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Old 10-09-2009, 07:09 AM
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StainlessSteelCynic StainlessSteelCynic is offline
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Originally Posted by Rainbow Six View Post
Give the Spetznaz a suitcase nuke and Australia still gets nuked

Or, rather than Spetznaz, who probably are in greater need elsewhere (plus it does sound a bit like a suicide mission for spetznaz), a lone KGB agent operating under deep cover could do the same job and then blend back in to the population afterwards?
Would certainly make for an interesting game scenario with a lot of opportunity for long campaign tracking down the badguys.

I am, however, in full agreement with Webstral. I don't for a second believe that the quite significant US communications abilities found in at least two places in Australia (Pine Gap and Harold E. Holt AKA North-West Cape), would be ignored by the Soviets simply because they are out of range of Soviet land-based missiles.

After some discussion with friends who were more into Twilight: 2000 than I ever was (my primary interest is in the Cold War) I believe that the 'Australia invaded by Indonesia' scenario was an alternate history by a fellow Australian called Damian. None of us recall his full name but we are reasonably sure he had a website with the information and that he lived in Queensland.

Anyway, to throw out some more information, particularly for Mohoender... A short page about the P-3 AEW plane
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