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Old 08-05-2009, 02:26 AM
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how many camels do you guys have anyways ?

is there a commercial side to the camels down under ?

from time to time a media personality will blurt out something or other like the camel commentary there .

I remember when we were "under siege" for our whaling .All sorts of people popped out of the wood work and demonized us in increasingly ludicrous ways -most were in the American media cycle.

( It didnt matter that indigenous people in the US killed around 50 % more whales than our fleet did in the same span of time - we really were a stalinist /socialist eco hating sentient mammal killing breed of squareheads no matter what we said .Still today some Hollywood face with a hankering to get some press turn up at our embassy in DC from time to time with a film crew and a manifest against whaling -even if moratoriums have been placed up here -oh well..luckily the attention span of the news consumer is around 0,5 minutes after the last audio visual input-it will all die down with time .)

Now- if anyone think ill of what I have written I have to say I love sea mammals and see no point in hunting them ,as long as economic compensation etc is put in place..But someplaces its tradition you know ?

Incidentally - I guess everyone gets it from time to time -its the way of the news.
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