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Raellus 08-24-2011 08:31 PM

OT- Television Program Reviews/Recommendations Thread
I didn't watch the whole episode and I probably won't be watching another but I caught about half of Combat Hospital on ABC (USA) and I thought the multi-national character dynamic was kind of T2K-ish. If you haven't heard of/seen the show yet, it appears to be set in some kind of NATO base area field trauma unit in Afghanistan during the current conflict there- kind of like China Beach, Kandahar-style. The head doc was Canadian (there were quite a few Canucks on display) and one of the significant female characters was Australian.

I wasn't impressed by the acting and the various storylines were a bit too pat and contrived for my tastes.

Matt Wiser 08-24-2011 10:05 PM

I've seen a few episodes: looks OK. Not quite China Beach, but an A for effort, though a B- for results.

I'd reccommend Tour of Duty on DVD: I'm currently watching Season 3 right now. Too bad China Beach isn't out on DVD yet....all those 1960s' songs need copyright approval-which takes time to get, apparently.

James Langham 08-25-2011 12:54 AM

I know it's already been mentioned elsewhere but "Falling Skies" tops my list at the minute. Basically Tw2000 after an alien invasion. Very carefully written with some very clever plot twists and some character that would make great NPCs. Highly recommended.

kcdusk 08-25-2011 02:17 AM

I've watched 3 combat hospitals. Multinationals is definately T2K. Story lines arent "hard enough" to sustain interest though. Graded out at C. Most of the setting is at the combat hospital. And when there are spec forces or action, from what i could see it was only when they attended the hospital for some self-rightiousness from the drs and nurses.

Glad i dropped into the thread though, i'll be giving falling skies a follow up.

kcdusk 08-25-2011 02:39 AM

Strike Back 2 should be worth a look. Except it seems to have "stopped" after 2 episodes (scheduled for 10).

Rainbow Six 08-25-2011 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by kcdusk (Post 37793)
Strike Back 2 should be worth a look. Except it seems to have "stopped" after 2 episodes (scheduled for 10).

Watched the first episode on Sunday night and thoroughly enjoyed it (as did several people I know). Interestingly one of the production / writing team on the new series is Frank Spotnitz, who wrote a lot of the "mythology" episodes on the X Files.

Episode two is definitely on this weekend in the UK - don't know anything about a hold on the other eight though.

kcdusk 08-25-2011 03:03 AM

I'm not a Chris Ryan book fan. But as far as tv goes, Strike Back has been worth a look.

Rainbow Six 08-25-2011 04:38 AM

The only one of his books I've read was The One That Got Away, so I can't comment on how the series compares to the books, but would say it's definitely worth watching if you get the chance. Reminded me a bit of Ultimate Force.

Raellus 08-25-2011 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by James Langham (Post 37787)
I know it's already been mentioned elsewhere but "Falling Skies" tops my list at the minute. Basically Tw2000 after an alien invasion. Very carefully written with some very clever plot twists and some character that would make great NPCs. Highly recommended.

I've got a back log of FS on my DVR. I missed the series premiere, though, so I haven't started watching them yet. Looking forward to it.

Raellus 03-16-2024 10:25 AM

Turning Point: the Bomb and the Cold War
I highly recommend the Netflix docu-series, Turning Point: the Bomb and the Cold War.


It's very thorough and well-produced- lots of historical footage, interviews with esteemed scholars and historical figures. Putin's invasion of Ukraine in 2022 is the brief prologue and then it begins tracing the Cold War to its roots in the Russian Revolution in 1917 forward to the present day.

I've been studying the Cold War since I was a teenager in the late 1980s (followed by a university history degree, and teacher of history to this day) and I'm learning something new with every episode.

If you enjoy this, there's another Turning Point series on 9-11 and the War on Terror, also excellent.


Targan 03-16-2024 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Raellus (Post 96897)
I highly recommend the Netflix docu-series, Turning Point: the Bomb and the Cold War.

I'll be looking today to see if that is on Netflix in Australia. Thanks for the recommendation :)

Brit 03-20-2024 04:20 AM

Go with me on this suggestion....

The original BBC version version of 'The Day of The Triffids'. (Not the more recent remake).

OK, SF, but it shows people struggling to survive in a post utter disaster world.

The break down of society, looting, people defending what is now theirs', new societies, the finding of resources, people having to learn new skills, moving from an urban to rural society, etc.

kcdusk 03-20-2024 02:28 PM

I loved the Triffids book.

The old (80's?) TV series is great also.

There was a follow up to the Triffids novel, called Night of the Triffids. A great read also, but by a different author.

And i'd agree there are T2K survival aspects.

Raellus 05-30-2024 10:59 PM

Toughest Forces on Earth
The premise of T.F.O.E. (Netflix USA): three former SOF operators, two Americans and one Brit, join various SOF from around the world (Jordan, Columbia, Sweden, Mexico, Malaysia, Austria) in their respective native environments on various "training" exercises.


It's pretty standard reality TV fare- infotainment, with more entertainment than information- but it's light watching and pretty enjoyable, nonetheless.


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