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Old 10-09-2009, 08:24 AM
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Rainbow Six Rainbow Six is offline
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Just a passing thought...

I've read somewhere that during the Falklands War the Royal Navy warship that was stationed in the Caribbean was replaced by a Royal New Zealand Navy ship so that the Royal Navy ship could join the South Atlantic Task Force.

Would have thought that if Australia / NZ remained non combatant during the Twilight War (or at least the opening phases) it's possible that such a thing might be repeated and Australian and New Zealand warships might relieve NATO vessels in areas away from the active theatres (such as the Faklands) to allow the NATO vessels to redeploy to those active theatres?

Potentially this might mean that by the year 2000 Australian and New Zealand warships might be found many thousands of miles from home? Imagine the look on the faces of pirates in the caribbean finding themselves under attack by the Royal Australian or New Zealand Navies....
Author of the unofficial and strictly non canon Alternative Survivor’s Guide to the United Kingdom
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