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Old 09-18-2009, 11:01 AM
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Rainbow Six Rainbow Six is offline
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Thanks for the feedback guys.

Mo, please, feel free to use the text as much of the text as you like - I certainly don't mind at all - the reason I post my work is so that people can use it as and how they wish.

Jason, you've summed up the character of Marcus Rose perfectly - glad you like him!

Matt, thanks for the link. I wasn't aware that place existed. I'm at work at the moment and can't access the site (firewall tag's it a weapons site - oddly I have the same problem with Paul Mulcahy's site - can't access that at work either!), but I'll check it out when I get home. The nature of gun control in the UK does tend to work against having large groups of armed marauders and sourcing enough weapons for the Duke's army did give me a few headaches. Legbreaker does make a valid point, though, inasmuch as the average citizen is going to struggle to tell the difference between a real (and operational) weapon and a deactivated replica. As I say, I'll check out the link you posted later. Anything that gives the Duke a few more weapons works for me...

Caradhras, that's a good suggestion. The NCO could easily be Paul Weston, the commander of the Ducal Guard, and I do like the idea of the HSF conman type character. As I said, I'm still working on a full south west sourcebook, in which I plan expand on a lot of the characters and I'd like definitely like to work that character in. He would also fit in with the Duke's Mistresses, as I'd also envisaged one of them secretly plotting with one of his lieutenants to overthrow him. (I've always found character and NPC generation to be the best part of RPGing and could happily spend weeks assembling a small cast of thousands!)

Thanks again for your feedback - it's much appreciated. Any other suggestions, fire away...also, I don't know Cornwall personally, so any insights from you guys who have been there would be most welcome. I plan to give Rose control of at least one working tin mine (I believe there's one on the penwith pensinsula that stayed open until the 1990's) plus the china clay deposits on the south coast so that potentially he has something to trade with the French arms dealers (although I'm not sure how valuable china clay would be as a trade commodity in the T2K World - it's main use seems to be in making paper).

Author of the unofficial and strictly non canon Alternative Survivor’s Guide to the United Kingdom
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