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Rupert Willies 04-11-2013 06:26 AM

Recap 2013...
is it even possible to think of a recap?

General Pain 07-24-2013 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by Rupert Willies (Post 54069)
is it even possible to think of a recap?

I must admit that the character sheets as eluded me for quite some time :(
And thats why the campaign is on a hiatus.

We ended the game in the escape from Manaus,brazil and are now on the ship you own with all the stuff u stole etc, sanches' PC is the only one missing....

General Pain 12-02-2013 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by General Pain (Post 55495)
I must admit that the character sheets as eluded me for quite some time :(
And thats why the campaign is on a hiatus.

We ended the game in the escape from Manaus,brazil and are now on the ship you own with all the stuff u stole etc, sanches' PC is the only one missing....

Sanches is just found in his quarters - no recolection on how he got there...no one saw him enter.....his har is not as grey as it should be for a man pushing 84...he doesn't wear glasses anymore either...hmm

FMDeCorba 02-06-2014 04:49 PM

So whatīs the current status? As far as I can remember we were on the way to a harbor in Germany - and encountered a platform mid-ocean, which we decided not to explore in order to attempt to collect the reward. Correct?

headquarters 02-07-2014 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by FMDeCorba (Post 57821)
So whatīs the current status? As far as I can remember we were on the way to a harbor in Germany - and encountered a platform mid-ocean, which we decided not to explore in order to attempt to collect the reward. Correct?

We were hung over and the prospect of a NPC munching dungeon monster fest was daunting then. I say we turn back???

FMDeCorba 02-07-2014 01:45 PM

Head back? Well, I for one would like to get one job done and collect the reward before risking it all again, for an unknown outcome.

I am not, however, averse to slaying some monsters! My character has perhaps a predilection for colonial warfare, but thatīs another matter.
To be honest, I donīt want to give in to deus ex machina.

headquarters 02-08-2014 06:17 AM

chioces ..choices
I quite agree on the mission portfolio choices. I did imagine it would be a few more straight forward assasinations, bombings, kidnaps, training and leading third world guerillas or just plain here is the price list pr. enemy head there are the enemy positions - have at it.

Freaks and monsters are abundant it would seem. Either way is ok by me as long as its decided by dicatorial decree instead of rotnne democracy!!!!!


Originally Posted by FMDeCorba (Post 57856)
Head back? Well, I for one would like to get one job done and collect the reward before risking it all again, for an unknown outcome.

I am not, however, averse to slaying some monsters! My character has perhaps a predilection for colonial warfare, but thatīs another matter.
To be honest, I donīt want to give in to deus ex machina.

staggerlee 02-08-2014 09:25 AM

Monsters or not - the SUDDENLY SOMETHING UNEXPECTED bit undermines player agency, thatīs my point.
(Sorry GP, it might seem a bit harsh, but it is basically the same thing that once made me walk in the opposite direction until i stepped on the famed magic mushroom that placed me with the rest of the party for the DMīs convenience.)

General Pain 02-24-2014 01:53 PM

he he he
Why have you 2 nicks?


If you want to head for Hamburg that is all and well.
If you choose otherwise that is also OK.

Considering who and what and where and when , it's all good, for our first
of hopefully 4 games in this our 25th year running - so all of the games will be anivercary-games hehe

Apart from that - I thought there was some kind of rank - and that one of you had command....Is this early signs of mutiny?

anyway...the weather is fine and you head for Germany at top speed, leaving the horrors of the unidentified research platform behind.


staggerlee 02-24-2014 07:27 PM

2 nicks - thought Iīd lost the password for the first, turned out i hadnīt anyway.

Cool boat - looking forward to revisiting Hamburg, of course.

General Pain 05-21-2014 01:33 PM

The party left the victory ship in international waters...
...the party helicopter is shot down....treachery?

You all start banged up, burned/burning , and generally messed up...

In the distance you can hear sirens of the local german police /firebrigade...

And here we start....the people you rescued are all dead...You have a naging feeling you are not getting paid......except in bullets perhaps...

I will go through all members equipment when we start - and all PC-sheets and add some damage here and there...

As a bonus you can all consider yourself illegal immigrants and criminals, some of you have standing warrants in some countries and you are all carrying used weapons, that has been used in various missions and or bought illegally...

If you get caught (depending on who you are) you can look forward to:

- long prison sentences
- deportation
- fines
- worse...

well well good luck and c u soon

staggerlee 05-22-2014 09:11 AM

"Recap" indeed !

You all start banged up, burned/burning , and generally messed up...
In the distance you can hear sirens of the local german police /firebrigade...
And here we start....the people you rescued are all dead...You have a naging feeling you are not getting paid......except in bullets perhaps...
I will go through all members equipment when we start - and all PC-sheets and add some damage here and there...

- long prison sentences
- deportation
- fines
- worse...

Any incentives to act reasonably?

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