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Adm.Lee 04-04-2017 08:35 PM

Dead Games Society, podcasts

This is a podcast about old games, sometimes the two hosts talk themselves, sometimes they find a designer or developer to talk about old games. Lately, they are branching out beyond TSR, and yours truly volunteered to talk about T2k with them. {No air date yet}

I've prepped about 4 pages of notes for myself, stuff I want to say. Anyone have something they want me to throw on?

I pulled heavily from the "canon" document from FFE, does anyone have sales numbers for 2013, for comparison?

What I have in brief:
I. Setting
a.Post-Apocalyptic meets Military
b. 1980s and Cold War
i. background as written
ii. "What do we do now?"
iii. New America
c. Merc:2000
d. Traveller:2300/2300AD
II. Rules & Editions
a. 1st- rules summary
b. 2nd- changes
c. 2.2 & House/d20 System
d. End of GDW
e. T:2013
III. Modules & sourcebooks
a. numbers and settings
b. style
c. area & equipment sourcebooks
d. 2nd ed.
e. computer game
f. Challenge mag
g. Last Battle
IV. My experiences & others
a. "Escape from Kalisz" = "Keep on Borderlands"
b.-d. campaigns I've run
e. What it meant to me
V. Today?
a. Far Future Enterprises
b. Juhlin forum
c. Facebook group
d. Dogs of War at Origins

Olefin 04-04-2017 09:15 PM

Probably want to mention that FFE is now releasing new material for the game with the release of the East Africa Sourcebook in your section V - i.e it would go straight to three places you have listed

V. Today?
a. Far Future Enterprises
b. Juhlin forum

i.e. how the Juhlin forum and the discussions there led to me and others creating fan canon material that eventually (in at least one case) was pitched to Marc Miller who now owns the rights to the Twilight 2000 game and resulted in the new canon material for the game being released - that instead of a dead game we now have, after a very long time, new official material being released for the game - hopefully the first of many new releases

Olefin 04-04-2017 10:06 PM

As to sales numbers not sure on 2013 version - I know that the City of Angels printed about 2000 copies and that lowest regular module printing came out at about 4100 as per FFE

Jason Weiser 04-05-2017 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Olefin (Post 73751)
Probably want to mention that FFE is now releasing new material for the game with the release of the East Africa Sourcebook in your section V - i.e it would go straight to three places you have listed

V. Today?
a. Far Future Enterprises
b. Juhlin forum

i.e. how the Juhlin forum and the discussions there led to me and others creating fan canon material that eventually (in at least one case) was pitched to Marc Miller who now owns the rights to the Twilight 2000 game and resulted in the new canon material for the game being released - that instead of a dead game we now have, after a very long time, new official material being released for the game - hopefully the first of many new releases

I'd also mention guys like Paul Mulcahey, Chico, James Langham, Rainbow Six, Webstral, and so many others who kept writing stuff here and elsewhere, and brought this game clawing back.

swaghauler 04-05-2017 10:50 AM

Don't forget that 3Hombres has an updated version of Dark Conspiracy out. As for Twilight2000, I disagree with everyone who says it faded away and then was "revived." Twilight might have gone out of print for a while, but it never really died.

Jason Weiser 04-05-2017 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by swaghauler (Post 73767)
Don't forget that 3Hombres has an updated version of Dark Conspiracy out. As for Twilight2000, I disagree with everyone who says it faded away and then was "revived." Twilight might have gone out of print for a while, but it never really died.

"Over? Did you say over?? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell, no!" Bluto Blatarsky :D

Olefin 04-05-2017 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Jason Weiser (Post 73762)
I'd also mention guys like Paul Mulcahey, Chico, James Langham, Rainbow Six, Webstral, and so many others who kept writing stuff here and elsewhere, and brought this game clawing back.

Amen! And lots of it easily could be new canon material as well

Adm.Lee 04-06-2017 09:39 AM

It didn't make that "outline of an outline" that I posted here, but I definitely intended to speak of the many fan websites referenced here.

Olefin's new sourcebook has been added to the FFE entry.

Jason Weiser 04-13-2017 11:31 AM

Adm. Lee,
When are you slated to go on the show and when will it be released?

Adm.Lee 04-13-2017 06:56 PM

Recording was postponed from last Saturday to this.

Not sure when it will post. GaryCon was late in March, and the podcast about that dropped last week. I'd guess 2-3 weeks later?

Adm.Lee 04-15-2017 08:19 PM

Just finished recording. I didn't get to hit ALL of the things I wanted to say, but I did get in a lot of them.

I did mention the names of contributors, as we talked above, and I plugged FFE and the East Africa Sourcebook. I am throwing them links to many places, that they can add to their show notes on the DGS website.

EDIT: I slept poorly afterwards (adrenaline, perhaps?), so I had plenty of time to realize "Agh, I hardly mentioned vehicles!" "Drat, I never finished talking about autofire!" and so on. I suppose the point was to sell the setting & rules together to someone that never played at all, and there was only an hour, so it's all good.

Adm.Lee 04-17-2017 03:04 PM


And here it is. I haven't decided if I should listen to my own voice or not. :confused:

Adm.Lee 04-20-2017 08:42 PM

The price of fame
Now, some of the DGS people are asking me to run a game on Roll20.

Is that possible for T2k? I know nada about Roll20.

TitusPullo 04-21-2017 05:00 AM

It was a good interview I enjoyed. I have tried playing T2K on Roll 20 but the game never materializes. Someone posts about the game the setting, it garners a lot of responses. The Gm says ok gets his players and sets a date, then,,,nothing.
Ive been told that when T2K has been played on Roll20 the GM will use GURPS or Savage Worlds system.
Yes id be interested in playing:)

Olefin 04-21-2017 03:58 PM

Actually rolled up characters and was ready to play and the game never got started as well - and yes would love to play if possible - been way too long since the last game I was in - and that ended a lot earlier than I was hoping for

swaghauler 04-21-2017 06:26 PM

You did fine Lee. By the way, How's it feel to be the new "Face/Ambassador" of Twilight2000? :)

Adm.Lee 04-21-2017 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by swaghauler (Post 74038)
You did fine Lee. By the way, How's it feel to be the new "Face/Ambassador" of Twilight2000? :)

:o Not sure how I feel about it, really. I'd like to make a game happen, and spread the love, but the technical hurdle, measured against time available, doesn't look good. At least not this weekend!

Tegyrius 04-22-2017 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by Olefin (Post 73757)
As to sales numbers not sure on 2013 version - I know that the City of Angels printed about 2000 copies and that lowest regular module printing came out at about 4100 as per FFE

The 2013 core PDF is listed as a platinum product on DriveThruRPG, which is the top category. All that tells us is that it's sold over 1,000 copies - could be 1,001, could be 10,001. Far Future Studios should have exact figures.

The only person with concrete information on the physical edition's print run and sales figures is Keith Taylor (Smokewolf), former owner/operator of 93 Games Studio.

- C.

swaghauler 04-22-2017 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Adm.Lee (Post 74040)
:o Not sure how I feel about it, really. I'd like to make a game happen, and spread the love, but the technical hurdle, measured against time available, doesn't look good. At least not this weekend!

Take your time and do it right. There is nothing worse than a rushed/poorly planned game! We both know you are very detail oriented (or at least you were at Allegheny).

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