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Old 10-31-2009, 01:40 PM
simonmark6 simonmark6 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Swansea, South Wales, UK
Posts: 374

Name: Dan Anderson
Nationality: USA
Gender: Male
Service Branch: Infantry
Age: 53
Weight: 92kg
Throw Range: 20m
Initiative: 4
Rank: Sergeant Major
Rads: 52
Load: 33kg

Strength: 5
Armed MA 0/8
Rifle 8/13
Unarmed MA: 5/10
Thrown weapon: 1/6
Autogun: 3/8
Grenade launcher: 2/7
Heavy Artillery: 2/7
Heavy Gun: 2/7

Constitution: 6
Swimming: 3/9
Climb: 2/8

Agility: 2
Ground Vehicle, Wheeled: 3/5
Tactical Missile: 0/2
Ground Vehicle, Tracked: 5/7
Electronics: 1/3

Education: 6
Construction: 3/9
Excavation: 3/9
Computer: 2/8

Charisma: 5
English: 10/15
Russian: 1/6
Instruction: 4/9
Leadership: 3/9
Persuasion: 7/12

Intelligence: 6
Survival 2/8
Forward Observer: 2/8

Signiature Weapons or Kit:

Dan Anderson "saw the elephant" for the first time in the A'Shau valley in Vietnam. He did his term of duty with the 7th Cavalry and volunteered to stay in country until the US finally pulled out of the conflict. He found that he loved the service and strove to be the most complete soldier he could be.

As an experienced NCO, Dan was able to train with several arms of teh service and gained experience in Armour and Artillery as well as the Infantry. He served several postings around Europe, including Reykiavik in Iceland where he learned a smattering of Russian and an appreciation of Vodka.

During one of the Draw Downs in the late Eighties, Dan was retired early and took the opportunity to use his GI Bill to attend University to study engineering and management. He was too old to properly pursue the Civil Engineering route and spent several years running a Construction team around teh country, during this time he was impressed by the work of one of their delivery drivers, Carson and when he met him later, he recruited him to the Major's unit.

When the war started, Dan was too old to be reactivated and he had to pull every string he could to get back in. Every one who realises this sees it as a sign of insanity, but Dan points out that as a member of the 5th he had a 3 in 10 chance of surviving the war, much better odds than if he'd remained a civilian.

Time hasn't been kind on the Sergeant Major and his physical abilities aren't what they were. At present his experience and skills have kept him and his team alive, secretly Dan worries that it's only a matter of time before old age gets the better of him. Until then his job is to keep the kids alive and give them the skills to stay that way after he's no longer around.
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