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Old 08-19-2009, 07:50 PM
RN7 RN7 is offline
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One thing I've always noticed about Islamic extremists is that Western countries and even Islamic countries tolerate them in a way that would not tolerate voilent nationalist movements or racial supremist, until they do something really bad like go out and massacre innocent people.

Another thing that strikes me about Islamic extremist is that their recruitment pool is pretty much at the bottom of the pile in whatever country they are found. In the Islamic world the recruits are usually sociopaths, criminals and gullible peasants. In Western countries they are generally unemployed misfits and petty criminals from ethnic backgrounds who have finally found a purpose in life, or Western converts who were unemployable social weirdos to start off with.

A final thing that strikes me about Islamic extermists is that they never stop talking about the injustices and evils inflicted on them by Western countries and Israel, but never talk or want to hear about the injustices and evils they have inflicted on non-Muslims for the past 1,500 years.

Maybe I'm being a bit harsh but I realy think Islamic extremists are pond life, and I have no time for Muslims who justify terrorism and elevate their religion above everyone elses.
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