Thread: Drugs in T2K
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Old 07-23-2009, 10:26 AM
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Default Drugs in T2K

As General asked about the DEA, I figure I would post what I came up with on drugs and cartels.

The Americas:
Production concentrates mostly on Cocaïne.

Cartels are strong in Central America, Mexico and Venezuela. They took full control of Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, most of Peru (the coastal regions remain under state control) and Surinam.

Drugs are largely present in Argentina, Brazil and the Carribeans but there is no direct control by the Cartels.

The DEA was disolved except for a small branch located in Panama (Civgov controlled for me). The office in Panama is not involved anymore in fighting drugs however as it is charged with helping Civgov getting a fair supply of drugs.

Actually, both Milgov and Civgov are using drugs as a weapon against each other. The Mexicans are also allowing as much drugs as possible to enter the southern region of the US.

In this region of the world, drugs are travelling through 3 means:
- Small private boats.
- Survivng military vessels of all nationalities.
- A fair number of aircrafts still operated by Cartels.

Europe and Africa
Production concentrates mostly on Canabis.

The production comes from two main locations: Northern Africa and Turkey (Anatolia). Most drugs enter Europe through the southern harbours and it is mostly carried on small ships (often own by muslim pirates). The french navy is also largely involved.

France is using it as a weapon in the Netherlands and in Germany but that would be (IMO) the only true military uses of drugs.

Elsewhere, drugs are distributed through civilian organizations (Union Corse...). However, I wouldn't be surprised to see drugs being used in places like Silesia, by the local authorities, in order to keep enslaved population in line.

In Africa, drugs are in use but along a more traditional line. Fighters will have a tendency to use drugs in order to strengthen in combat. As a result, many African warrior tend to be berserk in combat (Hard to stop but fighting like fools).

Main production would be Opium.

The two main production areas would be an extended Golden Triangle (areas of Burma, southern China and Thailand) and Afghanistan.

Drugs would be very present among the civilian populations of Australia and Thailand as well as among the various surviving elites everywhere.

Then, several Chinese warlords would send Opium to Russia in order to weaken the soviets. As a result, because of that and because of Russian mafia, the surviving soviet units are facing an increasingly important problem among its troopers (especially in the East).

In the Middle East, I wouldn't be surprised to have several special ops units being involved in anti-drugs operations.
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