Originally Posted by Marc
Bon dia!
Searching for a little advice here:
- My curiosity about American Civil War has grown in these past months and I'm planning to buy a book in Amazon about the matter. I'm looking for a general and neutral picture of the conflict, not a single battle. I'm sure some of you can give me a good suggestions about a good title.
- Recently I've searched in Amazon for some of the fictional books recommended in this forum about World War III (not much publications in Spain about the matter). Sadly, some interesting titles are only available as "used". I have no problem about buying used/old books (we have a great specialized market in Barcelona every sunday). But one thing is seeing and touching the product and another very different is to buy it online. How about their Anyone has any experience about buying used books through Amazon? Are they in good conditions?
Thanks in advance 
Answering in reverse.
As long as the book seller has a good rating I would not have problem buying used. I have purchased about 15 books used and have never had an issue with quality.
Regarding the Civil War. I have to be honest and say that for an unbiased overview I feel the best source is the Ken Burns documentary "The Civil War". Rarely do I feel that video can surpass the written word, but here Mr. Burns succeeds.