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Old 05-05-2010, 07:17 AM
Cpl. Kalkwarf Cpl. Kalkwarf is offline
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Originally Posted by pmulcahy11b View Post
I'll agree with you on JFK's assassination -- unfortunately we may not know the truth until the Warren Commission report is unsealed in 2014 -- and I'm willing to bet we still won't know the whole truth then. I mean, why would they have ordered the Warren Commission report sealed for 50 years if the government wasn't involved in the assassination, even if in an indirect way? They wanted to make sure everyone involved in JFK's assassination had a chance to die of old age first.

911 was an obvious terrorist attack -- the only thing our government is guilty of in 911 is negligence -- the warning signs were there in time to stop Al-Qaida.

Waco -- Koresh burned down his own damned building. It was a mass murder-suicide. The only ones I feel sorry for there are the kids.

Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols pretty much came up with that plot themselves, but they had a lot of help from others in the militia movement that have yet to be disclosed. The US has a a bigger home-grown terrorist movement than is generally acknowledged, and that problem is just growing, especially since Obama's election. There are a lot of angry racists in this country who are pissed off because a black man is in the White House, and there are a lot more people in this country who are such ideologues that they can't bring themselves to admit that the Bush Administration is responsible for most of the really big problems the US is facing right now.
Actually its the mostly liberal policies (democrat and republican liberals) and democrats in Bushes last two years that did the damage (starting during Clinton with the loans for housing to people who could not afford them aka pressure on the banks to make them which in turn caused the housing bubble and the start of this major mess). The Drunken sailor like spending, which has in the first two years of the Obamma and democrat controlled administration multiplied it to an even more dangerous levels. You can blame Bush all ya want, but the current admin is just doing the same thing but even on a worse scale.....much worse. One cannot spend ones way out of debt. The liberal spineless republicans are to blame also for letting this happen. I tried to vote those out that I could, but that back then that allowed the democrats to take over and even make things way worse. Id rather have the debt and deficit at the end of the bush/republican controlled house then where we are now. (remember that in the last year or two the spending really went nuts, but the democrats were in control of the house which is the real spender, not the president. Bush was a spineless twit and tried to be nice to the democrat controlled House, and in turn let them spend way to much which gave us a bigger deficit, but now I sure hope that the next elections put some more conservatives with balls in there to balance the power, or even for a few years gain control. The spending even more so now cannot carry on as it has and is. As far as ideologues there are just as many that cant seem to realize that the problem is that the ones now in charge and mucking things up, are making Bush's screw ups seem reasonable. Every one thinks the republican in general are the ones that are in the back pockets of the bankers, seems to be just as many democrats there right now, sure they are putting on a good show, bash the rich and all..... but look really hard and see how many former Goldman sachs are in the Obamma administration. Bankers and politicians have been bed fellows since the begging of the system. For the democrats to claim they are for the average man is a bunch of bull and very hypocritical.

I'm tired of being called a racist when I'm not. Im tried of the hypocrisy from the Left, and damned well of shamed of those that on the right that do it as well, its not exclusive to one party.

I'm tired of the liberal socialist policies that every one things is so great, yah they would be but I like others are tired of paying for it. Right now over a third of what I earn is gone. Half of that goes to taxes, half of that goes into the other things like social security and such which I will likely never see any benefit from my contributions, nor do I expect too (and which just goes into the general fund anyway and is misspent like all the other money is). I'm gonna work till i die. or if i get lucky the economy will turn around and some of my investments will pay off and I will have a little nest egg to. I and my family are in that class of people that earns just enough not to get any help and is barely making it.
This country needs to man up and demand that the government get in order and quit spending money like its endless, some have already started doing that but the democrats and the generally liberal press have done nothing but make fun of them and demonize them as some sort of hate mongering racists. When its the democrats and the complacent press that have been the racists (noting that the tea party is white racist, or in general implying that whites in general are racists, when they are not) and demonizing or belittling them and stirring up rumors of such (which is hate mongering in its finest).

Sorry for the rant, Ill probably get banned or at least givin a good talking too. But why is it when ever some one from the generally left point a view says something that they are allowed to get away with it and are generally given kudos by others. But if some one from the right says some thing particularly in defense or to perhaps even set things in perspective they are demonized made fun of or even banned or threatened with it. (not saying this is going to happen or is epidemic here, though it has a touch of it, one of the best boards for the fairness of it all if I do say so myself.) But I have noticed a trend on several of the boards that I belong to.

With that said, since this board is supposed to be politically neutral, it would be much appreciated if the comments from the left were left at the door so to say and same with the right. It does not seem fair for one to be overlooked or winked at and the other is not. Let all remember this the next time we type.

If one does not like to hear the others political point of view, don't give yours, and you will get none in return.

Me personally I do not care about the discussion at all, but I do care that in a neutral environment, generally this board that one side is more tolerated then the other.

Dang, started ranting again didn't I, Ill let it go. "takes a deep breath and realizes I am late for work, DOh."

Later all take care and have a great day
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