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natehale1971 12-13-2012 01:05 PM

Prayers for Wounded Warriors, their Families and Gold Star Families
Hello everyone,

it's that time of year when everyone's thoghts go to their loved ones... for me, it's a time of both great sadness and joy. I miss my sons and wish that their mother would at least just let me talk to them. So i know keenly the kind of pain that many are feeling that have lost their loved ones.

I know what it's like to be in a VAMC isolated from your family, fighting every day to get yourself to a point you can go home to them.

these kinds of pain are much worse than the physical... I like to say that we are "Broken in body, but not in Spirit" since so many of us have fought so hard to overcome these handicaps and disablities that we have suffered.

during this time of year i spend alot of time in prayer and reflection... i make cards to send to those wounded warriors to encourage them and their families. i wish i could do the same for the Gold Star Families... but i hav not been able to find a group that does this, reaching out to give them strenght and support.

I am asking everyone here to remember our brothers and sisters in arms in their thoughts, their prayers and their well wishes during this time... we've known the pain of being seperated from our loved ones during deployments during this time. we know what it's like to be standing watch on Christmas... watching others opening letters and care packages, wondering if ours had gotten lost or delayed in the mail.

that kind of hurt is not easily forgotten... but we can if we try to minimlize it.

So those whom pray, please pray for them... and those whom don't pray, keep them in your thoughts and honor them in your own way.

A dear friend whom i first met while we both were relearning to walk is going through a tough time this Christmas, since his service dog is very ill and is possibly going to need to be put down. i am keeping him in my thoughts and prayers... and thought that maybe is more of us did this, he would feel that goodness and give him the strength to get through this difficult time.

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