15-2010 12:21 PM

any other suggested dates ?

or is it off ?

FMDeCorba 11-15-2010 01:31 PM

10-12 ? 17-19?

FMDeCorba 11-16-2010 07:11 AM

Hang on.. seems I´ve gotten a gig for the evening of 10th.. but that´s not the entire weekend after all.

General Pain 11-17-2010 02:50 AM

the 18th I'm doing the last gig for 2010 with The Metafusion Soundsystem.

The 10th is a longshot but I think it's A-OK.

headquarters 11-17-2010 11:00 AM

thats that then.

see you in 2011.

General Pain 11-19-2010 06:58 AM

this is not cool. :(:mad:

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