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Old 07-30-2009, 03:22 PM
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Originally Posted by kcdusk View Post
I live in Australia and don't have an opinion on the man. But it seems like President Bush is being criticised throught. I dont know if that was the intent or not. My guess is any president in charge when reanimation occurs is going to be taken by surprise. Or maybe this reflects the on-going news report the text has taken on (more on this below).
Thank you for your comments... this one i thought I should comment back on. Here in the US, I watched the news alot this past year. And no matter what Pres. George W. Bush did, he was attacked for it. Accused of not doing 'enough' or just doing the wrong thing. It got kind of old really fast. If i had used our current president Barrack H. Obama, the reporters would have been fauning over him and making excuses for anything that happened... Take for instance the current 'beer summit' that is going on in the White House today.. News reporters on MSNBC, CNN and others are all but having orgasms on the screen while talking about how 'great and wonderful' our prescious President Obama is for doing this... And forgetting the reason why this is having to happen... He said that the police where stupid and all but called them racists when he admitted that he didn't know anything about what was going on. But went on to make that HUGE fo-pha. And it's not been the first time they've done something to divert blame from him... Look at all the blame being thrown at the Republicans for stopping the fundamental changes in our country with the government taking over the most basic Healthcare decisions of our citizens, when the Democrats have TOTAL control over both houses of Congress. The Democrats have a Fillabuster proof congress and can pass anything they want.

Sorry for the policial rant. but i can't STAND the fact the people in the media are colouring their reporting with their political ideologies. They are suppose to report the facts and let US the VIEWER make up our own minds on where things fall.
Fuck being a hero. Do you know what you get for being a hero? Nothing! You get shot at. You get a little pat on the back, blah blah blah, attaboy! You get divorced... Your wife can't remember your last name, your kids don't want to talk to you... You get to eat a lot of meals by yourself. Trust me kid, nobody wants to be that guy. I do this because there is nobody else to do it right now. Believe me if there was somebody else to do it, I would let them do it. There's not, so I'm doing it.
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