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Old 03-15-2010, 11:59 PM
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Frank Frey
03-12-2003, 09:29 AM

In order to help dispel some confusion(or add to it ), here is a brief rundown of the 173rd AB in my T2K world.

The 173rd was actually reconstituted in 1995 as an additional strategic asset. It was to consist of two battalions of regulars, a battalion of National Guard, and battalion of Army Reserves. Two of the battalions were to be airmobile and the other two were regular airborne. It kinda sorta worked out this way.

Parts of the 173rd were deployed to Kenya in early 1997. The initial Task Force consisted of the following
173rd HQ and Spt Bn
1st/503rd Parachute Inf
2nd/503rd Parachute Inf
Co. N/75th Inf(Ranger)

The Reserve and National Guard battalions never made it so the newly raised 555th Parachute Infantry Bn was sent in its stead.
They were later joined by the 3/325th and other NATO units who had been expelled from Italy.
The 173rd has seen action against marauding bands of "Technicals" from Somalia as well as a large so called Christian marauder group from Uganda that calls itself "God's Will".

Well I hope this helps. As always feel free to use any of this or ignore it as you will.

Frank Frey

Matt Wiser
03-12-2003, 02:09 PM
How about arty, engineers, MPs, aviation (you mentioned a 228th AVN Bn deploying with them), armor (Sheridans, LAVs, or M-8 Bufords?);
Any USAF units deploy with them (C-130s and A-7Ds most likely)?
Where in Kenya did the 173rd concentrate-Nairobi, Mombasa, or are they in both cities? You mentioned previously a Sudanese outfit causing trouble (I think you called them the Sword of Allah).
Bringing back the 555th was a good idea-they're mentioned in this month's World War II magazine.

Frank Frey
03-13-2003, 07:49 AM

I was going from memory when I made that post. You're right about the 228th Aviation Bn. There was also an MP Company(IIRC) as well as an artillery battalion. The vehicles were mostly various flavors of Hummers and Cadillac-Gage vehicles.
Brigade HQ was located in Nairobi. A US Navy/Coast Guard JTF operated out of Mombasa.

There are a number of insurgent/marauder groups in the area. Aside from the ones that I've already there are:
Al Seifidin (Sword of the Faithful): Islamic fundamentalists who are dedicated to wiping out all Western Influences. They especially target Western female soldiers.
Black Sails: A pirate/slaver band that operates out of Zanzibar. Their main opposition is the JTF that operates out of Mombasa.

Thats all that comes to mind right now. My notes and such are buried in my closet. Oh, one more item. There is a private aviation outfit operating out of Nairobi. They're called Aerotek International. What makes them interesting is that they fly A-26's and A-1 Skyraiders.

Frank Frey

03-13-2003, 09:10 AM
It should be noted that 3/325th is actually one of the batttalions of the 82nd Airborne Division's 2nd Brigade. It is "forward deployed" in Italy, and (10 years ago, anyway) is a part of the AMF (Allied Mobile Force), sort of an "RDF" for NATO, along with units from just about every country in NATO.
03-13-2003, 09:58 AM
The SETAF airborne battalion, 3-325th Airborne was reflagged 1-508th Airborne on 15 Feb 96

The 4-325th Airborne battalion, an organic element of 2nd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division was reflagged 3-325th Airborne on 16 May 96.
03-13-2003, 01:51 PM
Well...that sort of confirms my current sig!
Matt Wiser
03-13-2003, 01:58 PM
For those who might be interested, check the books Guerilla, Battle for the Bundu, On to Kilomanjaro, and The Great War in Africa: They tell the story of WW I in East Africa and the campaigns against the Germans in modern-day Tanzania. You have an apathetic British colonial administration in Nairobi, "Colonel Blimp" type British commanders, A British intel officer who knew more than his superiors (and never rose above Colonel because of it), and a German commander who knew bush warfare and frustrated the British to no end. Both sides often fought disease and local wildlife as often as the enemy-a British officer said it was like fighting in a zoo-the Brits lost 30 men killed in the first 18 months of the war due to lions, rhinos, and other angry local fauna. Transplant this to the 173rd Airborne in Kenya and there are a lot of possibilites: Apathetic Kenyan government officials (and a US Ambassador loyal to Civgov), The bandits, marauders, and assorted scum that Frank Frey mentions causing all sorts of trouble (and fighting each other as well against the 173rd), and so on.

Three questions for Frank: Any USAF in support of the 173rd? The USN and Coast Guard presence-mainly patrol boats, but any larger ships (like an old Forrest Sherman class DD)? The Aerotek guys-I take it these were mercs working for the Kenyan govt pre-war? How do they get along with the US Army Aviation and (presumably) USAF-friendly or unfriendly rivals?
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