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Old 05-05-2010, 11:55 AM
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Mohoender Mohoender is offline
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Originally Posted by Targan View Post
..... Ok. Its funny, if I started talking about the things that p*ss me off in Australian politics it would probably be largely ignored by most readers here as being irrelevant to them. Then again non-Americans tend to get a very poor reaction when they talk about American politics so I won't do that either.

Interesting that there is a perception that left-leaning political comments on this forum are overlooked for criticism while right-leaning ones are not. I hadn't noticed myself, but perhaps that is because I'm left-leaning
I'll have to disagree with you Targ (even if that's reflects only me). I currently think that what happens everywhere in the "western world" (and outside of it) is relevant to all of us. Of course, I don't know much about Australian Politics (actually nothing) but I' convinced that it would have plenty of things in common with what there is to say about French, US or Greek politics.

I still have friends all over and I'm constantly surprised because we often react on very similar things. Problems being equally similar.

I find what currently happen in Greece to be relevant to me (especially as I think that it might be the first European country to enter a revolution). I support the Icelandic when they refused to pay the bill to UK. I'm very concerned about what currently happens in the south of US and it will affect us all. I didn't forget Haiti even as it went off fashion in the Medias...

Right now, I think it's the best time to be concerned.

Last edited by Mohoender; 05-05-2010 at 12:12 PM.
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