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Old 09-29-2010, 02:29 PM
mikeo80 mikeo80 is offline
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Originally Posted by Matt W View Post
If the US and State governments (with hundreds of thousands of personnel) are helpless then ... a few dozen Morrow Project personnel are going to be a 'drop in the bucket'.

Hurricane Katrina showed that it takes THOUSANDS of security personnel to achieve stability over an area the size of a city. Even securing a village would require a platoon and - at least in my vision of the Project - the Morrow Project just doesn't have sufficient people to run security/stability operations

I agree with you as far as the size of Morrow vs the USA Pre Bang.

Morrow Planners thought the project would start 3 + 5 years post bang.

However, TM 1-1 did postulate a 95%+ death rate the first six months to a year. Once Morrow came up in the 3 - 5 year time frame, the population of the USA could be supposed to be in the 5 - 10 million range. That population would be spread very thinly across the available "clean" areas. Hence a 5 - 10 person Morrow Recon Team could reasonably help a town of 100 - 300.

With the "canon" universe of Bang + 150...

THe population has stabilized and started to grow again. However the tech level has declined to 1750's - 1800's. THis gives MP the advantage of superior tech, but the knowledge base of the survivors has erroded. So MP has to build down to the level that the people they are helping can help, and maintain the new building. Also per "canon" there is no C3I. That means ech team is on its' own.

Most of the games I have been in or have run, this lack of supporting tech and lack of C3I, has left the team supporting A village. THen, IF things go well, the team goes to the next village.....

THe typical campaign I have been in is one of very slow growth with the team doing a LOT of teaching to try and help bring the locals up to approx 1850 - 1900 level tech.

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