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Medic 03-18-2012 04:44 PM

A possible, non-existant country, for MERC:2000 and non-apocalyptic 2013
"Czernograst, a small ex-Soviet Socialistic Republic of half a million inhabitants. The country is pretty much as if it had been put in stasis after the fall of the Soviet Union. The Central Committee still runs the nation under the leadership of Head Secretary of the Czernograst Socialist Party. The nation has a proportionately large army, a small coastal navy and a small air force of practically obsolete fighters, a few bombers and just enough transports to carry the nation's elite troops, The Czernit Paratrooper Company.

Equiped with old Soviet gear, mainly AK-47s and RPK-47s, Czernograst People's Army has mostly motorized infantry riding old BTR-60PB APCs, supported by a battalion of T-62 and T-55 tanks and towed field artillery, mostly equiped with the D-30M 122mm howizer.

The Navy includes a Ropucha I -class LST, 'Admiral Komorov', hull number 11, being the flagship of the fleet. The firepower of the fleet comes from four Komar-class missile boats, hull numbers 16-19 and two Pauk-class corvettes, 'Djnepr', hull number 13 and 'Krasnyj' hull number 14.

The Air Force has 28 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21Bis as fighters and six Tupolev Tu-16K26 bombers along with six Mikhailov Mi-26M, four Mi-8T and three Mi-24D helicopters. The Air Force is also responsible for SA-2 SAM sites within the national borders and the Czernit Paratrooper Company.

Along with the Armed Forces, there are the Ministry of Interior troops, including the Border Guards and Militia Troops. They have various ex-Soviet weapons, though those are often of older stock like the SKS."

Just so we could get this turned in to a 'real' nation, I would like your input. Anyone is more than welcome to contribute.

Tegyrius 03-18-2012 05:42 PM

What's your design intent here? What do you want this country to do that existing Soviet satellites (2000) or ex-satellites (2013) don't already do on the European stage?

- C.

Medic 03-19-2012 12:56 AM

Well, I suppose this nation designing is just something to pass time, but it could easily be used for campaigns as a locale and provide more accurate knowledge about the place than you can generally find out on the internet about the other ex-Soviet states.

Adm.Lee 03-19-2012 12:36 PM

Is it a neighbor of Graustark and Ruritania?

I like it, I'd be more tempted to use it rather than a real nation in a contemporary game.

copeab 03-19-2012 01:41 PM

You could have the two feuding countries of Freedonia and Sylvania ;)

Medic 03-19-2012 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Adm.Lee (Post 44101)
Is it a neighbor of Graustark and Ruritania?

I like it, I'd be more tempted to use it rather than a real nation in a contemporary game.

Not a bad idea, really. While Czernograst is still keeping the old Soviet ways, the other nations could be more liberal and Westernisized. And of course, all three have minorities fromthe other nations, which can create racial tensions.and, should such a thing mount, both U.S.A. and Russia would probably be willing to send troops in.

Adm.Lee 03-19-2012 05:05 PM

When my brother and I first got the "First Battle" and "Last Battle" (tactical boardgames from GDW, the latter linking to T2k), we started building a campaign between the People's Republic of Graustark and the Kingdom of Ruritania. One of our ground rules was that nothing newer than 1968 could be bought by the two countries. I'd forgotten about that until just now. You could update that to 1991-- someone had to buy all the Cold War weapons that both sides sold off, after all.

- Does Czernograst have an ocean port? Mountains and forests? Rail links to Russia? Monarchist or democratic "freedom fighters"? Royalist exiles-- PCs love to help a pretty young princess recover the lost throne!
- Obviously, it doesn't have oil, or some other important export product.
- Is it near Absurdistan?
- You need a capital city, some mid-size industrial towns, and lots of farming villages/collective farms. The city and towns should have some medieval-era ruins, but some of those should have been wrecked by WW2 (of course, it was occupied by the Germans and liberated by the Red Army).

RN7 03-19-2012 10:31 PM

Whole load of former countries in Europe and ex-Soviet states to choose from.......http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Categor...ries_in_Europe

Adm.Lee 03-20-2012 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by copeab (Post 44104)
You could have the two feuding countries of Freedonia and Sylvania ;)

I just happened to find this DVD at the library today! My sons will get educated this weekend.

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