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natehale1971 08-06-2009 12:01 PM

German Federal Republic comments & development
I have been debating on some changes on how the military forces of the German Federal Republic would be organized... While this would primarily be nothing more than 'fluff' it's something i've been thinking about doing to show that it's a federal military organization... a force that is drawn from the various state and colonial armed forces.

The following names would be the name for the overall command structure that the Federalized military branches (Federal Army, Federal Star Navy, Federal Navy, Federal Air Force, Federal Border Guard, ect) would fall under...

Bundeslandstreitkräfte / BLaSK (Federal Ground Forces)
Bundesluftlandungstreikräfte / BLLK (Federal Airborne Landing Forces)
Bundesluftsreitkräfte / BLSK (Federal Air Forces)
Bundesmarinestreitkräfte / BMSK (Federal Naval Forces)
Bundesraumstreikräfte / BRSK (Federal Space Forces) or Bundessternmarinestreikräfte (Federal Star Naval Forces
Bundes Strategische Raketenstreitkräft / BSRK (Federal Strategic Rocketry Forces)
Bundesluftverteidigungkräfte /BLVK (Federal Air Defense Forces)
Bundesraumverteidigungkräfte /BRVK (Federal Space Defense Forces)
Bundesgrenzschützstreikräfte /BGSK (Federal Border Guard Forces)
Bundeszivilverteidigungkräft /BZV (Federal Civil Defense Force)
Bundespolizeikräfte /BPK (Federal Police Force)
Bundesküstenverteidigungkräft /KVK (Federal Coastal Defense Force)
Bundesauslandsnachrichtendienst /BASD (Federal Foreign Intelligence Service)
Bundessicherheitsdienst /BSD (Federal Security Service)

Hauptschützstreikräfte /HSK (Home Guard Force)

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