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Old 08-14-2009, 05:45 PM
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ChalkLine ChalkLine is offline
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I might add, that with war clouds looming the US army might not rid itself of the M551 Sheridan as well, and would make another upgrade package available.

In my mind, this would be applique armour bringing it up to 20 tonnes, a snorkel system as it could no longer swim. A new solid state system for its missile launcher system and an upgrade package for the vision systems implemented in the A1 upgrade to bring them up to standard. The Shillelagh

The 'visual mod' vehicles are recalled and rebuilt. However, as the 152mm gun/launcher is no longer built, these vehicles are fitted with surplus 105mm howitzers from the M108 SPG and used in the direct fire role. These vehicles are designated M551A3(IS) for infantry support, a tacit acknowledgement that the army can no longer provide close air support.

The MGM-51 Shillelagh is no longer produced, but 75,000 were built and were still in store. These missiles are repacked in modern materials to remove the cook-off danger and replaced in service. It should be noted that this missile has similar penetrative characteristics as the Hellfire missile, and until the TOW 2B entered service was the most destructive combat missile in US service (the reason they were retained in storage).
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