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natehale1971 07-28-2009 01:55 PM

OT: Year of the Zombie game news reports
Hello everyone,

I know this is off-topic, but i thought i'd share something i wrote a couple of years ago for a "Year of the Zombie" campaign I wanted to run (and write a series of short stories about the zombie apocalypse)... I kind of figured I'd post them so you could get some ideas for background news reports for your players to have heard before being drafted or having watched on the TVs before the power went bye-bye.

"General, We have a Broken Dagger situation here…" CW3 Speight stated calmly as he exchanged an empty magazine of his Colt M4 5.56mm Carbine for a fresh fully-loaded one. "This is a Bio-terror agent… like nothing we’ve ever encountered before sir. I know this sounds completely insane, but it seems to apparently reanimate the bodies of the dead. So far the only thing that seems to work at taking these things down has been a shot to the head."

Tuesday 01 July 2008

“...the Department of Homeland Security has announced today that they have changed the National Threat level form Elevated Risk (Yellow) to High Risk (Orange). This has been the first time the National Threat Level has been changed since the system was enacted in 2002. Also Secretary Michael Chertoff has asked the American people to please remain on alert since Intelligence assets in the Middle East have identified a highly credible threat to the American people that possibly involves the release of a Biological Weapon in a major American city. House Democratic Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has released a public statement that the Bush Administration is only attempting to use fear to distract the American people from the troubles that are currently being faced in Iraq. In other News...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST 01 July 2008, CNN Headline News

“...there is no credible threat to the United States. The Bush Administration is only continuing to use the same fear tactics to distract the American people, and to influence the elections this November. We have seen the same intelligence reports and do not find them to be anything more than rumors and manufactured reports to cause heightened since of fear among the American people. Terrorists have not gained access to the non-existent Iraqi WMD...” - Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), House Majority Leader, Congressional Press Conference, <time> EST 01 July 2008, <news service>

Wednesday 02 July 2008

“.” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST 02 July 2008, <news service>

Thursday 03 July 2008
“...we have been receiving reports from the Democratic Republic of Calstopia since early this morning of a severe outbreak of violence and rioting. Calistopia was recently in the news yesterday due to the kidnapping of Peace Corps workers by 'the Righteous Path' revolutionaries operating against the US backed government. Reports indicate that the rioting started after a group of US Army Rangers led a rescue attempt of the Peace Corps workers. We have learned that the US Army Rangers, known by the Iraqi Insurgency as 'the Death Dealers' were able to rescue all but one of the Peace Corps workers, but the Rangers suffered heavy casualties...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, 0930 EST 03 July 2008, CNN Headline News

“...we are receiving reports that the government of the Democratic Republic of Calistopia has requested assistance from the United States and their other allies to help evacuate the island nation. The United States and United Kingdom has ordered their military forces in the area to assist in the mandatory evacuation of the island. We have news reports that the US and UK Embassies nearly being overrun by rioters, and the scene there makes the fall of Saigon look like a well organized public outing...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, 2000 EST 03 July 2008, <news service>
"...the President of the Democratic Republic of Calistopia has requested that the United States and its allies use nuclear devices to sterilize their island nation, to stop the spread of an extremely virulent outbreak that has driven the infected populace insane. The leaders of the nations of Cuba and Venezuela have opposed any attempts to sterilize the island nation claiming that this has been nothing more than an attempt to quell a popular uprising against the US-backed government..." - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, 1300 EST 04 July 2008, <news service>
“.” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST 03 July 2008, <news service>

Friday 04 July 2008

“...reports of a series of terrorist attacks have occurred during all across the United States, targeting the large Independence Day festivities have been coming in for the past two hours... Initial reports have stated that terrorists have released biological agents in aerial explosions using the fireworks as their method of dispersal. Further reports indicate that similar attacks have occurred throughout Europe and Israel. As the reports of the attacks spread, the news has sparked incidents of public panic that has started groups of people to civil unrest with reports of isolated rioting in New York City, Los Angeles and Boston. In other news...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, 2100 EST 04 July 2008, CNN Headline News

Saturday 05 July 2008

“...these are not the bodies of the dead returning to life, as rumor and public hysteria have claimed. These are victims of a bio-terrorism attack, and any sort of vigilante killing of these victims is a prosecutable as an act of premeditated murder. In other stories, the United States military has continued to commit atrocities in major urban areas as troops fire upon unarmed crowds of demonstrators, looters and other panicked citizens. President George W. Bush has refused to comment upon these actions at his time, and has once more asked for the American people to remain calm in this time of crisis and follow the direction of both Military and FEMA personnel during the evacuations of the affected cities, and once more assures the populace that the situation is well in hand. To recap the top stories...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, 1230 EST 05 July 2008, CNN Headline News

Sunday 06 July 2008

Monday 07 July 2008

“...the Commonwealth of Australia as of twenty-five minutes ago instituted a national quarantine, and all flights that are inbound to Australia have since been diverted to other locales. The Prime Minister has released a statement that has placed the nation of Australia in a state of emergency, and that martial law is now in effect in an attempt to ensure that the spread of the effects of this horrible plague that has been spreading around the globe will not infect the shores of Australia. The Royal Australian Navy and Royal Australian Air Force have been ordered to create an exclusion zone around the nations air space and territorial waters that will not be penetrated...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, 1825 EST 07 July 2008, CNN Headline News

“...earlier this morning the CDC has released the following report; those whom have been bitten by these infected have been infected themselves. The infected will become reanimated between one to five minutes after death. Once they have become reanimated, they become extremely violent and prey upon the living. If you have been bitten you must please isolate yourself from those who are not so affected. Those officials whom are responsible for the administration of aide shelters are asked to begin screening all refugees immediately to find those whom have been bitten so that they can be isolated and receive special medical treatment...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, 1345 EST 07 July 2008, CNN Headline News

“...elements of the 101st Air Assault and 82nd Airborne Division have been successful in their effort to hold onto La Giardia National Airport and the majority of southern Manhattan in an attempt to secure a safe zone that can be protected from assault by natural boundaries. These units have been able to come up with a very effective counter measure for dealing with the Reanimates in large numbers. Details will follow so that other units can be able follow their examples... Lieutenant General Mark Anderson has established their headquarters on Liberty Island while Elis Island has since become a secure location where the survivors from New York City and the surrounding areas have been transferred awaiting transportation to one of the safe zones on the east coast...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST 07 July 2008, CNN Headline News

Tuesday 08 July 2008

“...we have confirmed that those who have been bitten become infected by the Reanimate Virus, and they will succumb to their injuries within 72 hours. The infected victim will reanimate between one to five minutes once their bodily functions have ceased. The only way to ensure that this does not occur is to cause damage to the brain. Once the brain has been damaged or destroyed the Reanimated Life Form ceases to function. Injuries to other areas of the Reanimates body has no adverse effect on it’s ability to function. Once again let me state that...” - Dr. Robert K.C. Biggs M.D./PhD., Spokesperson for the Center for Disease Control, CDC Press Briefing, <time> EST 08 July 2008, CNN Headline News

Wednesday 09 July 2008

“...the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency has released a recommendation that local law enforcement and emergency services are to form ‘Clean & Sweep teams’ whose duties would be to seek out and discover reanimated life forms... please be cautious during this since recently discovered medical reports are that all bites are fatal since they transmits the infection... All medical examination of these Reanimated Life Forms have confirmed that these victims are in fact deceased and recently reanimated...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, 1438 EST 09 July 2008, CNN Headline News

“...reports just in from New York City have confirmed that all of the bridges and tunnels connecting the city to the mainland have been destroyed, but we cannot confirm whether or not that these actions have been taken to keep people out of the city or in the city at this time...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST 09 July 2008, CNN Headline News

Thursday 10 July 2008

“...we have received recent reports that the LAPD and California National Guard has pulled out of South Central Los Angeles, and set up a defensive line on the outskirts of Beverly Hills in an attempt to protect the evacuation of citizens to the recently activated FEMA relocation centers.” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST <day-month> 2008, CNN Headline News

Friday 11 July 2008

Saturday 12 July 2008

“...there is a state of martial law now in effect in the United States of America as of 8am this morning. All citizens must understand the dire consequences of this phenomenon, should the government be unable to check the spread of this situation. Because of the emotional attitude of the citizens toward the victims of this phenomenon, and the issues of the morality regarding the disposition of the deceased, it is the order of the Federal Emergency Management Agency; by command of the Federal Government and the President of the United States, citizens may no longer occupy private residences, no matter how safely protected or well stocked. Citizens will be moved into central areas of their resident or nearest, city. The bodies of the dead are to be delivered over to specially equipped squads of the Army National Guard for organized disposal. During this state of emergency a curfew is now in effect from 7pm to 7am, anyone whom is caught out during these hours will be detained without counsel. Also during this state of emergency the federalization of all local and state law enforcement agencies and all emergency services is now to be considered to be to in effect...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST 12 July 2008, CNN Headline News

“...the President of the United States of America has placed the United States under Martial Law to deal with the rapid spread of the infection that has reanimated the recently deceased. Reports of these Reanimated Life Forms have been coming in from all across the globe. Teams of researchers are working at the CDC in Atlanta and at the US Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases at Fort Dietrick have been working day and night in an attempt to find a method to counter the effects of this horrible bio-terrorist attack. But we have received unconfirmed reports that the Center for Disease Control headquarters in Atlanta has been overrun by Reanimated Life Forms earlier today, the United States Army and United States Navy has announced their intentions to send in a detachment of special forces and special operations personnel to extract the research teams from the CDC... The majority of the world’s major cities have reported outbreaks of people whom have been infected by this horrible infection. In an attempt to contain the plague in New York City, units of the United States Army National Guard destroyed the bridges connecting Manhattan Island to the mainland earlier today over the protest of several groups who feel that the action would do nothing more than abandon the survivors in the city to those whom have been infected by the plague...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST 12 July 2008, Fox News Channel

“...By the order of the President there is now a state of martial law now in effect in the United States of America as of 9am this morning. All citizens must understand the dire consequences of this phenomenon, should the government be unable to check the spread of this situation. Because of the emotional attitude of the citizens toward the victims of this phenomenon, and the issues of the morality regarding the disposition of the deceased, it is the order of the Federal Emergency Management Agency; by command of the Federal Government and the President of the United States, citizens may no longer occupy private residences, no matter how safely protected or well stocked. Citizens will be moved into central areas of their resident or nearest, city. The bodies of the dead are to be delivered over to specially equipped squads of the Army National Guard for organized disposal.” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST 12 July 2008, CNN Headline News

“...the passage of the President’s package of initiatives to deal with the current threat, and placing the nation under martial law shows that we can act in a bi-partisan manner to achieve a resolution to the current crisis...” - Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Congressional Press Conference, <time> EST 12 July 2008, <news service>

“...the Speaker has attempted to take credit for the recent bipartisan cooperation that passed the president’s proposals with her recent announcement dealing with the current crisis is a farce. It was due to the conservative democrats that had been elected in 2006 that the resolutions where passed, the Speaker attempted repeatedly to block many of the initiatives that where needed to deal with the aftermath of the release of the bio-terror agent that she herself has stated were nothing more than a figment of the imagination of the Bush Administration in an attempt to use fear to effect the November Elections. We have worked together with the Republicans to deal with this threat to the Republic. And that is what matters, not mere party politics, and it is time that the Old Guard of BOTH parties need to recognize that fact...” - Rep. D (D-xx), <Deputy Majority Leader (democratic majority whip)>, Congressional Press Conference, <time> EST 12 July 2008, <news service>

Sunday 13 July 2008

“... in the aftermath of the declaration of Martial Law, the Bush Administration has used the United States Armed Forces in an attempt to quarantine the infected cities and areas of the United States while the President and other high ranking members of the Administration have been secreted into bunkers while leaving the American people to at the mercy of those poor souls whom have become victims of this bio-terrorist attack...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST <day-month> 2008, CNN Headline News

“...roughly an hour ago we received a report that orders had been issued for the President, the members of the Cabinet, the members of both Houses of Congress, and the members of the Supreme Court as well as their immediate families have been moved to various Continually of Government Bunkers across the country by the Federal Emergency Management Agency...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST 13 July 2008, CNN Headline News

Monday 14 July 2008

“...the Department of Defense has acknowledged this morning this morning that both Hong Kong and Shanghai have been destroyed by nuclear weapons, those responsible for this action has as of this report not yet been determined.” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST <day-month> 2008, CNN Headline News

“...People’s Republic of China has used Nuclear Weapons in a desperate attempt to contain the outbreak of the infection in Hong Kong and Shanghai. We have learned that this was not the first time that China has used nuclear weapons to contain an outbreak of this infection. The so-called above ground nuclear ‘tests’ that where reported earlier this month where in fact an attempt to contain outbreaks of where al-Qeada had originally tested this horrible bio-agent. The island nations of Japan and Australia have maintained their self-imposed quarantines by cutting themselves off from outside influences. Initial reports from Tokyo have indicated that Japan has yet to suffer form an outbreak of this horrible infection... In other news Los Angeles has become a horrible battleground between the Reanimates and California National Guard...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST <day-month> 2008, CNN Headline News

Tuesday 15 July 2008

“...government officials have been receiving an alarming amount of a number of reports of mass suicides across the United States, and around the globe. We have learned that entire families have chosen to commit suicide rather than suffer from the horrendous effects of this rapidly spreading infection...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST <day-month> 2008, CNN Headline News

“...all survivors still trapped in the cities are requested to travel to the nearest safe zones within their area so that they can be evacuated before the use of both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons. The US Army, the US Air Force, the US Navy, the US Marine Corps and the US Coast Guard will continue to assist in the rescue of those whom have been trapped in their homes with helicopters and extraction teams. The Red Cross and FEMA will continue to maintain the operations of the Evacuation Centres as long as possible...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST <day-month> 2008, CNN Headline News

Wednesday 16 July 2008

“...as of this morning the city of Los Angeles has been lost, completely overrun by the Reanimates. The remaining US Army and National Guard units have been given orders to withdraw from the area immediately since it is believed that President Bush will authorize the use of tactical nuclear weapons on the exceptionally large concentrations of reanimates in an attempt to kill as many of the reanimates as possible. If you are still trapped in the City of Los Angeles you are requested to please take the efforts to do your best to get out of the city or to a secure fortified location within the next twenty hours...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST <day-month> 2008, CNN Headline News

Thursday 17 July 2008

Friday 18 July 2008

Saturday 19 July 2008

Sunday 20 July 2008

“...we have just received news that the fighting in Cuba has ended, and that the Cuban Junta that overthrew Castro has unconditionally surrendered to the elements of the United States Navy and Marine Corps. We have learned that the Junta has agreed that the entire Guantanamo Provence will be under the direct control of the United States to be used as a evacuation centre, and annexation of territory directly surrounding the US Naval Station Guantanamo Bay is to be expected for the expansion of naval and marine facilities located there...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <position>, Fox News Live, <time> EST 20 July 2008, Fox News Channel

Monday 21 July 2008

“...further news and instructions will be made over the Emergency Alert System using this and other channels. Once more, FEMA has requested that all major television and radio channels be turned over to the Emergency Alert System as to centralize the attempts to get out information on how to get to the various safe zones that have been established by the United States Army all across the United States. All further news and instruction will be made over the Emergency Alert System using this and other channels. This is Erica Hill of CNN Headline News signing off...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST 21 July 2008, CNN Headline News

“...we have been asked to turn control over the airwaves to the Emergency Alert System. All further news and instructions will be made over the Emergency Alert System on this and other channels. This is <d> of Fox News singing off....” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST 21 July 2008, Fox News Channel

“...all survivors are requested to travel to the nearest safe zones within their areas... US Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard helicopters extraction teams will continue to assist in the rescue of those whom have been trapped in their homes... They will maintain the operation of the Evacuation Centers as long as possible...” - <time> EST 21 July 2008, Emergency Alert System News Update

Tuesday 22 July 2008

Wednesday 23 July 2008

Thursday 24 July 2008

Friday 25 July 2008

“...while few foreign governments have survived the outbreak of this plague, but rest assured that the United States Government is still functioning at this time and attempting to take actions that will bring this plague under control. Talks with representatives of other surviving nations has been able to come to an agreement that will pool resources and information in coming up with a viable counter-measure for the bio-terror agent that is responsible for the current state of world affairs...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST <day-month> 2008, Emergency Alert System News Update

Saturday 26 July 2008

Sunday 27 July 2008

Monday 28 July 2008

"...the city of Los Angeles has been lost, completely overrun by the Reanimates. The remaining US Army and National Guard units have been given orders to withdraw from the area immediately since President Bush has authorized the use of nuclear weapons on the abandoned city in an attempt to kill as many of the exceptionally large concentration of reanimates... If you are still trapped in the City of Los Angeles please do your best to get out of the city in the next twenty hours..." - <time> EST 28 July 2008, Emergency Alert System News Update

“...I repeat, I have not authorized the use of nuclear weapons for use against reanimate life forms here in the United States or elsewhere. I have authorized the United States Armed Forces to use of Fuel Air Munitions on overrun population centers when it is felt needed by the commanders on site...” - Pres. George W. Bush, Official Presidential Announcement, <time> EST 28 July 2008, American Forces Network News Update

Tuesday 29 July 2008

“...the President has said that we are now authorized to drop a couple of MOABS on those cities that we can confirm have indeed been overrun and evacuated of all survivors. Now a MOAB will level a city without us having to bother using any messy nuclear devices that we would have to go in afterwards when this mess is over, and have to clean up all that dangerous radioactive contamination. And with the strong possibility that there will be some reanimates that just might have survived a nuclear blast showing up and causing even more problems, and believe me... those damn things are hard enough to have to deal with, without adding dealing with them wearing the protective gear to survive in a radioactive contaminated environment to the mix...” - LTG <>, Site-R Pentagon Media Center Press Briefing, <time> EST 29 July 2008, American Forces Network

“..yes a team of military personnel used a low-yield Special Atomic Demolition Munitions to destroy the CDC headquarters in the heart of Atlanta shortly after the city was overrun by reanimates. The reason we used a nuclear device was to make sure that the biological and hazardous materials being contained there would not be released or fall into the wrong hands. And using an extremely low-yield nuclear explosive device was felt to be the best thing for us to use since it’s effects could be easily contained to the area in question... We did not take this decision lightly, in fact it took over 48 hours of debating the issue for us to make this decision to even use a SADM...” - LTG <>, Site-R Pentagon Media Center Press Briefing, <time> EST 29 July 2008, American Forces Network

Wednesday 30 July 2008

Thursday 31 July 2008

Friday 01 August 2008

Saturday 02 August 2008

Sunday 03 August 2008

Monday 04 August 2008

“...the Department of Homeland Security has announced today that they have changed the National Threat level form Elevated Risk (Yellow) to High Risk (Orange). This has been the first time the National Threat Level has been changed since the system was enacted in 2002. Also Secretary Michael Chertoff has asked the American people to please remain on alert since Intelligence assets in the Middle East have identified a highly credible threat to the American people that possibly involves the release of a Biological Weapon in a major American city. House Democratic Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has released a public statement that the Bush Administration is only attempting to use fear to distract the American people from the troubles that are currently being faced in Iraq. In other News...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST 01 July 2008, CNN Headline News

“...there is no credible threat to the United States. The Bush Administration is only continuing to use the same fear tactics to distract the American people, and to influence the elections this November. We have seen the same intelligence reports and do not find them to be anything more than rumors and manufactured reports to cause heightened since of fear among the American people. Terrorists have not gained access to the non-existent Iraqi WMD...” - Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), House Majority Leader, Congressional Press Conference, <time> EST 01 July 2008, <news service>

“.” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST 02 July 2008, <news service>

“.” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST 03 July 2008, <news service>

“...reports of a series of terrorist attacks have occurred during all across the United States, targeting the large Independence Day festivities have been coming in for the past two hours... Initial reports have stated that terrorists have released biological agents in aerial explosions using the fireworks as their method of dispersal. Further reports indicate that similar attacks have occurred throughout Europe and Israel. As the reports of the attacks spread, the news has sparked incidents of public panic that has started groups of people to civil unrest with reports of isolated rioting in New York City, Los Angeles and Boston. In other news...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, 2100 EST 04 July 2008, CNN Headline News

“...these are not the bodies of the dead returning to life, as rumor and public hysteria have claimed. These are victims of a bio-terrorism attack, and any sort of vigilante killing of these victims is a prosecutable as an act of premeditated murder. In other stories, the United States military has continued to commit atrocities in major urban areas as troops fire upon unarmed crowds of demonstrators, looters and other panicked citizens. President George W. Bush has refused to comment upon these actions at his time, and has once more asked for the American people to remain calm in this time of crisis and follow the direction of both Military and FEMA personnel during the evacuations of the affected cities, and once more assures the populace that the situation is well in hand. To recap the top stories...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, 1230 EST 05 July 2008, CNN Headline News

“...the Commonwealth of Australia as of twenty-five minutes ago instituted a national quarantine, and all flights that are inbound to Australia have since been diverted to other locales. The Prime Minister has released a statement that has placed the nation of Australia in a state of emergency, and that martial law is now in effect in an attempt to ensure that the spread of the effects of this horrible plague that has been spreading around the globe will not infect the shores of Australia. The Royal Australian Navy and Royal Australian Air Force have been ordered to create an exclusion zone around the nations air space and territorial waters that will not be penetrated...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, 1825 EST 07 July 2008, CNN Headline News

“...earlier this morning the CDC has released the following report; those whom have been bitten by these infected have been infected themselves. The infected will become reanimated between one to five minutes after death. Once they have become reanimated, they become extremely violent and prey upon the living. If you have been bitten you must please isolate yourself from those who are not so affected. Those officials whom are responsible for the administration of aide shelters are asked to begin screening all refugees immediately to find those whom have been bitten so that they can be isolated and receive special medical treatment...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, 1345 EST 07 July 2008, CNN Headline News

“...the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency has released a recommendation that local law enforcement and emergency services are to form ‘Clean & Sweep teams’ whose duties would be to seek out and discover reanimated life forms... please be cautious during this since recently discovered medical reports are that all bites are fatal since they transmits the infection... All medical examination of these Reanimated Life Forms have confirmed that these victims are in fact deceased and recently reanimated...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, 1438 EST 09 July 2008, CNN Headline News

“...reports just in from New York City have confirmed that all of the bridges and tunnels connecting the city to the mainland have been destroyed, but we cannot confirm whether or not that these actions have been taken to keep people out of the city or in the city at this time...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST 09 July 2008, CNN Headline News

“...there is a state of martial law now in effect in the United States of America as of 8am this morning. All citizens must understand the dire consequences of this phenomenon, should the government be unable to check the spread of this situation. Because of the emotional attitude of the citizens toward the victims of this phenomenon, and the issues of the morality regarding the disposition of the deceased, it is the order of the Federal Emergency Management Agency; by command of the Federal Government and the President of the United States, citizens may no longer occupy private residences, no matter how safely protected or well stocked. Citizens will be moved into central areas of their resident or nearest, city. The bodies of the dead are to be delivered over to specially equipped squads of the Army National Guard for organized disposal. During this state of emergency a curfew is now in effect from 7pm to 7am, anyone whom is caught out during these hours will be detained without counsel. Also during this state of emergency the federalization of all local and state law enforcement agencies and all emergency services is now to be considered to be to in effect...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST 12 July 2008, CNN Headline News

“...the President of the United States of America has placed the United States under Martial Law to deal with the rapid spread of the infection that has reanimated the recently deceased. Reports of these Reanimated Life Forms have been coming in from all across the globe. Teams of researchers are working at the CDC in Atlanta and at the US Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases at Fort Dietrick have been working day and night in an attempt to find a method to counter the effects of this horrible bio-terrorist attack. But we have received unconfirmed reports that the Center for Disease Control headquarters in Atlanta has been overrun by Reanimated Life Forms earlier today, the United States Army and United States Navy has announced their intentions to send in a detachment of special forces and special operations personnel to extract the research teams from the CDC... The majority of the world’s major cities have reported outbreaks of people whom have been infected by this horrible infection. In an attempt to contain the plague in New York City, units of the United States Army National Guard destroyed the bridges connecting Manhattan Island to the mainland earlier today over the protest of several groups who feel that the action would do nothing more than abandon the survivors in the city to those whom have been infected by the plague...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST 12 July 2008, Fox News Channel

“...By the order of the President there is now a state of martial law now in effect in the United States of America as of 9am this morning. All citizens must understand the dire consequences of this phenomenon, should the government be unable to check the spread of this situation. Because of the emotional attitude of the citizens toward the victims of this phenomenon, and the issues of the morality regarding the disposition of the deceased, it is the order of the Federal Emergency Management Agency; by command of the Federal Government and the President of the United States, citizens may no longer occupy private residences, no matter how safely protected or well stocked. Citizens will be moved into central areas of their resident or nearest, city. The bodies of the dead are to be delivered over to specially equipped squads of the Army National Guard for organized disposal.” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST 12 July 2008, CNN Headline News

“...the passage of the President’s package of initiatives to deal with the current threat, and placing the nation under martial law shows that we can act in a bi-partisan manner to achieve a resolution to the current crisis...” - Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Congressional Press Conference, <time> EST 12 July 2008, <news service>

“...the Speaker has attempted to take credit for the recent bipartisan cooperation that passed the president’s proposals with her recent announcement dealing with the current crisis is a farce. It was due to the conservative democrats that had been elected in 2006 that the resolutions where passed, the Speaker attempted repeatedly to block many of the initiatives that where needed to deal with the aftermath of the release of the bio-terror agent that she herself has stated were nothing more than a figment of the imagination of the Bush Administration in an attempt to use fear to effect the November Elections. We have worked together with the Republicans to deal with this threat to the Republic. And that is what matters, not mere party politics, and it is time that the Old Guard of BOTH parties need to recognize that fact...” - Rep. D (D-xx), <Deputy Majority Leader (democratic majority whip)>, Congressional Press Conference, <time> EST 12 July 2008, <news service>

“...roughly an hour ago we received a report that orders had been issued for the President, the members of the Cabinet, the members of both Houses of Congress, and the members of the Supreme Court as well as their immediate families have been moved to various Continually of Government Bunkers across the country by the Federal Emergency Management Agency...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST 13 July 2008, CNN Headline News

“...elements of the 101st Air Assault and 82nd Airborne Division have been successful in their effort to hold onto La Giardia National Airport and the majority of southern Manhattan in an attempt to secure a safe zone that can be protected from assault by natural boundaries. These units have been able to come up with a very effective counter measure for dealing with the Reanimates in large numbers. Details will follow so that other units can be able follow their examples... Lieutenant General Mark Anderson has established their headquarters on Liberty Island while Elis Island has since become a secure location where the survivors from New York City and the surrounding areas have been transferred awaiting transportation to one of the safe zones on the east coast...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST 07 July 2008, CNN Headline News

“...we have confirmed that those who have been bitten become infected by the Reanimate Virus, and they will succumb to their injuries within 72 hours. The infected victim will reanimate between one to five minutes once their bodily functions have ceased. The only way to ensure that this does not occur is to cause damage to the brain. Once the brain has been damaged or destroyed the Reanimated Life Form ceases to function. Injuries to other areas of the Reanimates body has no adverse effect on it’s ability to function. Once again let me state that...” - Dr. Robert K.C. Biggs M.D./PhD., Spokesperson for the Center for Disease Control, CDC Press Briefing, <time> EST 08 July 2008, CNN Headline News

“... in the aftermath of the declaration of Martial Law, the Bush Administration has used the United States Armed Forces in an attempt to quarantine the infected cities and areas of the United States while the President and other high ranking members of the Administration have been secreted into bunkers while leaving the American people to at the mercy of those poor souls whom have become victims of this bio-terrorist attack...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST <day-month> 2008, CNN Headline News

“...the Department of Defense has acknowledged this morning this morning that both Hong Kong and Shanghai have been destroyed by nuclear weapons, those responsible for this action has as of this report not yet been determined.” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST <day-month> 2008, CNN Headline News

“...People’s Republic of China has used Nuclear Weapons in a desperate attempt to contain the outbreak of the infection in Hong Kong and Shanghai. We have learned that this was not the first time that China has used nuclear weapons to contain an outbreak of this infection. The so-called above ground nuclear ‘tests’ that where reported earlier this month where in fact an attempt to contain outbreaks of where al-Qeada had originally tested this horrible bio-agent. The island nations of Japan and Australia have maintained their self-imposed quarantines by cutting themselves off from outside influences. Initial reports from Tokyo have indicated that Japan has yet to suffer form an outbreak of this horrible infection... In other news Los Angeles has become a horrible battleground between the Reanimates and California National Guard...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST <day-month> 2008, CNN Headline News

“...government officials have been receiving an alarming amount of a number of reports of mass suicides across the United States, and around the globe. We have learned that entire families have chosen to commit suicide rather than suffer from the horrendous effects of this rapidly spreading infection...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST <day-month> 2008, CNN Headline News

“...we have received recent reports that the LAPD and California National Guard has pulled out of South Central Los Angeles, and set up a defensive line on the outskirts of Beverly Hills in an attempt to protect the evacuation of citizens to the recently activated FEMA relocation centers.” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST <day-month> 2008, CNN Headline News

“...as of this morning the city of Los Angeles has been lost, completely overrun by the Reanimates. The remaining US Army and National Guard units have been given orders to withdraw from the area immediately since President Bush has authorized the use of tactical nuclear weapons on the exceptionally large concentrations of reanimates in an attempt to kill as many of the reanimates as possible. If you are still trapped in the City of Los Angeles you are requested to please take the efforts to do your best to get out of the city or to a secure fortified location within the next twenty hours...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST <day-month> 2008, CNN Headline News

“...all survivors still trapped in the cities are requested to travel to the nearest safe zones within their area so that they can be evacuated before the use of both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons. The US Army, the US Air Force, the US Navy, the US Marine Corps and the US Coast Guard will continue to assist in the rescue of those whom have been trapped in their homes with helicopters and extraction teams. The Red Cross and FEMA will continue to maintain the operations of the Evacuation Centres as long as possible...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST <day-month> 2008, CNN Headline News

“...while few foreign governments have survived the outbreak of this plague, but rest assured that the United States Government is still functioning at this time and attempting to take actions that will bring this plague under control. Talks with representatives of other surviving nations has been able to come to an agreement that will pool resources and information in coming up with a viable counter-measure for the bio-terror agent that is responsible for the current state of world affairs...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST <day-month> 2008, CNN Headline News

“...we have just received news that the fighting in Cuba has ended, and that the Cuban Junta that overthrew Castro has unconditionally surrendered to the elements of the United States Navy and Marine Corps. We have learned that the Junta has agreed that the entire Guantanamo Provence will be under the direct control of the United States to be used as a evacuation centre, and annexation of territory directly surrounding the US Naval Station Guantanamo Bay is to be expected for the expansion of naval and marine facilities located there...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <position>, Fox News Live, <time> EST 20 July 2008, Fox News Channel

“...further news and instructions will be made over the Emergency Alert System using this and other channels. Once more, FEMA has requested that all major television and radio channels be turned over to the Emergency Alert System as to centralize the attempts to get out information on how to get to the various safe zones that have been established by the United States Army all across the United States. All further news and instruction will be made over the Emergency Alert System using this and other channels. This is Erica Hill of CNN Headline News signing off...” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST 21 July 2008, CNN Headline News

“...we have been asked to turn control over the airwaves to the Emergency Alert System. All further news and instructions will be made over the Emergency Alert System on this and other channels. This is <d> of Fox News singing off....” - <news presenter/spokesperson>, <show>, <time> EST 21 July 2008, Fox News Channel

“...all survivors are requested to travel to the nearest safe zones within their areas... US Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard helicopters extraction teams will continue to assist in the rescue of those whom have been trapped in their homes... They will maintain the operation of the Evacuation Centers as long as possible...” - <time> EST 21 July 2008, Emergency Alert System News Update

"...the city of Los Angeles has been lost, completely overrun by the Reanimates. The remaining US Army and National Guard units have been given orders to withdraw from the area immediately since President Bush has authorized the use of nuclear weapons on the abandoned city in an attempt to kill as many of the exceptionally large concentration of reanimates... If you are still trapped in the City of Los Angeles please do your best to get out of the city in the next twenty hours..." - <time> EST 08 August 2008, Emergency Alert System News Update

“...I repeat, I have not authorized the use of nuclear weapons for use against reanimate life forms here in the United States or elsewhere. I have authorized the United States Armed Forces to use of Fuel Air Munitions on overrun population centers when it is felt needed by the commanders on site...” - Pres. George W. Bush, Official Presidential Announcement, <time> EST 08 August 2008, American Forces Network News Update

“...the President has said that we are now authorized to drop a couple of MOABS on those cities that we can confirm have indeed been overrun and evacuated of all survivors. Now a MOAB will level a city without us having to bother using any messy nuclear devices that we would have to go in afterwards when this mess is over, and have to clean up all that dangerous radioactive contamination. And with the strong possibility that there will be some reanimates that just might have survived a nuclear blast showing up and causing even more problems, and believe me... those damn things are hard enough to have to deal with, without adding dealing with them wearing the protective gear to survive in a radioactive contaminated environment to the mix...” - LTG <>, Site-R Pentagon Media Center Press Briefing, <time> EST 09 August 2008, American Forces Network

“..yes a team of military personnel used a low-yield Special Atomic Demolition Munitions to destroy the CDC headquarters in the heart of Atlanta shortly after the city was overrun by reanimates. The reason we used a nuclear device was to make sure that the biological and hazardous materials being contained there would not be released or fall into the wrong hands. And using an extremely low-yield nuclear explosive device was felt to be the best thing for us to use since it’s effects could be easily contained to the area in question... We did not take this decision lightly, in fact it took over 48 hours of debating the issue for us to make this decision to even use a SADM...” - LTG <>, Site-R Pentagon Media Center Press Briefing, <time> EST 09 August 2008, American Forces Network

TiggerCCW UK 07-29-2009 04:07 AM

Good work mate, like it.

kcdusk 07-29-2009 05:09 AM

I'm reading it at work tomorrow ...

kcdusk 07-30-2009 05:09 AM

Good write up. I can appreciate the effort thats gone into it!

Some comments
The writing didnt strike me as anything out of the ordinary until families committing suicide was mentioned. As a reader I thought that bumped up the care factor a bit.

I live in Australia and don't have an opinion on the man. But it seems like President Bush is being criticised throught. I dont know if that was the intent or not. My guess is any president in charge when reanimation occurs is going to be taken by surprise. Or maybe this reflects the on-going news report the text has taken on (more on this below).

Half way through reading it, as a member of the public. I was behaving calmly and rationally. No panic. But after about half way, i started to think the news reports calling for calm were a crock and as a citizen i was going to look after myself because i stopped believing the government had the situation under control. Maybe this is why i thought it was being critical of Bush. Or maybe the writing was good enough to make me think i was living the scenario. And despite calls for calm, i thought the situation was out of control! Memo to self: be ready when the time comes. You wont have the luxury of days to get used to the idea.

Calling for nuclear strikes within the USA ... well .... thats extreme .... but yeah, GO already! This thing is spreading fast!!

Lots of work. Admire the commitment.
As a read, it was mainly just a series of "news reports" like you might see at the start of a DVD setting the scene.
I was hoping for more of a zombie story, but thats not what you said it was going to be. I thought after seeing how long it was, it was more a short story.
Suicides and nuclear strikes were good ideas.
It would help set a scene for a zombie like game.

natehale1971 07-30-2009 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by kcdusk (Post 11647)
I live in Australia and don't have an opinion on the man. But it seems like President Bush is being criticised throught. I dont know if that was the intent or not. My guess is any president in charge when reanimation occurs is going to be taken by surprise. Or maybe this reflects the on-going news report the text has taken on (more on this below).

Thank you for your comments... this one i thought I should comment back on. Here in the US, I watched the news alot this past year. And no matter what Pres. George W. Bush did, he was attacked for it. Accused of not doing 'enough' or just doing the wrong thing. It got kind of old really fast. If i had used our current president Barrack H. Obama, the reporters would have been fauning over him and making excuses for anything that happened... Take for instance the current 'beer summit' that is going on in the White House today.. News reporters on MSNBC, CNN and others are all but having orgasms on the screen while talking about how 'great and wonderful' our prescious President Obama is for doing this... And forgetting the reason why this is having to happen... He said that the police where stupid and all but called them racists when he admitted that he didn't know anything about what was going on. But went on to make that HUGE fo-pha. And it's not been the first time they've done something to divert blame from him... Look at all the blame being thrown at the Republicans for stopping the fundamental changes in our country with the government taking over the most basic Healthcare decisions of our citizens, when the Democrats have TOTAL control over both houses of Congress. The Democrats have a Fillabuster proof congress and can pass anything they want.

Sorry for the policial rant. but i can't STAND the fact the people in the media are colouring their reporting with their political ideologies. They are suppose to report the facts and let US the VIEWER make up our own minds on where things fall.

kato13 07-30-2009 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by natehale1971 (Post 11664)
Sorry for the policial rant. but i can't STAND the fact the people in the media are colouring their reporting with their political ideologies. They are suppose to report the facts and let US the VIEWER make up our own minds on where things fall.

I have to ask that this political discussion end here.

My personal solution to bias in the media (either way) is to only read articles which allow comments. That way if facts are tilted or slanted people can present a counter point. After review, I often find the comments to be more accurate that the original story.

Marc 07-31-2009 06:41 PM

I've enjoied the reading Natehale. I agree it could be very useful in a roleplaying campaign about the matter. Nice work.

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