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Old 03-15-2010, 02:39 AM
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Nice Keep it up!
The Fusilier



Nice idea for an encounter, but oh what a bummer! Once a group has moved towards large scale cannabilism they really are pretty far gone. Still, in my campaign Po and his cronies are pretty much into blood sacrifice. That's part of the way there, I think.
"When all was said and done, much more was said than done"

"It doesn't matter whether you succeed or fail in a task, as long as you look good trying"



43rd MP Brigade Encounters

Huddled in the bunker, we had to keep moving to stay warm. It sure had turned into a cold winter. With the wind acting wild, the snow kept blustering in different directions, turning up eddies and miniature storms that flew into our face or would suddenly moan around from our backs.

We were part of a stretch of defensive positions above the main road approach to the base. It looked when approached like something from WWI, an imposing stretch of razor wire in divided rows, bunkers at intervals, observation towers...when you came in from patrol it was a grim fortress against the cold expanse of the fields and roads beyond it. In the distance was the firebase.

There were signs, the usual stuff, "Deadly force may be used..." but here and there where we hadn't gotten around to cleanup you could hear by day the cawing of crows and see rags and something you might recognize...maybe a fair bit if somehow someone had been 'lucky' enough to get past the mines only to be hit by a sniper or machinegun fire. Like a shrike's picnic. By now most local banditos and desperate refugees had learned or heard rumors.

That was why me and Joe were a bit surprised to see the party coming up the road...they wore a mismatched bunch of uniforms, and looked well armed. They were carrying a white rag on a stick...

Westover Air Force Base was an Air National Guard Base, the 439th Airlift Wing being posted there. The 16 C-5 Galaxies of the 337th Airlift Squadron were deployed in 1997 for support of overseas activities. Along with it most of the support units were also deployed.

MPs from the 169th MP Company were sent to reinforce the Marines of the 6/4th Marine Aircraft Wing and the 278th Medical Detachment,USA in 2000, and later the rest of the brigade arrived following the events as read in the module.

The 43rd MP Brigade has this TO&E

14 2 1/2 ton trucks
2 AEVs
24 HMMWVs with .50 Cal
15 M113 with .50 Cal
20 Assorted Civilian vehicles (mostly 4X4 or landrover types, but also six construction vehicles)
4 HMMWV Ambulances
32 M60 GPMG
45 M249 SAW
26 Mark 19 AGL

HQ 118th MP BN
HHD 118th MP BN
115th MP CO
119th MP CO
169th MP CO
1207th TRANS CO
287th Medical Detachment, 804th Medical Brigade (Army)
Marine Air Support Squadron 6, 4th Marine Aircraft Wing
Headquarters, 25th Marines Regiment

A further set of character descriptions:

Colonel Dean Fort is a man with light grey eyes that can reflect light when he is good humored or be grimly cold when he is not. He is an angular faced man with thinning fair hair. In spite of his short stature he has a great deal of presence and energy. He wears barracks dress when in his office but most often like everyone else wears winter BDUs. He insists on members of his staff making a good impression by being shaved and clean.

Major Sandra Orwelle has short fair hair and is athletic in build. She has at times an unnervingly focused look, and tends to be very precise in her manner of speaking. While very respected, Major Orwelle does not invite casual conversation and has a tendency towards formality. She can be a coldly ruthless person, though her attractiveness makes it hard for some people to believe.

Major Eric Margin is a very pleasant looking man, rather attractive, with a quiet smile and an air of calm confidence. He is nearly always found in the main administrative building. He is always respectful to the Colonel, but in fact has been using his importance as the S-1 of the Brigade to make sure that he isolates the Colonel from what is really going on.



Great, excellent, well done DeaconR. This is good. I am pretty sure (I am at work at the moment and not in proximity to my notes) it is Orwell that Po is keen to contact, as in my campaign she is the senior DIA operative in the area.
"When all was said and done, much more was said than done"

"It doesn't matter whether you succeed or fail in a task, as long as you look good trying"



In my campaign she is the senior DIA officer in the area too. She is also the Brigade S-2.



Nice. Some questions (I dont have Last Sub yet).

Where does the 43rd TO&E come from? Last Sub or your own imagination? Do you know what a prewar MP Bde TO&E would be?

The marines at Westover, is that your imagination or was it in the book. What happened to them?
The Fusilier



I'm not entirely sure what it would look like. I got that from the TO&E of an MP company. As for Westover AFB having marines stationed there, that is on the AFB website, and I decided that they might well have had some people still there, since I don't imagine all air assets would be removed from the US. Of course in my game they are 'wingless'.




The Cape Cod Canal is somewhat described in the book. I have added a garrison and support on either side of the canal. Basically this consists largely of the UBF marines stationed there and civilian support.

On one side this is a former Fish&Wildlife center, which has been beefed up with sandbags and reinforced rubble and rubbish, and has a garrison of a hundred UBF Marines. The nearby marina has four PBRs that have M60 MGs mounted. The shore area is largely flat, somewhat rocky, and is difficult to sneak through. On the other side is a small resort which has been similarly reinforced, and has a similar number of UBF marines. There is a small HQ on the eastern side which also has a number of civilian support staff of about 45. As far as land vehicles go there are 12 2 1/2 ton trucks and 4 land rover type vehicles, which have machineguns mounted on pintels. On the HQ side is a small arsenal, mostly just for local purposes.
Note: the eastern unit is on the northern end of the canal, and the western unit is on the southern end. Both units have watch towers. Those in the watch towers include snipers, who have starlight scopes by night. They also have a .50 cal and a 90mm Recoiless Rifle as backup.

On either side of the canal there will always be a Coastal Patrol Force ship in calling range. In both cases these are former police patrol boats armed with a Mark-19 AGL and a GPMG.

The UBF Marines wear general surplus BDUs which were largely raided from stores of supplies at places like Woods Hole, Natick and Boston. The Coastal Patrol Force wear a form of blue barracks dress, or in the present weather sweaters with the CPF patch on them with coats.

Town on Cape Cod: Faint mist, scent of the sea, gulls crying and a sense of sparse pine woods, rocks and lonely seashore. Mostly made up of white framed houses, with red roofs with rails along them. Roughly eight hundred buildings. Men in navy blue wool coats with old fashioned tin helmets and M16 rifles, part of a garrison of twenty five under Martin Harper, Lieutenant, UBF Marines (ex-State Police sergeant, a tough man in his mid thirties, no nonsense about him, his men being a sergeant and four corporals with similar experience and 19 younger men with considerably less but some decent training and eagerness. These all seem young, a bit thin for the most part) Shops include: Eleanor Goodman’s House of Relaxation, Dave Clay’s Cooperage, the Rising Flukes Inn, Stacy Wilde’s CPA and Goods Exchange, etc. It is a pleasant place, and the militia are more there to protect them against pirate raids and the like. It is also a serious harbor, and a number of smaller fishing craft as well as ones devoted to the Coast Patrol Force are present. There is an old fashioned lighthouse in operation, which is now in all cases along Cape Cod run by the CPF. Here oil rendered from various sea creatures, most kinds of sea food (lobster, oyster, fish), cranberry preserves, flour and the staple of every local inn--chowder--can be purchased or traded for. If players arrive in friendly conditions aboard the whaling ship they can be assured of a curious but friendly welcome.



I don't have Last Sub yet, so I am lacking some background on this.

Where do all these machineguns and other high value military weapons come from? The only significant unit I thought was in New England was the MP brigade and its fragments would still be holding onto their weapons.

Second, I believe I may have asked this a few months ago but can't remember the answer. The sub ended up with the UBF? How did they come in posession of it?
The Fusilier



John Carlucci, who was a lawyer and leader of the Fisherman's Union in the New England area, had gained a significantly greater authority in that organization by encouraging the belief that only by sticking together against all comers could they survive. It was a common (and not unrealistic, according to canon) belief that certain military elements were if not outright abandoning them certainly far more concerned with the war than with the welfare of civilians. He goaded a huge mob to swarm in human waves against the naval base at New London and during this confusion he and his men seized control of the sub.

Supposedly the submarine was undergoing repairs at the time. At any rate the book says that Carlucci only later actually took the sub from its riverine base to a secret location at the island of Nantucket.

Where did the weapons come from? Basically I am presuming that they were in some cases acquired the way that everyone gets weapons illegally in the USA or any country, but that they might also have gotten them by raiding other bases like the New London Submarine Base.

It must be pointed out that Carlucci has as loyal henchmen a number of ex military personnel, led by one of great capability.



Is not the UBF allied with CivGov? But he organized an mob against New London and stole a sub?
The Fusilier



The UBF pays lip service to CivGov, the sub was formerly controlled by MilGov, and I doubt very much that the UBF told CivGov what they intended to do.
"When all was said and done, much more was said than done"

"It doesn't matter whether you succeed or fail in a task, as long as you look good trying"



The UBF, Part II

While the campaign book suggests that Carlucci had any opposition on Cape Cod slaughtered or somehow removed, I considered that he must have had some influence on Cape Cod and the islands to begin with. I see him as a larger version of “Noz” from “Pirates of the Vistula” in that he is seen possibly as a dictator but as a necessary one in the face of starvation, confusion and fear.

Cape Cod has a number of important features. Provincetown has one of the best harbors on the North Atlantic coastline, and thus is the headquarters area of the Coastal Patrol Force. It is generally an important area for fishing and for raising cranberries, the most important local crop. Trading these foods is a major industry of the UBF. Another important area is Woods Hole, which was an area for oceanography and for Coast Guard operations. I considered that the Oceanographic Institute would in some fashion still be running. Why get rid of experts whose research could greatly benefit? Furthermore, NOAA had operations there as well. This is the science and research hub of the UBF. While things are a lot leaner than before, nevertheless it is important to do what weather prediction, ocean life studies and the like that can be done. I decided that the institute is somewhat smaller in terms of the numbers operating there, basically about a hundred scientists and assistants, and that the place partly pays for itself by maintaining a fish farm and spawning tanks. As well, it supports a couple of vessels used to help detect fish movements.

Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard have small populations to begin with, 6,000 and 11,000 respectively. Much of the local elite who did not flee elsewhere or fail to survive have ended up here, in some cases because they already owned property. They range from film stars to judges to politicians, however they have found themselves dependant upon Carlucci. Because there is a semblance of normal life (with some privations but certainly not as bad as most living on the mainland) they might mutter behind his back at his current posture of personal isolation and his dictatorial approach but it is merely grumbling. Nantucket itself is very much his private preserve.

An important consideration I had was this: where is Carlucci getting his supplies? Clearly to some extent salvage and goods come from the coastal areas he trades with, but he must have for instance access to fuel and ammunition. I decided that these are among his concerns. There probably is not enough to go around. Some of the boats might have been converted to alcohol fuel, while in other cases sailing vessels would be used.



Nice, keep it up, its quite interesting and useful.
The Fusilier



The Actual Encounter in Providence

As the whaler was moving up towards the Rhode Island coastline a radio message was received in the shack. Captain Quadde called us to the great cabin and said grimly, "Apparently food riots have broken out in Providence and Pawtucket. The Governor has asked the UBF for aid, and all available ships are going to render assistance. I'm hoping you will be able to help out..."

Local rivalries and suspicions are dropped in the face of one of the few safe areas in New England nearing the precipice of chaos. As the ship sails into Narragansett Bay past the small islands and wooded coastline, at first it seems relatively peaceful, if cold and chilly with wisps of mist flying past like ghosts. Gulls hauntingly cry out.

The Salvation finds itself docking up the river near a USCG harbour tug, police craft and civilian boats. There is a haze of smoke over the city and the sharp sound of rifle fire, sometimes the steady ripping sound of automatic weapons. The wild noise of crowds can be heard as well. Approaching the harbour docks barricades of militia and local police are trying to organize frightened citizens, carrying whatever posessions they can with them.

This could be played out as a food riot but in my game it will not be: it will be hordes of dements galvanized by one of the ancient vampires.

Regardless, the players are invited to a hasty conference with USCG, UBF and local militia officers. It develops that the Governor and members of the State Cabinet are at the offices still, and that the area around it is chaotic. They are in radio contact. With the situation so volatile, the ranking officer wants to evacuate them. Riot police and militia will attempt to clear a way down the flanking streets while the players (if they reveal their military background) will be requested to help get the Governor (and what staff they can) out. If the players ask a range rover type vehicle or a truck up to 1 ton can be lent, as well as common western small arms ammunition. Weapons such as shotguns, hunting rifles and police issue pistols are available. The vehicle will be about half full of alcohol fuel.

The streets are confusing and dangerous. They may encounter:

1. Burning wreckage. There is danger of further explosions as a wrecked vehicle lying on its side gouts flames and black smoke.

2. A large frightened mob. There may be dements among it, wild and bloody faced, urging them on. The mob will attempt to scatter if shown concentrated force in whatever fashion, but it is actually quite dangerous, as bystanders can easily be swept up by moving people, trampled or battered against buildings and vehicles.

3. Riot police fire gas grenades or gas mortar shells into an area, and the smoke drifts the players' way.

4. A lone dement, wearing a WWII gas mask and helmet and a greatcoat marches like some kind of humanoid insect down the street, carrying a long bloody iron candlestick. He pauses, turns and walks towards the players.

5. An eerily quiet street, strewn with broken glass and wreckage, obviously recent. The sound of weapons fire is faint and sporadic, and a chilly wind blows snow from buildings and vehicles.

6. A group of looters are seen, using a chain and hooks to rip the security bars off a store. They are scruffy thugs mostly and two of them have pistols while one has a shotgun, the other three having just hand weapons. If they see a well armed group they are likely to flee down an alley. However, if someone rashly shoots at them they will in sheer desperation shoot back.

One way to get into the building would be to use an underground passageway from another government building nearby, a library or a records building for instance. The sewers are another possibility, but of course dements and looters could be encountered, terrifying in the gloom.

An angry mob swirls around the main government building. There are likely to be two to three hundred of them. Are they dements? Simply hungry, angry people? It is almost impossible to tell. They are mostly thin, staring eyed ragged folk, most of them carrying hand weapons like baseball bats, golf clubs, axes, bricks, or whatever else might come to mind.

Inside, there are only a few militia members, running low on ammunition, some local police who are in the same situation, and terrified bureaucrats and political staff as well as the Governor and whichever Cabinet officers are preferred. The lower windows had been barricaded for security measures before, fortunately, and the doors have been braced with heavy antique furniture.



In my last session my players ran into a scene out of the French Revolution when they arrived in the Government House in Providence. They had snuck through the sewers and then into a service access tunnel between government buildings to get in. However a mob had already gotten there first. They found elements of the mob pitching people out of windows, trampling on the bodies of dead Providence police officers and so on. After a brief firefight that the players won, they rescued several members of the State cabinet. They had to blow their way into another tunnel (the group's combat engineer did) and then fled the swarms of people who were trying to find any way into any official building.

Speaking with the Governor as the whaling ship took them to Cape Cod, they found in whispered conversation with him that he had a good guess as to where the submarine was. He warned them that Carlucci seemed very paranoid, seemed to not trust anyone anymore.

Arriving in Boston, they found that the air was hung over with a thick pall of smoke. A charnel reek was in the air, and carrion birds were everywhere. They found signs of some kind of last stand around the naval yards. Barricades broken down. Signs of fires and wreckage. Looting.

Their first major encounter was with a group with a dump truck and a 2 1/2 ton who seemed to be disposing of bodies. There were workers, wearing old stained coveralls and wearing paper masks, guarded by what seemed to be gang members, most of them quite young, armed with shotguns. An older guy, an arrogant black man in a handsome camel hair coat calling himself Winston warily asked the players who they were. The Royal Marine officer cockily replied that they were vampire hunters--a response that got them an audience with Dain Dangerous, the leader of the Razorheads.

In my scenario the Razorheads own the only large stretch of territory left in Boston. The area around it is rubble or corpse haunted ruins. Vampires have swarmed through Boston. They have granted a semi-kiss of life to the dead in order to create armies of flesh and blood hungry zombies. The Razorheads have granted protection to those remaining citizens willing to live under their rule.

Within a perimeter including the old city hall, Boston Common and other areas of downtown, with constant bonfires of rubbish and vigilant guards, Dain Dangerous lives like a hero out of a fantasy novel. He has added huge prints of Boris Vallejo and Frazetta to the handsome halls of the building, and has pretty young women in scanty clothing as servants. No one knows why the vampires have chosen to seriously attack Razorhead territory last. Recently the remnants of the survivors at Harvard fell to the vampires, and before that another gang in South Boston. Pockets of resistance remain. Rumors abound--how they spread no one knows--that the vampires take many prisoners to places like Salem and Lowell, to treat them as cattle.

Dain Dangerous holds regular gladiatorial matches at a small sports arena not far off. This is a form of 'bread and circuses" (as put aptly by the MI6 Agent in my group) and the players if making nice with him are invited.
Note: my inspiration and script for this comes from this site (Story titled "Suburban Gladiators")

The players want to free Father O'Grady, who has already given them valuable information. Dain, in the manner of Emperor Commodus, likes sometimes to fight his own gladiatorial battles and may suggest a contest...
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