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Old 11-30-2009, 05:17 PM
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StainlessSteelCynic StainlessSteelCynic is offline
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Have you looked at farming rabbits and even hamsters and guinea pigs for both meat and fur. Relatively easy to house, don't require a lot of room, don't require a lot of feed in comparison, they breed fast and can effectively be managed by a small family (although guinea pigs can be sensitive to a few environmental factors like heat)?

Originally Posted by Webstral View Post
Chickory and dandelions! Good thinking, gentlemen. Both have uses other than making coffee, so it's two bites of the same cherry, so to speak. I'm wondering whether I should incorporate chickory cultivation into SAMAD or have someone else relatively local grow it as a pseudo cash crop for trade with SAMAD. The latter is more interesting, I think. Also, if someone outside SAMAD is growing chickory at least partially for trade as a coffee substitute, the reemergence of a trade economy may be further facilitated thereby.

Dandelion beer is new to me. I've heard of dandelion wine. My father had a neighbor who used to make it when my father was a kid. Apparently, it can be pretty strong and not too hard on the tongue. The dandelion is appearing ever-more desirable: leaves as a superior leafy green, flowers for wine, and roots for ersatz coffee. I'll have to incorporate dandelion cultivation into the surviving New England areas. (Obviously, the dandelion will be useful everywhere, but I'm not going to impose it on any area I haven't addressed in my writing.)

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