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Old 01-21-2010, 08:28 PM
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Default KGB border guards

Antenna 12-15-2003, 06:25 PM Well, I have been researching how many KGB BGB there aproximatly would be in the T2k world.

Each BGB would consist about 3000 personel and be a equivalent to a MRR. The 1989 force was between 200,000 and 230,000 depending on source you have. The KGB borderguards have their own small airforce(transport) and small navy

They have strived to have 360,000 borderguards that was their goal to have.

So say 70 KGB BGB in the T2k world. There are no unit numbers found on the net even if I only have searched for 3 hours.

But how many BGB would be aviable for the european theathre ?

Input gents



jester770 12-15-2003, 09:03 PM Damn, if you had only posted thisd before I killed those brain cells that had that knowledge with beer.

I used to actualy know and use Borderguard unit designations in some of my early games. There was something particular to them though and I can not recall at the moment. I'll think of it eventualy though and p[ost accordingly.



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