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Old 07-25-2009, 01:20 AM
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JimmyRay73 JimmyRay73 is offline
Player to be named later
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Posts: 61

In the old campaign I played with my cousins our philosophy was "If it ain't nailed down steal it, if you can't steal it blow it up so nobody else can steal it and use it against you." At times we used captured vehicles ranging from ZSU's to BTR's to the occasional BMW, and even some mining equipment. Oh yeah, a couple of GAZ's decked out as ambulances made for a great covert insertion to a Soviet cantonment...

We tended to only take certain weapons though, as things like maps and medical gear were deemed to be more important when space/carrying capacity was limited. We always tried to make room for spare 7.62R ammo or extra AK mags, and 12 gauge shells as well. That stuff was common enough to be very useful for either combat or trade.
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