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Old 10-21-2010, 07:21 PM
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Originally Posted by dragoon500ly View Post
In its simplest form, any glass bottle, 2/3rds filled with gasoline, add a strip of inner tube and let stand for a day, wrap an oil/gasoline soaked rag around the neck...the additives in the gas starts to break down the rubber, which acts as a thickening agent.

Hello Homeland Security, instead of breaking down the door, please use the key under the third brick back on the left side of the sidewalk!

Sure, making a Molotov cocktails has been a favourite topic among my gamer buddies for, like, decades. More difficult to obtain (in T2K) materials include adding liquid soap and Alumi-seal to both thicken it and increase the burning temperature. In the movie The Host it was interesting to note a good technique for lighting them is not to light and throw one but light one, then use it to light others which are thrown.

That said, my question is, what are the game stats and rules? Throwing, chance of breaking, how long do they stay alight, what are the chances of causing fires?

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