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Old 01-07-2010, 05:32 AM
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Rainbow Six Rainbow Six is offline
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Originally Posted by RN7 View Post
Well if the Soviets respected Japanese neutrality why would they be using cruise missiles or airstrikes against Japan. And if you take out the space facilities your probably going to have to go after the nuclear programme as well and Japan's nuclear power stations.
I can't recall the exact quote, but canon makes it clear that several neutral nations are targeted by one side or the other during 1997, so neutraility in itself isn't going to protect any nation from nuclear attack. If a country has something worth nuking there is a high likliehood that it will be nuked...

Also, wouldn't the presence of US bases on Japanese soil seriously undermine any claim by the Japanese to be neutral? They are hosting beligerent forces, so I would have thought that makes them fair game for Soviet attack, be that nuclear or conventional.
Author of the unofficial and strictly non canon Alternative Survivor’s Guide to the United Kingdom
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