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Old 06-24-2010, 04:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Owen E Oulton View Post

One of the most powerful pistols in the world, and great for P/A characters, as you can reload ammo from cut-down 7.62 Nato barss and .44 revolver bullets. It's finicky about it's ammo, and you need to keep your magazines in good shape, though.

But it's just so damned SEXY. Clint Eastwood used one in Sudden Impact, and Birgitte Nielson used one in Beverly Hills Cop 2. Mack Bolan used one for over 100 novels.
Lol, I remember seeing a cover of a Mack Bolan comic book that had him with the .44 Automag on it. The one in Sudden Impact used by Clint Eastwood had a longer barrel then they where typically offered in, most likely to look bigger and meaner.(typical 80's) The gun that Birgitte Nielson had in Beverly Hills Cop 2 was not a .44 Automag at all though.
She used a Desert Eagle in the film, even though it was supposed to be the Automag. They must have been cutting corners to get the film done. I mean if they were gonna make the rareness of the .44 automag a big part of the storyline, they could of atleast got the right gun. They could have atleast used a Wildey, it looks more like the Automag then the Desert Eagle.
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